God Will Always Love Me!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Question of the Day: What is your favorite game or activity to do with your friends?
Host and Co-Host enter.
Welcome to the Lab! We are continuing to use the Bible to answer some tough questions.
Co-Host sneezes.
I have one for you. What did I do to make God so mad at me?
What do you mean?
Co-Host sneezes.
This cold. Obviously, I ticked God off big time.
You think because something bad happened, God is mad at you?
Isn’t He?
Co-Host sneezes several times.
What do I keep saying wrong? Is it something I’m thinking?
That’s the tough question we’re delving into today, but before we do that, we are going to peek in our friends at the Lab. First, stand up, and then find five people to wave at.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Herman is really having a bad day.
Do you think that Rusty and Slater are right? Is God mad at Herman for doing something wrong? Did I offend God? Is that what caused my ice cream to melt? Behold, the empty cone.
We need to test your assumptions. To do that, let’s discuss cause and effect.
We’ll show an effect, and the kids can decide what caused it.
Exactly. Let’s show the effect, and you guys decide.
As the Host reads the different scenarios, the Co-Host says God was the cause. Allow the kids to resolve why God isn’t the cause by discussing what likely happened.
The cause wasn’t God. Look at your ice cream cone. Did you try to eat ice cream under a heater again?
Ice cream makes me shiver!
That’s why your ice cream melted. To answer our tough question, let’s check out our Big Point.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, we need you to read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, God Will Always Love Me!
The point is that God isn’t sending all these negative things to punish you. Some of them happen because of our mistakes, other people’s choices, or just because we live in a world full of sin. Don’t blame God. Instead, remember how much He loves you. Nothing can change that. Let’s see what Alex and Rusty decide to do.
Host and Co-Host enter. Before the service begins, practice the Magic Rope trick a few times.
I hope the Friendly Inquisition doesn’t show up here.
I really thought Herman would confess when he faced the wrath of that soft pillow. I had to cover my eyes for a bit.
Herman had nothing to confess. He knows that the Big Point is true,
God Will Always Love Me! Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal our Big Verse. It helps explain the Big Point.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Good idea. I need you to help as we count down from three and then read the verse.
Romans 8:39 (NIrV), “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.”
That helps, but are we sure it can’t change? What if God gets really, really mad at us? That would be scary.
There are people who worry about that. It’s like this rope. They worry that when they do something wrong, say something wrong, or even accidentally do the wrong thing, it will permanently cut them out of God’s heart. Let’s have an assistant help us. (Choose an assistant to come on stage.) Cut the rope right here.
Have the child cut the rope.
That’s me sometimes.
So, some people think that they have to make up for it and do enough to earn back God’s love. (Following the directions, tie a knot) The Bible says that nothing separates us from God’s love. You don’t have to earn God’s love because it never left in the first place.
Slide the knot off of the rope, revealing one connected rope. Dismiss the volunteer.
It helps to know that God won’t stop loving us.
I agree. When problems strike, remember that God hasn’t changed the way He feels about you one bit. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship our loving God.
Optional play soft instrumental music
Some of you guys might be going through a hard time right now, like Job did. Here’s some good news. Unlike Job’s friends, people here at church won’t accuse you. Instead, we have adult volunteers who want to pray for you. In just a moment we will stand and worship God. When we do, come to the front and find one of our volunteers if you’d like to pray with a Leader who loves you.
Host and Co-Host enter.
I’m glad that I don’t have friends like Job. At least mine remind me of the Big Point,
God Will Always Loves Me!
That’s true. God loved us even before we ever said, “Sorry.” It’s a great thing to talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.
Listen to a song about God’s love with your family. Then, talk about how much God loves us and how He will never stop loving us.
I have an idea. Let’s do a group Mad Lib! We’re going to create the worst day ever story.
I’ll choose an assistant to help me act out the story.
The morning started out great. I woke up and had _______ (Food) for breakfast. But when I took my first bite, it tasted like ______ (Something you find in your nose). I felt like _______ (Something you do when you’re sick), so I dashed out the front door and landed on my neighbor’s ______ (Animal). The pet bit me right on ______ (Part of your body). I ran down the street, dragging the ______ (Animal) behind me. As I was fighting with the pet, I crashed into the local ______ (Fast food restaurant). My head was covered by ______ (Favorite food), and I still had a _____ (Animal) biting me on my ________ (Part of your body). I tried to get up, but the other customers saw that I had _______ (Condiment) on my sleeve and dipped their fries on my _______ (Piece of clothing). I know it’s only 10 am, but I’m ready for bed. At least I know that no matter how bad it gets, God still loves me.
That was a really bad day, but we know God is not the one behind it.
And we know that God can still work to transform our bad situation. We know that because we know God loves us. Let’s gather with our Small Groups and discuss today’s lesson.
Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.
Why did Rusty and Slater think that Herman had so many problems? They thought he had sinned. What was wrong with the way they thought? God loves us, and just because bad things happen doesn’t mean God is punishing you. Bad things can happen to good people.
Have you ever wondered if God is mad at you? Why?
How does it help you to know that nothing can separate us from God’s love? It reminds us of God’s goodness. Even when we make a mistake, or something bad happens, we know God still loves us. He can help us change our choices and help us follow Him.
What is this week’s Big Do? Listen to a song about God’s love. Then, talk about how much God loves us and that He will never stop loving us.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says God Will Always_____ Me!
Be mad at
In addition to losing so many things, Job also…
Got sick
What was wrong with the guy Jesus healed in our Big Story?
Couldn’t walk
Couldn’t see
If you do something bad enough, it will stop God from loving you.
What would you tell someone who thought God was mad at them?
Romans 8:39 (NIrV), “Nothing at all can ever _________ God’s love.”
Separate us from
Connect us to
God loved us _____ we said we were sorry.
Job’s friends did not give great advice.
Jesus said that the man in the Big Story was blind because of his bad choices.
What is this week’s Big Do?
Listen to a song about God’s love. Then talk about how much God loves us and that He will never stop loving us.