Live Like A King

King David had everything he ever could have possibly wanted. He was the ruler over Israel with piles of money, jewels, and possessions. He had everything at his disposal. When he was nearing the end of his life, however, he realized just how empty all of those possessions were if he did not use them for God’s purposes. He set out to build a mighty temple of worship. When King David began to give of his possessions toward building the temple, he had the mindset of “how MUCH can I give”, not “how LITTLE can I give?” As a result, he inspired his entire country to give sacrificially as well.
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Live Like A King



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At Home Instructions

Family Devotion: Live Like A King

Big Idea “I’m Gonna Live Like A King!"

Power Verse “Give, and it will be given to you...” - Luke 6:38

Have each family member bring a favorite toy or possession to devotions. Have everyone tell where they got the toy or possession and why it means so much to them. Then tell your children to pretend that they loaned this toy to their best friend. Ask the following questions:

• How would you want your friend to treat your toy while he had it?

• Should your friend be able to do anything she wants to your toy while she has it?

• If you saw your friend mistreating your toy, how would you feel? What would you do?

• How would you feel if your friend lost, broke, or ruined your toy?

• What would you do if your friend said the toy now belonged to him and he wouldn’t give it back to you?

Tell your children that a steward is someone who takes care of another person’s property. Ask your children who the steward is in the above scenario (it’s the friend to whom they loaned the toy). Discuss with them that while a steward might enjoy the benefits of taking care of someone’s property—in this case, he gets to play with the toy—he shouldn’t think it’s his, since the owner can ask for it back at any time.

Then tell them that God has asked us to be stewards, not owners, of everything He’s given us. Discuss the following:

• What are some of the things God has given us? (money, possessions, friends, time, good health, etc.)

• If we are stewards of these things, can we treat them any way we want?

• What are some ways we can take care of those things? Pray as a family that God will help you understand that everything you have came from Him, and ask Him to help you be good stewards of what He’s given you.

Pray as a family that God will help you understand that everything you have came from Him, and ask Him to help you be good stewards of what He’s given you.

Live Like A King Instructions

Family Devotion: Live Like A King

Big Idea “I’m Gonna Live Like A King!"

Power Verse “Give, and it will be given to you...” - Luke 6:38

Have each family member bring a favorite toy or possession to devotions. Have everyone tell where they got the toy or possession and why it means so much to them. Then tell your children to pretend that they loaned this toy to their best friend. Ask the following questions:

• How would you want your friend to treat your toy while he had it?

• Should your friend be able to do anything she wants to your toy while she has it?

• If you saw your friend mistreating your toy, how would you feel? What would you do?

• How would you feel if your friend lost, broke, or ruined your toy?

• What would you do if your friend said the toy now belonged to him and he wouldn’t give it back to you?

Tell your children that a steward is someone who takes care of another person’s property. Ask your children who the steward is in the above scenario (it’s the friend to whom they loaned the toy). Discuss with them that while a steward might enjoy the benefits of taking care of someone’s property—in this case, he gets to play with the toy—he shouldn’t think it’s his, since the owner can ask for it back at any time.

Then tell them that God has asked us to be stewards, not owners, of everything He’s given us. Discuss the following:

• What are some of the things God has given us? (money, possessions, friends, time, good health, etc.)

• If we are stewards of these things, can we treat them any way we want?

• What are some ways we can take care of those things? Pray as a family that God will help you understand that everything you have came from Him, and ask Him to help you be good stewards of what He’s given you.

Pray as a family that God will help you understand that everything you have came from Him, and ask Him to help you be good stewards of what He’s given you.