Being Used by God

Following Jesus Together is a resource supported by Ridge Christian in Broken Arrow, OK. In addition to offering a simple and free small group starter curriculum, this resource serves as a primer for local and global Disciple Making and Church Planting Movements. If you're interested in learning how to implement these principles in your church or community, we'd love to assist or connect you with others who can help. Feel free to reach out to us at
Take some time to talk as a group about how things are going in life.
What stood out to you the most in Peggy’s story?
Do you feel "worthy" of being used by God? If not, what barriers cause you doubt?
How do you feel God has used you this past month? In what ways could we help you fulfill the calling(s) God is putting on your heart?
Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
What do you learn about God from this passage?
How do you see these same truths reflected in Peggy's story?
How can you apply this to your own life?
The people God chooses are often not the ones that people would consider the best suited for the job. We see this in Peggy’s story of God’s choice to use a 15-year-old girl who barely speaks the language to convey His heart to prostitutes in Hungary. We see it again in His choice to anoint the smallest brother, David, to be the next king of Israel. We cannot allow our perceptions of our abilities or our past to stand in the way of what God is calling us to do. If He calls us, He will equip us.
Has this week’s lesson challenged your belief of whether God can use you?
How do you feel you need to respond?