Make Room To Give

Aunt May is in town for Christmas and Slater is not happy about it. He has to leave his room because that is where she will be sleeping. Slater wanted to use ant spray to get rid of his aunt and have his room to himself.
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Make Room To Give



Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules
WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Tongue Depressor (2), Christmas Mug (2), Large Marshmallows
Big Story
Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Clothes (Winter if Possible)

Make Room To Give Instructions

Countdown / Rules
WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Tongue Depressor (2), Christmas Mug (2), Large Marshmallows
Big Story
Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Clothes (Winter if Possible)