Make Room To Give

Aunt May is in town for Christmas and Slater is not happy about it. He has to leave his room because that is where she will be sleeping. Slater wanted to use ant spray to get rid of his aunt and have his room to himself.
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Make Room To Give



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Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Do you travel at Christmas to visit relatives? How far do you travel? Who do you see?

Optional music selections for this lesson:

  • Game music for Welcome, Big Review
  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story
WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Tongue Depressor (2), Christmas Mug (2), Large Marshmallows

Host and Co-Host are on stage with kids who are ready to play the game. Prior to service choose two teams of two kids. One kid will hold a tongue depressor, hot-glued to a mug, in his/her mouth while his/her teammate tries to toss marshmallows into the mug.

Co-Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play optional game music.

Host These two teams are trying to fill up their Christmas mug with marshmallows. The first team to fill it to the top wins.

Finish playing the game.

Co-Host Great job to our winners. That mug reminds me of the holidays. It seems like everywhere is packed tight with people.

Host Not just people. The holidays are busy with school plays, parties, and family activities.

Co-Host That’s why I like today’s Big Point. It helps us make a great choice even when the world seems a little busy.

Host Before we discover today’s Big Point, let’s stand and worship. As you do, tell someone nearby which is your favorite Christmas drink: hot chocolate or egg nog.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Chairs

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you think that Skip’s advice to Slater is helpful?

Host I agree. It sounds like he’s encouraging him to be mean to his aunt.

Co-Host Have you ever had family stay over for Christmas? What was the hardest part about having guests?

Host and Co-Host interview kids in the audience.

Host What was the best part? (Allow answers) Let’s check out our Big Point to see what God has to say about giving.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host You can help us count down from three and then read the Big Point.

Co-Host Let’s all say it together, Make Room To Give! Even when it’s not convenient, we can still find opportunities to give.

Host God wants to help us make that choice. I think we should play musical chairs, but with a twist. We have two teams of kids who get to play. Each has their own circle of chairs, but there are only half as many chairs as people.

Co-Host When the music stops, everyone in the group has to find a chair to sit on. No one’s feet can touch the floor. You’ll probably have to pile multiple people onto each chair.

Host Each round we will remove a chair. Let’s see who can be the first to get everyone onto a chair.

Play optional game music. Play a few rounds of the game, removing a chair each round. Award a winner for each round and name the winning team based on who wins the greatest number of rounds.

Co-Host They were good at making room for others.

Host Let’s see if Slater can make that same choice for his Aunt May.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I can’t believe that Slater wanted to use ant spray to get rid of his aunt.

Co-Host He’s doing the opposite of what we learned in our Big Point,

Co-Host Make Room To Give!

Host I’m glad Herman shared a verse with him from the Bible. Let’s check out the Big Verse to learn how to make room.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us as we count down from three, and then you can read the verse!

Co-Host Hebrews 13:16 (NIrV) says, “Don’t forget to share with others.”

Host I’m sure there are some things that are easy for you guys to share.

Co-Host There are some things you wish you never had to share. Let’s check out some potential items we might share.

Host If you think it would be easy to share this item, stand up, but if it would be hard to share stay seated. Be honest about how you would really feel when asked to share.

Co-Host I think it’s hardest to share when you have to share something you only have a small amount of.

Host Like sharing the last cookie or giving part of your last dollar to help someone else.

Co-Host The Bible says that God is pleased when we share. I think it’s because sharing with others shows that we trust God to take care of us.

Host Giving will challenge you to give something up that you like, just like Slater is being challenged to give up his room at Christmas. Even the first Christmas is all about someone who shared what they had with Mary and Joseph. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

God made room for us. It’s true. It says in the Bible that in Heaven there are rooms being prepared for us. God always makes room to give to us. Today is a great day to follow God’s example and make room for someone else. I’d like for you guys to close your eyes. Let’s ask God to show us someone that we could make room for this Christmas. Let’s do that now. (Pause) Now ask God to help you make room to give. While you do that, I’m going to pray that we will all make room to give this Christmas.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Clothes (Winter if Possible)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you guys think that Slater made the right decision by letting his aunt stay for the holidays? (Pause) I do, too.

Host She would have been all alone, but thanks to Slater she has a place to stay. He lived out the Big Point,

Host Make Room To Give!

Co-Host I always thought that the people in Bethlehem were mean to Mary and Joseph, but I never considered that a family there used what space they had to make room for them.

Host Jesus wasn’t born in a luxurious palace, but at least it was safe and secure. We can make room to give in this week’s Big Do.

Host Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter. It’s a great way to share with others as you “make room” in your closet by giving them away.

Co-Host Let’s practice our Big Do with a game. We have two teams of kids and a pile of clothes. When we start the timer, you will have 30 seconds to put on all of the clothes in your pile.

Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play game.

Host Great job to our winners. If you work like that at home, you will be sure to make some room to do the Big Do. Let’s turn, connect with our small groups, and talk about what we’ve learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Have you ever had a guest stay at your home for a long time? What was the best/worst part of the experience?
  • How did Slater make room for his aunt? How did that help her?
  • Why do you think that God wants us to share even when it’s not easy to do?
  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter.
Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Make Room To _______!

    • Give
    • Receive
  • Who came to Slater’s house to visit?

    • Grandma
    • Aunt
  • Where did Mary and Joseph travel in the Big Story?

    • Jerusalem
    • Bethlehem
  • When Mary and Joseph arrived, there were no guest rooms available.

    • True
    • False
  • How did a family make room for Jesus’ family?

    • Let them sleep outside
    • Let them stay with the animals
  • Complete the Big Verse: Hebrews 13:16 (NIrV), “Don’t forget to _____ with others.” Share

  • What is one way you could make room to share with someone this Christmas?

  • God is pleased when we share.

    • True
    • False
  • What advice would give to someone who was afraid to share because it felt difficult?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter.

Make Room To Give Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Do you travel at Christmas to visit relatives? How far do you travel? Who do you see?

Optional music selections for this lesson:

  • Game music for Welcome, Big Review
  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story
WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Tongue Depressor (2), Christmas Mug (2), Large Marshmallows

Host and Co-Host are on stage with kids who are ready to play the game. Prior to service choose two teams of two kids. One kid will hold a tongue depressor, hot-glued to a mug, in his/her mouth while his/her teammate tries to toss marshmallows into the mug.

Co-Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play optional game music.

Host These two teams are trying to fill up their Christmas mug with marshmallows. The first team to fill it to the top wins.

Finish playing the game.

Co-Host Great job to our winners. That mug reminds me of the holidays. It seems like everywhere is packed tight with people.

Host Not just people. The holidays are busy with school plays, parties, and family activities.

Co-Host That’s why I like today’s Big Point. It helps us make a great choice even when the world seems a little busy.

Host Before we discover today’s Big Point, let’s stand and worship. As you do, tell someone nearby which is your favorite Christmas drink: hot chocolate or egg nog.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Chairs

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you think that Skip’s advice to Slater is helpful?

Host I agree. It sounds like he’s encouraging him to be mean to his aunt.

Co-Host Have you ever had family stay over for Christmas? What was the hardest part about having guests?

Host and Co-Host interview kids in the audience.

Host What was the best part? (Allow answers) Let’s check out our Big Point to see what God has to say about giving.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host You can help us count down from three and then read the Big Point.

Co-Host Let’s all say it together, Make Room To Give! Even when it’s not convenient, we can still find opportunities to give.

Host God wants to help us make that choice. I think we should play musical chairs, but with a twist. We have two teams of kids who get to play. Each has their own circle of chairs, but there are only half as many chairs as people.

Co-Host When the music stops, everyone in the group has to find a chair to sit on. No one’s feet can touch the floor. You’ll probably have to pile multiple people onto each chair.

Host Each round we will remove a chair. Let’s see who can be the first to get everyone onto a chair.

Play optional game music. Play a few rounds of the game, removing a chair each round. Award a winner for each round and name the winning team based on who wins the greatest number of rounds.

Co-Host They were good at making room for others.

Host Let’s see if Slater can make that same choice for his Aunt May.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I can’t believe that Slater wanted to use ant spray to get rid of his aunt.

Co-Host He’s doing the opposite of what we learned in our Big Point,

Co-Host Make Room To Give!

Host I’m glad Herman shared a verse with him from the Bible. Let’s check out the Big Verse to learn how to make room.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us as we count down from three, and then you can read the verse!

Co-Host Hebrews 13:16 (NIrV) says, “Don’t forget to share with others.”

Host I’m sure there are some things that are easy for you guys to share.

Co-Host There are some things you wish you never had to share. Let’s check out some potential items we might share.

Host If you think it would be easy to share this item, stand up, but if it would be hard to share stay seated. Be honest about how you would really feel when asked to share.

Co-Host I think it’s hardest to share when you have to share something you only have a small amount of.

Host Like sharing the last cookie or giving part of your last dollar to help someone else.

Co-Host The Bible says that God is pleased when we share. I think it’s because sharing with others shows that we trust God to take care of us.

Host Giving will challenge you to give something up that you like, just like Slater is being challenged to give up his room at Christmas. Even the first Christmas is all about someone who shared what they had with Mary and Joseph. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

God made room for us. It’s true. It says in the Bible that in Heaven there are rooms being prepared for us. God always makes room to give to us. Today is a great day to follow God’s example and make room for someone else. I’d like for you guys to close your eyes. Let’s ask God to show us someone that we could make room for this Christmas. Let’s do that now. (Pause) Now ask God to help you make room to give. While you do that, I’m going to pray that we will all make room to give this Christmas.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Clothes (Winter if Possible)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you guys think that Slater made the right decision by letting his aunt stay for the holidays? (Pause) I do, too.

Host She would have been all alone, but thanks to Slater she has a place to stay. He lived out the Big Point,

Host Make Room To Give!

Co-Host I always thought that the people in Bethlehem were mean to Mary and Joseph, but I never considered that a family there used what space they had to make room for them.

Host Jesus wasn’t born in a luxurious palace, but at least it was safe and secure. We can make room to give in this week’s Big Do.

Host Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter. It’s a great way to share with others as you “make room” in your closet by giving them away.

Co-Host Let’s practice our Big Do with a game. We have two teams of kids and a pile of clothes. When we start the timer, you will have 30 seconds to put on all of the clothes in your pile.

Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play game.

Host Great job to our winners. If you work like that at home, you will be sure to make some room to do the Big Do. Let’s turn, connect with our small groups, and talk about what we’ve learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Have you ever had a guest stay at your home for a long time? What was the best/worst part of the experience?
  • How did Slater make room for his aunt? How did that help her?
  • Why do you think that God wants us to share even when it’s not easy to do?
  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter.
Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Make Room To _______!

    • Give
    • Receive
  • Who came to Slater’s house to visit?

    • Grandma
    • Aunt
  • Where did Mary and Joseph travel in the Big Story?

    • Jerusalem
    • Bethlehem
  • When Mary and Joseph arrived, there were no guest rooms available.

    • True
    • False
  • How did a family make room for Jesus’ family?

    • Let them sleep outside
    • Let them stay with the animals
  • Complete the Big Verse: Hebrews 13:16 (NIrV), “Don’t forget to _____ with others.” Share

  • What is one way you could make room to share with someone this Christmas?

  • God is pleased when we share.

    • True
    • False
  • What advice would give to someone who was afraid to share because it felt difficult?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Dig through your closet and find some winter clothes that you can donate to a shelter.