I'm Loved, So I Can Love!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Optional suggested music for this lesson:

  • Game music for Welcome
  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 2 Prep: Blow up balloons, heart balloons if you have them, and place slips of paper with one of the phrases below written on them. You can have the kids simply pop the balloons or for extra fun attach the balloons to a board and have the kids shoot the balloons with a Nerf gun. To make the balloons pop easier, place a thumbtack on the board behind the balloon.

  • A kid shows up in the class with you and your friends, and he seems lonely.

  • You notice some kids never get ice cream or snacks at lunch.

  • Some kids are struggling with your grade’s tougher schoolwork.

  • A kid is afraid to talk to the teacher about a problem she is having.

  • A kid wants to run for student council but isn’t sure what to do.

  • You notice that some of the kids in your class aren’t wearing coats when it’s cold.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Hampers (2), Clothes

Play optional Game Music

Host and Co-Host are on stage along with two teams of two kids.

Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play the game and describe the rules as the time runs.

Co-Host These two teams have thirty seconds to get ready for their first day of school. To win, they must put on every piece of clothing in the hamper.

Host Great job to our winners. Welcome to the Lab and welcome to Back to School Bash! Could you imagine starting the new year off with that outfit?

Co-Host That might ruin your first impression with your new teacher. We all want to have an amazing school year, right?

Host I have great news for you; we can have an amazing school year even if things don’t go exactly to plan.

Co-Host Because of today’s Big Point, right?

Host Exactly! Listen closely because you don’t want to miss this. As we continue, let’s stand up, turn to someone nearby, and tell that kid what part of school you are most excited about this year.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Button, Balloons, Clown Costume (2), Gummy Bear

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host It looks like Rusty, Ethel, and Slater are all worried about staying part of the lab.

Co-Host If they start competing to get Herman to like one of them best, then the lab might get a bit crazier than it already is.

Host Have you ever seen kids go overboard at school trying to impress someone? It could be impressing the teacher or one of most popular kids. I have. Maybe you’ve even done that. When people work to impress someone else, it’s because they are looking for something.

Co-Host Sour Gummy Bears? That’s usually what I’m looking for. (Pulls a gummy bear out of his/her pocket or somewhere on stage) That’s where I left it. (Eats the candy)

Host No, they are looking for love and acceptance. It’s like they can’t feel good about themselves unless other people approve. It reminds me of a game. Do you want to explain it?

Co-Host We have two teams of kids. One team member is wearing a clown costume with giant pants. The other members of the team are going to see how many balloons they can stuff into the clown suit in 30 seconds.

Play the game.

Co-Host It’s a lot of work to stuff all of those balloons.

Host That’s how it is at school when we try to fill ourselves up with others’ approval. Our Big Point, though, has some good news for us.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host After we count down from three, read the Big Point.

Co-Host Let’s all say it together, I’m Loved, So I Can Love! (Pause) By whom?

Host God. We don’t have to earn God’s love. We don’t have to be perfect for God to like us. Nothing we do will make Him love us more. He just gives it to us. The more we fill ourselves with God’s love and the more we accept what He’s already given to us, the better prepared we are to take on the year ahead of us and do what He wants us to do.

Co-Host I’m glad we don’t have to spend all of our time trying to make God love us. I wonder how safety training is going. Do you think they may be taking things overboard?

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Button, Nerf Gun, Nerf Darts, Heart Balloons, Coroplast Board, Safety Goggles, Slips of Paper

Host and Co-Host enter. For this Engage blow up balloons, heart balloons if you have them, and place slips of paper with one of the phrases below written on them. You can have the kids simply pop the balloons or for extra fun attach the balloons to a board and have the kids shoot the balloons with a Nerf gun. To make the balloons pop easier, place a thumbtack on the board behind the balloon.

Host They really are getting carried away with trying to win Herman’s approval. Maybe you have felt like you had to impress God to get Him to like you. The good news is that you don’t have to impress Him. He loves you the most He will ever love you right now.

Co-Host When we spend a lot of time thinking about ourselves, it doesn’t leave us much time to think about others. I’m glad we go into the new school year knowing,

Co-Host I’m Loved, So I Can Love

Host Let’s check out our Big Verse and discover what we can do with that truth.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host After we count down from three, read the verse.

Host Knowing this truth will help us live a more stress-free life, especially at school. It’s because we don’t have worry so much about ourselves. We know God loves us regardless of what we do. That helps us think more of how we can love others. Let’s check out some scenarios that might happen at school and then apply what we’ve learned to that situation.

Co-Host Instead of just reading them, we’re going to use this nerf gun to pop each balloon. Then we’ll read what’s written inside the balloon.

The following notes will be in the balloons.

  • A kid shows up in the class with you and your friends, and he seems lonely.

  • You notice some kids never get ice cream or snacks at lunch.

  • Some kids are struggling with your grade’s tougher schoolwork.

  • A kid is afraid to talk to the teacher about a problem she is having.

  • A kid wants to run for student council but isn’t sure what to do.

  • You notice that some of the kids in your class aren’t wearing coats when it’s cold.

Host Because God loved us first, we can go out and love others. It inspires us to give instead of trying to get more for ourselves. That’s because we’re full of God’s love.

Co-Host If we show more love at school, then we could make this the best school year ever.

Host Exactly, because having a great school year wouldn’t be based on what happens to you; it would be based on how much you can bless someone else with God’s love.

Co-Host I feel like we have a game plan for an awesome year. Let’s stand and worship God. As you do, think about how much God loves you.

Big Story

Optional: Play Soft Instrumental Song

If you want Jesus to change your life like He did for that woman, all you have to do is say, “Yes” to Him. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, I want you to give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now and ask Him to forgive you, raise your hand. We’re going to pray altogether. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God, I know everyone needs a Savior,  and I know I can’t save myself.  Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins  and God raised You from the dead.

Right now,  I say you are my Lord,  my Savior,  and the One who forgives me. Thank you, Jesus,  that You are my best friend,  because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

During small groups today, if you prayed that prayer for the very first time you will go to a special small group to learn more about the choice you made. We’re so glad you said, “Yes” to Jesus.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Large Jar, Pitcher of Water, Ping Pong Balls, Pan

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host It’s a good thing that Herman helped everyone understand that he had a place for them at the lab.

Host Once everyone realized that they had a place, it made it so much easier for them to help their friends. I’m glad they learned the Big Point,

Host I’m Loved, So I Can Love!

Co-Host Just like we learned in our Big Story, God loves us. He already loves perfectly. Yep, even before you made wise choices, He loved you. When you realize that His love is there and you accept it, you feel filled.

Fill the empty jar with ping pong balls.

Host This lesson isn’t just so you can feel great about yourself. It has a point. When Jesus’ living water flows in us, it’s supposed to flow out of us, so we can share the love.

Pour the water into the jar until it pops out the ping pong balls.

Co-Host That means you can show love this week at school. In fact, that’s this week’s Big Do.

Co-Host Gather your family and talk about an action that each of you can do to share God’s love at school, or for adults at work.

Host Then go out and do it! That’s right share God’s love at lunch, on the playground, wherever.

Co-Host That is a recipe for starting a winning school year. Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we have discovered.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why did Rusty, Ethel, and Slater not need to compete for a spot in Herman’s lab?

  • Do you think that the woman in our Big Story was surprised to find that Jesus loved her? Why?

  • How can knowing Jesus loves you help you have a better year at school?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Gather your family and talk about an action you can do to share God’s love.

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I’m ______, So I Can Love!

    • Loved
    • Disappointing
  • Why did Rusty, Ethel and Slater compete?

  • What did Jesus ask for from the woman in our story?

    • Food
    • Water
  • The woman was surprised by Jesus’ request.

    • True
    • False
  • What did Jesus offer to give the woman?

    • Money
    • Living Water
  • Complete the Big Verse: 1 John 4:19 (NIrV), “We love because He loved us _____.”

    • First
    • Last
  • Jesus loved the woman in spite of her bad choices.

    • True
    • False
  • The people in the town asked Jesus to stay for two more days.

    • True
    • False
  • How does knowing God loves you help you have a better year at school?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Gather your family and talk about an action you can do to share God’s love.

I'm Loved, So I Can Love! Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Optional suggested music for this lesson:

  • Game music for Welcome
  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 2 Prep: Blow up balloons, heart balloons if you have them, and place slips of paper with one of the phrases below written on them. You can have the kids simply pop the balloons or for extra fun attach the balloons to a board and have the kids shoot the balloons with a Nerf gun. To make the balloons pop easier, place a thumbtack on the board behind the balloon.

  • A kid shows up in the class with you and your friends, and he seems lonely.

  • You notice some kids never get ice cream or snacks at lunch.

  • Some kids are struggling with your grade’s tougher schoolwork.

  • A kid is afraid to talk to the teacher about a problem she is having.

  • A kid wants to run for student council but isn’t sure what to do.

  • You notice that some of the kids in your class aren’t wearing coats when it’s cold.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Hampers (2), Clothes

Play optional Game Music

Host and Co-Host are on stage along with two teams of two kids.

Host On your mark, get set, go!

Play the game and describe the rules as the time runs.

Co-Host These two teams have thirty seconds to get ready for their first day of school. To win, they must put on every piece of clothing in the hamper.

Host Great job to our winners. Welcome to the Lab and welcome to Back to School Bash! Could you imagine starting the new year off with that outfit?

Co-Host That might ruin your first impression with your new teacher. We all want to have an amazing school year, right?

Host I have great news for you; we can have an amazing school year even if things don’t go exactly to plan.

Co-Host Because of today’s Big Point, right?

Host Exactly! Listen closely because you don’t want to miss this. As we continue, let’s stand up, turn to someone nearby, and tell that kid what part of school you are most excited about this year.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Button, Balloons, Clown Costume (2), Gummy Bear

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host It looks like Rusty, Ethel, and Slater are all worried about staying part of the lab.

Co-Host If they start competing to get Herman to like one of them best, then the lab might get a bit crazier than it already is.

Host Have you ever seen kids go overboard at school trying to impress someone? It could be impressing the teacher or one of most popular kids. I have. Maybe you’ve even done that. When people work to impress someone else, it’s because they are looking for something.

Co-Host Sour Gummy Bears? That’s usually what I’m looking for. (Pulls a gummy bear out of his/her pocket or somewhere on stage) That’s where I left it. (Eats the candy)

Host No, they are looking for love and acceptance. It’s like they can’t feel good about themselves unless other people approve. It reminds me of a game. Do you want to explain it?

Co-Host We have two teams of kids. One team member is wearing a clown costume with giant pants. The other members of the team are going to see how many balloons they can stuff into the clown suit in 30 seconds.

Play the game.

Co-Host It’s a lot of work to stuff all of those balloons.

Host That’s how it is at school when we try to fill ourselves up with others’ approval. Our Big Point, though, has some good news for us.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host After we count down from three, read the Big Point.

Co-Host Let’s all say it together, I’m Loved, So I Can Love! (Pause) By whom?

Host God. We don’t have to earn God’s love. We don’t have to be perfect for God to like us. Nothing we do will make Him love us more. He just gives it to us. The more we fill ourselves with God’s love and the more we accept what He’s already given to us, the better prepared we are to take on the year ahead of us and do what He wants us to do.

Co-Host I’m glad we don’t have to spend all of our time trying to make God love us. I wonder how safety training is going. Do you think they may be taking things overboard?

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Button, Nerf Gun, Nerf Darts, Heart Balloons, Coroplast Board, Safety Goggles, Slips of Paper

Host and Co-Host enter. For this Engage blow up balloons, heart balloons if you have them, and place slips of paper with one of the phrases below written on them. You can have the kids simply pop the balloons or for extra fun attach the balloons to a board and have the kids shoot the balloons with a Nerf gun. To make the balloons pop easier, place a thumbtack on the board behind the balloon.

Host They really are getting carried away with trying to win Herman’s approval. Maybe you have felt like you had to impress God to get Him to like you. The good news is that you don’t have to impress Him. He loves you the most He will ever love you right now.

Co-Host When we spend a lot of time thinking about ourselves, it doesn’t leave us much time to think about others. I’m glad we go into the new school year knowing,

Co-Host I’m Loved, So I Can Love

Host Let’s check out our Big Verse and discover what we can do with that truth.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host After we count down from three, read the verse.

Host Knowing this truth will help us live a more stress-free life, especially at school. It’s because we don’t have worry so much about ourselves. We know God loves us regardless of what we do. That helps us think more of how we can love others. Let’s check out some scenarios that might happen at school and then apply what we’ve learned to that situation.

Co-Host Instead of just reading them, we’re going to use this nerf gun to pop each balloon. Then we’ll read what’s written inside the balloon.

The following notes will be in the balloons.

  • A kid shows up in the class with you and your friends, and he seems lonely.

  • You notice some kids never get ice cream or snacks at lunch.

  • Some kids are struggling with your grade’s tougher schoolwork.

  • A kid is afraid to talk to the teacher about a problem she is having.

  • A kid wants to run for student council but isn’t sure what to do.

  • You notice that some of the kids in your class aren’t wearing coats when it’s cold.

Host Because God loved us first, we can go out and love others. It inspires us to give instead of trying to get more for ourselves. That’s because we’re full of God’s love.

Co-Host If we show more love at school, then we could make this the best school year ever.

Host Exactly, because having a great school year wouldn’t be based on what happens to you; it would be based on how much you can bless someone else with God’s love.

Co-Host I feel like we have a game plan for an awesome year. Let’s stand and worship God. As you do, think about how much God loves you.

Big Story

Optional: Play Soft Instrumental Song

If you want Jesus to change your life like He did for that woman, all you have to do is say, “Yes” to Him. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, I want you to give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now and ask Him to forgive you, raise your hand. We’re going to pray altogether. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God, I know everyone needs a Savior,  and I know I can’t save myself.  Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins  and God raised You from the dead.

Right now,  I say you are my Lord,  my Savior,  and the One who forgives me. Thank you, Jesus,  that You are my best friend,  because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

During small groups today, if you prayed that prayer for the very first time you will go to a special small group to learn more about the choice you made. We’re so glad you said, “Yes” to Jesus.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Large Jar, Pitcher of Water, Ping Pong Balls, Pan

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host It’s a good thing that Herman helped everyone understand that he had a place for them at the lab.

Host Once everyone realized that they had a place, it made it so much easier for them to help their friends. I’m glad they learned the Big Point,

Host I’m Loved, So I Can Love!

Co-Host Just like we learned in our Big Story, God loves us. He already loves perfectly. Yep, even before you made wise choices, He loved you. When you realize that His love is there and you accept it, you feel filled.

Fill the empty jar with ping pong balls.

Host This lesson isn’t just so you can feel great about yourself. It has a point. When Jesus’ living water flows in us, it’s supposed to flow out of us, so we can share the love.

Pour the water into the jar until it pops out the ping pong balls.

Co-Host That means you can show love this week at school. In fact, that’s this week’s Big Do.

Co-Host Gather your family and talk about an action that each of you can do to share God’s love at school, or for adults at work.

Host Then go out and do it! That’s right share God’s love at lunch, on the playground, wherever.

Co-Host That is a recipe for starting a winning school year. Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we have discovered.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why did Rusty, Ethel, and Slater not need to compete for a spot in Herman’s lab?

  • Do you think that the woman in our Big Story was surprised to find that Jesus loved her? Why?

  • How can knowing Jesus loves you help you have a better year at school?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Gather your family and talk about an action you can do to share God’s love.

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I’m ______, So I Can Love!

    • Loved
    • Disappointing
  • Why did Rusty, Ethel and Slater compete?

  • What did Jesus ask for from the woman in our story?

    • Food
    • Water
  • The woman was surprised by Jesus’ request.

    • True
    • False
  • What did Jesus offer to give the woman?

    • Money
    • Living Water
  • Complete the Big Verse: 1 John 4:19 (NIrV), “We love because He loved us _____.”

    • First
    • Last
  • Jesus loved the woman in spite of her bad choices.

    • True
    • False
  • The people in the town asked Jesus to stay for two more days.

    • True
    • False
  • How does knowing God loves you help you have a better year at school?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Gather your family and talk about an action you can do to share God’s love.