
Following Jesus Together is a resource supported by Ridge Christian in Broken Arrow, OK. In addition to offering a simple and free small group starter curriculum, this resource serves as a primer for local and global Disciple Making and Church Planting Movements. If you're interested in learning how to implement these principles in your church or community, we'd love to assist or connect you with others who can help. Feel free to reach out to us at
Take some time to talk as a group about how things are going in life.
Since we last met, how have you seen God working for your good? What struggles have you faced since then?
Who are others in your life who need to know Jesus? Spend a few minutes praying for each others’ friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.
Spend a few minutes praying for each others’ friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.
Brian talks openly about his journey from isolation to community and from fear to grace. What do you notice about how these ideas played a part in Brian’s struggle?
Specifically, what do we learn about courage and community?
Read: Acts 9:1-28
Retell the story as a group.
Get with a partner and do your best to retell the Bible story in your own words
What does the story teach about God?
What does it teach about ourselves relative to fear and isolation? Discuss the reasons Paul might have been afraid of Ananias? Other believers?
How does Paul’s story relate to Brian’s story? To yours?
How should we respond to what we have learned? What can you do specifically?
Today’s stories call us to leave fear and isolation behind and embrace honesty about our mistakes; an important step toward victory. Additionally, we must find a community of supportive and encouraging believers. These can be difficult steps when we consider how our sin has affected our lives and the lives of others.
True, it may be hard for others to accept our “real” selves at first. But in the family of believers, there are those who graciously and obediently support us. In Paul’s writings, he often shares his story openly, giving Christ and his church credit for bringing him to victory. Brian’s story, too, reminds us that the daily and shared pursuit of Jesus and God’s purpose in our lives is a key factor in our victory over sin.
How can you practically live out this lesson?
Who can you tell about what you’ve learned?
Pray we will be faithful to put into practice what God has asked us to do!