- Slides and Printables
- Program Videos
- Slides
- 7 Min Countdown
- 03 sec Countdown
- 2 Min Countdown
- Big Story Video
- Lab Rats Part 2
- Herman and Rusty Act 3
- H&R Big Do Slide
- 4 Minute Timer
- 6 Min Countdown
- Herman and Rusty Title
- Lab Rats Part 1
- Herman and Rusty Act 1
- Herman and Rusty Act 2
- H&R 5 Min Countdown with Rules
This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Large Group Full Program Instructions
Question of the Day: Have you ever gotten lost in your school?
The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats.
Welcome to the Lab!
Let’s get the fun started with a game. We’ve chosen two teams of kids to compete in a relay race.
Maybe you’ve seen, or even played, the egg and spoon race. You have to race while holding a spoon and not dropping the egg. Today we’re playing a version of this game, with a twist.
We’re going to make the game harder. It’s now an egg and spoon backwards walking race, but the same rules still apply. If you drop the egg, you have to go back to the beginning.
To make it even a little harder, you have to walk backwards around each safety cone we placed on the path to the finish. When you get there, run to the start, tag your teammate, pass the egg, and sit down. Go!
Play optional game music.
Play the game. You can choose any number of kids for the teams. The first team to get everyone back to the start wins.
That was fun, but walking backwards is not easy.
That’s true, but some people choose to live their lives upside down, doing the opposite of what God wants. We can make a different choice. We can live right side up in an upside down world. Let’s see what's going on in the lab.
Set up the cones and soccer ball during the previous video. Before the game, choose the four contestants to play. Individually, give each of them a different set of rules to play by. The kids will play soccer, however one can only crab walk, one can only use their hands to hit the ball, one can carry the ball and run, and one can only use his/her feet.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Do you think Rusty and Ethel will find hamburgers? Neither do I.
Yeah, they are mixed up, not only about directions, but also about God. The society they’ve joined teaches them that all thoughts are equally true and valid.
Can two opposite ideas both be true? Opinions are different. If I tell you that I like oranges (Show the orange) better than apples (Show the apple)…
And I say that I like apples more than oranges, that doesn’t mean that oranges or apples are better. It’s what we prefer. Both things we said are correct.
But if I tell you, and believe with all of my heart, that apples can grow on orange trees…
And I say that apples only grow on apple trees, then only one of us shared truth. The other is wrong. Let’s dive into this more with a game. We have four contestants who will play this game. You know the rules. Let’s see who gets the most goals. (Co-Host) is the goalie. On your mark, get set, go!
Play optional game music.
The kids play soccer, each one following the rules/instructions they have been given.
Did that seem like a confusing game of soccer? What you guys didn’t know is that we gave each of you different rules to play by.
Did it make it hard to play soccer when everyone used different rules? Was it frustrating? When you play a game, you need rules that everyone agrees on, otherwise it results in that kind of game.
Let’s check out our Big Point. We’ll let our team of soccer players reveal it.
You guys can count down from three and then read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, I Will Only Worship God!
God’s Word is the truth. Anytime we start worshiping someone or something other than God, that means we are not living out the truth.
Someone may have a different opinion, but they can’t call someone else God besides the God of the Bible and still be speaking the truth. Let’s head back to the lab.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Adding extra beliefs just confused Ethel and Rusty even more.
I understand why they didn’t want to be booed by the society, but we have to be willing to be different if it we want to follow what is true. Let’s say our Big Point,
I Will Only Worship God!
Let’s see what the Bible says about truth by checking out the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Help us count down from three, and then you can read the verse.
John 14:6 (NIrV) says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Jesus is the only way to become a part of God’s family. Other people might try to convince you that you can believe anything you want, but that won’t please God or help you live your best life.
Life can sometimes seem like a maze. Do you enjoy doing those kinds of puzzles? Look at this one.
With puzzles, can you go any direction you want and reach the end?
No, you have to follow the one correct path to reach the goal. Use your finger to trace the right path.
Give the kids a moment to trace the maze on screen. Then reveal the answer slide.
That was the only path that worked. Jesus is the only way to know God and find life that lasts forever. Other paths just lead to dead ends.
That’s why we share the good news about Jesus with other people. We want them to know Jesus, too, so they can have God’s blessings.
In a moment, we’ll meet some guys who weren’t afraid to only worship God. Before we do that, let’s take a moment to stand and worship Him ourselves.
Play optional soft instrumental music.
Worshiping God means making Him first in your life. He should be the One we want to please more than anyone else. God has asked to be the One and Only person we worship. When you make that choice, you choose not to set other things or people as a higher priority than God. Putting Him first sets you up to experience God’s awesome plan. Worship happens every day when we give our best to Jesus. One important way to worship is to sing. We are going to have the opportunity to worship in song in just a moment.
Host and Co-Host enter.
I’m glad Rusty and Ethel made the choice to only worship God, even if it meant disappointing the society.
I’m sure it wasn’t easy. Imagine how Daniel’s friends must have felt. They bravely stood up to the king, even when it meant a trip to the fiery furnace. God saved them in a big way. Remember,
I Will Only Worship God!
That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.
Listen to a worship song as a family. Pick one out and listen in the car or at home. Then talk about why it’s important to only worship God.
Only worshiping God means that you get rid of the things that don’t belong in His spot. We’re going to play a game. In this one you have to decide which picture doesn’t belong. Some of these might be a little tricky. Hold up one, two, three, or four fingers to show which one you think doesn’t belong.
Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about how to live right side up in an upside down world.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Do you know anyone at school who doesn’t believe in God? Has anyone ever told you that it’s okay to believe anything or worship anyone you want? What would you say if someone said that to you? That’s not what the Bible says. We should only worship God because He is the only true God. Every other one is just a pretender.
How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego show courage in the Big Story? They refused to worship the king’s statue. Did you know that in many places around the world, Christians still face death if they choose to worship Jesus? Why is it important to decide who you will worship long before you face a life or death situation? It’s easier to make the right choice if you’ve already decided in your heart what you will do.
Why can’t two opposite things both be true? Because for one to be true, the other has to be false. If you don’t know the difference between what is true and false, then you will be really confused.
What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Listen to a worship song as a family. Then talk about why it’s important to only worship God.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says I Will ____ Worship God!
Who joined a society that believed you can worship anything?
Herman and Hannah
Rusty and Ethel
Who built a statue and required everyone to worship it?
King Nebuchadnezzar
What was the punishment for not worshiping the statue?
Fiery Furnace
What happened to Rusty and Ethel when they disagreed with the society?
They were booed
Everyone clapped
John 14:6 (NIrV) says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the ______ except through me.”
What happened to the three friends in the fire?
They died
God saved them
You can believe anything you want and call it the truth.
Why should we only worship God?
What challenge did Herman give us in this week’s Big Do? Listen to a worship song as a family. Then talk about why it’s important to only worship God.