I Have Faith To Give What I Have!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Engage 1 Prep: For this trick, refer to the video instructions from David Laflin’s Give What You Can Gospel illusion (www.laflinmagicstore.com). This illusion allows you to fold a plain piece of paper multiple times, and when you unfold it, you reveal a $20 bill. The video explanation reveals the setup and demonstrates how to perform the illusion.

WelcomeMaterials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2)

Host: and Co-host: enter

Host: Welcome to the Lab! Are you ready for a fantastic day?!

Co-host: I am. Give me five!

Host: high-fives the Co-host:

Co-host: Thanks for slapping my hand, but did you hear my request?

Host: I thought you were asking for a high-five.

Co-host: No, I’d rather you not spread your germs to me. I was asking for five bucks so I could go grab a coffee at Starbucks.

Host: We have a serious lesson to explore first. Five dollars might seem small, but you can do a lot with it. Before we visit Herman and Rusty, find someone and share the best thing you can get for five bucks.

Engage 1Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Button, $20 Bill, Paper, Double-sided Tape

Host: and Co-host: enter

Co-host: Rusty is upset.

Host: Why is he so bothered about giving today? (Allow for answers) He probably should have kept that info to himself.

Co-host: Have you guys ever thought your gift wasn’t as special as someone else’s gift? I have.

Host: Let’s choose a lab assistant to help us reveal today’s Big Point. I think it will help us see the value in every gift.

Choose a child to assist in revealing the Big Point.

Co-host: I’m going to have our assistant help us count down from three, and then we’ll read the Big Point.

Co-host: Let’s all say it together, I Have Faith To Give What I Have! Rusty thinks his gift is just not special enough.

For this trick, refer to the video instructions from David Laflin’s Give What You Can Gospel illusion (www.laflinmagicstore.com). This illusion allows you to fold a plain piece of paper multiple times, and when you unfold it, you reveal a $20 bill. The video explanation reveals the setup and demonstrates how to perform the illusion.

Host: That’s how a lot of us feel, too. (Fold as you talk) We think that we’re not talented enough to be used by God or that we aren’t rich enough to give anything that makes a difference. We just feel small. (Have the paper folded to its smallest point) That’s the cool part about serving God. (Unfold the paper as you talk revealing the money) He takes ordinary gifts and talents and turns them into gifts that make a big impact.

Co-host: Wow, let’s hope Rusty can learn that. Maybe you should go show him what you just showed us.

Engage 2Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Button, Balloons (4 Blue, 4 Red)

Host: and Co-host: enter.

Host: Can you guys believe that Rusty is working for Hans Von Striker?

Co-host: That guy is so mean. Rusty’s gift is fine, as long he’s giving what God asked him to give.

Host: He said that he was, but he just doesn’t believe our Big Point.

Host: I Have Faith To Give What I Have! Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.

Choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-host: This Big Verse is a great reminder from God about what to do when it’s time to give. Help us count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.

Allow the child to read the Big Verse.

Co-host: I’m sure there are some of you who struggle with this idea as well. Let’s do a little poll to talk this through.

Choose three additional kids to come up. Make the statements below, and have the kids decide if they are true our false. If it’s true, they will grab a blue balloon. If it’s false, a red balloon.

Ask as many questions as time allows. Ask the kids after each question to explain why they chose their answer.

Host: Remember, grab blue balloon if it’s true and red balloon if it’s false. Of course, you guys in the audience can help them decide.

  1. God loves you more if you give more.
  2. God can’t do much with a small offering.
  3. Obeying God is more important than how much you give.
  4. Your attitude is more important than your gift.
  5. The size of the gift equals how important you are.
  6. Rich people impress God.
  7. A small gift can be more important than a large gift.

Co-host: Those answers could be really surprising if you didn’t understand our Big Point.

Host: Thankfully, God teaches us this truth in His Word. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. One of the best ways to change your attitude is to change your focus. That means instead of thinking constantly about what you don’t have or your challenges, think about God. The more you focus on who God is, how much He loves you, and the great plans He has for you, the easier it is to give. One of the best ways to think about God is to worship, so let’s stand, and as we worship God, use this time to thank Him for helping you to become a cheerful giver.

Engage 3Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Frisbees, Hamper or Bucket (4)

Host: and Co-host: enter

Co-host: I’m glad Rusty wasn’t willing to sell out his best friend just to make a few extra bucks.

Host: The best part is that he chose to trust Jesus and follow our Big Point. Let’s say it again.

Host: I Have Faith To Give What I Have! That’s what the poor widow did, and Jesus was pleased with her gift.

Co-host: I imagine no one but Jesus paid much attention to her and her gift, but look, we’re still talking about her 2,000 years later.

Host: Two pennies, yet her story has inspired a lot of people to give. In fact, we can be inspired by her to do this week’s Big Do.

Co-host: The Big Do is to use the money you’ve collected in your jars to bless someone else. You could buy a treat for someone. Donate a meal or give it away at church.

Host: Don’t worry about how much you have, just be willing to give it.

Co-host: Let’s play a fun game to celebrate a great series.

Choose two teams of three kids to play. This game is similar to Kan Jam. If you have a Kan Jam set, you could use that set. You can also make your own using round buckets or hampers and your own frisbees.

Host: I like that idea. This is a fun game. Here’s how it goes: toss a frisbee and get it to land in this can. Think of it as landing your coin in the offering box.

Co-host: First team to three wins.

Play the game.

Host: Great job! Don’t forget our Big Point this week,

Host: I Have Faith to Give What I Have! Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  1. Why was Rusty upset about his offering? He thought it was too small What mistake did Rusty make? Comparing himself to others What advice did Herman give him? Just give what God asks him to
  2. Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Why does that create problems? What does God say about that? He wants us to give what He asks us to give with a good attitude
  3. What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Give the money in the jar
  4. Ask for prayer requests and pray for each child.
Big ReviewMaterials: PROPS: Wheel, Buzzers

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  1. Our Big Point says I Have Faith To Give What I ______! a. Wish b. Have

  2. What did the widow give in the offering? a. Bag of Gold b. Two Coins

  3. True/False: Comparing your gifts to others is a great idea. a. True b. False

  4. Why did Rusty work for Hans Von Striker? a. He was bored b. He wanted more money to give

  5. What was Rusty’s big mistake? Comparing himself with others

  6. Complete the Big Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIrV), “Each of you should give what you have ______ in your heart to give.” a. Wished b. Decided

  7. Why did Jesus say that the widow’s gift was more than the rich people’s gifts? She gave all she had

  8. What is more important when you give? a. Attitude b. Amount

  9. Why is it important for us to give what we have if God doesn’t need our money? So we can bless others, obey Him, and be part of His big plan

  10. What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Give away the money in our jar

I Have Faith To Give What I Have! Instructions


Engage 1 Prep: For this trick, refer to the video instructions from David Laflin’s Give What You Can Gospel illusion (www.laflinmagicstore.com). This illusion allows you to fold a plain piece of paper multiple times, and when you unfold it, you reveal a $20 bill. The video explanation reveals the setup and demonstrates how to perform the illusion.

WelcomeMaterials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2)

Host: and Co-host: enter

Host: Welcome to the Lab! Are you ready for a fantastic day?!

Co-host: I am. Give me five!

Host: high-fives the Co-host:

Co-host: Thanks for slapping my hand, but did you hear my request?

Host: I thought you were asking for a high-five.

Co-host: No, I’d rather you not spread your germs to me. I was asking for five bucks so I could go grab a coffee at Starbucks.

Host: We have a serious lesson to explore first. Five dollars might seem small, but you can do a lot with it. Before we visit Herman and Rusty, find someone and share the best thing you can get for five bucks.

Engage 1Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Button, $20 Bill, Paper, Double-sided Tape

Host: and Co-host: enter

Co-host: Rusty is upset.

Host: Why is he so bothered about giving today? (Allow for answers) He probably should have kept that info to himself.

Co-host: Have you guys ever thought your gift wasn’t as special as someone else’s gift? I have.

Host: Let’s choose a lab assistant to help us reveal today’s Big Point. I think it will help us see the value in every gift.

Choose a child to assist in revealing the Big Point.

Co-host: I’m going to have our assistant help us count down from three, and then we’ll read the Big Point.

Co-host: Let’s all say it together, I Have Faith To Give What I Have! Rusty thinks his gift is just not special enough.

For this trick, refer to the video instructions from David Laflin’s Give What You Can Gospel illusion (www.laflinmagicstore.com). This illusion allows you to fold a plain piece of paper multiple times, and when you unfold it, you reveal a $20 bill. The video explanation reveals the setup and demonstrates how to perform the illusion.

Host: That’s how a lot of us feel, too. (Fold as you talk) We think that we’re not talented enough to be used by God or that we aren’t rich enough to give anything that makes a difference. We just feel small. (Have the paper folded to its smallest point) That’s the cool part about serving God. (Unfold the paper as you talk revealing the money) He takes ordinary gifts and talents and turns them into gifts that make a big impact.

Co-host: Wow, let’s hope Rusty can learn that. Maybe you should go show him what you just showed us.

Engage 2Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Button, Balloons (4 Blue, 4 Red)

Host: and Co-host: enter.

Host: Can you guys believe that Rusty is working for Hans Von Striker?

Co-host: That guy is so mean. Rusty’s gift is fine, as long he’s giving what God asked him to give.

Host: He said that he was, but he just doesn’t believe our Big Point.

Host: I Have Faith To Give What I Have! Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.

Choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-host: This Big Verse is a great reminder from God about what to do when it’s time to give. Help us count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.

Allow the child to read the Big Verse.

Co-host: I’m sure there are some of you who struggle with this idea as well. Let’s do a little poll to talk this through.

Choose three additional kids to come up. Make the statements below, and have the kids decide if they are true our false. If it’s true, they will grab a blue balloon. If it’s false, a red balloon.

Ask as many questions as time allows. Ask the kids after each question to explain why they chose their answer.

Host: Remember, grab blue balloon if it’s true and red balloon if it’s false. Of course, you guys in the audience can help them decide.

  1. God loves you more if you give more.
  2. God can’t do much with a small offering.
  3. Obeying God is more important than how much you give.
  4. Your attitude is more important than your gift.
  5. The size of the gift equals how important you are.
  6. Rich people impress God.
  7. A small gift can be more important than a large gift.

Co-host: Those answers could be really surprising if you didn’t understand our Big Point.

Host: Thankfully, God teaches us this truth in His Word. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. One of the best ways to change your attitude is to change your focus. That means instead of thinking constantly about what you don’t have or your challenges, think about God. The more you focus on who God is, how much He loves you, and the great plans He has for you, the easier it is to give. One of the best ways to think about God is to worship, so let’s stand, and as we worship God, use this time to thank Him for helping you to become a cheerful giver.

Engage 3Materials: PROPS: Lab Coat (2), Frisbees, Hamper or Bucket (4)

Host: and Co-host: enter

Co-host: I’m glad Rusty wasn’t willing to sell out his best friend just to make a few extra bucks.

Host: The best part is that he chose to trust Jesus and follow our Big Point. Let’s say it again.

Host: I Have Faith To Give What I Have! That’s what the poor widow did, and Jesus was pleased with her gift.

Co-host: I imagine no one but Jesus paid much attention to her and her gift, but look, we’re still talking about her 2,000 years later.

Host: Two pennies, yet her story has inspired a lot of people to give. In fact, we can be inspired by her to do this week’s Big Do.

Co-host: The Big Do is to use the money you’ve collected in your jars to bless someone else. You could buy a treat for someone. Donate a meal or give it away at church.

Host: Don’t worry about how much you have, just be willing to give it.

Co-host: Let’s play a fun game to celebrate a great series.

Choose two teams of three kids to play. This game is similar to Kan Jam. If you have a Kan Jam set, you could use that set. You can also make your own using round buckets or hampers and your own frisbees.

Host: I like that idea. This is a fun game. Here’s how it goes: toss a frisbee and get it to land in this can. Think of it as landing your coin in the offering box.

Co-host: First team to three wins.

Play the game.

Host: Great job! Don’t forget our Big Point this week,

Host: I Have Faith to Give What I Have! Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we learned.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  1. Why was Rusty upset about his offering? He thought it was too small What mistake did Rusty make? Comparing himself to others What advice did Herman give him? Just give what God asks him to
  2. Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Why does that create problems? What does God say about that? He wants us to give what He asks us to give with a good attitude
  3. What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Give the money in the jar
  4. Ask for prayer requests and pray for each child.
Big ReviewMaterials: PROPS: Wheel, Buzzers

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  1. Our Big Point says I Have Faith To Give What I ______! a. Wish b. Have

  2. What did the widow give in the offering? a. Bag of Gold b. Two Coins

  3. True/False: Comparing your gifts to others is a great idea. a. True b. False

  4. Why did Rusty work for Hans Von Striker? a. He was bored b. He wanted more money to give

  5. What was Rusty’s big mistake? Comparing himself with others

  6. Complete the Big Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIrV), “Each of you should give what you have ______ in your heart to give.” a. Wished b. Decided

  7. Why did Jesus say that the widow’s gift was more than the rich people’s gifts? She gave all she had

  8. What is more important when you give? a. Attitude b. Amount

  9. Why is it important for us to give what we have if God doesn’t need our money? So we can bless others, obey Him, and be part of His big plan

  10. What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Give away the money in our jar