Don't Fear, Jesus Lives Forever!

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Welcome to the Lab! I hope you’re ready for an adventure that is out of this world.
Co-Host Technically, without giving too much away, it’s an out of this world adventure that becomes part of this world, which is why we have a game of name that space movie/show/toy/cartoon/comic.
Host If you know what it is, yell out the answer.
Show the slides and let the kids answer.
Co-Host I think we’re ready.
Host Me, too. Let today’s adventure begin!.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I can’t believe Larry died. We just got him in the lab.
Host Fish can go quickly. Has anyone ever lost a pet that you had owned for a long time?
(Host asks a few kids.)
Co-Host One of the scariest parts about death is that you don’t know what comes afterward. What if it’s terrible?!
Host Not knowing something is sometimes the worse part. Let’s test that. I’ll need some volunteer(s) to try the flinch test.
Choose kids to participate in the game.
Host We have some different items that will test your ability to withstand flinching.
Have the Co-Host use the items to test the kids. Suggested flinch tests: blow up a balloon until it pops, crash cymbals or press an air horn, use a feather, crickets in a box. Feel free to substitute different items for the test.
Co-Host You know what I think the worst part of the flinch test was, not know when the balloon was going to pop or when the loud noise would sound. The mystery makes it so much scarier.
Host That’s true for a lot of people, but the Big Point has some great news for us. Let’s choose an assistant to help us countdown to the Big Point.
Choose a kid volunteer.
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, Don’t Fear, Jesus Lives Forever!
Host Some people are afraid of what comes after our life is over, but we do know what’s coming after we die because of Jesus, His Word, and the picture John gave us in the book of Revelation. It talks about Heaven and that Jesus will bring us to a new Earth. It’s full of really good news.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I think Rusty needs to work on his bagpipes.
Host I agree. Let’s remind ourselves of the Big Point,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Lives Forever! Let’s all imagine the most incredible home you could ever build. Pretend you own and money is not an issue. I’ll show you an either/or scenario and the majority choice wins.
Co-Host So, it looks like our dream house has… (Read the options) Sounds pretty cool.
Host I would like a house like that, but did you know that we have something even greater waiting for us? Will it have all of those things? I’m not sure, but I do know that Jesus is preparing a place for us that is better than we could ever imagine. It all happens because we don’t remain dead when our bodies die. We come back to life. We need a volunteer to help us countdown so we can check out this verse.
Choose a kid volunteer.
Co-Host 1 Corinthians 15:23 (NIrV), “Christ is the first of those who rise from the dead. When He comes back, those who belong to Him will be raised.”
Host Jesus is the proof of what we’ll get to experience. He was first, and one day we will follow and get to enjoy life with Him forever. Remember,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Lives Forever! Let’s worship!
One of the things that we will get to do on the new Earth is worship Jesus. It will be amazing because there won’t be anything there to distract us from focusing on Jesus. You don’t have to wait for the new Earth to start experiencing God’s blessings. Even in the middle of things not being perfect, we can show kindness and love to others. We can receive Jesus’ peace now. We can be healed. We can have joy. We can worship. That gives us all a little taste of Heaven on Earth. Let’s take a moment to worship Jesus by thanking Him for who He is and what He has done. (Pray)
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I wonder how long Rusty will be trying to hug everyone.
Host Probably a long, long time.
Co-Host If being with Jesus is so great, then why do we have to wait so long?
Host Because God’s plan isn’t finished yet. What kinds of things do you want to do when you grow up? What jobs? How do you think those jobs or goals could be part of God’s big plan?
(Host interviews kids in the audience.)
Co-Host So, you’re saying we should stick around as long as possible so we can accomplish everything God wants us to do?
Co-Host Hey that sounds like our Big Do this week!
Co-Host Share what you’d like to do at 20, 40, 60 and 80.
Host Yep, and Jesus said in the Bible that in His Father’s house are many rooms. It’s a good reminder that God wants all of us to spend forever with Him. Remember,
Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Lives Forever! Let’s gather with our small groups so we can talk about it.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
b. God still has a big plan for us to do here. 10. What big challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Share what you’d like to do at 20, 40, 60 and 80