It's Better to Give

This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Question of the Day: What gift would you give your parents if you had a million dollars?
Optional music for this lesson:
Play optional Christmas music. Hosts enter.
Co-Host Wow! You will not believe what happened to me.
Host You’ve been collecting presents for the Toy Drive?
Co-Host Close. You mixed up the word. I’ve been collecting them from the Toy Drive.
Host How could you?!
Co-Host Trying to figure out my secret to a great Christmas? I knew everyone would ask. You can’t miss them. They’re right there in the box. Just grab them. The holiday season is about receiving.
Host Not even close. The Christmas season is about giving. That’s what we’re learning about.
Co-Host holds up a bag of change.
Co-Host I guess the next thing you’re going to tell me is that those buckets full of change outside the stores aren’t for me either.
Host We have a little work to do before we continue the lesson, such as return everything in that bag. You definitely need to hear today’s Big Point. But first stand to your feet and tell someone nearby which Christmas song you like the best: Rudolph or Frosty.
Host and Co-Host enter. Co-Host is wearing a Santa hat and carrying a Santa bag.
Co-Host I returned all of the toys, change, and everything else I grabbed. I wasn’t trying to steal. I thought someone put them there for me to have.
Host Sounds like you have “getting” on the brain instead of giving.
Co-Host There are just so many things that I want. (Sing this next part to the tune of “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music) Netflix on iPads, Airpods on my ears, Taylor Swift albums and rings from DeBeers. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things.
I want Nike. I want Xbox. When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember the things that I want, and then I don’t feel so bad.
Host You really have it bad this Christmas. I think that the Big Point will help you (the Co-Host) and you guys, too. We all have moments when we struggle with wanting more.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host You will press that button after we count down from three and then read the Big Point.
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, It’s Better To Give! That doesn’t make sense to me. Rusty seems just fine, and he’s keeping all of his stuff to himself.
Host (To the kids) Do you think that Rusty is making a wise choice? No way. When all you can think about is presents, then you’re only focusing on yourself. God wants us to think about others. Giving helps us do that.
Co-Host Is it that big of a deal to only think about what you want?
Host Maybe this game will illustrate what the Bible teaches us. I have chosen two teams, one team of four kids and one team of four Connectors (adult volunteers). Both teams will compete to catch presents in their bag/bucket, collecting as many as possible in 30 seconds. Here’s the catch: the team of Connectors must toss and catch while looking directly into a mirror.
Have one person toss and one catch. The other teammates will load the next gift to be tossed and remove boxes that have been caught as the bag/bucket fills. If the game seems too short, feel free to substitute a 60 second timer.
Co-Host Wow, I see what you mean. Looking at yourself the whole time made things much harder.
Host It’s not good to only think about what you can get. Instead, spend more time thinking about what you can give. Let’s see if Rusty changes his mind.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host I think Rusty’s dream is helping him see the problems with being stingy.
Co-Host Yeah, I would much rather follow the truth behind our Big Point,
Co-Host It’s Better To Give!
Host The truth found in our Big Point comes from the Bible. Let’s reveal the Big Verse to see what Jesus says about giving.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
Co-Host Hit the button as we count down from three, and then you can read the verse.
Co-Host Acts 20:35 (NIrV) says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Didn’t Jesus say that?
Host He sure did. If Jesus thinks that, then I’d say that’s the right way for us to think.
Co-Host I’ve always thought of myself as being fortunate when I get stuff. I never thought about being blessed when I give.
Host We are, because when we give, we get to be part of God’s plan to help people. Jesus also shared how generosity makes your life full of light instead of darkness. I have a friend who is coming out to help us.
Play optional O Christmas Tree Instrumental. Bring out the volunteer in the Christmas tree costume. If you don’t have a costume, then just use the lights as the visual. The Christmas lights should be missing a bulb so that they don’t illuminate when plugged in. Test the lights before to ensure this strand reacts in that manner. Large Christmas lights are preferable.
Co-Host Something is wrong with that tree. Can you guys figure out the problem? (Pause) Of course, the lights. You can’t have a dark Christmas tree. Let’s plug it in. (Plug it in) It’s not turning on. Can you find what’s missing?
Host There’s a light missing. Let’s see what happens when I plug in the bulb. (Screw in the bulb) It lights up. When you’re generous, you light up the world around you.
Co-Host The Bible says that our light inspires people to praise God. So, when I give at Christmas, I help people find Jesus.
Host That’s right! It really is better to give. Speaking of praise. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.
Christmas is a great time to think about your attitude. Have you been generous or more focused on yourself? Take a moment to talk to Jesus. Be honest with Him about how you’ve felt lately and ask His help to make a better choice this Christmas. (Allow the kids to pray) I want to pray for all of us.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I’m glad that Rusty changed his ways and stopped being a Scrooge.
Host He discovered that our Big Point is true,
Host It’s Better To Give!
Co-Host I never thought about Mary and Joseph giving so much when they agreed to be Jesus’ parents. The Christmas story is about everyone giving something.
Host We can too in this week’s Big Do.
Host Go to the store and pick out a toy to donate in a toy drive.
Co-Host That’s a great idea. Let’s practice our picking skills by playing a little this or that game. You’ll see two toys and we want to know which one the majority of kids would pick. Hold up one arm if you prefer number one or two arms if you prefer toy number two.
Display the different slides and poll the audience.
Host I think that any of those toys would make great gifts this Christmas. Remember, it’s not all about you at Christmas. In fact, Christmas is a great time of year to think about others. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says It’s Better To _______!
Who was Rusty acting like in today’s episode?
What was the name of the girl God asked to be Jesus’ mom?
Who said, “Yes” to being Jesus’ earthly dad?
Who told Mary and Joseph about Jesus’ birth?
Complete the Big Verse: Acts 20:35 (NIrV), “It is more ________ to give than to receive.”
What is one way that you could practice giving this Christmas besides giving a present?
It was easy for Mary and Joseph to give because they were rich.
What advice would you give to someone who was afraid to give?
What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Go to the store and pick out a toy to donate in a toy drive.