Count On Me



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the best promise someone has ever made and kept?

Engage 2 Prep: This segment uses a powerpoint game. Each time you move to a new kid, move to a new gameboard slide on the PowerPoint. This will cause the cards to change position each time and make it impossible for the kids to accurately follow which ones match. If this isn't an option use the old fashioned memory game on a tray and turn it differently each time moving around the audience.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Hula Hoop (2), Wiffle Ball (2)

Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is dressed as a dog.


Welcome to the Lab! Why are you dressed like that?


Because I am the perfect example of what we’re learning about, the Fruit of the Spirit.


How so?


What are dogs known for?


Peeing on everything.


Yes, but they’re also known for being man’s, or woman’s, best friend. They will never leave you hanging. Dogs stick with you until the end.

Volunteer pops out on stage and announces that there are treats backstage.


Gotta go!


Wait, hold on. You’re supposed to be the representation of dependability, the pet who sticks with his or her owner. Being dependable is what we’ll hear about today. To get started, let’s play a game called “Walking the Dog.” If you have a dog, you’ve gotta show up every day to take care of it.


Yes, and in this game, you’ll drag a hula hoop across the stage in an attempt to pull this wiffle ball across and back. You must always keep the wiffle ball inside the hula hoop, so don’t lift the hula hoop off the ground. The first team to get everyone down and back wins.

Optional, play game music. Play the game. Choose 3-4 kids for each team. Have the kids go across the stage and back to the starting line. Then tag the next kid, who repeats the process. The kids hold one end of the hula hoop in the air while dragging the other end on the ground. This will keep the wiffle ball loosely trapped in the hoop. If the ball rolls out of the hoop, they must retrieve it before they can keep going.


Great job to our winners. It's time to check in at the lab. But first, tell someone which pet you prefer, dogs or cats.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Plastic Bone, Change Bag, Heart Silk

Host and Co-Host enter.


You really should have gotten one of those donuts before they disappeared. They were delish.


I could have if you hadn’t run ahead of me and scarfed them all down.


Just being a faithful companion.


I think we might need a better understanding of faithfulness. Let’s choose a Lab Assistant to come up and help us reveal the Big Point, so we can understand the Fruit of the Spirit better.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Get ready to read the Big Point after we count down from three,


Let’s all say it together, Count On Me! Alright, I have four paws, two ears, and one cute tail. Should we count my teeth?


That’s not what it means. When we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, He helps us choose faithfulness. That means when you say something, you keep your word.


That’s me. I am locked in to helping you with this lesson.

Bone flies across stage. The Co-Host chases after it.


You know you’re not a real dog, right? I need a Lab Assistant to help me demonstrate faithfulness.

Choose a kid.


I have this silk. What’s on it? A heart. When we talk about our heart in the Bible, we mean that invisible part of us that connects to God. If we follow God, He should be able to count on us to be there whenever He asks us to obey. Place that heart silk in this bag.

Switch the interior of the bag so that the silk is hidden. The other side of the bag is empty.


Let’s say God asks you to serve at church. Reach in and grab the heart.

Kid comes up empty.


It’s not there. Not a faithful piece of fabric.

Switch the bag and reach in a pull out the silk. Place it back in the bag and switch it again.


If you are faithful, then you can be counted on to always be there. Here’s the problem; if you aren’t faithful to God, then you probably won’t be faithful to your friends and family either.


Try grabbing it again.

Kid comes up empty again.


As we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, He helps us grow in faithfulness. We can become people who will always be counted on. Let’s see if our faithful fabric is here. (Kid pulls out the silk) Look at that! Let’s see if Ethel and Hannah are faithful to show up for Herman.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.


That was bad. I can’t believe they didn’t show up for the trial. Now Herman has to pay Skip. (Points to himself/herself) They definitely were not like man’s best friend.

Co-Host turns to leave.


Where are you going?


To watch the show America’s Top Dog. Wait a second, that’s right; I told you I would stay, so I’m going to follow the Big Point,


Count On Me!


Thank you for keeping your word. I will choose a Lab Assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse. It will help us understand how we can follow the Big Point.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Could you scratch behind my ear? Never mind. Why don’t you just count down from three. Then you can read the verse.


Hebrews 10:23 (NIrV), “The God who promised is faithful.” God is faithful. He makes promises, and He keeps them.


It would be hard to be faithful if we followed a God who didn’t keep His word.


Exactly, an unfaithful God would create big problems. Let’s play a game, boys versus girls. It’s pretty simple for a group of kids this old.


Are your sure it isn’t too easy? It’s a blast from your past. It’s a matching game. We have some matching cards on screen. We’ll come around and choose kids who will try to make a match.


Whichever group makes the most correct matches wins.

Play the powerpoint game. Each time you move to a new kid, move to a new gameboard slide on the PowerPoint. This will cause the cards to change position each time and make it impossible for the kids to accurately follow which ones match. If this isn't an option use the old fashioned memory game on a tray and turn it differently each time moving around the audience.


It was hard to make matches when the cards kept changing. You couldn’t keep up.


That’s what it would be like if we served a God who wasn’t faithful. We could never be sure if He would keep His promises. If He constantly changed His mind, you might be a nervous wreck. Thankfully our God is faithful, and He helps us to choose faithfulness, too. That’s a great reason to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Faithfulness is easier to claim than to live out. The good news is that you don’t have to do it by yourself. We have God’s help, and if we listen to and obey Him, the Holy Spirit produces faithfulness in us. Let’s take a moment to pray and chat with God. Ask Him to show you times you haven’t kept your word. Then ask Him to help you be a faithful person. God can help you be the kind of person who keeps your word and someone who follows Jesus no matter what happens. Let’s pray. (Pause) I want to pray for you guys now and ask God to help us be faithful people.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Scooter Boards, Rope, Ball Pit Balls, Hampers

Host and Co-Host enter.


Peter became someone Jesus could count on. It’s because he made the decision to walk in step with the Holy Spirit. God changed him completely.


Hannah and Ethel came through in a big way for Herman. Maybe this time justice will prevail. Let’s say the Big Point,


Count On Me!


That’s awesome. We can all live the Big Point when we do this week’s Big Do.


The Big Do is to plan a family game night and give each person in your family a task. One person could be in charge of the game, another could make the snacks, and another could pick out the music. Whatever job you get, be sure to be faithful to do it.


Let’s play a family game night game right now. One game I loved as a kid was Hungry, Hungry Hippos. This is a life-sized version. We have these scooter boards tied to rope. Your Connector and team will push you out into the middle. You guys on the scooter board will use the hamper to capture as many balls as you can. Whoever gets the most in 60 seconds wins.


On your mark, get set, go!

Optional, play game music. Play the game.


Great job to our winners. When you bring back your card, let us know which game you played.


Don’t forget our Big Point,


Count On Me! Let’s gather in our Small Groups and discuss what we’ve learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • What is something we can count on God to do? Love us, forgive us, guide us, help us love others, listen to us

  • How does it make you feel when someone doesn’t keep their word?

  • What is the best promise someone has made to you and kept?

  • What is one thing you don’t always feel like doing that you could be faithful to do this week?

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says, Count On _____!

    • Me

    • No One

  • How were Hannah and Ethel not faithful?

    • Didn’t show up in court

    • Didn’t bring the video evidence

  • Which disciple promised to always stick by Jesus’ side?

    • Peter

    • Judas

  • Hebrews 10:23 (NIrV), “The God who promised is ______.”

    • Forgetful

    • Faithful

  • What did Peter do when he was questioned about Jesus?

    • Admitted he knew Jesus

    • Denied knowing Jesus

  • What happened after Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit?

    • He preached about Jesus

    • He hid from a large crowd

  • Why is it important to be faithful?

  • Peter never again turned his back on Jesus.

    • True

    • False

  • God will never change.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Family Game Night

Count On Me Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the best promise someone has ever made and kept?

Engage 2 Prep: This segment uses a powerpoint game. Each time you move to a new kid, move to a new gameboard slide on the PowerPoint. This will cause the cards to change position each time and make it impossible for the kids to accurately follow which ones match. If this isn't an option use the old fashioned memory game on a tray and turn it differently each time moving around the audience.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Hula Hoop (2), Wiffle Ball (2)

Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is dressed as a dog.


Welcome to the Lab! Why are you dressed like that?


Because I am the perfect example of what we’re learning about, the Fruit of the Spirit.


How so?


What are dogs known for?


Peeing on everything.


Yes, but they’re also known for being man’s, or woman’s, best friend. They will never leave you hanging. Dogs stick with you until the end.

Volunteer pops out on stage and announces that there are treats backstage.


Gotta go!


Wait, hold on. You’re supposed to be the representation of dependability, the pet who sticks with his or her owner. Being dependable is what we’ll hear about today. To get started, let’s play a game called “Walking the Dog.” If you have a dog, you’ve gotta show up every day to take care of it.


Yes, and in this game, you’ll drag a hula hoop across the stage in an attempt to pull this wiffle ball across and back. You must always keep the wiffle ball inside the hula hoop, so don’t lift the hula hoop off the ground. The first team to get everyone down and back wins.

Optional, play game music. Play the game. Choose 3-4 kids for each team. Have the kids go across the stage and back to the starting line. Then tag the next kid, who repeats the process. The kids hold one end of the hula hoop in the air while dragging the other end on the ground. This will keep the wiffle ball loosely trapped in the hoop. If the ball rolls out of the hoop, they must retrieve it before they can keep going.


Great job to our winners. It's time to check in at the lab. But first, tell someone which pet you prefer, dogs or cats.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Plastic Bone, Change Bag, Heart Silk

Host and Co-Host enter.


You really should have gotten one of those donuts before they disappeared. They were delish.


I could have if you hadn’t run ahead of me and scarfed them all down.


Just being a faithful companion.


I think we might need a better understanding of faithfulness. Let’s choose a Lab Assistant to come up and help us reveal the Big Point, so we can understand the Fruit of the Spirit better.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Get ready to read the Big Point after we count down from three,


Let’s all say it together, Count On Me! Alright, I have four paws, two ears, and one cute tail. Should we count my teeth?


That’s not what it means. When we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, He helps us choose faithfulness. That means when you say something, you keep your word.


That’s me. I am locked in to helping you with this lesson.

Bone flies across stage. The Co-Host chases after it.


You know you’re not a real dog, right? I need a Lab Assistant to help me demonstrate faithfulness.

Choose a kid.


I have this silk. What’s on it? A heart. When we talk about our heart in the Bible, we mean that invisible part of us that connects to God. If we follow God, He should be able to count on us to be there whenever He asks us to obey. Place that heart silk in this bag.

Switch the interior of the bag so that the silk is hidden. The other side of the bag is empty.


Let’s say God asks you to serve at church. Reach in and grab the heart.

Kid comes up empty.


It’s not there. Not a faithful piece of fabric.

Switch the bag and reach in a pull out the silk. Place it back in the bag and switch it again.


If you are faithful, then you can be counted on to always be there. Here’s the problem; if you aren’t faithful to God, then you probably won’t be faithful to your friends and family either.


Try grabbing it again.

Kid comes up empty again.


As we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, He helps us grow in faithfulness. We can become people who will always be counted on. Let’s see if our faithful fabric is here. (Kid pulls out the silk) Look at that! Let’s see if Ethel and Hannah are faithful to show up for Herman.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.


That was bad. I can’t believe they didn’t show up for the trial. Now Herman has to pay Skip. (Points to himself/herself) They definitely were not like man’s best friend.

Co-Host turns to leave.


Where are you going?


To watch the show America’s Top Dog. Wait a second, that’s right; I told you I would stay, so I’m going to follow the Big Point,


Count On Me!


Thank you for keeping your word. I will choose a Lab Assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse. It will help us understand how we can follow the Big Point.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Could you scratch behind my ear? Never mind. Why don’t you just count down from three. Then you can read the verse.


Hebrews 10:23 (NIrV), “The God who promised is faithful.” God is faithful. He makes promises, and He keeps them.


It would be hard to be faithful if we followed a God who didn’t keep His word.


Exactly, an unfaithful God would create big problems. Let’s play a game, boys versus girls. It’s pretty simple for a group of kids this old.


Are your sure it isn’t too easy? It’s a blast from your past. It’s a matching game. We have some matching cards on screen. We’ll come around and choose kids who will try to make a match.


Whichever group makes the most correct matches wins.

Play the powerpoint game. Each time you move to a new kid, move to a new gameboard slide on the PowerPoint. This will cause the cards to change position each time and make it impossible for the kids to accurately follow which ones match. If this isn't an option use the old fashioned memory game on a tray and turn it differently each time moving around the audience.


It was hard to make matches when the cards kept changing. You couldn’t keep up.


That’s what it would be like if we served a God who wasn’t faithful. We could never be sure if He would keep His promises. If He constantly changed His mind, you might be a nervous wreck. Thankfully our God is faithful, and He helps us to choose faithfulness, too. That’s a great reason to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Faithfulness is easier to claim than to live out. The good news is that you don’t have to do it by yourself. We have God’s help, and if we listen to and obey Him, the Holy Spirit produces faithfulness in us. Let’s take a moment to pray and chat with God. Ask Him to show you times you haven’t kept your word. Then ask Him to help you be a faithful person. God can help you be the kind of person who keeps your word and someone who follows Jesus no matter what happens. Let’s pray. (Pause) I want to pray for you guys now and ask God to help us be faithful people.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat, Dog Costume, Scooter Boards, Rope, Ball Pit Balls, Hampers

Host and Co-Host enter.


Peter became someone Jesus could count on. It’s because he made the decision to walk in step with the Holy Spirit. God changed him completely.


Hannah and Ethel came through in a big way for Herman. Maybe this time justice will prevail. Let’s say the Big Point,


Count On Me!


That’s awesome. We can all live the Big Point when we do this week’s Big Do.


The Big Do is to plan a family game night and give each person in your family a task. One person could be in charge of the game, another could make the snacks, and another could pick out the music. Whatever job you get, be sure to be faithful to do it.


Let’s play a family game night game right now. One game I loved as a kid was Hungry, Hungry Hippos. This is a life-sized version. We have these scooter boards tied to rope. Your Connector and team will push you out into the middle. You guys on the scooter board will use the hamper to capture as many balls as you can. Whoever gets the most in 60 seconds wins.


On your mark, get set, go!

Optional, play game music. Play the game.


Great job to our winners. When you bring back your card, let us know which game you played.


Don’t forget our Big Point,


Count On Me! Let’s gather in our Small Groups and discuss what we’ve learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • What is something we can count on God to do? Love us, forgive us, guide us, help us love others, listen to us

  • How does it make you feel when someone doesn’t keep their word?

  • What is the best promise someone has made to you and kept?

  • What is one thing you don’t always feel like doing that you could be faithful to do this week?

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says, Count On _____!

    • Me

    • No One

  • How were Hannah and Ethel not faithful?

    • Didn’t show up in court

    • Didn’t bring the video evidence

  • Which disciple promised to always stick by Jesus’ side?

    • Peter

    • Judas

  • Hebrews 10:23 (NIrV), “The God who promised is ______.”

    • Forgetful

    • Faithful

  • What did Peter do when he was questioned about Jesus?

    • Admitted he knew Jesus

    • Denied knowing Jesus

  • What happened after Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit?

    • He preached about Jesus

    • He hid from a large crowd

  • Why is it important to be faithful?

  • Peter never again turned his back on Jesus.

    • True

    • False

  • God will never change.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Family Game Night