Turning it Over to God

Following Jesus Together is a resource supported by Ridge Christian in Broken Arrow, OK. In addition to offering a simple and free small group starter curriculum, this resource serves as a primer for local and global Disciple Making and Church Planting Movements. If you're interested in learning how to implement these principles in your church or community, we'd love to assist or connect you with others who can help. Feel free to reach out to us at go@ridgechristian.com
Take some time to talk as a group about how things are going in life.
Have you ever experienced being miraculously set free from an addiction, sin, or bad habit that you were unable to quit on your own?
John talked about the hundreds of failed attempts to quit on his own before he finally turned it over to God. Are there any struggles in your life that you need to turn over to God?
Read: Romans 7:14-25
What do you learn about people in this passage? Is this true in your own experience?
How do you see these same truths reflected in John's story?
How can you apply this to your own life?
Our own efforts will never be enough. No matter how great our desire or resolve, we are still in the flesh and lack the ability to consistently carry out the high standard God has placed on our lives. Simply trying to muster up more will power is a recipe for failure. We need a Savior, and we have one! Our only hope is in turning our lives over to him and depending on Him to do what we cannot on our own.
If you are struggling with addiction, please don’t do it alone. talk to someone you trust or join a support group such as Celebrate Recovery or regeneration.
This lesson roughly follows the first 3 steps of any 12-step program. Start by putting these steps into practice.
We admit we are powerless over our addictions, brokenness, and sinful patterns – That in our own power our lives are unmanageable.
We come to believe that God is the one whose power can fully restore us.
We decide to trust God with our lives and wills by accepting his grace through Jesus Christ.