Mark focuses on Jesus's supernatural power in every single story. Today, we will look at a passage where Mark depicts Christ's power over nerve-wracking situations. Towards the beginning of his Gospel, Mark shares countless examples of Jesus's divine power paired with His deep compassion. Jesus heals people to prove His power over sickness. Jesus casts out demons to prove his power over darkness. Now, let's look at a story where Jesus silences a storm to prove His power over the nerve-racking situations in our lives.
Start Lesson



FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.

Large Group Instructions

Lesson Opening

Setting Up The Talk

The Apostle Mark was an extremely well-spoken man with a natural gift for foreign languages. Thus, he served as an interpreter on both Peter's and Paul's missionary journeys. After spending time with Peter in Rome, Mark really hits his stride. As a gifted storyteller, Mark filled Roman amphitheaters with people eager to hear his action-packed stories of Jesus. The Roman people encouraged him to write it all down because they wanted to share this message with their friends and family. Consequently, the Gospel of Mark was written.

Mark focuses on Jesus's supernatural power in every single story. Today, we will look at a passage where Mark explains Christ's power over nerve-wracking situations.

  • Towards the beginning of his Gospel, Mark shares countless examples of Jesus's divine power paired with His deep compassion.

    • Jesus heals people to prove His power over sickness.

    • Jesus casts out demons to prove his power over darkness.

    • Now, let's look at a story where Jesus silences a storm to prove His power over the nerve-racking situations in our lives.

Bible Text

Mark 4:35-39

"That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Contextualizing This Passage

Who here is an introvert?

  • Even Jesus felt introverted at times. After delivering a series of sermons on the shore of a lake (4:1), Jesus was ready to escape the crowds.

  • He encouraged the disciples to make their way to the other side of the water in a rowboat.

  • You inevitably think of a little fishing spot with calm water when you think of a lake. That is not what the disciples are experiencing here.

  • The Sea of Galilee is a massive body of water that spans over 64 square miles and can reach over 300 feet in depth.

  • The topography of the hills surrounding the massive lake created a wind tunnel that invited strong storms to swiftly and severely blow through.

  • These squalls were destructive and often fatal for people aboard tiny fishing boats.

The exhausted team piled into a tiny wooden boat and set sail to the opposing shore. Once the land had disappeared from their sight and the city became nothing more than an orange glow, a severe storm swallowed them up.

  • Winds howled, waves began crashing over the rails, and the sails began to shred.

  • Every wave jolted them like the buck of an angry bull.

  • They could hear cracking and creaking coming from the cedar planks keeping them afloat. They needed help, so they looked over at Jesus, but they noticed He was taking a nap next to a net.

Irritated, the disciples shook Him while screaming, "Don't you care that we are about to die?"

  • Jesus could have ignored them. He could have waved them away and continued His nap.

  • He could have frustratedly snapped His finger to stop the storm.

  • He could have scolded them for their ignorance.

  • He didn't do any of that, though.

    • Seeing the fear in his friends' faces, Jesus spoke to the storm, saying,

"Quiet! Be still!"

 - Suddenly, the storm stopped and the water looked as clear as crystal.

 - The disciples turn to each other and ask, "Who is this? Even the wind 

and the waves obey him!" (Mark 4:39).


This is a crucial question you must grapple with too: Who is Jesus?

  • He's not just a person who changed human history.

  • He also has the power to change your life.

    • Mark presents Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

    • He is so much more than a significant preacher; He's a personal


    - Honestly evaluate your view of Jesus. 

    - If Jesus is who He said He is, then He is worthy of your 

complete devotion.

    - A storm was no match for Jesus. Your storm is no match for 

Jesus either.

While most people only see one miracle in this passage, there are actually two.


Jesus Can Calm a Storm

  • First, Jesus calmed the storm.

  • With shocking serenity, He hushed the storm by saying, "Peace, be still."

  • The clouds cleared, and the waves turned into ripples.

    • I imagine that Jesus went right back to His nap, but I cannot

confirm that.

This proves the power of Jesus over scary situations.


But it goes so much deeper than that.

  • If Jesus truly has the power to calm a stormy sea, then imagine what He can do to your soul.

  • While the calming of the visual storm interests us, His calming of spiritual storms should astonish us.

Jesus Can Calm Your Soul

Mark teaches that Jesus has the power to calm spine-chilling storms, even ones happening within your own life.

  • We all experience metaphorical storms:

    • Loneliness

    • Loss

    • Letdowns

  • This story shows that Jesus is right there through your storm, listening and ready to act.

  • Within your storm, move closer to Jesus, and He will keep you safe.

  • As waves crash over the rails and you feel like you're about to sink, be sure that Jesus is in the boat with you.

    • Draw near to Him.

A famous saying goes, "A calm sea never made a skilled sailor."

  • Sometimes Jesus allows the storms to rage because He wants to strengthen you.

  • He knows that hunkering down with Him will grow your faith and make you a more skilled sailor.

    • You will always face trouble and trials.

    • One storm passes, and then another one looms on the horizon.

    • It is best to learn how to sail through your storms with Jesus

aboard your ship because you will become stronger after surviving the storm.


What storm are you facing now?

  • Certain circumstances feel like crashing waves and crushing winds.

  • Your feelings may feel like a flood trying to drown you. That's okay. It's an inescapable part of life.

    • Whether your storm is big or small, Jesus will be your shelter.

    • You can't seek shelter unless you're close, right?

    • Ensure that Jesus is riding it out with you because He can cultivate

calm within the chaos.

Mark wants you to know that the same God that calms storms has the power to calm your soul.

  • Are destructive thoughts keeping you up at night?

    • Ask God to calm your storm.
  • Is anxiety making it hard to thrive in life?

    • Draw close to your perfect shelter.
  • Does it feel like you're sinking and cannot get your head above water?

    • Cry out to Jesus, He will pick you up and calm the chaos.

JESUS CALMS Instructions

Lesson Opening

Setting Up The Talk

The Apostle Mark was an extremely well-spoken man with a natural gift for foreign languages. Thus, he served as an interpreter on both Peter's and Paul's missionary journeys. After spending time with Peter in Rome, Mark really hits his stride. As a gifted storyteller, Mark filled Roman amphitheaters with people eager to hear his action-packed stories of Jesus. The Roman people encouraged him to write it all down because they wanted to share this message with their friends and family. Consequently, the Gospel of Mark was written.

Mark focuses on Jesus's supernatural power in every single story. Today, we will look at a passage where Mark explains Christ's power over nerve-wracking situations.

  • Towards the beginning of his Gospel, Mark shares countless examples of Jesus's divine power paired with His deep compassion.

    • Jesus heals people to prove His power over sickness.

    • Jesus casts out demons to prove his power over darkness.

    • Now, let's look at a story where Jesus silences a storm to prove His power over the nerve-racking situations in our lives.

Bible Text

Mark 4:35-39

"That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Contextualizing This Passage

Who here is an introvert?

  • Even Jesus felt introverted at times. After delivering a series of sermons on the shore of a lake (4:1), Jesus was ready to escape the crowds.

  • He encouraged the disciples to make their way to the other side of the water in a rowboat.

  • You inevitably think of a little fishing spot with calm water when you think of a lake. That is not what the disciples are experiencing here.

  • The Sea of Galilee is a massive body of water that spans over 64 square miles and can reach over 300 feet in depth.

  • The topography of the hills surrounding the massive lake created a wind tunnel that invited strong storms to swiftly and severely blow through.

  • These squalls were destructive and often fatal for people aboard tiny fishing boats.

The exhausted team piled into a tiny wooden boat and set sail to the opposing shore. Once the land had disappeared from their sight and the city became nothing more than an orange glow, a severe storm swallowed them up.

  • Winds howled, waves began crashing over the rails, and the sails began to shred.

  • Every wave jolted them like the buck of an angry bull.

  • They could hear cracking and creaking coming from the cedar planks keeping them afloat. They needed help, so they looked over at Jesus, but they noticed He was taking a nap next to a net.

Irritated, the disciples shook Him while screaming, "Don't you care that we are about to die?"

  • Jesus could have ignored them. He could have waved them away and continued His nap.

  • He could have frustratedly snapped His finger to stop the storm.

  • He could have scolded them for their ignorance.

  • He didn't do any of that, though.

    • Seeing the fear in his friends' faces, Jesus spoke to the storm, saying,

"Quiet! Be still!"

 - Suddenly, the storm stopped and the water looked as clear as crystal.

 - The disciples turn to each other and ask, "Who is this? Even the wind 

and the waves obey him!" (Mark 4:39).


This is a crucial question you must grapple with too: Who is Jesus?

  • He's not just a person who changed human history.

  • He also has the power to change your life.

    • Mark presents Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

    • He is so much more than a significant preacher; He's a personal


    - Honestly evaluate your view of Jesus. 

    - If Jesus is who He said He is, then He is worthy of your 

complete devotion.

    - A storm was no match for Jesus. Your storm is no match for 

Jesus either.

While most people only see one miracle in this passage, there are actually two.


Jesus Can Calm a Storm

  • First, Jesus calmed the storm.

  • With shocking serenity, He hushed the storm by saying, "Peace, be still."

  • The clouds cleared, and the waves turned into ripples.

    • I imagine that Jesus went right back to His nap, but I cannot

confirm that.

This proves the power of Jesus over scary situations.


But it goes so much deeper than that.

  • If Jesus truly has the power to calm a stormy sea, then imagine what He can do to your soul.

  • While the calming of the visual storm interests us, His calming of spiritual storms should astonish us.

Jesus Can Calm Your Soul

Mark teaches that Jesus has the power to calm spine-chilling storms, even ones happening within your own life.

  • We all experience metaphorical storms:

    • Loneliness

    • Loss

    • Letdowns

  • This story shows that Jesus is right there through your storm, listening and ready to act.

  • Within your storm, move closer to Jesus, and He will keep you safe.

  • As waves crash over the rails and you feel like you're about to sink, be sure that Jesus is in the boat with you.

    • Draw near to Him.

A famous saying goes, "A calm sea never made a skilled sailor."

  • Sometimes Jesus allows the storms to rage because He wants to strengthen you.

  • He knows that hunkering down with Him will grow your faith and make you a more skilled sailor.

    • You will always face trouble and trials.

    • One storm passes, and then another one looms on the horizon.

    • It is best to learn how to sail through your storms with Jesus

aboard your ship because you will become stronger after surviving the storm.


What storm are you facing now?

  • Certain circumstances feel like crashing waves and crushing winds.

  • Your feelings may feel like a flood trying to drown you. That's okay. It's an inescapable part of life.

    • Whether your storm is big or small, Jesus will be your shelter.

    • You can't seek shelter unless you're close, right?

    • Ensure that Jesus is riding it out with you because He can cultivate

calm within the chaos.

Mark wants you to know that the same God that calms storms has the power to calm your soul.

  • Are destructive thoughts keeping you up at night?

    • Ask God to calm your storm.
  • Is anxiety making it hard to thrive in life?

    • Draw close to your perfect shelter.
  • Does it feel like you're sinking and cannot get your head above water?

    • Cry out to Jesus, He will pick you up and calm the chaos.