I Can Say Yes To Jesus!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
This lesson suggests the following music: "Nobody But Me" by Human Beinz "Jaws Theme"
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Welcome to the Lab! I hope you are ready for a special day we call…
Co-Host No for kids. We are celebrating the word “No.”
Host No?
Co-Host Exactly. Do you want to hear today’s theme song?
Host No.
Co-Host Perfect! You’re already getting the hang of it. Listen.
(Play “Nobody But Me” 0:03-0:19) The Co-Host dances. He/She holds up a giant “No” on a posterboard. If you don’t play the song, then the Co-Host could just sing the “No, no, no, no” part and dance with the sign.
Co-Host Did you love it?
Host No.
Co-Host Wow, that means a lot.
Host Your theme song is the exact opposite of what today is about. We’re learning how to say, “Yes.” To start the day off, we have a little game where you answer some questions, but you can’t use the words “Yes” or “No.” Our two contestants can come on up. Let’s see who can go the farthest.
Ask the kids a series of questions. They cannot answer using the words “yes” or “no.” To make it harder, don’t allow them to repeat an answer. Some suggested questions are included, but feel free to make your own and add more.
Suggested Questions: Do you like school? Are you good at math? Is pizza your favorite lunch? Do you still pick your nose? Do you like to wear shorts? Is homework fun? Do you have a pet? Is a dog better than a cat? Do you play a sport? Did you eat breakfast? Will you go to the store today?
Co-Host Are you sure it’s not a “No” kind of day?
Host It’s totally and completely a “Yes” day. Stand up and tell someone the last thing your parents said “Yes” to doing. Let’s get ready to check in at the lab.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Do you guys think it’s a wise choice for Rusty and the crew to follow Hans von Striker? I agree. Choosing to follow the right leader is an important decision.
Co-Host Absolutely. That’s why I’m totally on board with the “Yes” movement. See my new shirt?
Co-Host reveals he/she is wearing a Yes shirt.
Host Yes?
Co-Host Yes! I even came up with a chant for the service. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Co-Host does a “Yes” chant..
Co-Host Wait, who are we saying, “Yes” to? I once said, “Yes” to babysitting an ill-tempered monkey. That, my friend, is a mistake I will not repeat.
Host We want to say, “Yes” to the perfect leader.
Co-Host Who?
Host We’re going to find the answer in our Big Point. We need a lab assistant to help us with it.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host We need your help to count down from three, and then read the Big Point.
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, I Can Say Yes To Jesus!
Host The “who” is Jesus.
Co-Host “Yes,” to doing what?
Host I think the best way to discover that is through a game. It’s a kids’ classic called “Follow the Leader.” We have four teams led by four leaders. Each team has a different shape/color to follow. Every member of the team must touch each shape/color in their path in order to get from the start line to the finish line.
Co-Host I have an idea. As you walk, we’ll shout out different movements the leader must do. As good followers, you must follow the leader. The first team to get to the finish line wins.
Play the game. Set up a path of colored circles or shapes for each team to follow. The leader should be an adult or teen volunteer. They must lead their group along the path. As they do, shout out different movements like tip toe, crawl, baby step, hop, etc. You can substitute other items for the shapes as long as each team has a path to follow.
Host Great job to our winners. When we say, “Yes” to Jesus, we say, “Yes” to following Him. We want to make Him the leader of our life. That means obeying Jesus and following His example.
Co-Host That makes perfect sense. I just hope that Rusty, Ethel, and Slater don’t follow Hans Von Striker.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Following the wrong leader has created a disaster in the lab.
Co-Host Literally. I didn’t know Rusty could topple a couch like that.
Host Life is better when you follow our Big Point,
Host I Can Say Yes To Jesus!
Co-Host How does following Jesus change your life so much?
Host That’s a big question and an important question. When we have big, important questions the best place to look for answers is in the Bible. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host I need you to help as we count down from three, and then you’ll read the verse.
Co-Host The old is gone. I have an idea to help us understand that. I need our lab assistant to put on this costume.
(You can use a simple caterpillar mask or a full costume. If you don’t have those, then simply explain what the volunteer is pretending to be.)
Host Can you guys tell what it is? Yep, a caterpillar. Does a caterpillar stay a caterpillar?
Co-Host Nope, it dies. You should “die” a really dramatic, Oscar-worthy death.
(Co-Host “dies” on stage.)
Host A caterpillar doesn’t die. It changes. We call it a metamorphosis.
Co-Host Right, it changes. What does the caterpillar create when it’s ready for the metamorphosis?
Host Correct, a cocoon. We need our caterpillar to sit in the cocoon. Don’t worry, we will not zip you up in it, like a real bug.
(Any large bag could work for this, just be sure to have the kid sit in it, but don’t zip it up.)
Co-Host The caterpillar spends time in there changing. When it’s transformed, what does it come out as?
(Co-Host puts the butterfly wings around the kid. If you don’t have butterfly costume wings, then you can just have the volunteer move his/her arms like wings.)
Host A butterfly. It’s like a new creation.
Co-Host That’s what happens to us. Jesus transforms us on the inside. He takes away the bad stuff and replaces it with a brand-new heart.
Host That’s the invisible part of us that connects to God. It’s what helps us live a new life so that one day we can live forever with Jesus.
Co-Host With news that good, we should definitely stand up and worship Jesus.
If you have never said, “Yes, I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads, so no one is distracted. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now and ask Him to forgive you, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray...
Dear God, I know everyone needs a Savior, and I know I can’t save myself. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins and God raised You from the dead.
Right now, I say you are my Lord, my Savior, and the One who forgives me. Thank you, Jesus, that You are my best friend, because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer for the very first time today, then I want you to share that good news with someone.
Host I’m glad that Rusty, Ethel, and Slater stopped following Hans von Striker and chose the right leader.
Co-Host We discovered that if you say, “Yes” to following Jesus, you become a new creation, and that the transformation happens on the inside when you follow the Big Point and say, “Yes” to Jesus. How do you let someone know what happened on the inside?
Host Jesus gave us a great way to do it. It’s called baptism. I’m going to choose a lab assistant to help us show you what it looks like.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Bring up an assistant. For this object lesson, if possible, use one of the actual baptismal tanks that your church uses for baptism. This will help the kids get comfortable with getting baptized. If it’s not possible to bring one into the room, then consider using an inflatable pool or something that can represent a baptismal.
Host Step into this tank. Normally it would be filled with water.
Co-Host Wait a second. Safety first. I’ll be the lifeguard. (Co-Host sits on the stool and wears the floatie)
Host We don’t need a lifeguard. The water only comes up to here.
Co-Host (Blows the whistle) Stay away from the deep end!
Host There’s no deep end. You don’t even have to wear a bathing suit, just regular clothes. A pastor will have you sit down and then he or she will say “Because you’ve said, ‘Yes’ to Jesus, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Then he or she will dunk you under the water.
Co-Host Everyone, practice holding your breath for as long as you can.
(Co-Host pretends to pass out.)
Host You can let it out. It won’t be that long. It’s down and right back up. The going down is a symbol of how Jesus died for us, and the coming up is a symbol of how He came back to life.
Co-Host It shows everyone that our old self is gone, and the new person is here. It’s like announcing to the world, “I’m a Jesus follower!” Just make sure to keep an eye out for baptism sharks.
Host Baptism is an easy, but important way to celebrate that you have followed our Big Point,
Host I Can Say Yes To Jesus! There are no sharks at baptism.
(Play Jaws Theme) Volunteer enters wearing a shark costume and chases the Co-Host offstage. You could also have a volunteer run on with just a shark mask or just have the Co-Host run off when the music plays.
Host Trust me, there are no sharks in the tank.
Co-Host If you say so. We better remind everyone about the Big Do Discuss with your family when each person decided to make Jesus their leader and celebrate it
HostI'm so excited about that Big Do! Let’s gather with our small groups and discuss what we learned today.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
What convinced Rusty that he didn’t have to say, “No?” How does that help us decide to say, “Yes” to Jesus?
Why did we need Jesus’ help? What did Jesus do to save us?
What happens to us when we become a follower of Jesus? Where does that change take place? How do we let others know what Jesus did for us?
What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Discuss with your family when each person decided to make Jesus their leader and celebrate it
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Today’s Big Point is: a. I Can Say No To Jesus! b. I Can Say Yes To Jesus!
Jesus died on the cross for whom? a. Some people b. Everyone
Saying, “Yes” to Jesus means we become His _____. a. Leader b. Follower
What is a next step to let others know you follow Jesus? a. Be Baptized b. Wear a Christian T-Shirt
Why did Rusty want to say, “No” to his new job? a. He had heard bad rumors about his boss b. He decided to be a clown in the circus
In the future where will Jesus’ followers get to live? a. By themselves b. With Jesus
True/False: You can get baptized after you say, “Yes” to Jesus. a. True b. False
What is something great about being a friend and follower of Jesus?
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIrV), “When anyone lives in Christ, the _____ creation has come.” a. Old b. New
What did Herman challenge us to do in this week’s Big Do? Discuss with your family when each person decided to make Jesus their leader and celebrate it