Salvation: You Are Made New

Have you ever felt like you were playing hide and seek with God? Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you look, you cannot find Him. In the childhood game, we often missed the kid hiding in plain sight. The same is true for God. We often miss Him because we make it far more mysterious than it needs to be. God is not found in some complicated program or supernatural vision quest — God is within you right now. Let’s open our Bibles to Colossians to learn how Paul helped some new Christians unlock the mystery of their spiritual lives.
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Salvation: You Are Made New




FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.

Small Group Instructions


ILLUSTRATION: Discuss a time when you were sick or struggling and seeking help was your first step to getting better. (like having an illness that requires medication from a Doctor to heal.)

If I had just ignored the problem, I could have suffered permanent damage. I had to admit I needed help in order to find healing. The same is true in life. The first step of any problem is seeking help. If you want to declare bankruptcy, you have to admit you’re broke. If you want your appendix taken out, you have to admit you’re sick. If you want eternal life with Jesus, you have to admit you’re helpless without Him.


• We have all needed help before.

• Whether you need tutoring for an exam or a medical diagnosis for an unusual illness, the first step is always admitting you need help.

• If you fall behind in class, you need to approach the teacher to ask for extra credit or an extension.

• If you have the flu, you need a flu test before you can get help.

• If you’re struggling with addiction, the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem.

• The same is true for our relationship with Jesus.

• In to order experience salvation, you must admit you need saving.

Contextualizing this Passage

• Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians to help young believers make sense of their newly-found faith.

• When Paul was discipling and developing this new church in the Roman Empire, he started with the basics.

• What’s the most pivotal part of Christian theology? Jesus!

• That’s why Paul addressed this vital question: Who is Jesus?

• Why was Paul writing a letter that seems so — simple? The Book of Colossians is kind of Christianity 101. Well, that’s because this church had a problem.

• Some false teachers had spread a fictional theory about the nature of Jesus.

They were claiming that Jesus was not who He said He was. These convincing false prophets were starting to fracture the foundation of this new church.

• Thus, Paul set the record straight by writing this short and simple letter to his friends.

• Like we just said, new believers packed out the services at the Church of Colossae.

• This city was a new and vibrant congregation in a city center.

• Most of the Colossians were used to mystical religion and rituals, so they made the mistake of incorporating those things in their relationship with Jesus.

• They tried to pair following Jesus with pagan rituals, full moon festivals, and their daily horoscope.

• They had convinced themselves that they could somehow work their way to God.

• Here is what Paul taught — you don’t need Jesus paired with the right ritual or religious tradition — you just need Jesus.

• That’s it. End of story. No parts sold separately.

• They simply had to admit they needed help and accept Jesus for who He was.

• However, according to Colossians, this life-changing truth seemed like a mystery to so many people.

• “The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.” (Col. 1:26)

• So, that’s where we must begin. Paul offers to decode the mystery for them.


• In the early 1900s, way before television or movies, the world was captivated by a private investigator with bizarre methods and brilliant wit.

• Eager readers would binge the stories of Sherlock Holmes the same way we binge Netflix shows.

• These pages were packed with twists and turns that caused chills and evoked adventure — even if it was all just pretend.

• From private eyes to spies, everyone loves a good mystery.

• Christianity was the great mystery of the first century.

• Why was a carpenter’s son from Judea changing the world?

• How did the early leaders seem to possess power over sickness and nature?

• The Christians in Colossae were almost entirely non-Jewish, so how do they follow the teachings of a Jewish rabbi?

• Paul writes this short, theology-packed letter to help them contextualize their questions and bring clarity to the mystery.

• In the first chapter, Paul refers to a great and “glorious” mystery. He then defines it as "Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

• In all other ancient traditions, gods dwelled within inanimate objects like statues or sanctuaries.

• However, our God is personal. He doesn’t live inside things; he lives inside of us.

Application and Landing

• Have you ever felt like you were playing hide and seek with God?

• Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you look, you cannot find Him.

• In the childhood game, we easily missed the kid hiding in plain sight.

• The same is true for God. We often miss Him because we make it far more mysterious than it needs to be.

• God is not found in some complicated program or supernatural vision quest — God is within you right now.

• God is with you — in this very moment. God is with you — forever.

• There is nothing you need to do in order to earn access to God. That’s the power of the gospel.

• The weight is off your shoulders.

• The work has already been done.

• When I was a kid, I worked tirelessly to earn an allowance. [Customize this illustration as fits.]

• I didn’t do this out of joy. I did this because I wanted spending cash.

• I had to earn it. My mom didn’t just freely give away that money. I had to work, sweat, and hustle to prove myself worthy of the allowance.

• We can sometimes approach our spiritual lives with a similar mindset.

• BUT there is no need to earn salvation, as it’s a gift from God.

• All we have to do is admit we need it. Then accept it.

• This life-altering truth still stands today.

• Salvation is for anyone and everyone who chooses to accept it.

• Salvation is an overflow of God’s generosity and grace.

• It’s a free gift.

• You don’t have to earn it or buy it, you just accept it.

• You don’t have to dress a certain way, memorize a specific prayer, or attend a religious festival.

• It’s free.

• Author. Steve Lawson explained, “salvation is not a reward for the righteous, rather it’s a gift for the guilty.”

• You cannot receive the gift of salvation without understanding your guilt.

• You will never be able to climb to heaven on your own.

• You need God to pick you up. All of this starts with admitting our need for help.

• God helps the helpless — not the self-righteous.

• Seek help from God, and you will find the hope of God.

• Big Idea: Salvation is a gift — you don’t need to earn it. You just need to receive it.

• Which brings us to the most important question you will ever answer. Have you ever truly experienced the life-changing miracle of salvation?

• Romans 10:9 says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

• It’s not complicated or convoluted. The mystery has been solved. All you need to do is Admit, Believe, and Confess.

1. ADMIT that you've fallen short (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).

2. BELIEVE in Jesus (John 6:40).

3. CONFESS your trust in Jesus (Romans 10:9). • That’s the process. There is no ten-step program. There is no magical saying. There is no purchase necessary. All you need to do is confess to Jesus through prayer and trust in Him.

• There is nothing special about any particular prayer of confession; it’s all about the heart behind the words.

• If you don’t know what to pray, it can sound a little like this: "Jesus, I admit that I’ve made mistakes. I’ve sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that You came to earth, died, and rose again so that I could be reunited with God. I declare you as my Lord and commit my life to You. I give you my past, present, and future. Please use my life to bring you glory. I give it to You. Amen.”

Small Group


Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Q1: When is the last time you asked someone for help? Do you think the situation would have turned out differently if you were still trying to get through it on your own?

Q2: Read Colossians 1:21-22 again. What does this verse teach you about salvation?

Q3: Just like the Colossians, how do some people try to work or earn their way into heaven? Why did Paul explain this to be unnecessary?

Q4: What’s one thing difficult situation you’re currently trying to overcome? How can you turn to Jesus for help?

Q5: How can we receive the gift of salvation from God?

Reading Plan


DAY 1 John 4:7-12 1

John 5:1-15

Romans 5:1-11

Romans 12:9-11

John 15:1-11

John 17:20-26

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.

Salvation: You Are Made New Instructions


ILLUSTRATION: Discuss a time when you were sick or struggling and seeking help was your first step to getting better. (like having an illness that requires medication from a Doctor to heal.)

If I had just ignored the problem, I could have suffered permanent damage. I had to admit I needed help in order to find healing. The same is true in life. The first step of any problem is seeking help. If you want to declare bankruptcy, you have to admit you’re broke. If you want your appendix taken out, you have to admit you’re sick. If you want eternal life with Jesus, you have to admit you’re helpless without Him.


• We have all needed help before.

• Whether you need tutoring for an exam or a medical diagnosis for an unusual illness, the first step is always admitting you need help.

• If you fall behind in class, you need to approach the teacher to ask for extra credit or an extension.

• If you have the flu, you need a flu test before you can get help.

• If you’re struggling with addiction, the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem.

• The same is true for our relationship with Jesus.

• In to order experience salvation, you must admit you need saving.

Contextualizing this Passage

• Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians to help young believers make sense of their newly-found faith.

• When Paul was discipling and developing this new church in the Roman Empire, he started with the basics.

• What’s the most pivotal part of Christian theology? Jesus!

• That’s why Paul addressed this vital question: Who is Jesus?

• Why was Paul writing a letter that seems so — simple? The Book of Colossians is kind of Christianity 101. Well, that’s because this church had a problem.

• Some false teachers had spread a fictional theory about the nature of Jesus.

They were claiming that Jesus was not who He said He was. These convincing false prophets were starting to fracture the foundation of this new church.

• Thus, Paul set the record straight by writing this short and simple letter to his friends.

• Like we just said, new believers packed out the services at the Church of Colossae.

• This city was a new and vibrant congregation in a city center.

• Most of the Colossians were used to mystical religion and rituals, so they made the mistake of incorporating those things in their relationship with Jesus.

• They tried to pair following Jesus with pagan rituals, full moon festivals, and their daily horoscope.

• They had convinced themselves that they could somehow work their way to God.

• Here is what Paul taught — you don’t need Jesus paired with the right ritual or religious tradition — you just need Jesus.

• That’s it. End of story. No parts sold separately.

• They simply had to admit they needed help and accept Jesus for who He was.

• However, according to Colossians, this life-changing truth seemed like a mystery to so many people.

• “The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.” (Col. 1:26)

• So, that’s where we must begin. Paul offers to decode the mystery for them.


• In the early 1900s, way before television or movies, the world was captivated by a private investigator with bizarre methods and brilliant wit.

• Eager readers would binge the stories of Sherlock Holmes the same way we binge Netflix shows.

• These pages were packed with twists and turns that caused chills and evoked adventure — even if it was all just pretend.

• From private eyes to spies, everyone loves a good mystery.

• Christianity was the great mystery of the first century.

• Why was a carpenter’s son from Judea changing the world?

• How did the early leaders seem to possess power over sickness and nature?

• The Christians in Colossae were almost entirely non-Jewish, so how do they follow the teachings of a Jewish rabbi?

• Paul writes this short, theology-packed letter to help them contextualize their questions and bring clarity to the mystery.

• In the first chapter, Paul refers to a great and “glorious” mystery. He then defines it as "Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

• In all other ancient traditions, gods dwelled within inanimate objects like statues or sanctuaries.

• However, our God is personal. He doesn’t live inside things; he lives inside of us.

Application and Landing

• Have you ever felt like you were playing hide and seek with God?

• Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you look, you cannot find Him.

• In the childhood game, we easily missed the kid hiding in plain sight.

• The same is true for God. We often miss Him because we make it far more mysterious than it needs to be.

• God is not found in some complicated program or supernatural vision quest — God is within you right now.

• God is with you — in this very moment. God is with you — forever.

• There is nothing you need to do in order to earn access to God. That’s the power of the gospel.

• The weight is off your shoulders.

• The work has already been done.

• When I was a kid, I worked tirelessly to earn an allowance. [Customize this illustration as fits.]

• I didn’t do this out of joy. I did this because I wanted spending cash.

• I had to earn it. My mom didn’t just freely give away that money. I had to work, sweat, and hustle to prove myself worthy of the allowance.

• We can sometimes approach our spiritual lives with a similar mindset.

• BUT there is no need to earn salvation, as it’s a gift from God.

• All we have to do is admit we need it. Then accept it.

• This life-altering truth still stands today.

• Salvation is for anyone and everyone who chooses to accept it.

• Salvation is an overflow of God’s generosity and grace.

• It’s a free gift.

• You don’t have to earn it or buy it, you just accept it.

• You don’t have to dress a certain way, memorize a specific prayer, or attend a religious festival.

• It’s free.

• Author. Steve Lawson explained, “salvation is not a reward for the righteous, rather it’s a gift for the guilty.”

• You cannot receive the gift of salvation without understanding your guilt.

• You will never be able to climb to heaven on your own.

• You need God to pick you up. All of this starts with admitting our need for help.

• God helps the helpless — not the self-righteous.

• Seek help from God, and you will find the hope of God.

• Big Idea: Salvation is a gift — you don’t need to earn it. You just need to receive it.

• Which brings us to the most important question you will ever answer. Have you ever truly experienced the life-changing miracle of salvation?

• Romans 10:9 says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

• It’s not complicated or convoluted. The mystery has been solved. All you need to do is Admit, Believe, and Confess.

1. ADMIT that you've fallen short (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).

2. BELIEVE in Jesus (John 6:40).

3. CONFESS your trust in Jesus (Romans 10:9). • That’s the process. There is no ten-step program. There is no magical saying. There is no purchase necessary. All you need to do is confess to Jesus through prayer and trust in Him.

• There is nothing special about any particular prayer of confession; it’s all about the heart behind the words.

• If you don’t know what to pray, it can sound a little like this: "Jesus, I admit that I’ve made mistakes. I’ve sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that You came to earth, died, and rose again so that I could be reunited with God. I declare you as my Lord and commit my life to You. I give you my past, present, and future. Please use my life to bring you glory. I give it to You. Amen.”

Small Group


Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Q1: When is the last time you asked someone for help? Do you think the situation would have turned out differently if you were still trying to get through it on your own?

Q2: Read Colossians 1:21-22 again. What does this verse teach you about salvation?

Q3: Just like the Colossians, how do some people try to work or earn their way into heaven? Why did Paul explain this to be unnecessary?

Q4: What’s one thing difficult situation you’re currently trying to overcome? How can you turn to Jesus for help?

Q5: How can we receive the gift of salvation from God?

Reading Plan


DAY 1 John 4:7-12 1

John 5:1-15

Romans 5:1-11

Romans 12:9-11

John 15:1-11

John 17:20-26

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.