The Authentic Meaning Of Christmas

Isn't it mind-blowing to think about Jesus stepping down from Heaven to walk among us on earth? I don't know about you, but heaven sounds so much better than ancient Palestine. Jesus made the move for you. While preparing for His journey, you were on His mind. That's the amazing thing about Christmas. God came to earth to be with us. Jesus didn't just move into his ancient home; He also wants to move into your heart. That's the miracle of Christmas. God stepped down from heaven to walk into your life. There is no greater gift.
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The Authentic Meaning Of Christmas




FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.

Small Group Instructions


OPENING ILLUSTRATION: Share a story that shows our society moving away from the true meaning of Christmas.

• When you visit a shopping mall, online store, or Instagram feed, you will see something strange and staggering.

• Christmas has morphed into the most commercialized holiday in the world.

• It's big business.

• Starting on Thanksgiving, every company eagerly awaits the holiday hustle.

• Why? Because they make a lot of money.

• On average, an American consumer will nearly triple their shopping budgets during December.

• That doesn't include the people who inexplicably buy their spouses a car with a big red bow, either. I am not sure if people really do that, but commercials would make you think it was as common as a candy cane in a stocking.

• When we examine our culture, Christmas seems to be about presents.


• While there is nothing wrong with a brightly colored box with a big bow, presents should not be the primary focus of Christmas.

• Let's continue to the next section of Luke 2.

• This passage gives us an authentic glimpse at the true reason for the season.

Bible Study

• A small group of shepherds were hanging out in their fields late that night.

•They were likely gathered around a campfire, swapping shepherd stories to pass the time.

•Their jobs were tedious.

•They spent all night surveying hillsides spotted with little white balls of wool.

•Sheep don't really do anything, so they just watched them meander from one spot to another.

•The most exciting thing to happen to them would be rescuing a stuck sheep or fighting off a coyote.

•Their boredom was about to be interrupted.

•A legion of angels filled the sky with a supernatural spectacle.

•Their ancient performance put any modern Christmas play to shame.

•The heavenly host announced, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.”

•"Are you seeing this too?" one shepherd whispered to the other.

•They rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves to see if it was all a dream.

•It wasn't, though. Angels filled the sky to deliver a message-- and a gift.


Jesus is God's gift to you.

• Look at the angelic word choice. Jesus wasn't just born; he was born "to you."

• This single preposition is packed with importance.

• Jesus wasn't just born. He was born FOR YOU.

• God sent Jesus as a gift for His people.

• Baby Jesus was swaddled in cloth, but he may as well have been wrapped in Christmas paper.

• Jesus is the perfect gift for the shepherds, for you, and for me.

• How is Jesus a gift? He embodies our God to get intimate with us.

• Is there a mountain you can't climb? Jesus will carry you.

• Is there a place in your life where you need healing? Jesus can heal you.

• Are your arms tired and muscles weak? Jesus will grant you rest.

• Jesus represents grace you don't deserve, mercy you didn't earn, love you cannot fathom, and power you cannot comprehend.

• This is the gift that God gives.

• Do you know anyone who doesn't know Jesus?

• Share the gift with them, just like the angels did to the shepherds.

• "Jesus was born for you!" Tell them how much God loves them and offer them the greatest gift of all

• A car with a comically large bow doesn't even come close.


• The angels say something a little strange to the shepherds. It certainly made me scratch my head. They say that Jesus "will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" (Luke 2:12).

Jesus is a sign.

• Casually calling something a sign is not common today, but it certainly made Jewish ears perk up.

• Signs were a pivotal part of their religious tradition.

• People prayed for signs.

• Miracles were signs.

• Manifestations were signs.

• Prophetic words were signs.

• So what is a sign? What does one do?

• A sign points you to something.

• They say things like "Danger Ahead," "South Dakota State Line 114 Miles," and "Sheep Crossing."

• So how was Jesus a sign?

• His arrival pointed to God like a flashing memo on the side of the road.

• "Good Things Are Coming" is the message.

• You won't believe what's ahead of you.

• That's the sign.

• Jesus signaled great things coming.

• This filled the shepherds with hope, and it should do the same for you

• Look at Christ's birth for what it is: a sign that things will get better.

• What's next is best.

• God's providence is just a few exits ahead.

• God’s providence started with God’s presence — Jesus stepped down to earth.

Jesus is right here.

• We've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Christmas is not about presents. It's about God's presence.

• Really wrap your mind around it (no pun intended).

• The God of the universe packed a Holy U-Haul and moved into your neighborhood.

• Imagine the scene with me.

• You peer across the street to see Him carrying boxes labeled grace, then love, then mercy, then salvation, then comfort.

• He's not taking them to His house, though.

• He's crossing the street, ringing your doorbell, and giving them to you.

• Being a good neighbor, of course Jesus brings gifts with him.

• While love, grace, and mercy are amazing, the greatest gift is standing right in front of you.

• His name is Jesus.

• Aren't you thankful Jesus came to earth?

• He left streets of gold for dusty roads.

• He left heaven to live in poverty.

• He left His Father to move into a house with some guy named Joseph who expected him to hammer nails all day.

• Compared to heaven, earth was rugged — especially where he landed.

• Christ dealt with splinters, snakes, scorpions, and road rage.

• I don't know about you, but heaven sounds so much better than ancient Palestine.

• Jesus made the move for you.

• While preparing for His journey, you were on His mind.

• Landing: Then with a smile on His face, Jesus moved into your neighborhood.

• That's the amazing thing about Christmas.

• God came to earth to be with us.

• Jesus didn't just move into his ancient home; He also wants to move into your heart.

• That's the miracle of Christmas.

• God stepped down from heaven to walk into your life.

• There is no greater gift.

Small Group

TALK IT OUT  Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and what was the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?

Q2: Looking at our culture, what seems to be the most important thing around the holiday season?

Q3: Jesus is “God’s gift to you.” What do you think this means?

Q4: Jesus moved out of heaven and into your neighborhood. How can this give us hope?

Q5: Gifts are made to be given@ How can we share the gift of Jesus with others?

Application: Share the gift of Jesus this week. Find a person going through a hard time and introduce them to the love and compassion of Christ.

Reading Plan


Micah 5:2-5

Philippians 2:1-11

Romans 5:1-11

Psalm 37:10-19

Proverbs 16:1-7 E

Ecclesiastes 3:8-22

Isaiah 9:1-7

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.

The Authentic Meaning Of Christmas Instructions


OPENING ILLUSTRATION: Share a story that shows our society moving away from the true meaning of Christmas.

• When you visit a shopping mall, online store, or Instagram feed, you will see something strange and staggering.

• Christmas has morphed into the most commercialized holiday in the world.

• It's big business.

• Starting on Thanksgiving, every company eagerly awaits the holiday hustle.

• Why? Because they make a lot of money.

• On average, an American consumer will nearly triple their shopping budgets during December.

• That doesn't include the people who inexplicably buy their spouses a car with a big red bow, either. I am not sure if people really do that, but commercials would make you think it was as common as a candy cane in a stocking.

• When we examine our culture, Christmas seems to be about presents.


• While there is nothing wrong with a brightly colored box with a big bow, presents should not be the primary focus of Christmas.

• Let's continue to the next section of Luke 2.

• This passage gives us an authentic glimpse at the true reason for the season.

Bible Study

• A small group of shepherds were hanging out in their fields late that night.

•They were likely gathered around a campfire, swapping shepherd stories to pass the time.

•Their jobs were tedious.

•They spent all night surveying hillsides spotted with little white balls of wool.

•Sheep don't really do anything, so they just watched them meander from one spot to another.

•The most exciting thing to happen to them would be rescuing a stuck sheep or fighting off a coyote.

•Their boredom was about to be interrupted.

•A legion of angels filled the sky with a supernatural spectacle.

•Their ancient performance put any modern Christmas play to shame.

•The heavenly host announced, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.”

•"Are you seeing this too?" one shepherd whispered to the other.

•They rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves to see if it was all a dream.

•It wasn't, though. Angels filled the sky to deliver a message-- and a gift.


Jesus is God's gift to you.

• Look at the angelic word choice. Jesus wasn't just born; he was born "to you."

• This single preposition is packed with importance.

• Jesus wasn't just born. He was born FOR YOU.

• God sent Jesus as a gift for His people.

• Baby Jesus was swaddled in cloth, but he may as well have been wrapped in Christmas paper.

• Jesus is the perfect gift for the shepherds, for you, and for me.

• How is Jesus a gift? He embodies our God to get intimate with us.

• Is there a mountain you can't climb? Jesus will carry you.

• Is there a place in your life where you need healing? Jesus can heal you.

• Are your arms tired and muscles weak? Jesus will grant you rest.

• Jesus represents grace you don't deserve, mercy you didn't earn, love you cannot fathom, and power you cannot comprehend.

• This is the gift that God gives.

• Do you know anyone who doesn't know Jesus?

• Share the gift with them, just like the angels did to the shepherds.

• "Jesus was born for you!" Tell them how much God loves them and offer them the greatest gift of all

• A car with a comically large bow doesn't even come close.


• The angels say something a little strange to the shepherds. It certainly made me scratch my head. They say that Jesus "will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" (Luke 2:12).

Jesus is a sign.

• Casually calling something a sign is not common today, but it certainly made Jewish ears perk up.

• Signs were a pivotal part of their religious tradition.

• People prayed for signs.

• Miracles were signs.

• Manifestations were signs.

• Prophetic words were signs.

• So what is a sign? What does one do?

• A sign points you to something.

• They say things like "Danger Ahead," "South Dakota State Line 114 Miles," and "Sheep Crossing."

• So how was Jesus a sign?

• His arrival pointed to God like a flashing memo on the side of the road.

• "Good Things Are Coming" is the message.

• You won't believe what's ahead of you.

• That's the sign.

• Jesus signaled great things coming.

• This filled the shepherds with hope, and it should do the same for you

• Look at Christ's birth for what it is: a sign that things will get better.

• What's next is best.

• God's providence is just a few exits ahead.

• God’s providence started with God’s presence — Jesus stepped down to earth.

Jesus is right here.

• We've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Christmas is not about presents. It's about God's presence.

• Really wrap your mind around it (no pun intended).

• The God of the universe packed a Holy U-Haul and moved into your neighborhood.

• Imagine the scene with me.

• You peer across the street to see Him carrying boxes labeled grace, then love, then mercy, then salvation, then comfort.

• He's not taking them to His house, though.

• He's crossing the street, ringing your doorbell, and giving them to you.

• Being a good neighbor, of course Jesus brings gifts with him.

• While love, grace, and mercy are amazing, the greatest gift is standing right in front of you.

• His name is Jesus.

• Aren't you thankful Jesus came to earth?

• He left streets of gold for dusty roads.

• He left heaven to live in poverty.

• He left His Father to move into a house with some guy named Joseph who expected him to hammer nails all day.

• Compared to heaven, earth was rugged — especially where he landed.

• Christ dealt with splinters, snakes, scorpions, and road rage.

• I don't know about you, but heaven sounds so much better than ancient Palestine.

• Jesus made the move for you.

• While preparing for His journey, you were on His mind.

• Landing: Then with a smile on His face, Jesus moved into your neighborhood.

• That's the amazing thing about Christmas.

• God came to earth to be with us.

• Jesus didn't just move into his ancient home; He also wants to move into your heart.

• That's the miracle of Christmas.

• God stepped down from heaven to walk into your life.

• There is no greater gift.

Small Group

TALK IT OUT  Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and what was the lowest part of your week?

Q1: What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?

Q2: Looking at our culture, what seems to be the most important thing around the holiday season?

Q3: Jesus is “God’s gift to you.” What do you think this means?

Q4: Jesus moved out of heaven and into your neighborhood. How can this give us hope?

Q5: Gifts are made to be given@ How can we share the gift of Jesus with others?

Application: Share the gift of Jesus this week. Find a person going through a hard time and introduce them to the love and compassion of Christ.

Reading Plan


Micah 5:2-5

Philippians 2:1-11

Romans 5:1-11

Psalm 37:10-19

Proverbs 16:1-7 E

Ecclesiastes 3:8-22

Isaiah 9:1-7

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.