The Story of Exodus


In this series, we explore Israel's journey from slavery to freedom, beginning with their miraculous escape through the Red Sea and into the wilderness. Though free from Pharaoh's grip, the wilderness presented a new challenge far greater than the sea. Along the way, God provided for their physical needs, but more importantly, He wanted them to rely on Him for spiritual sustenance. These lessons remind us that even in life's detours, God is leading us toward a deeper dependence on Him, revealing the treasure found in trusting the true God.

Lesson 01
Lesson 01


When Moses delivered Israel’s emancipation proclamation, the people found themselves on the fast track to freedom. They were no longer slaves. They were no longer enduring daily beatings. They were free people. However, freedom from slavery didn’t mean freedom from difficult situations. As they fled Pharaoh, the caravan came to a screeching halt. The Red Sea roared before them. It was a massive barricade, especially with an entire army of Egyptians clamoring behind them. As we explore the wilderness journey of ancient Israel, we can learn three lessons from this story. Each should act as a source of encouragement when life sends you on a detour the long way through the wilderness.