God Can Turn Things Around!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
This lesson presents God’s gift of salvation. Every church presents the Gospel with slight variations and nuances. Read through the steps before teaching. Present the Gospel in a way that is consistent with the scripture and God’s leading.
Question of the Day: Tell me about a time when you played a game that began terribly, but you ended up winning.
Host enters.
Welcome to the Lab! I have had a blast discovering the answers to some tough questions.
Optional, play X-Files theme. Co-Host enters. He/She walks up behind the Host. The Host is startled.
What are you wearing?
Co-Host talks, but only a muffled sound comes out.
We can’t hear you.
Co-Host lifts the mask just enough to be heard.
I’m trying to take all the right precautions to protect myself. All kinds of people have the flu right now. The flu! I’m supposed to be on vacation this week. What if I get the sniffles? The tiniest little drop of snot could ruin things. If I start my vacation with a cough, then the whole thing is ruined.
Co-Host quickly drops the mask.
It sounds like you have the same tough question we’re answering today.
Co-Host nods his/her head.
If something bad happens, can it ever get better? That’s the tough question we’ll tackle today. Before we do that, we are going to see what our friends at the lab are up to. But first, tell someone about the last time you had the sniffles.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Slater helped me build this suit. I think it’s exactly what I need to protect myself from any and all viruses. Come at me, world! What have you got? Nothing. I beat you, nature, at your own game.
I think there’s a tiny hole in your pants leg.
Oh no! I’m a goner. It’s been nice knowing you.
Co-Host falls to the ground in an overly exaggerated “movie” death scene.
Are you done? I don’t think taking wise safety precautions is a bad idea, but you are living with a massive amount of fear. I think it’s because you don’t understand our Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Point.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, you can read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, God Can Turn Things Around! When something bad happens, it doesn’t mean that it’s all over and nothing can ever change. In fact, God can turn around any situation and bring good things out of something bad. Let’s talk about some famous people from history. I want to show you how God turned their lives around.
Augustine: He lived in the 300s-400s during the Roman Empire. He made a lot of bad choices as a young man. He was rowdy and only concerned about himself. But he became a friend and follower of Jesus, and God turned his life around. His writings about God are still studied today. He’s had a huge impact on Christians for over 1,000 years. That’s a turnaround.
John Newton: He was a rebellious teenager. As a young man, he became responsible for carrying slaves from Africa to the Americas. During a really bad storm at sea, he gave his heart to Jesus. He went on to become a minister, he helped the anti-slavery movement in England, and he even wrote what might be the most famous Christian song of all time, Amazing Grace. Big turnaround.
William J. Seymour: He was born in 1870. William’s parents were former slaves. He grew up in a time period that was difficult for African Americans. William lost his sight in one eye due to smallpox. He was kicked out of a church for teaching the truth about God! But God turned things around. He used William to lead a church that would reach hundreds of thousands of people. His ministry has impacted millions of Christians around the world.
Wow, if God can turn things around for them, He could do that for me.
There’s nothing God can’t turn around. He can work miracles in any situation. Let’s check back in with Herman and Rusty and see how things are going in the Lab.
Things are not looking good for Rusty. He seems to really be considering quitting.
He should hear the Big Point again. It helped me. Let’s say it again,
God Can Turn Things Around! I’m guessing that Big Point comes from the Bible. We should choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
You’re right. Today’s Big Verse shows us how to live our Big Point. After we count down from three, you can read the verse.
Philippians 3:13 (NIrV), “I forget what is behind me. I push hard toward what is ahead of me.” Who wrote that verse?
It was a guy named Paul. He faced a lot of challenges as he spread the Good News about Jesus, but he never gave up.
Why is it so important to not look behind you?
Let’s use a race to demonstrate. I’ll choose two volunteers (could be two kids or a leader and a kid) to race through this obstacle course. You two will race differently. (To the leader) You must race while looking over your shoulder, and if you hit any of the obstacles, you’ll have to start back over at the beginning. (To the kid) If you hit any, you can keep going.
Play the game. You can play more than once if time allows.
Wow, it’s so much harder to race when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder and stopping and starting over.
That’s what happens when you focus on all your problems. You stay stuck because that’s all you think about. That just keeps you moving backward. This verse reminds us to keep moving forward by trusting that God will help us. We believe that God can turn situations around. That’s what encourages us not to quit. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship.
Optional, play soft instrumental music.
It’s hard to look forward to something great without Jesus. He’s the One who gives us hope about the future, and we can have that hope when we follow Jesus and believe in Him. We can know that God has good things planned for our future when we say “Yes!” to Jesus.
If you have never said, “Yes, I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close their eyes and bow their heads so no one is distracted. If you’ve already said “Yes” to Jesus, you believe that He is alive, and you are His friend and follower, give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say “Yes” to Him right now, ask Him to forgive you, and tell Him you want to live your life differently, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray...
Dear God, I know everyone needs a Savior, and I know I can’t save myself. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins and God raised You from the dead.
Right now, I say You are my Lord, my Savior, and the One who forgives me. Thank You, Jesus, that You are my Best Friend and Leader of my life, because I’ve said “Yes” to You. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer for the very first time today, I want you to share that good news with someone. When we break into Small Groups, you can join the special Small Group just for kids who said, “Yes” for the first time. Look for the special sign as we break later.
Host and Co-Host enter.
That’s so cool how God turned around Job’s life. I know He can do that for me, too.
Our Big Point is true,
God Can Turn Things Around!
Here’s this week’s Big Do to do with your family. Have a backward race with your family. What if we gave some kids a chance to practice so they can be sure to beat their parents?
Let’s try it.
Choose several kids to participate in a backward race. You can have them crab crawl backward, scoot backward, or walk backward.
I think a forward race would be much easier. I guess that’s why we don’t focus on what’s behind us.
Yep, we keep our eyes on what God can do for us because we know He can turn things around. Let’s gather with our Small Groups and discuss today’s lesson.
Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.
What happened to Rusty today in the Lab? He learned not to give up and finished the race.
When bad things happen, and you start to worry it might not get better, what would be a good thing to do? Remember how God has helped you in the past, read in the Bible about how God helped His people, think about how it’s going to get better
Why do you think God tells us not to focus on the past but to look forward? We can get distracted by the past and not make progress the way God wants us to if we focus on the past. He has good things He wants to give us in the future.
What’s something you can look forward to?
What is the Big Do? Have a backward race with your family
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says God ____ Turn Things Around!
Who remained faithful to God even through suffering?
Job’s wife
Where was Paul when he wrote our Big Verse?
On a beach
In jail
God gave Job many more children.
What would you tell someone who was afraid that life could never get better?
Philippians 3:13 (NIrV), “I forget what is _____ me. I push hard toward what is ______ of me.”
Ahead, Behind
Behind, Ahead
What kind of words should you speak?
Faith-filled words
God can turn things around.
What is something that God has turned around for you?
What is this week’s Big Do?
Have a backward race with your family