God Makes Me Strong!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Question of the Day: What is one activity you can do for hours without stopping to take a break?
Host and Co-Host enter.
Welcome to the Lab! Why are you dressed like that?
Because I am here to pump you up!
Co-Host begins flexing.
Why do I need to be pumped up?
Because you are a tiny, baby-sized man/woman, and I am here to help you look like me so you can keep going.
Co-Host flexes.
I’m not a baby-sized anything. I’m an adult, but you do bring up our tough question: If bad things happen, should I give up?
When you put it like that, I’m not 100% sure.
Don’t worry, because we are going to answer that today. Before we do, let’s check in on our friends at the lab. First, Stand up, find a friend, flex your muscles, and say, “Welcome to the gun show.”
Host and Co-Host enter.
Are those muscles real?
What kind of question is that? Of course they’re…okay, they’re not real, but they do represent the muscles I plan to have.
What’s your plan?
I’ve watched a lot of exercise videos online.
You’ve got to do more than watch videos. You’ve got to move. Let’s do a little practice exercise with one of our Lab Assistants.
Choose an assistant.
Me against that kid. Nice knowing you.
Let’s see if you can lift this weight for 60 seconds. Let’s cheer them on.
The Co-Host lifts an inflatable barbell. The kid lifts a light weight. The Co-Host pretends to wear down and eventually collapses.
Did I win?
No, but you guys worked hard. If you do that every day, your body will get stronger and healthier. The same is true for your spirit as well. After we count down from three, we need you to read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, God Makes Me Strong!
When you feel like giving up, God makes you strong. The more time you spend with God and the more you read His Word, the stronger your spirit grows. Let’s see what Herman and Rusty are up to.
Host and Co-Host enter.
I’m glad that Ethel decided to keep going.
Yeah, I can’t wait to see her cat ballet show. It’s getting rave reviews from everyone in the neighborhood.
She learned the power of our Big Point,
God Makes Me Strong! Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, will you please read the verse.
How does our faith produce strength to continue?
Let’s demonstrate with an exercise. Have you seen one of these before?
I’ve seen people on those. They test your balance.
I need some kids and adult volunteers to try out their balance. To make it harder, we may even give you some exercises to do while balancing.
Have several kids/adults try to balance.
That was difficult.
It was because your base was unstable. Let’s try those same exercises standing on the floor.
Have the same kids try it standing on the floor.
Wow, super easy.
We base our faith on Jesus. He keeps us grounded, and Jesus doesn’t waiver or change. Jesus is strong day in and day out. When we put our faith in Jesus, we grow stronger. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship Jesus and grow stronger.
Optional, play soft instrumental music
Let’s take a moment to pray Scripture. This is a great way to build your faith, and you need faith when you’re feeling down or going through a rough patch. Let’s repeat a portion of our Big Verse, “I consider my troubles pure joy. They produce in me the strength to continue.” (Repeat a couple of times) Now, let’s turn that into a prayer. “Thank You, Jesus, that when I face what seems like problems, I can choose joy. Thank You for giving me the strength to keep going. I trust that You are working in my life.” Amen.
Host and Co-Host enter.
I think Job’s wife’s advice has to go down as some of the worst advice ever. The Big Point is much more helpful,
God Makes Me Strong!
It wouldn’t have helped Job at all to curse God and give up. Quitting doesn’t make the problem better. We serve a God who can do great things, so I think it’s a better idea to trust Him to help.
I like how David turned to the Lord to strengthen himself in our story. That’s going to be my go-to response.
Leaning on God will help us keep going, too. You can talk about that when you do the Big Do.
Have an endurance competition with your family. Who thinks they could last longer than their parents? Let’s try out the Big Do together first.
Play the game. Do various movements and exercises that will challenge the kids, such as running in place, jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, etc. Keep encouraging them throughout the thirty seconds.
I’m glad I’m not facing these kids in the Big Do this week.
Make sure you tell us how you did when you turn in your Big Do card next week. Let’s gather with our Small Groups and discuss today’s lesson.
Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.
Why did Alex want to give up today? Skip was trying to convince him to give up. He didn’t want to deal with the problems or with possibly failing.
What is one of the toughest things you’ve had to go through? Did you feel like giving up?
If you were in Job’s situation, would you have been tempted to listen to Job’s wife? Why was it a good thing Job ignored her? Listening to her would have caused him to quit on God and miss out on the good things God wanted to bless him with in the future.
What is the Big Do? Have an endurance competition with your family
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says God Makes Me ______!
Who told Job to give up?
His friends
His wife
What happened to the families of David and his soldiers?
They ran away
They were kidnapped
Where did David find strength?
Fresh air
What advice would you give someone who wanted to give up?
James 1:3 says that our faith produces strength to ________.
David defeated the bad guys and rescued his family.
Job gave up.
Suppose you were having trouble with schoolwork, what are some ways that God could help you with that problem?
What is this week’s Big Do?
Have an endurance competition with your family