God Is Good, All The Time!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Question of the Day: Who in your family never gets lost? Who always gets lost?
Optional, play Batman theme. Host and Co-Host enter.
Welcome to the Lab! Today, we begin a new topic, and it’s all about questions.
Questions: I have one for you. Riddle me this, “What has neither flesh, bone, nor nail, yet has four fingers and a thumb?”
A glove?
Wrong! It’s a glove!
Co-Host laughs like the Riddler from the classic Batman episode.
I answered it correctly.
Oh, I wasn’t really listening. Nevertheless, you are no match for the Riddler. Let’s see how good you are at solving riddles. Here are some famous riddles. Raise your hand if you know the answer.
Show the riddles, and allow kids to guess the answers.
What has to be broken before you can use it? An egg
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? A candle
What is full of holes but still holds water? A sponge
What goes up but never comes down? Your age
What gets wet while drying? A towel
The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it? Darkness
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock? A piano
What has many teeth but can’t bite? A comb
What runs all around a backyard yet never moves? A fence
What has a head and a tail but no body? A coin
Riddles aside, let’s get ready to check up on our friends at the lab. But first, stand up and tell someone where you find the toughest questions: on a math test or science test.
Batman theme. Host and Co-Host enter. Prior to the service, print out the verses below, stick one in each balloon, and inflate the balloons.
Sounds like Sophia is having a really bad day, and she seems to have the wrong idea about God. I have a question. Why are you dressed up like a Batman villain?
Because we’re answering some tough questions, and who better to tackle tough questions than the Prince of Puzzlers? Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell. Who was the first president? Washington. What time is dinner? Depends on when you finish cooking.
Here’s a big question for you. It’s something Sophia seems confused about. If bad things happen, does that mean God is evil?
I think I have somewhere else to be. You’ll never catch me, Batman! “The more you take away, the larger it grows. What is it?” A hole!
Co-Host tries to escape, but the Host grabs him/her.
Don’t leave yet. We can actually answer that question, and it begins with our Big Point.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, you read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, God Is Good, All The Time!
Let’s look at some examples of this in the Bible. I will choose three Lab Assistants to pop these balloons. Inside each balloon is a verse with something true about God.
Romans 8:28 - God can produce good things out of bad situations.
Isaiah 43:2 - God is always with us.
John 16:33 - Jesus is stronger and more powerful than the things happening in our world, and He will ultimately set everything right. Sometimes, He does miraculous things now, and when He comes back to Earth, He will fix everything and make it perfect.
I’m really glad that God doesn’t stop being good.
You can always count on God to be good. Let’s check back with the Lab and see how Sophia is doing.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Can you believe what Skip said about the weather?
Yeah, he blamed God for sending the storm to destroy the city. That doesn’t sound like our Big Point.
It doesn’t match the truth at all. We know,
God Is Good, All The Time! Let’s choose an assistant to reveal the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
That’s a good idea since the Bible teaches us the truth. Help us count down from three, and then read the verse.
The Big Verse comes from John 10:10 (NIrV), which says, “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so they may have life.” Jesus was the one who said that. The enemy He mentioned was Satan.
So, Satan comes to destroy, but Jesus comes to bring life. Okay, but it still seems like so many bad things happen in our world. It’s not just the bad guys who have problems. I’ve seen some really kind people get hurt.
Our world is full of problems, and they all go back to the fact that sin is in the world. Because of that evil, our world can be chaotic. Let’s try a little challenge. I’m going to have some kids in the crowd hold these pool noodles and wave them up and down. (Choose a kid) Now, walk through the crowd. The challenge is to see if you can do it without being touched.
Play the game. If time allows, play multiple times.
It was hard to walk through without getting touched.
That’s how our world works. It’s hard to make it through life without the effects of sin touching you. People get sick. Problems happen. People are mean. Thankfully, we serve a God who can help us, even when bad things happen.
God is good, and He didn’t come to destroy, so He is not the one behind anything evil.
Yep, Jesus came to give life. He can do that even when the world is crazy. When life is rough, keep your faith and trust in Jesus. A great way to do that is through worship.
Optional, play soft instrumental music
In fact, that’s what we’re going to do now. In just a moment, we’re going to sing a song over you. You may have had some tough things happen in your life, maybe even this week. As you listen to the words of this song, think about them. Remember who God is and choose to worship Him.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Let’s say the Big Point again,
God Is Good, All The Time!
Even in the middle of the worst day possible, Job didn’t forget who God was, and God didn’t forget about Job. God had a plan for Job’s life, and even though it started out bad, that wasn’t the end of the story.
Whew, I’m glad to know that God helps us through tough times.
He sure does. I hope you will share what you learned when you do the Big Do this week with your family.
Gather your family, and let each person share one way that God has been good to you. Then, take a moment to do what Job did and praise God.
I have a fun idea. Why don’t we share some of those things right now? Raise your hand if you’d like to share one way that God has been good to you.
Interview several kids, allowing each to share how God has been good to them.
Great job! Let’s gather with our Small Groups and discuss what we’ve learned today.
Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.
Why did Sophia question if God is good? She was having a really bad day and thought God caused it. What did Herman share with her from the Bible? God is always good, and bad things happen because we have an enemy and people make wrong choices.
Sometimes, people think God is to blame for bad things, but the Bible tells us that the good things in our lives are what come from God. Finish this sentence: I know God is good because… Good things have happened to me, God’s Word tells who God is; God created us; Jesus died for us; God blesses us with good things and can heal; God is with me; He’s getting Heaven ready for us
When you have a bad day, what can you do? Remind yourself that God is good and is with you, sing, read your favorite Bible verse, say the Big Point: God is good all the time, remember it won’t last forever, etc.
What is the Big Do? Have each person share one way God has been good to them. Then praise God together.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says God Is Good _____ The Time!
Some of
Who is our enemy?
Job started out as a really _____ guy.
God can create good things out of bad situations.
What would you tell someone who blamed God for their bad situation?
John 10:10 (NIrV), “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so they may have _____.”
What did Job do after he heard he had lost everything?
Praised God
Even if we do nothing wrong, we can still face big problems.
What are some ways that God has been good?
What is this week’s Big Do?
Have each person share one way God has been good to them. Then praise God together