Don't Fear, Jesus Is Strong!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Host and Co-host enter.
Host Welcome to the Lab! I can’t believe we got away with inventing a service this fun.
Co-Host Yes, this is going to be your most exciting hour of the week, unless you just spent the last hour skydiving.
Host How would they have skydived in the last hour and made it to church?
Co-Host I don’t know, maybe the giant target I painted on the roof.
Co-Host Well, I probably shouldn’t have put that there. Now the lab is going to be pelted by skydivers.
Host Even if you did skydive, I think today is going to be the best hour of your week.
Co-Host Unless you rode an elephant here, which would be amazing. Never mind, you’re right. This is going to be the most fun you’ve had all week…unless you really love homework.
Host Forget all that. Today is going to be awesome. Let’s get things started off by checking in on Herman and Rusty, but first stand up, find a friend, and tell him or her, “What’s the best thing you’ve done this week!”
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Wow, Ethel is pretty upset about that tropical storm. You know what she needs? One of those thunder vests that dogs wear during storms. I don’t know who invented that, but that person is a genius.
Host I think the Big Point might actually be more helpful.
Co-Host Those vests are pretty snazzy, though. I wore my dog’s vest to my Senior Prom under my tuxedo.
Host Let’s check out today’s Big Point. I need one of you to be a lab assistant to make this happen.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host How do you feel about wearing my dog’s thunder vest?
Host What we really need your assistance with is revealing today’s Big Point. I need everyone in the lab to count down from three. When we say one, hit that button and reveal the Big Point.
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, “Don’t Fear, Jesus Is Strong!”
Host Let’s do a test of strength. I have different things holding these tennis balls, like paper towels, toilet paper, notebook paper, and construction paper. If I pour water on them, which one will hold the tennis ball the longest? You’re going to hold the items.
Co-Host Let’s experiment! I need the audience to count the seconds for each one, so we can measure it.
Holding the item over the bucket, pour the water onto each paper and see which one lasts the longest.
Host The strongest is the (Insert winner). It’s helpful to know who or what is the strongest because it shows you where it’s safe to place your trust.
Co-Host Since Jesus is the strongest, it only makes sense that we put our faith in Him.
Host With our faith in the strongest One out there, we can be sure we don’t have to be afraid. Let’s see how Ethel is holding up.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host It seems like Skip is only making things worse.
Co-Host Rusty seemed fine until he listened to his cousin. It’s weird that Skip only thinks of Jesus as a baby. That doesn’t even make sense.
Host Yeah, he kind of got stuck at Christmas, and didn’t read anything else about Jesus after that. Sometimes kids and grownups think about Jesus in ways that don’t match what is true. But we can be sure that our Big Point is true,
Don’t Fear, Jesus Is Strong! I need another assistant.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Host I need you to get inside this box.
Show them the small box.
Co-Host That’s impossible…unless I use Rusty’s shrink ray he invented last week.
Co-Host pulls out a water gun. He/She squirts the Host.
Co-Host I accidentally grabbed his water gun.
Host It didn’t work anyway. It is impossible for you to fit inside this box, right? Sometimes we think of God as really small and weak. It’s like we put Him in a tiny box. But is that accurate? Check out this verse. I need you to hit the button as we count down from three.
Co-Host Revelation 1:8 (NIrV), “I am the Mighty One.”
Host “Mighty” means strong, like really strong. I need my assistant to go out and ask one person this question, “How is it helpful to think of Jesus as strong?”
Kid interviews a friend from the audience.
Co-Host I agree. If you think of Jesus as weak, then it’s hard to believe that He can help you live your best life.
Host That can amp up the fear. We don’t want that. Remember,
Don’t Fear, Jesus Is Strong! Let’s jump to our feet and worship our strong God!
Today I want you to think of your biggest, baddest fears - you know, the things that keep you wide awake at night or tug at you throughout the day. I want you to imagine yourself giving them to Jesus. Go ahead. Picture yourself holding that fear and placing it in Jesus’ hands. Now let go. That’s right; don’t take it back. It’s His to deal with now. Jesus wants us to give our fears to Him. He can handle them. That frees us up to live a joyful life. Take a moment to quietly thank Jesus for taking away your fear, for being with you, and giving you forever to look forward to. (Pause) Now I’ll pray. (Pray)
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Whew! That was a close one. I’m glad the lab is safe.
(Co-Host shakes off the umbrella, splashing water on the Host.)
Host More importantly, Ethel and Rusty learned our Big Point.
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Is Strong That picture of Jesus that John wrote about in the Book of Revelation was really helpful to the Christians back then because it reminded them that they serve a strong God.
Co-Host Was that only written for people a long time ago, or can it help us, too?
Host Trust me, the Bible is just as important for us now as it was for them. Let’s think about it some situations that might arise. We’re going to need some more volunteers.
(Bring up volunteers to talk about how Jesus could help them in the following situations.)
• A school bully threatens to text lies about you to your friends.
• You find out someone in your family has cancer.
• You keep having terrible nightmares.
Co-Host Remember the Big Do for this week, put all your fears in a jar and pray the Big Verse.
Host No matter what situation you face, you can be sure that Jesus is with you and that He is powerful enough to help you. Don’t forget,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Is Strong! Let’s gather with our small groups and talk about this.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
** Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.**
What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? **Put your fears in a jar and pray the Big Verse**