Judas Ate Too

As Jesus sat down with his twelve disciples for the last supper, He knew that Judas would betray him. And yet, Jesus served Judas. We should be thankful that Judas ate. Why? Because it gives us hope. It’s a hard truth, but we all have a little Judas in us. We can be unloving, ungrateful, and even unfaithful to Jesus. That doesn’t stop Him from loving us. There was room at the table for Judas, which means that there is room at the table for you too. Even when you are at your worst, Jesus still pulls out a chair and makes a plate for you. That’s radical love.
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Judas Ate Too




FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.

Small Group Instructions


ILLUSTRATION: Tell the story of one of your favorite villains in a film franchise. (Darth Vader. Scar. The Joker. Loki.)

Most good stories have a bad guy. From box office hits to best-selling novels, villains ultimately jolt the narratives forward. They trigger conflict. They force the main character to overcome and adapt. Their character arcs are complicated, cunning, and even a little captivating. For most people, Joker conjures up more emotions than Batman. Villains, despite their impossible-to-miss flaws, capture our attention.


In the story of Jesus, one villain reigns supreme. Judas.

Just the name sends shivers down our spines. He was the betrayer. He was the one who sold-out Jesus.

He was the one who turned his back on the one who loved him.

Judas started the chain reaction that would ultimately lead to the torture and murder of Jesus.

There is no question that Judas was a misguided man who made some big mistakes. However, there is more to the story.

Let's unpack the passage where Jesus, the hero, confronts Judas, the villain.

Contextualizing this Passage

• Have you ever been called out? Whether it was for a mistake, a spill on your shirt, or something foolish you said, it’s tough to be put on the spot in public.

• This story is one of the most awkward call-outs of all time.

• Jesus looks directly at Judas and drops a bomb.

• Jesus didn’t beat around the bush. “One of you will betray me” (26:20).

• The air was immediately sucked out of the room like a vacuum.

• At this point, the whole team had been dedicated and devoted. Now Jesus was suggesting that there was a traitor? He wasn't just out there somewhere in Jerusalem. No. The traitor was at the table. The statement sent shockwaves around the room.

• This exchange takes place during the Last Supper with Jesus and his twelve disciples.

• I am sure you’ve seen the famous painting.

Show a picture of The Last Supper painting

• This painting captures a simple moment — a supper with friends.

• However, this is called the Last Supper for a reason. This was the last meal Jesus ate before being arrested and crucified. He was discovered and arrested thanks to a hotline tip from Judas.

• This moment is full of emotion and drama.

• This painting is considered one of the best works of the Renaissance because of what Da Vinci was able to accomplish. He did something that very few artists had ever done before.

• Most painters approached stories of Jesus with quiet, reflective, and holy scenes in mind. They were calm and focused. However, Da Vinci captured the complex emotions at the table that evening.

• Jesus tells the table. He’s going to die. Cue drama.

• Jesus tells the table that Peter is going to deny him. Cue more drama.

• Jesus tells the table that Judas is going to turn him in. Everyone freaks out.

• This painting depicts twelve great friends who have worked together, traveled together, and even slept in the same campsite for three years. Then, suddenly, they discover that one of them was a traitor.

• That’s the moment Da Vinci captures — there is fear, anger, and passion in this complex painting.

• Look at the characters around Jesus. Some of them are whispering to each other, pointing fingers in accusation, or getting hit with a tidal wave of grief To the far left, Judas, the betrayer, sits shadowed and surrounded by his friends.

• Talk about a complex and chaotic dinner party.

• After all the chaos, while still casually reclined at the table, Jesus leads his friends through the Passover meal.

• This is so much more than meatloaf and some sides.

• Passover represents one of the most sacred holidays in Jewish culture.

• This was not just a dinner. It was an intimate experience.

• Even after the show stopping statement “Judas, you’re going to betray me,” the meal still carried on.

• Then Jesus simply keeps eating with his friends. He pours each disciple some ceremonial wine, shares some bread, and they all eat together.


• We can become obsessed with the drama of the dinner. However, this exchange is about so much more than the tension — it’s also about the radical love of Jesus.

• What does Jesus do when he is confronted with direct opposition from a friend? He keeps eating with him.

• This should be a moment of reflection for us. Sure, we love people that we like. Sure, we strive to love people we dislike.

• But what happens when someone sins against us?

• They turn their back on you.

• They spread a lie about you.

• They hurt you.

• They turn you into the authorities for thirty pieces of old silver.

• What happens then? How do we respond?

• First, let’s examine how Jesus responds.

Application and Landing

• Pastor Nic Burleson points out, "Think about it. Jesus knew, but Judas still ate."

• What a powerful thought.

• Jesus went into this supper knowing Judas' betrayal was coming. He still sat down and shared dinner with him.

• Jesus knew that Judas' actions would lead to nails driven through his feet, but Jesus still washed Judas' feet.

• Judas would turn his back, but Jesus still had open arms.

• This is the overwhelming, inconceivable, radical love of Jesus on display.

• I imagine most people would have thrown Judas down the stairs or refused to serve him dinner.

• Not Jesus.

• Judas was still invited to sit at the table. We can understand loving someone who loves us back, but Jesus loved someone who turned him in to the authorities.

• We should be thankful that Judas ate. Why?

• Because it gives us hope. It's a hard truth, but we all have some Judas within us. There is a tendency within every person to rebel against or even betray God's plan for us. We can be unloving, ungrateful, and even unfaithful to Jesus.

• That doesn’t stop Him from loving us.

•That doesn’t stop Him from loving us.

•There was room at the table for Judas, which means that there is room at the table for you too. •Even when you are at your worst, Jesus still pulls out a chair and makes a plate for you. That’s radical love.

Small Group

TALK IT OUT Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Q1: How do you usually treat the people who have wronged you?

Q2: Has someone ever been good to you even after you hurt them? How did that make you feel about them?

Q3: How did Jesus treat Judas when he knew he would betray him? What does this reveal about God's love for all of us?

Q4: Do you ever try to earn love from God or others? How does that make you feel? What does this passage teach us about the truth of God's love?

Q5: Who do you need to love with more forgiveness this week? What can you do to show them the same kind of grace God has shown you?

Reading Plan


1 John 3:1-3

John 17:20-26

Romans 8:12-17

Hebrews 12:1-3 1

Corinthians 15:33

Proverbs 7:1-5

Philippians 4:8-9

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.

Judas Ate Too Instructions


ILLUSTRATION: Tell the story of one of your favorite villains in a film franchise. (Darth Vader. Scar. The Joker. Loki.)

Most good stories have a bad guy. From box office hits to best-selling novels, villains ultimately jolt the narratives forward. They trigger conflict. They force the main character to overcome and adapt. Their character arcs are complicated, cunning, and even a little captivating. For most people, Joker conjures up more emotions than Batman. Villains, despite their impossible-to-miss flaws, capture our attention.


In the story of Jesus, one villain reigns supreme. Judas.

Just the name sends shivers down our spines. He was the betrayer. He was the one who sold-out Jesus.

He was the one who turned his back on the one who loved him.

Judas started the chain reaction that would ultimately lead to the torture and murder of Jesus.

There is no question that Judas was a misguided man who made some big mistakes. However, there is more to the story.

Let's unpack the passage where Jesus, the hero, confronts Judas, the villain.

Contextualizing this Passage

• Have you ever been called out? Whether it was for a mistake, a spill on your shirt, or something foolish you said, it’s tough to be put on the spot in public.

• This story is one of the most awkward call-outs of all time.

• Jesus looks directly at Judas and drops a bomb.

• Jesus didn’t beat around the bush. “One of you will betray me” (26:20).

• The air was immediately sucked out of the room like a vacuum.

• At this point, the whole team had been dedicated and devoted. Now Jesus was suggesting that there was a traitor? He wasn't just out there somewhere in Jerusalem. No. The traitor was at the table. The statement sent shockwaves around the room.

• This exchange takes place during the Last Supper with Jesus and his twelve disciples.

• I am sure you’ve seen the famous painting.

Show a picture of The Last Supper painting

• This painting captures a simple moment — a supper with friends.

• However, this is called the Last Supper for a reason. This was the last meal Jesus ate before being arrested and crucified. He was discovered and arrested thanks to a hotline tip from Judas.

• This moment is full of emotion and drama.

• This painting is considered one of the best works of the Renaissance because of what Da Vinci was able to accomplish. He did something that very few artists had ever done before.

• Most painters approached stories of Jesus with quiet, reflective, and holy scenes in mind. They were calm and focused. However, Da Vinci captured the complex emotions at the table that evening.

• Jesus tells the table. He’s going to die. Cue drama.

• Jesus tells the table that Peter is going to deny him. Cue more drama.

• Jesus tells the table that Judas is going to turn him in. Everyone freaks out.

• This painting depicts twelve great friends who have worked together, traveled together, and even slept in the same campsite for three years. Then, suddenly, they discover that one of them was a traitor.

• That’s the moment Da Vinci captures — there is fear, anger, and passion in this complex painting.

• Look at the characters around Jesus. Some of them are whispering to each other, pointing fingers in accusation, or getting hit with a tidal wave of grief To the far left, Judas, the betrayer, sits shadowed and surrounded by his friends.

• Talk about a complex and chaotic dinner party.

• After all the chaos, while still casually reclined at the table, Jesus leads his friends through the Passover meal.

• This is so much more than meatloaf and some sides.

• Passover represents one of the most sacred holidays in Jewish culture.

• This was not just a dinner. It was an intimate experience.

• Even after the show stopping statement “Judas, you’re going to betray me,” the meal still carried on.

• Then Jesus simply keeps eating with his friends. He pours each disciple some ceremonial wine, shares some bread, and they all eat together.


• We can become obsessed with the drama of the dinner. However, this exchange is about so much more than the tension — it’s also about the radical love of Jesus.

• What does Jesus do when he is confronted with direct opposition from a friend? He keeps eating with him.

• This should be a moment of reflection for us. Sure, we love people that we like. Sure, we strive to love people we dislike.

• But what happens when someone sins against us?

• They turn their back on you.

• They spread a lie about you.

• They hurt you.

• They turn you into the authorities for thirty pieces of old silver.

• What happens then? How do we respond?

• First, let’s examine how Jesus responds.

Application and Landing

• Pastor Nic Burleson points out, "Think about it. Jesus knew, but Judas still ate."

• What a powerful thought.

• Jesus went into this supper knowing Judas' betrayal was coming. He still sat down and shared dinner with him.

• Jesus knew that Judas' actions would lead to nails driven through his feet, but Jesus still washed Judas' feet.

• Judas would turn his back, but Jesus still had open arms.

• This is the overwhelming, inconceivable, radical love of Jesus on display.

• I imagine most people would have thrown Judas down the stairs or refused to serve him dinner.

• Not Jesus.

• Judas was still invited to sit at the table. We can understand loving someone who loves us back, but Jesus loved someone who turned him in to the authorities.

• We should be thankful that Judas ate. Why?

• Because it gives us hope. It's a hard truth, but we all have some Judas within us. There is a tendency within every person to rebel against or even betray God's plan for us. We can be unloving, ungrateful, and even unfaithful to Jesus.

• That doesn’t stop Him from loving us.

•That doesn’t stop Him from loving us.

•There was room at the table for Judas, which means that there is room at the table for you too. •Even when you are at your worst, Jesus still pulls out a chair and makes a plate for you. That’s radical love.

Small Group

TALK IT OUT Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Q1: How do you usually treat the people who have wronged you?

Q2: Has someone ever been good to you even after you hurt them? How did that make you feel about them?

Q3: How did Jesus treat Judas when he knew he would betray him? What does this reveal about God's love for all of us?

Q4: Do you ever try to earn love from God or others? How does that make you feel? What does this passage teach us about the truth of God's love?

Q5: Who do you need to love with more forgiveness this week? What can you do to show them the same kind of grace God has shown you?

Reading Plan


1 John 3:1-3

John 17:20-26

Romans 8:12-17

Hebrews 12:1-3 1

Corinthians 15:33

Proverbs 7:1-5

Philippians 4:8-9

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.