The Bible Tells Me What I Can Do

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Question of the Day: What is your best talent?
Engage 2 Prep: Download and print the pictures of tools and hide as described.
The Host and Co-Host enter wearing lab coats.
Host Welcome to the Lab! For the past few weeks, we’ve been hearing what the Bible says about God and about us.
Co-Host The Bible is God’s Word. It’s the place we go to learn what is true and what isn’t about ourselves.
Host It really does matter who you listen to. That’s what we going to discover in this game. It’s a simple game of listening and doing. We’ve chosen ten kids to play.
Co-Host On the stage we’ve placed a line of tape/rope down the center. If you stand on the right side (physically show them the right side), you’re on the boat. If you stand on the left side (move the left side), you’re out of the boat.
Host We will both call out directions. Sometimes we’ll say the same thing, and sometimes we’ll say different things, so to win the game, you have to listen closely and only do what I say.
Play the game. You can adjust the number of kids to fit your room size or incorporate all of the kids in the game. The Host and Co-Host will call out the directions with a mix of agreement or disagreement. If a kid makes a wrong choice, he/she is out. Start the kids on the right side of the line. Play as many rounds as time allows.
Co-Host The way to win was listen and do what the right person said.
Host If you listen to the wrong people and do what they say, it can cause big problems. That’s why I prefer to listen to and do what the Bible says. Let’s see what's going on in the lab today.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Mr. Wiggins is not a nice guy. He’s going to try to steal Herman’s house.
Host I hope that Dr. Herman can rock his way to victory or else he’s in for some problems.
Co-Host One thing I noticed about Mr. Wiggins is that he seems to enjoy putting Herman down.
Host He’s trying to convince Herman there’s no way he can win. If Herman listens to Mr. Wiggins, then he might really think there’s no way he can endure. Let’s check out our Big Point to help us learn what we can do if we find ourselves in Herman’s situation. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host After we count down from three we need you to read the Big Point.
Host Let’s all say it together, The Bible Tells Me What I Can Do!
Co-Host What you listen to has a big impact. Suppose I gave you a set of headphones and told you to listen to this recording all day long. (Puts on the headphones) How would you respond?
Play or speak a repeating negative phrase as if it were coming through the headphones.
Host Would you take off the headphones immediately and stop listening? That’s a smart choice. I would too. But have you ever sat and thought about something mean that someone at school said to you? Maybe you thought over and over about it. Well, that’s kind of similar to wearing those negative headphones.
Co-Host The Bible says in Proverbs 18 that our tongues have the power of life and death and that we eat the fruit of what we speak. If we focus on others’ negative words, then that’s what will fill our hearts. But if we focus on God’s Word, which builds us up, then we’ll get full of that.
Host Instead of feasting on that bad stuff, read God’s Word and believe that you can do what it says you can do. Say some Bible verses out loud and believe that God can help you do what they say. Let’s see if Herman listens to the negativity.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host For a while it seemed like Herman believed that he had no chance of winning.
Co-Host Thankfully Hannah and Ethel were there to remind him of the truth. Repeating our Big Point is a great way get your mind off untrue things. Let’s say our Big Point,
Co-Host The Bible Tells Me What I Can Do!
Host They shared an important verse with Herman. Let’s check it out. I need a volunteer to help us.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host Once you help us countdown from three we need you to read the verse.
Co-Host Ephesians 2:10 (NIrV) says, “Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.”
Host We’re going to play a game. Inside this bucket/tub/little pool, are hidden pictures of tools. We have some competitors who will try to look through this bucket/tub/pool and find the tools by listening to the clues we give.
Co-Host When you find it, bring us the picture. Let’s see who can find the most.
Host Would you expect a hammer to be great a driving in nails? Of course! That’s what it’s made for. Would a hammer be good at cutting wood?
Co-Host No, it wouldn’t. Of course, a saw can’t twist a bolt. Each tool was made or created for a purpose. We were too.
Host Our Big Verse talks about how God created us to do good works. He planned them out long ago. Now we get to do them, and when we do, we get to be part of God’s big plan.
Co-Host Don’t let what other people say bother you. Instead, trust what God says and remember that you are part of His plan to help our world. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship our great God.
Play optional soft instrumental music.
Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Maybe you’ve felt like you couldn’t be part of God’s plan or that you’re not good enough to serve God. Other people may have put you down, like Sanballat did to Nehemiah. Instead of focusing on what others say, choose to believe what God says. Let’s take a few minutes and talk to God. Tell God about how you feel or what someone said, then ask God to help you believe what the Bible says. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Herman ignored his opponent and rocked his way to victory.
Host So did Nehemiah. He didn’t listen to the people who tried to stop his project. Instead he believed God would help him finish the job. The Big Point is true,
Host The Bible Tells Me What I Can Do!
Co-Host You can share Nehemiah’s story with your family as you do this week’s Big Do.
Host Have a talent show as a family. Then talk about how you can use your gift for God’s good works.
Co-Host The guys at Dude Perfect use their trick shot talents to help them tell others about Jesus. Let’s try out our own trick shot talent with a bottle flip competition.
Fill several water bottles about 1/4 - 1/3 full with water. Create several trick shot challenges, such as landing it on its top, landing on the bottom, landing one on top of the other, flipping a bottle from low to high, etc. Be creative and allow multiple kids to attempt them.
Host That was so much fun. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Has anyone ever said something to you that made you want to quit, like Herman did? What happened? How did you handle that situation?
Do you think that some of Nehemiah’s helpers were nervous about tackling such a big job? Would you have wanted to stop if Sanballat and his men threatened you? How did Nehemiah keep going? He made a plan and stuck to it. He trusted God to help them finish the wall
Why is it important to read what the Bible says about what you can do? Reading God’s Word helps us build our faith by hearing about how God used others and believing that God can help us do big things for Him, too. We can make sure what we hear God asking us to do matches what He has already said in the Bible.
What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Have a talent show as a family. Then talk about how you can use your gift for God’s good works.
Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says The Bible Tells Me What I _____ Do!
What competition did Herman compete in at the lab?
What was the name of the man in the Big Story that God used to help the people of Jerusalem?
What did Nehemiah have to rebuild when he reached Jerusalem?
Nehemiah and his workers built the wall without any challenges.
Ephesians 2:10 (NIrV), “Now we can do _____ works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.”
Nehemiah finished the wall in ____ days.
Why is it important to believe what God says you can do?
What would you tell a friend to do if they wanted to quit serving God because of what someone else said?
What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Have a talent show as a family. Then talk about how you can use your gift for God’s good