I Can Step Up



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of David who had the faith to face a giant.

Giant Sunday

Rent large inflatables for a fun finale to your Summer to the Max experience.

Big Games

Rent, purchase, or build large version of classic board games such as Giant Jenga, Twister, Kerplunk, etc. Add some oversized or king sized snacks will complete the day.

Giant Hunting

Purchase slingshots and Gelly Ball ammo to create some fun and games. Set up targets for the kids to practice their shots, create a field where the kids must face Goliath (a stack of cardboard boxes), and serve some giant snacks.

Welcome Prep: This game will pit a kid against an adult in tug of war. The twist is that they must each stand on a pedestal or box using only one foot. The game is both strength and balance. The Hoosker Doosker tug of war set can also be purchased to use online and includes the needed supplies.

WelcomeMaterials: Tug of War Rope, Box or Pedestal (2)

Welcome Prep: This game will pit a kid against an adult in tug of war. The twist is that they must each stand on a pedestal or box using only one foot. The game is both strength and balance. The Hoosker Doosker tug of war set can also be purchased to use online and includes the needed supplies.


Welcome to the final day of Summer To The Max!


I’m looking at a lot of kids who are ready to take on the upcoming school year. You’re not the same kids who started this summer.


Yep, you’re beginning the new school year as kids who have learned to live differently for Jesus. Speaking of facing challenges, let’s see if we have any kids who are willing to step up and go head-to-head with an adult in tug of war.

Bring the adult volunteer on stage and choose a kid to play as well. Place the pedestals about six feet from each other, along with the rope.


Here’s how this version of the game will work. You will each stand on one of these pedestals while holding on to the rope. You are only allowed to stand on one foot.


If you drop the rope or fall off, you lose. Who do you think will win? Let’s play on the count of three. 1…2…3!

Play optional game music. Play the game. If the kid looks as if he/she might lose, give the child a little boost by helping him/her defeat the adult.


It looked like our friend was in trouble, but he/she didn’t realize help would come from us. When we face big challenges, we can be sure that we don’t face them alone. Let’s stand and get started with worship!

Engage 1


Let’s check out today’s Big Point. We will count down from three. All of the adults will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the girls will shout, “One!”


Let’s all say it together, I Can Step Up! We can step up to face even giant problems because we know that God is helping us.


That’s why we can go into this school year confident, because our confidence is in Jesus.

Engage 2Materials: Mason Jar, Mesh Screen, Notecard, Jar of Water, Small Tub or Pool, Umbrella Hat


Let’s say our Big Point again, I Can Step Up! Earlier we said that we can enter the new school year with confidence. How can we do that when we don’t know what the new year will look like?


Let’s see what the Bible says about it in our Big Verse. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the adults will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the girls will shout, “One!”


Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.” We can have confidence because of our faith in God.


This whole summer we’ve heard story after story of times when someone used their faith to trust and follow God and how God came through on His word. If God can help them, then we can trust God to help us.


Faith means that you believe God is doing good things to help you, even while the problem is still looming overhead. Let’s show you what we mean. We have a volunteer who’s coming up to help us.

Bring up the child volunteer and have him/her stand in the pool. Place the umbrella hat on the child.


First, let’s pour some water into this jar.

Prior to the engage, cut the mesh to fit the opening of the mason jar. Use the metal ring to secure the mesh in place. If the holes in the mesh are too large, the experiment won’t work, so test it prior to service. Pour the water into the mason jar through the mesh in the opening.


Then, we place this card on top of the jar and turn it over. (Hold the jar with notecard over the kid) The last step is to pull the card out. Don’t worry; the water will not pour on your head.


(To the kid) How do you feel right now? The problem, the jar of water, is hanging right over your head. You could freak out, but faith is trusting what I said, that even though the water normally pours out of a jar turned upside down, this time it won’t. You can be calm because you trust what I say.


Are you ready? Let’s do this.

Pull the card out from under the jar. No water will escape.


I kept my word, and we can trust that God will always be faithful to His Word, too. That’s how we can have faith to step up, even when we face giant problems. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

David faced a giant and won. It wasn’t because he was so good or beyond strong. He won because God helped him. God wants to help you, too. This school year may have big, giant challenges waiting for you, but you can be sure that no matter what giant comes before you, you can step up to face it because God is with you. We have some of our volunteers down here who are here to pray with you. If you have any worries or concerns about the new school year or anything else going on, come and pray with them. Together you can use your faith to trust God for His help.


You have given a lot to our Summer Big Give.


Luke 18:27 says, “Jesus replied, ‘Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.’ Our goal seemed pretty big for a group of kids, but we didn’t do it alone. We had God’s help.


Let’s see how it turned out. Our final tally is…

Play optional celebration music, such as "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang while you announce the total.


Great job! You stepped up big time. Just like today's true story about David who stepped up, too.

Engage 3Materials: Cardboard Boxes, Water Balloon Launcher, Balls


Remember our Big Point, I Can Step Up! It doesn’t matter how young you are, you can step up and serve God.


David was way smaller than Goliath, but that didn’t stop him from stepping up to the challenge. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.


Let’s practice being David with a game. We’ve set up a giant tower of boxes. You’re going to use this “sling” to launch the ball into the tower. David only used one stone, let’s see how many you need to knock the giant down.

Play optional game music. Choose two teams of three kids to play the game. Two will hold the launcher, while the third loads the ball and releases it. They have 60 seconds to knock down the tower. If both teams succeed, the one with the fastest time wins.


Just like you took your summer to the max by learning to live differently for God, you can take the school year to the max by continuing to trust and follow Jesus each and every day.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it look like to step up?

  • Who in our true story from the Bible stepped up?

  • What weapon did David use to bring down the giant?

  • Have you ever volunteered to do something hard? Can you tell me about it?

  • What is this week's Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.

Big Review

Summer Big Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round 6?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______!

    • Step Up

    • Stay Put

  • What was the name of the giant in the Big Story?

    • Goliath

    • Saul

  • Goliath ______ God.

    • Praised

    • Cursed

  • How did David feel when he heard Goliath’s taunts?

    • Happy

    • Angry

  • David’s brothers supported him stepping up.

    • True

    • False

  • Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV), “______ is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.”

    • Faith

    • A Wish

  • Why did David think that he could defeat Goliath? He trusted in God to help him

  • What could help make you brave when you face hard things? Praying, hearing stories of how God has helped others, reading the Bible to be reminded of how powerful God is

  • What is a challenge kids face at school? How could God help with that?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.

I Can Step Up Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of David who had the faith to face a giant.

Giant Sunday

Rent large inflatables for a fun finale to your Summer to the Max experience.

Big Games

Rent, purchase, or build large version of classic board games such as Giant Jenga, Twister, Kerplunk, etc. Add some oversized or king sized snacks will complete the day.

Giant Hunting

Purchase slingshots and Gelly Ball ammo to create some fun and games. Set up targets for the kids to practice their shots, create a field where the kids must face Goliath (a stack of cardboard boxes), and serve some giant snacks.

Welcome Prep: This game will pit a kid against an adult in tug of war. The twist is that they must each stand on a pedestal or box using only one foot. The game is both strength and balance. The Hoosker Doosker tug of war set can also be purchased to use online and includes the needed supplies.

WelcomeMaterials: Tug of War Rope, Box or Pedestal (2)

Welcome Prep: This game will pit a kid against an adult in tug of war. The twist is that they must each stand on a pedestal or box using only one foot. The game is both strength and balance. The Hoosker Doosker tug of war set can also be purchased to use online and includes the needed supplies.


Welcome to the final day of Summer To The Max!


I’m looking at a lot of kids who are ready to take on the upcoming school year. You’re not the same kids who started this summer.


Yep, you’re beginning the new school year as kids who have learned to live differently for Jesus. Speaking of facing challenges, let’s see if we have any kids who are willing to step up and go head-to-head with an adult in tug of war.

Bring the adult volunteer on stage and choose a kid to play as well. Place the pedestals about six feet from each other, along with the rope.


Here’s how this version of the game will work. You will each stand on one of these pedestals while holding on to the rope. You are only allowed to stand on one foot.


If you drop the rope or fall off, you lose. Who do you think will win? Let’s play on the count of three. 1…2…3!

Play optional game music. Play the game. If the kid looks as if he/she might lose, give the child a little boost by helping him/her defeat the adult.


It looked like our friend was in trouble, but he/she didn’t realize help would come from us. When we face big challenges, we can be sure that we don’t face them alone. Let’s stand and get started with worship!

Engage 1


Let’s check out today’s Big Point. We will count down from three. All of the adults will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the girls will shout, “One!”


Let’s all say it together, I Can Step Up! We can step up to face even giant problems because we know that God is helping us.


That’s why we can go into this school year confident, because our confidence is in Jesus.

Engage 2Materials: Mason Jar, Mesh Screen, Notecard, Jar of Water, Small Tub or Pool, Umbrella Hat


Let’s say our Big Point again, I Can Step Up! Earlier we said that we can enter the new school year with confidence. How can we do that when we don’t know what the new year will look like?


Let’s see what the Bible says about it in our Big Verse. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the adults will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the girls will shout, “One!”


Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.” We can have confidence because of our faith in God.


This whole summer we’ve heard story after story of times when someone used their faith to trust and follow God and how God came through on His word. If God can help them, then we can trust God to help us.


Faith means that you believe God is doing good things to help you, even while the problem is still looming overhead. Let’s show you what we mean. We have a volunteer who’s coming up to help us.

Bring up the child volunteer and have him/her stand in the pool. Place the umbrella hat on the child.


First, let’s pour some water into this jar.

Prior to the engage, cut the mesh to fit the opening of the mason jar. Use the metal ring to secure the mesh in place. If the holes in the mesh are too large, the experiment won’t work, so test it prior to service. Pour the water into the mason jar through the mesh in the opening.


Then, we place this card on top of the jar and turn it over. (Hold the jar with notecard over the kid) The last step is to pull the card out. Don’t worry; the water will not pour on your head.


(To the kid) How do you feel right now? The problem, the jar of water, is hanging right over your head. You could freak out, but faith is trusting what I said, that even though the water normally pours out of a jar turned upside down, this time it won’t. You can be calm because you trust what I say.


Are you ready? Let’s do this.

Pull the card out from under the jar. No water will escape.


I kept my word, and we can trust that God will always be faithful to His Word, too. That’s how we can have faith to step up, even when we face giant problems. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

David faced a giant and won. It wasn’t because he was so good or beyond strong. He won because God helped him. God wants to help you, too. This school year may have big, giant challenges waiting for you, but you can be sure that no matter what giant comes before you, you can step up to face it because God is with you. We have some of our volunteers down here who are here to pray with you. If you have any worries or concerns about the new school year or anything else going on, come and pray with them. Together you can use your faith to trust God for His help.


You have given a lot to our Summer Big Give.


Luke 18:27 says, “Jesus replied, ‘Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.’ Our goal seemed pretty big for a group of kids, but we didn’t do it alone. We had God’s help.


Let’s see how it turned out. Our final tally is…

Play optional celebration music, such as "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang while you announce the total.


Great job! You stepped up big time. Just like today's true story about David who stepped up, too.

Engage 3Materials: Cardboard Boxes, Water Balloon Launcher, Balls


Remember our Big Point, I Can Step Up! It doesn’t matter how young you are, you can step up and serve God.


David was way smaller than Goliath, but that didn’t stop him from stepping up to the challenge. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.


Let’s practice being David with a game. We’ve set up a giant tower of boxes. You’re going to use this “sling” to launch the ball into the tower. David only used one stone, let’s see how many you need to knock the giant down.

Play optional game music. Choose two teams of three kids to play the game. Two will hold the launcher, while the third loads the ball and releases it. They have 60 seconds to knock down the tower. If both teams succeed, the one with the fastest time wins.


Just like you took your summer to the max by learning to live differently for God, you can take the school year to the max by continuing to trust and follow Jesus each and every day.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it look like to step up?

  • Who in our true story from the Bible stepped up?

  • What weapon did David use to bring down the giant?

  • Have you ever volunteered to do something hard? Can you tell me about it?

  • What is this week's Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.

Big Review

Summer Big Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round 6?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______!

    • Step Up

    • Stay Put

  • What was the name of the giant in the Big Story?

    • Goliath

    • Saul

  • Goliath ______ God.

    • Praised

    • Cursed

  • How did David feel when he heard Goliath’s taunts?

    • Happy

    • Angry

  • David’s brothers supported him stepping up.

    • True

    • False

  • Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV), “______ is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.”

    • Faith

    • A Wish

  • Why did David think that he could defeat Goliath? He trusted in God to help him

  • What could help make you brave when you face hard things? Praying, hearing stories of how God has helped others, reading the Bible to be reminded of how powerful God is

  • What is a challenge kids face at school? How could God help with that?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up to do it.