Don't Fear, Jesus Wins!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Welcome to the Lab! I hope you’re ready to experience an action packed, fun-filled hour of awesomeness.
Co-Host You’ve got me hooked. What are we doing?
Host You know what we’re doing. You helped get things ready.
Co-Host Dude, you’re right. I completely forgot about that because I’ve been so intrigued by this video on the internet that showed how some peoples’ thumbs are straight up and down and others are curved. Mind blown.
Host That gives me an idea for a fun way to start today. Let’s start the day with a fun game of Paper, Rock, Scissors. Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beat paper. Find a partner!
Co-Host 3…2…1! Let the battle begin!
Host Who won?! Let’s see what Herman and Rusty are doing for fun today.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host How many of you guys love Marvel superhero movies? Who’s your favorite superhero?
Host The problem is that Rusty and the gang stopped at the end of Infinity War. What happens in the next movie?
Co-Host Don’t ruin it for me. I’m waiting until it comes out on Disney+.
Host It’s already out.
Co-Host I’ll just close my ears, then.
Host In the next movie, the good guys win. If you stop in the middle of a story, things can look pretty bad. It’s such a relief to know how it ends. That’s exactly what we’re going to discover today. Let’s choose an assistant to help us out with today’s Big Point.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host I need you help us countdown to the Big Point while not telling me anything about the Avengers’ movies.
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, “Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!” I actually don’t mind that the Bible gave away the ending to the story.
Host It makes life so much better. We have chosen a couple of contestants to play a game. They are your Connectors and you have to decide who you think will win.
Co-Host The first one to get knocked out of the circle loses. Let’s play!
The two contestants begin inside the circle. When you say “go,” they try to bump each other out of the circle. Think safety first! Play the game. If you don’t have access to one of these items, then you could easily substitute any type of versus game. A rope for tug of war could work as well.
Host Who won? It’s not always easy to pick the winner, but with Jesus it is.
Co-Host That’s true. It’s a done deal that ultimately Jesus will be the winner.
Host Maybe Herman can remind Rusty of that truth. Let’s check it out.
Host and Co-Host enter
Co-Host That chicken looks like she could handle a supervillain. You don’t think Rusty actually snapped Herman into dust, do you?
Host Probably not. His inventions usually don’t work. Thankfully today’s Big Point is much more reliable,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! Sometimes it looks like the opposite is true. In fact, let’s choose a volunteer to come up and act out a superhero story with (Co-Host).
(Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.)
Host We’re going to do this “Mad Libs” style. I will call out the different things categories. I need you guys to help me fill in the blanks.
(Call out each category and write down one of the suggestions.)
Host • Superhero Team Name • Type of lunch • Animal • A Villain’s name • Item • Type of Pet • Something on your head • Superpower
Co-Host and kid volunteer put on masks and act out the story. Make it silly and ridiculous.
Host (Superhero Team) and their sidekicks were eating (Lunch) when all of a sudden, their superhero signal, a (Animal), shown in the sky. (Superhero Team) dropped their lunch and ran into the city only to discover that Dr. (Villain) was in the middle of stealing the world famous (Item). The (Superhero Team) shouted, “You can’t have that (Item)!” All of a sudden, Dr. (Villain)’s ferocious (Pet) leapt from underneath Dr. (Villain)’s hat. The heroes shouted, “It bit me on my (Part of head)!” (Superhero Team) used their (Superpower) to neutralize the (Pet) and stop Dr. (Villain). They returned to their lair to finish their (Lunch). The end.
Co-Host I thought I was done for in that story.
Host It seemed like it, but that’s why it’s important to hear the entire story. Let’s check out this verse. But first your superhero partner can help us countdown from three.
Co-Host John 16:33 (NIrV), “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world!’”
Host Whenever things look a little rough, it’s important to remember that Jesus has already won the battle. It’s finished. We’re just waiting for Jesus to show the world He has won. Remember,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! Let’s stand and worship Jesus, the ultimate winner!
One of the best ways to build up your faith is to repeat God’s Word. Reading a verse from the Bible over and over reminds you of what is true and gives you confidence that Jesus has won the battle. Let’s repeat part of our Big Verse today. I’ll say it and you repeat it. We’ll do this several times. “Jesus has won the battle!” (Repeat 3-4 times) What we just did is called meditating on God’s Word. You can do that over and over. Every time you feel fearful, you can choose to repeat God’s Word. Then you will get stronger and stronger on the inside and grow to believe that God is who He says He is. I want to pray for you today. (Pray)
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Those Christians must have been convinced the Romans were going to win and keep them from following Jesus.
Host I’m sure many of them were worried about that, which is why it was so important for John to teach them the heart of our Big Point.
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! They needed to know that no matter how bad things looked in the moment, Jesus is the winner.
Co-Host That is the truth! The Big Do this week will help us remember that too.
Host Play a board game, and keep playing, even if you are losing.
Co-Host That's a fun one! I have a question for you guys. What kinds of fears could be helped by knowing that Jesus wins?
(Co-Host interviews kids in the audience.)
Co-Host If it helps that much, then I guess we should share this Big Point with other people.
Host You don’t want to keep news like this to yourself. Let’s say our Big Point once more,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! Let’s gather with our small groups, so we can talk about it.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
What did challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? **Play a board game, and keep playing, even if you are losing**