God Will Always Love Me!

In this lesson, Jr. Conductors learn that nothing can separate them from God's love, even in tough times. Through the story of Job, children discover that bad things don’t happen because God is mad at us, and that God’s love is constant no matter the situation. The lesson emphasizes that God loves us very much and will always be there to help and support us.
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God Will Always Love Me!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!


I want to tell you another funny riddle. It’s a little like a joke. Do you want to know what it is? It’s, “Why is six afraid of seven?”


Why is the number six afraid of seven? Let’s hold up six fingers. Hold up seven fingers. I have no idea.


The answer is six is afraid of seven because seven eight nine. Get it? Seven ate (Motion biting) nine.


That was a silly and kind of a tough riddle. Today we will discover the answer to a tough question. I’m thankful that the Bible is full of answers that help us.


If you’re ready to have a fun day with Conductor Carl and his friends, say a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Conductor Carl has been having a really bad day.


Do you think that it’s because God is mad at him, like Engineer Kelly thinks?


That doesn’t sound right. Let’s answer that tough question with our Big Point. Stand up with me, and let’s practice it,


God Will Always Love Me!


Great job. God does loves you, and you, and me, and Conductor Carl. I don’t think God made him hit his head or wake up too early.


God definitely didn’t. We live in a world where bad things sometimes happen. That doesn’t mean God does them. No, they happen for other reasons. Let’s talk about some bad things that happen and think about what caused them.

Help the kids understand the cause-and-effect relationship for each picture: a wrecked tricycle (going too fast, not driving carefully); ice cream that fell on the ground (not being careful with your ice cream, maybe running with it in your hand – you could have the kids pretend to do this with you); a very messy room (playing with toys and not cleaning up). Explain how God is not the cause of the bad things, but He wants to help us when we experience bad things.


The Bible says that all the good things we have are the things God does for us.


That’s right. We can be sure God loves us, and that doesn’t change, even if something bad happens. Let’s head back to the train station and see how Conductor Carl is doing.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Magic Rope, Scissors

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses “Magic Rope.” This is simply cotton rope that can be purchased online from any magic store vendor. Be sure to read the directions closely for the illusion, and practice a few times before the service begins.


I was thinking about Conductor Carl’s bad day. God didn’t drive the train the wrong way and block Conductor Carl. That was Engineer Earl’s fault, not God’s.


Yes, I’m glad that Professor Beaker shared the Big Verse with Engineer Kelly and Lionel.


Romans 8:39 (NIrV), “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” But could God get really, really mad and stop loving us?


Let’s talk a little bit more about you why we don’t have to worry. Look at this rope. Sometimes people worry that if they do something wrong, say something wrong, or even accidentally do the wrong thing, that God will leave them. Cut the rope right here.

The Co-Host cuts the rope.


Yikes, it’s cut. You’ll never fix it now.


(Tie the knot, as the directions indicate) The Bible says that nothing separates us from God’s love. That means God will never leave us or stop loving us.

Slide the knot off the rope, revealing one connected rope.


It’s not broken!


Nothing will stop God from loving you. Let’s all stand and say our Big Point again,


Now stay standing, and let’s thank Jesus for His love with a song.

Big Story

Whenever you are confused, it’s a good idea to say God’s words. Where do we find God’s words? (Pause) That’s right! In the Bible. Let’s repeat our Big Verse today to remind us of how much God loves us. Repeat after me, “God loves us very much!” (Repeat) When you say it over and over, it helps you remember that it is true. (Repeat the verse a couple more times)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host enters.


I’m glad that Conductor Carl’s day has gotten much better. Let’s say our Big Point again,


God Will Always Love Me!


Whenever something bad happens, the Big Point will help me remember that God still loves me and wants to help me.


Conductor Carl and Farmer Faith gave us a great idea for the Big Do: pick a song that talks about God’s love and sing it with your family.


I like the song “Jesus Loves Me.”


I have a fun idea. Let’s listen to “Jesus Loves Me” in different languages. You can hear how kids in other countries remember that Jesus loves them.


I’m so glad that kids all over the world can understand that Jesus loves them. All the time, God loves us!


He sure does. God never stopped loving Job, and He will never stop loving you.

Did our Big Point say God Doesn’t Love Me or God Will Always Love Me?

Can you tell me the names of your best friends? What do you like to do with your friends? Who came to visit Job in the Big Story? Job’s friends Were they helpful to Job? No

Let’s feel our forehead. Ouch! That’s hot. Now pretend to blow your nose. Rub your tummy like it aches. What happened to Job in our story? He got sick Did Job get sick because God was mad at him? No

Let’s pretend to dip french fries into ketchup. Mmm, that’s good. What else could we dip in ketchup? Chicken nuggets? Corn dogs? Crickets? Spiders? Why was Farmer Faith upset today? Her tomato plants died Did God make her plants die? No Who forgot to water them? Elmer

Use your hands to show me something tiny. Now make them big, and bigger, and bigger, and now spread them out the biggest you can get them! Does God love us a little or very much? Very much

What does our Big Verse say? Lamentations 3:22 (NIrV), “The Lord (doesn’t love / loves) us very much.”

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say God Doesn’t Love Me or God Will Always Love Me?

  • Can you tell me the names of your best friends? What do you like to do with your friends? Who came to visit Job in the Big Story? Job’s friends Were they helpful to Job? No

  • Let’s feel our forehead. Ouch! That’s hot. Now pretend to blow your nose. Rub your tummy like it aches. What happened to Job in our story? He got sick Did Job get sick because God was mad at him? No

  • Let’s pretend to dip french fries into ketchup. Mmm, that’s good. What else could we dip in ketchup? Chicken nuggets? Corn dogs? Crickets? Spiders? Why was Farmer Faith upset today? Her tomato plants died Did God make her plants die? No Who forgot to water them? Elmer

  • Use your hands to show me something tiny. Now make them big, and bigger, and bigger, and now spread them out the biggest you can get them! Does God love us a little or very much? Very much

  • What does our Big Verse say? Lamentations 3:22 (NIrV), “The Lord (doesn’t love / loves) us very much.”

God Will Always Love Me! Instructions

Countdown from 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!


I want to tell you another funny riddle. It’s a little like a joke. Do you want to know what it is? It’s, “Why is six afraid of seven?”


Why is the number six afraid of seven? Let’s hold up six fingers. Hold up seven fingers. I have no idea.


The answer is six is afraid of seven because seven eight nine. Get it? Seven ate (Motion biting) nine.


That was a silly and kind of a tough riddle. Today we will discover the answer to a tough question. I’m thankful that the Bible is full of answers that help us.


If you’re ready to have a fun day with Conductor Carl and his friends, say a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Conductor Carl has been having a really bad day.


Do you think that it’s because God is mad at him, like Engineer Kelly thinks?


That doesn’t sound right. Let’s answer that tough question with our Big Point. Stand up with me, and let’s practice it,


God Will Always Love Me!


Great job. God does loves you, and you, and me, and Conductor Carl. I don’t think God made him hit his head or wake up too early.


God definitely didn’t. We live in a world where bad things sometimes happen. That doesn’t mean God does them. No, they happen for other reasons. Let’s talk about some bad things that happen and think about what caused them.

Help the kids understand the cause-and-effect relationship for each picture: a wrecked tricycle (going too fast, not driving carefully); ice cream that fell on the ground (not being careful with your ice cream, maybe running with it in your hand – you could have the kids pretend to do this with you); a very messy room (playing with toys and not cleaning up). Explain how God is not the cause of the bad things, but He wants to help us when we experience bad things.


The Bible says that all the good things we have are the things God does for us.


That’s right. We can be sure God loves us, and that doesn’t change, even if something bad happens. Let’s head back to the train station and see how Conductor Carl is doing.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Magic Rope, Scissors

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses “Magic Rope.” This is simply cotton rope that can be purchased online from any magic store vendor. Be sure to read the directions closely for the illusion, and practice a few times before the service begins.


I was thinking about Conductor Carl’s bad day. God didn’t drive the train the wrong way and block Conductor Carl. That was Engineer Earl’s fault, not God’s.


Yes, I’m glad that Professor Beaker shared the Big Verse with Engineer Kelly and Lionel.


Romans 8:39 (NIrV), “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” But could God get really, really mad and stop loving us?


Let’s talk a little bit more about you why we don’t have to worry. Look at this rope. Sometimes people worry that if they do something wrong, say something wrong, or even accidentally do the wrong thing, that God will leave them. Cut the rope right here.

The Co-Host cuts the rope.


Yikes, it’s cut. You’ll never fix it now.


(Tie the knot, as the directions indicate) The Bible says that nothing separates us from God’s love. That means God will never leave us or stop loving us.

Slide the knot off the rope, revealing one connected rope.


It’s not broken!


Nothing will stop God from loving you. Let’s all stand and say our Big Point again,


Now stay standing, and let’s thank Jesus for His love with a song.

Big Story

Whenever you are confused, it’s a good idea to say God’s words. Where do we find God’s words? (Pause) That’s right! In the Bible. Let’s repeat our Big Verse today to remind us of how much God loves us. Repeat after me, “God loves us very much!” (Repeat) When you say it over and over, it helps you remember that it is true. (Repeat the verse a couple more times)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host enters.


I’m glad that Conductor Carl’s day has gotten much better. Let’s say our Big Point again,


God Will Always Love Me!


Whenever something bad happens, the Big Point will help me remember that God still loves me and wants to help me.


Conductor Carl and Farmer Faith gave us a great idea for the Big Do: pick a song that talks about God’s love and sing it with your family.


I like the song “Jesus Loves Me.”


I have a fun idea. Let’s listen to “Jesus Loves Me” in different languages. You can hear how kids in other countries remember that Jesus loves them.


I’m so glad that kids all over the world can understand that Jesus loves them. All the time, God loves us!


He sure does. God never stopped loving Job, and He will never stop loving you.

Did our Big Point say God Doesn’t Love Me or God Will Always Love Me?

Can you tell me the names of your best friends? What do you like to do with your friends? Who came to visit Job in the Big Story? Job’s friends Were they helpful to Job? No

Let’s feel our forehead. Ouch! That’s hot. Now pretend to blow your nose. Rub your tummy like it aches. What happened to Job in our story? He got sick Did Job get sick because God was mad at him? No

Let’s pretend to dip french fries into ketchup. Mmm, that’s good. What else could we dip in ketchup? Chicken nuggets? Corn dogs? Crickets? Spiders? Why was Farmer Faith upset today? Her tomato plants died Did God make her plants die? No Who forgot to water them? Elmer

Use your hands to show me something tiny. Now make them big, and bigger, and bigger, and now spread them out the biggest you can get them! Does God love us a little or very much? Very much

What does our Big Verse say? Lamentations 3:22 (NIrV), “The Lord (doesn’t love / loves) us very much.”

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say God Doesn’t Love Me or God Will Always Love Me?

  • Can you tell me the names of your best friends? What do you like to do with your friends? Who came to visit Job in the Big Story? Job’s friends Were they helpful to Job? No

  • Let’s feel our forehead. Ouch! That’s hot. Now pretend to blow your nose. Rub your tummy like it aches. What happened to Job in our story? He got sick Did Job get sick because God was mad at him? No

  • Let’s pretend to dip french fries into ketchup. Mmm, that’s good. What else could we dip in ketchup? Chicken nuggets? Corn dogs? Crickets? Spiders? Why was Farmer Faith upset today? Her tomato plants died Did God make her plants die? No Who forgot to water them? Elmer

  • Use your hands to show me something tiny. Now make them big, and bigger, and bigger, and now spread them out the biggest you can get them! Does God love us a little or very much? Very much

  • What does our Big Verse say? Lamentations 3:22 (NIrV), “The Lord (doesn’t love / loves) us very much.”