I Will Listen To Jesus



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Series Note

Each Winter to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Winter to the Max Junior lessons, consider having the elementary and junior groups use the same venue. Either group can go first and then switch in the middle of service. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Winter to the Max!

Weekly Venue

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Serve Day

Find a serving project, preferably related to that month’s giving project, for the kids to complete. Consider partnering with a local missionary or non-profit.

Indoor Campout

Host an indoor campout for the kids complete with tents and “fake” fires. Enjoy campfire treats and watch a fun movie “under the stars.”

Exotic Animal Show

Hire an exotic animal show to come and show the kids some new animals they may have never seen in person. Remind the kids that like sheep, or the exotic parrot, we listen to Jesus’ voice.



Welcome to Winter To The Max! This is the best start to the new year ever.


It’s like Christmas fun 2.0. I’ve loved all of the cool stuff that we’ve gotten to do this month. Did you guys hear all of the cool info on those animals?


Who can tell me one new thing you learned about the animals?

Ask questions related to your venue.

Engage 1Materials: Headbanz Game (2)

Prep: This segment uses the Headbanz game. You could also create a version of the game using your own headband and cards that you print or draw yourself.


You all did a great job paying attention. That reminds me of today’s Big Point. Let’s bring up an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Listen To Jesus! Listening is more than just hearing words. Have you ever heard your mom or dad say words, but didn’t really listen to what they asked you to do?


That’s how I ended up getting in trouble many times as a kid.


Me, too. Listening is hearing the words and understanding what is being said. It’s getting the true message. As followers of Jesus, we have to hear what Jesus says and understand it.


That’s what these kids will show us they can do in this next game. (Bring up contestants) We’re going to take turns playing Headbanz. Each kid will have a card on his or her head. Each kid will ask a question and someone on his or her team will answer.


By listening to the answers, you can guess the card. But you can only ask five questions.

Play several rounds of the game. Have the Host or Co-Host in the audience choosing kids to answer the question. Split the room into two teams or create boys and girls teams.


You really had to listen to the answers to win that game. To be a true follower of Jesus, you have to listen closely to what He says.

Engage 2Materials: Blindfold, Chairs


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Will Listen To Jesus!


Why do you think it’s important to listen to Jesus?

Allow for answers.


Jesus is God. He’s our leader, so the things that Jesus has to say are really important. Where can we listen to what Jesus says?

Allow for answers.


The first place is definitely the Bible. We can also hear from Jesus when we pray and through the services at church. You can sometimes hear God on the inside when you’re walking outside or when He wants to remind you of something. But you have to pay attention.


Let’s see what the Bible says about listening to Jesus by looking at the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, your job is to read the verse.


John 10:27 (NIrV) says, “My sheep listen to My voice. I know them, and they follow Me.” Everyone, give me your best sheep impression. (Pause) When Jesus said, “my sheep,” He meant His followers. We belong to that group. If you follow Jesus, you have to listen for Jesus’ voice.


A lot of voices in our world compete for your attention. You really do have to pay more attention to Jesus than any other voice.


Let’s choose some kids to help us with an experiment. We’re going to stand one kid in the middle of a circle. He/She will wear a blindfold. When I point to someone in the circle, that kid will say the name of the blindfolded person. The blindfolded kid must point in the direction of the person who said their name.

Choose one child to be blindfolded and six or eight kids to form a circle around them. Have the kids in the circle sit facing the child. The blindfolded kid stands in the middle and listens for his/her name. Then that child will point toward where they thought they heard a voice. Play as many rounds as time permits.


Even in the middle of lots of voices, we can hear Jesus and listen to Him. One good way to prepare yourself to hear Jesus by reading your Bible each and every day.


As surprising as it sounds, some people didn’t want to hear what Jesus had to say when He was here on earth. Let’s check out their story.

Big Story

Optional: Play soft instrumental music

The people in Nazareth really missed out because they wouldn’t listen to Jesus. Instead of hearing the truth and believing, they just got mad and turned on Jesus. I hope that we’ll all make a different choice. That would be a good thing to do right now. Just pause at your seat and talk to Jesus. Let Him know that you plan to listen and truly hear what He has to say to you. Then pause for a moment and listen. Do that now. (Pause) If you want to follow Jesus, then it starts with listening to Him.

Have the Host introduce your giving project for the month.


The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17 (NIrV), “Anyone who is kind to poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward them for what they have done.” That verse reminds us that God really wants us to help people in need by giving.

Engage 3Materials: Soundiculous Game


As you begin this new year, what better way to take your Winter To The Max than to follow our Big Point,


I Will Listen To Jesus!


Don’t be like the people in Nazareth and miss out. That brings us to this week’s Big Do.


Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus.


We’re going to play a game. Let’s split the room into two teams. We’re going to bring up one adult volunteer to represent each team. This game is like charades, except you can only make sounds, nothing else. We’ll take turns guessing and see which team gets the most correct.

Play the game, allowing each team to take a turn playing. Have the kids on each team shout out their guesses.


A new year for a new you begins with following the Big Point. Let’s say it again,


I Will Listen To Jesus! Let’s check out what fun activity we can look forward to next week.

Introduce the next week’s activity.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it look like to listen to someone?

  • Tell me about a time someone listened to you. How did it make you feel?

  • What people in our story didn't listen to Jesus?

  • What did they miss out on because of this?

  • What is one way that you can choose to listen to God?

  • What is our Big Do this week? Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will ______ Jesus!

    • Listen To

    • Ignore

  • What was the name of Jesus’ hometown?

    • Capernaum

    • Nazareth

  • What did the leaders ask Jesus to do at the synagogue?

    • Read the Bible

    • Heal the sick

  • How did the people react when Jesus read the Bible?

    • Happy

    • Confused

  • Most of the people eventually believed in Jesus at Nazareth.

    • True

    • False

  • John 10:27 (NIrV), “My _______ listen to My voice. I know them, and they follow Me.”

    • Goats

    • Sheep

  • What did the people try to do to Jesus?

    • Make Him king

    • Throw Him off a cliff

  • Jesus did lots of miracles in Nazareth.

    • True

    • False

  • How can we get better at listening to Jesus?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus.

I Will Listen To Jesus Instructions


Series Note

Each Winter to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Winter to the Max Junior lessons, consider having the elementary and junior groups use the same venue. Either group can go first and then switch in the middle of service. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Winter to the Max!

Weekly Venue

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Serve Day

Find a serving project, preferably related to that month’s giving project, for the kids to complete. Consider partnering with a local missionary or non-profit.

Indoor Campout

Host an indoor campout for the kids complete with tents and “fake” fires. Enjoy campfire treats and watch a fun movie “under the stars.”

Exotic Animal Show

Hire an exotic animal show to come and show the kids some new animals they may have never seen in person. Remind the kids that like sheep, or the exotic parrot, we listen to Jesus’ voice.



Welcome to Winter To The Max! This is the best start to the new year ever.


It’s like Christmas fun 2.0. I’ve loved all of the cool stuff that we’ve gotten to do this month. Did you guys hear all of the cool info on those animals?


Who can tell me one new thing you learned about the animals?

Ask questions related to your venue.

Engage 1Materials: Headbanz Game (2)

Prep: This segment uses the Headbanz game. You could also create a version of the game using your own headband and cards that you print or draw yourself.


You all did a great job paying attention. That reminds me of today’s Big Point. Let’s bring up an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Listen To Jesus! Listening is more than just hearing words. Have you ever heard your mom or dad say words, but didn’t really listen to what they asked you to do?


That’s how I ended up getting in trouble many times as a kid.


Me, too. Listening is hearing the words and understanding what is being said. It’s getting the true message. As followers of Jesus, we have to hear what Jesus says and understand it.


That’s what these kids will show us they can do in this next game. (Bring up contestants) We’re going to take turns playing Headbanz. Each kid will have a card on his or her head. Each kid will ask a question and someone on his or her team will answer.


By listening to the answers, you can guess the card. But you can only ask five questions.

Play several rounds of the game. Have the Host or Co-Host in the audience choosing kids to answer the question. Split the room into two teams or create boys and girls teams.


You really had to listen to the answers to win that game. To be a true follower of Jesus, you have to listen closely to what He says.

Engage 2Materials: Blindfold, Chairs


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Will Listen To Jesus!


Why do you think it’s important to listen to Jesus?

Allow for answers.


Jesus is God. He’s our leader, so the things that Jesus has to say are really important. Where can we listen to what Jesus says?

Allow for answers.


The first place is definitely the Bible. We can also hear from Jesus when we pray and through the services at church. You can sometimes hear God on the inside when you’re walking outside or when He wants to remind you of something. But you have to pay attention.


Let’s see what the Bible says about listening to Jesus by looking at the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, your job is to read the verse.


John 10:27 (NIrV) says, “My sheep listen to My voice. I know them, and they follow Me.” Everyone, give me your best sheep impression. (Pause) When Jesus said, “my sheep,” He meant His followers. We belong to that group. If you follow Jesus, you have to listen for Jesus’ voice.


A lot of voices in our world compete for your attention. You really do have to pay more attention to Jesus than any other voice.


Let’s choose some kids to help us with an experiment. We’re going to stand one kid in the middle of a circle. He/She will wear a blindfold. When I point to someone in the circle, that kid will say the name of the blindfolded person. The blindfolded kid must point in the direction of the person who said their name.

Choose one child to be blindfolded and six or eight kids to form a circle around them. Have the kids in the circle sit facing the child. The blindfolded kid stands in the middle and listens for his/her name. Then that child will point toward where they thought they heard a voice. Play as many rounds as time permits.


Even in the middle of lots of voices, we can hear Jesus and listen to Him. One good way to prepare yourself to hear Jesus by reading your Bible each and every day.


As surprising as it sounds, some people didn’t want to hear what Jesus had to say when He was here on earth. Let’s check out their story.

Big Story

Optional: Play soft instrumental music

The people in Nazareth really missed out because they wouldn’t listen to Jesus. Instead of hearing the truth and believing, they just got mad and turned on Jesus. I hope that we’ll all make a different choice. That would be a good thing to do right now. Just pause at your seat and talk to Jesus. Let Him know that you plan to listen and truly hear what He has to say to you. Then pause for a moment and listen. Do that now. (Pause) If you want to follow Jesus, then it starts with listening to Him.

Have the Host introduce your giving project for the month.


The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17 (NIrV), “Anyone who is kind to poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward them for what they have done.” That verse reminds us that God really wants us to help people in need by giving.

Engage 3Materials: Soundiculous Game


As you begin this new year, what better way to take your Winter To The Max than to follow our Big Point,


I Will Listen To Jesus!


Don’t be like the people in Nazareth and miss out. That brings us to this week’s Big Do.


Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus.


We’re going to play a game. Let’s split the room into two teams. We’re going to bring up one adult volunteer to represent each team. This game is like charades, except you can only make sounds, nothing else. We’ll take turns guessing and see which team gets the most correct.

Play the game, allowing each team to take a turn playing. Have the kids on each team shout out their guesses.


A new year for a new you begins with following the Big Point. Let’s say it again,


I Will Listen To Jesus! Let’s check out what fun activity we can look forward to next week.

Introduce the next week’s activity.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it look like to listen to someone?

  • Tell me about a time someone listened to you. How did it make you feel?

  • What people in our story didn't listen to Jesus?

  • What did they miss out on because of this?

  • What is one way that you can choose to listen to God?

  • What is our Big Do this week? Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will ______ Jesus!

    • Listen To

    • Ignore

  • What was the name of Jesus’ hometown?

    • Capernaum

    • Nazareth

  • What did the leaders ask Jesus to do at the synagogue?

    • Read the Bible

    • Heal the sick

  • How did the people react when Jesus read the Bible?

    • Happy

    • Confused

  • Most of the people eventually believed in Jesus at Nazareth.

    • True

    • False

  • John 10:27 (NIrV), “My _______ listen to My voice. I know them, and they follow Me.”

    • Goats

    • Sheep

  • What did the people try to do to Jesus?

    • Make Him king

    • Throw Him off a cliff

  • Jesus did lots of miracles in Nazareth.

    • True

    • False

  • How can we get better at listening to Jesus?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Go outside with your family to your backyard or the park and listen. See how many different sounds you can pick out. Then talk about why it’s helpful to listen to Jesus.