The Bible Tells Me Who I Am

Rusty and Alex got some hurtful comments online as the new big stars. But instead of dealing with those comments, which might tear them down, they stopped listening to online trolls and trusted what God said about them. We can’t let what others think to stop us from being who God calls us to be.
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The Bible Tells Me Who I Am



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the most valuable thing you own?

Engage 2 Prep: Prior to the Engage, fill a bucket with sand and bury some plastic coins and some gold coins in the sand. You could also place costume jewelry in place of some of the gold coins. The gold coins should have slips of paper attached with Bible verses written on them. The plastic coins have slips with unkind words on them.

Engage 3 Prep: Prior to the Engage, set up the six cans in a pyramid pattern like the traditional knock down can game. You can DIY the game or purchase it online. Some online options even have cartoonish monster faces for the full online troll effect. You can use either bean bags or soft rubber balls.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2)

The Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Welcome to the Lab! I hope you are ready for a fun day.

(Co-Host speaks in a terrible SpongeBob Squarepants accent.)

Co-Host (In the voice) I hope so. (Regular voice) I’ve been working on that all day.

Host On what?

Co-Host My impression. You aren’t going to seriously tell me that you didn’t know who I was, right? (Pause) I’m SpongeBob Squarepants! Wasn’t it obvious?

(Co-Host attempts to laugh like the character but sounds nothing like him.)

Host Now that you mention it, no. But let’s see if the kids can succeed at a game of Guess Who. We’ve chosen a Connector (adult volunteer) to play this game with you. On the screen are pictures of different people. The Connector (adult volunteer) will choose one of those pictures. It’s your job to ask questions and figure out which one he/she chose. You can only ask 10 questions in total. Let’s see if you can guess who this Connector (adult volunteer) picks.

Choose ten different kids to ask a question. Encourage them to ask general questions, such as: Is it a man or woman? Does this person have a beard? Does this person have brown hair? etc. At the end have the kids guess which picture they think it is.

Co-Host Wow, they are pretty good. Maybe I should try a different character. Who’s this? (In an awful Patrick Star voice) Hey, SpongeBob? (Pause) Patrick Star. C’mon!

Host I’m sorry I didn’t’ know who you were, but we’re going to learn about a book today that knows exactly who we are. That’s especially helpful when you feel confused about yourself. First, let’s get over to the lab to see what Herman and Rusty are up to today.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Megaphone

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Those online comments were harsh.

Host It was tough for me to hear; I can’t imagine how Rusty and Alex felt. Has anyone ever said something about you that was hurtful?

Co-Host The more you listen to those hurtful words, the more they seem to drag you down. Hey, I have a new impression. Alright, guess who I am. (Doing an awful Elmo voice) Hey everybody. Let’s be friends. (Pause) Nothing? I’m Elmo, of course.

Host Um, I think now would be a great time for our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host You will help us count down from three and then read the Big Point.

Host Let’s all say it together, The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Co-Host The Bible is God’s Word, which is means it is the place where we learn truth. So what the Bible says about you is true.

Host The Bible has a lot to say about how God feels about you. Let me clue you in, God loves you. He has a plan for your life, and God wants to help you. The problem is that we often drown out God’s good words with what others say. Let’s demonstrate.

Choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host The kids will say the phrase they see on the screen. You have to guess what they are saying. However, (Host) and I will say something different.

Host (To the audience) When I lift my hand, you guys must stop talking right away.

Display the following slide. Before the kids start speaking, the Host and Co-Host say something totally different using their microphone and a megaphone. Have the kids stop speaking and ask the volunteer what the kids were saying.

Co-Host It was hard to pay attention when there was so much noise.

Host Other people may say things that put you down or tell you things about yourself that just aren’t true. They’ll try to make you believe that you are something you’re not. That’s when it’s up to you to block out the noise and focus on God’s Word.

Co-Host The more you read the Bible, the easier it will be to focus on God’s truth instead of the things other people say.

Host Let’s see if Rusty and Alex can block out the online noise.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bucket, Sand, Plastic Coins, Plastic Gold Coins, Slips of Paper

Prior to the Engage, fill a bucket with sand and bury some plastic coins and some gold coins in the sand. You could also place costume jewelry in place of some of the gold coins. The gold coins should have slips of paper attached with Bible verses written on them. The plastic coins have slips with unkind words on them.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I can’t believe they have bags over their heads. Have you ever felt so bad about what someone said that you wanted to hide?

Co-Host Or maybe you’ve said mean things to yourself. Before you believe it, go to the Bible and see if it matches what God says about you. Let’s say our Big Point,

Co-Host The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Host Let’s see why the Bible is our go to source by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us as we count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.

Co-Host 1 Peter 2:9 (NIrV) says, “You are God’s special treasure.”

Host That’s pretty cool. God thinks of us as treasure. Let’s see what else God says about us by digging for some buried treasure.

Co-Host (In an awful pirate accent) Argh! Ye after me buried treasure. (Pause, back to regular voice) Okay, for real? I’m a pirate. Let’s just choose some kids to help up dig up some coins.

Choose a child to come up and dig in the sand for a coin. When he or she retrieves a coin, show the coin and read the slip of paper. Talk about how God views us as treasure, but how the world sometimes says unkind things. Remind the kids to listen to the words from treasure and ignore the worthless coins.

Bring the slide up with the corresponding verse as you read it.

Scriptures Galatians 3:26 Ephesians 2:10 2 Corinthians 5:17 Luke 12:6-7 1 Cor. 3:16 Negative Words Loser Mistake Unloved Nuisance Not valuable

Host We are God’s treasures. He proves that in the Bible time and again when God talks about how important we are to Him.

Co-Host I think we should take these worthless, negative words and toss them. Keep the valuable stuff, God’s Word.

Host I agree. Don’t let anyone convince you that you don’t have a purpose or that you were born a mistake. You matter to God. He has a good plan for your life, and you don’t have to become someone different to be okay. Instead, trust what God says and allow Him to make you a new creation. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s take a moment to pray at our seats. You don’t have to think negative things about yourself. Instead, you can hear from God. That’s right; God talks to us when we pray. It may not always be out loud. Sometimes we hear from God by a thought He sends to our mind or a Scripture that He brings to our memory. I believe that you can hear from God when you pray. Let’s get really quiet and talk to God. Talk to Him about some of the things that others have said or you have thought. Ask God to help you know what He says about you.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Can (12), Bean Bags, Table

Prior to the Engage, set up the six cans in a pyramid pattern like the traditional knock down can game. You can DIY the game or purchase it online. Some online options even have cartoonish monster faces for the full online troll effect. You can use either bean bags or soft rubber balls.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I’m glad that Rusty and Alex stopped listening to online trolls and trusted what God said about them.

Host Yep, we can’t let what others think stop us from being who God calls us to be. The Big Story about John was a great example. He was confident in following what God said. Remember,

Host The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Co-Host That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.

Host Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.

Co-Host Listening to God’s Word will help you knock down negative words. Let’s play a game like that now. We have chosen two contestants to see who can be the first to knock down all six of these cans. Think of the cans like the negative words people sometimes say. Ready, Go!

Play optional game music. Play the game. Knock down the cans.

Host Great job to our winner. God’s Word can knock down negativity and remind you of what is true about yourself. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why were Rusty and Alex upset? They received a lot of negative online comments How did they respond to those comments? They hid under paper bags and wanted to give up What helped them understand the truth about themselves? God’s Word/The Bible

  • Who did people think that John the Baptist was? Elijah the prophet or the Messiah Did John try to act like he was one of those people? No What did John quote when he told them who he was? The Bible

  • Do you think it was tempting for John to try to be someone that he wasn’t? Was it okay that John wasn’t the Messiah, the Savior sent by God? Yes Did it make John unimportant to God when his followers left to follow Jesus? No What can you do when you hear or think negative words about yourself? Replace those negative words with things you read in the Bible. Listen to God more than you listen to others. Be confident in who God says you are instead of relying on other people’s ideas

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The _______ Tells Me Who I Am!

    • Bible

    • School

  • What did Rusty and Alex read that made them so upset?

    • Magazine

    • Internet comments

  • Where can you always find truth about who you are?

    • Internet

    • Bible

  • What activity did John do near the Jordan River?

    • Baptized people

    • Fished

  • When John was asked if he was the Messiah, he said, “Yes.”

    • True

    • False

  • 1 Peter 2:9 (NIrV), “You are God’s special _______.”

    • Trinket

    • Treasure

  • John the Baptist said that he needed to give _____ attention to Jesus.

    • More

    • Less

  • It’s okay to think bad or negative things about yourself.

    • True

    • False

  • How do you replace a negative word about yourself. Look for what the Bible says

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.

The Bible Tells Me Who I Am Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the most valuable thing you own?

Engage 2 Prep: Prior to the Engage, fill a bucket with sand and bury some plastic coins and some gold coins in the sand. You could also place costume jewelry in place of some of the gold coins. The gold coins should have slips of paper attached with Bible verses written on them. The plastic coins have slips with unkind words on them.

Engage 3 Prep: Prior to the Engage, set up the six cans in a pyramid pattern like the traditional knock down can game. You can DIY the game or purchase it online. Some online options even have cartoonish monster faces for the full online troll effect. You can use either bean bags or soft rubber balls.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2)

The Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Welcome to the Lab! I hope you are ready for a fun day.

(Co-Host speaks in a terrible SpongeBob Squarepants accent.)

Co-Host (In the voice) I hope so. (Regular voice) I’ve been working on that all day.

Host On what?

Co-Host My impression. You aren’t going to seriously tell me that you didn’t know who I was, right? (Pause) I’m SpongeBob Squarepants! Wasn’t it obvious?

(Co-Host attempts to laugh like the character but sounds nothing like him.)

Host Now that you mention it, no. But let’s see if the kids can succeed at a game of Guess Who. We’ve chosen a Connector (adult volunteer) to play this game with you. On the screen are pictures of different people. The Connector (adult volunteer) will choose one of those pictures. It’s your job to ask questions and figure out which one he/she chose. You can only ask 10 questions in total. Let’s see if you can guess who this Connector (adult volunteer) picks.

Choose ten different kids to ask a question. Encourage them to ask general questions, such as: Is it a man or woman? Does this person have a beard? Does this person have brown hair? etc. At the end have the kids guess which picture they think it is.

Co-Host Wow, they are pretty good. Maybe I should try a different character. Who’s this? (In an awful Patrick Star voice) Hey, SpongeBob? (Pause) Patrick Star. C’mon!

Host I’m sorry I didn’t’ know who you were, but we’re going to learn about a book today that knows exactly who we are. That’s especially helpful when you feel confused about yourself. First, let’s get over to the lab to see what Herman and Rusty are up to today.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Megaphone

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Those online comments were harsh.

Host It was tough for me to hear; I can’t imagine how Rusty and Alex felt. Has anyone ever said something about you that was hurtful?

Co-Host The more you listen to those hurtful words, the more they seem to drag you down. Hey, I have a new impression. Alright, guess who I am. (Doing an awful Elmo voice) Hey everybody. Let’s be friends. (Pause) Nothing? I’m Elmo, of course.

Host Um, I think now would be a great time for our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host You will help us count down from three and then read the Big Point.

Host Let’s all say it together, The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Co-Host The Bible is God’s Word, which is means it is the place where we learn truth. So what the Bible says about you is true.

Host The Bible has a lot to say about how God feels about you. Let me clue you in, God loves you. He has a plan for your life, and God wants to help you. The problem is that we often drown out God’s good words with what others say. Let’s demonstrate.

Choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host The kids will say the phrase they see on the screen. You have to guess what they are saying. However, (Host) and I will say something different.

Host (To the audience) When I lift my hand, you guys must stop talking right away.

Display the following slide. Before the kids start speaking, the Host and Co-Host say something totally different using their microphone and a megaphone. Have the kids stop speaking and ask the volunteer what the kids were saying.

Co-Host It was hard to pay attention when there was so much noise.

Host Other people may say things that put you down or tell you things about yourself that just aren’t true. They’ll try to make you believe that you are something you’re not. That’s when it’s up to you to block out the noise and focus on God’s Word.

Co-Host The more you read the Bible, the easier it will be to focus on God’s truth instead of the things other people say.

Host Let’s see if Rusty and Alex can block out the online noise.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bucket, Sand, Plastic Coins, Plastic Gold Coins, Slips of Paper

Prior to the Engage, fill a bucket with sand and bury some plastic coins and some gold coins in the sand. You could also place costume jewelry in place of some of the gold coins. The gold coins should have slips of paper attached with Bible verses written on them. The plastic coins have slips with unkind words on them.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I can’t believe they have bags over their heads. Have you ever felt so bad about what someone said that you wanted to hide?

Co-Host Or maybe you’ve said mean things to yourself. Before you believe it, go to the Bible and see if it matches what God says about you. Let’s say our Big Point,

Co-Host The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Host Let’s see why the Bible is our go to source by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us as we count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.

Co-Host 1 Peter 2:9 (NIrV) says, “You are God’s special treasure.”

Host That’s pretty cool. God thinks of us as treasure. Let’s see what else God says about us by digging for some buried treasure.

Co-Host (In an awful pirate accent) Argh! Ye after me buried treasure. (Pause, back to regular voice) Okay, for real? I’m a pirate. Let’s just choose some kids to help up dig up some coins.

Choose a child to come up and dig in the sand for a coin. When he or she retrieves a coin, show the coin and read the slip of paper. Talk about how God views us as treasure, but how the world sometimes says unkind things. Remind the kids to listen to the words from treasure and ignore the worthless coins.

Bring the slide up with the corresponding verse as you read it.

Scriptures Galatians 3:26 Ephesians 2:10 2 Corinthians 5:17 Luke 12:6-7 1 Cor. 3:16 Negative Words Loser Mistake Unloved Nuisance Not valuable

Host We are God’s treasures. He proves that in the Bible time and again when God talks about how important we are to Him.

Co-Host I think we should take these worthless, negative words and toss them. Keep the valuable stuff, God’s Word.

Host I agree. Don’t let anyone convince you that you don’t have a purpose or that you were born a mistake. You matter to God. He has a good plan for your life, and you don’t have to become someone different to be okay. Instead, trust what God says and allow Him to make you a new creation. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s take a moment to pray at our seats. You don’t have to think negative things about yourself. Instead, you can hear from God. That’s right; God talks to us when we pray. It may not always be out loud. Sometimes we hear from God by a thought He sends to our mind or a Scripture that He brings to our memory. I believe that you can hear from God when you pray. Let’s get really quiet and talk to God. Talk to Him about some of the things that others have said or you have thought. Ask God to help you know what He says about you.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Can (12), Bean Bags, Table

Prior to the Engage, set up the six cans in a pyramid pattern like the traditional knock down can game. You can DIY the game or purchase it online. Some online options even have cartoonish monster faces for the full online troll effect. You can use either bean bags or soft rubber balls.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I’m glad that Rusty and Alex stopped listening to online trolls and trusted what God said about them.

Host Yep, we can’t let what others think stop us from being who God calls us to be. The Big Story about John was a great example. He was confident in following what God said. Remember,

Host The Bible Tells Me Who I Am!

Co-Host That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.

Host Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.

Co-Host Listening to God’s Word will help you knock down negative words. Let’s play a game like that now. We have chosen two contestants to see who can be the first to knock down all six of these cans. Think of the cans like the negative words people sometimes say. Ready, Go!

Play optional game music. Play the game. Knock down the cans.

Host Great job to our winner. God’s Word can knock down negativity and remind you of what is true about yourself. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why were Rusty and Alex upset? They received a lot of negative online comments How did they respond to those comments? They hid under paper bags and wanted to give up What helped them understand the truth about themselves? God’s Word/The Bible

  • Who did people think that John the Baptist was? Elijah the prophet or the Messiah Did John try to act like he was one of those people? No What did John quote when he told them who he was? The Bible

  • Do you think it was tempting for John to try to be someone that he wasn’t? Was it okay that John wasn’t the Messiah, the Savior sent by God? Yes Did it make John unimportant to God when his followers left to follow Jesus? No What can you do when you hear or think negative words about yourself? Replace those negative words with things you read in the Bible. Listen to God more than you listen to others. Be confident in who God says you are instead of relying on other people’s ideas

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The _______ Tells Me Who I Am!

    • Bible

    • School

  • What did Rusty and Alex read that made them so upset?

    • Magazine

    • Internet comments

  • Where can you always find truth about who you are?

    • Internet

    • Bible

  • What activity did John do near the Jordan River?

    • Baptized people

    • Fished

  • When John was asked if he was the Messiah, he said, “Yes.”

    • True

    • False

  • 1 Peter 2:9 (NIrV), “You are God’s special _______.”

    • Trinket

    • Treasure

  • John the Baptist said that he needed to give _____ attention to Jesus.

    • More

    • Less

  • It’s okay to think bad or negative things about yourself.

    • True

    • False

  • How do you replace a negative word about yourself. Look for what the Bible says

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Give each person in your family a nickname, but make sure it’s a name that will make that person feel like a special treasure.