I Can Serve



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

This venue option focuses on helping the kids choose to serve.

Serve Sunday

Give the kids an opportunity to serve others. The best option is to choose a serving project that matches your giving project. Check with the organization or missionary and ask if there are any projects your kids can complete in serves.

Example: During Summer to the Max, we raised money for Sole Mission, a ministry that provides shoes to kids. On Serve Sunday, we decorated flip flops that would be given to kids at disaster relief shelters.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! I love that we can discover how to live for God by learning about some people who did the very same thing in the Bible. Let's start with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Tray, Fake Food, Melamine Cup, Melamine Plate

Host and Co-Host enter.


Our stories help us learn the Big Point. That Big Point is something that you can share with everyone. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Serve!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I, I, I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Can serve,” spread your arms out wide to show that we can help others. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions.


I Can Serve!

Repeat a few times so the kids can practice the motions.


Serving is when you do something kind to help someone else. God wants all of us to be His big helpers. We get to help God in His big plan.


Let’s practice serving by pretending to do something kind for our parents. Let’s pretend that we made them breakfast and we’re going to take it to their bed so they can have it when they wake up.


I’m going to hold this tray of toy food. Let’s see if we can carry it without dropping it. Everyone, stand up and pretend to carry it, like me.

Lead the kids in pretending to carry a tray. Have fun and move about the stage. Encourage the kids to pretend that they are having trouble balancing it. Switch hands, place it on your head, etc.


Whew! Good job. We delivered it safely. You can sit on your pockets.


That was fun to pretend. But you really can serve God because He helps you do it.

Engage 2Materials: Toy Microphone, Toy Instrument, Whiteboard or Easel, Markers

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that we can be part of God’s Big Plan. When we serve God, we get to help lots of people. That’s right; God can help us follow the Big Point. Let’s practice it again with our motions,


I Can Serve!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV), “Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others.”


When that verse says “gift,” it doesn’t mean a birthday present. A gift means something we can use to help, like a talent.


I have an idea. Let’s practice some different talents. I’ll choose some friends to help me demonstrate talents.

Bring up several kids to demonstrate gifts by holding one of the items.


(Show the microphone) What is this? It’s a microphone. Let’s pretend to sing a song.

Sing a few lines of a song that most of the kids know, such as “Happy Birthday.”


What do you do with this? (Show the instrument) Yes, you play it to make music. Can you make the sound this instrument makes? Let’s pretend to play the instrument.


(Show the marker) What do you do with this? You draw with it. Let’s pretend to draw a circle with our finger as our friend draws on the board with the marker.


They did a good job. Everyone’s gift is different. Some of you will be able to do things I could never do. That’s because God wants lots of different gifts to work in His big plan. That’s good news because it means everyone has a way to serve. Let’s stand and worship God!

Big StoryMaterials: Balloon (3


Gideon didn’t think that he could lead the army, but God helped him. Whenever God asks you to help, be sure to say, “Yes” and follow what God says to do. Let’s stop and talk to God right now. Close your eyes and tell God that you are ready to do kind things to help others. (Pause) I’ll pray for all of us now. (Pray)


Jesus said this in Luke 3:11,


“Anyone who has extra clothes should share with the one who has none.”


If I have extra of something, like these balloons, and I give part of it away, (give one to the Co-Host) will I still have some left? Yes. God has blessed us with lots of good stuff, and we can share some of that good stuff with others. Just like Gideon in our Big Story who chose to serve.

Engage 3Materials: Flip Flops (Different Colors)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Serve!


Gideon wasn’t the biggest or strongest, but that didn’t matter, because God helped him lead the army to a big win.


You can tell your family about Gideon when you do the Big Do this week.


This week’s Big Do is simple; just participate in our giving project by bringing an offering of $5 or a new pair of shoes. (adjust verbiage to fit your giving project)


Let’s play a fun game with shoes now. We have some flip flops piled in the middle of the stage. We’re going to pick different kids to help us play. When we choose you, we’ll tell you which color flip flop to find in the pile. Let’s see if you can find it before everyone in the room counts to ten.


Let’s play!

Play the game. Choose different kids to find shoes. Give each one a different color represented in the pile. As the child runs to the pile, count to ten with the remaining kids. Play several rounds of the game.


You did a good job. I’m glad that we can all serve God and be His big helpers. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Serve!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Serve or I Can Serve?

  • Let’s pretend that our arms are weak like wiggly noodles. (Wiggle and flop your arms) Now pretend they have big muscles. Flex them like this. (Flex muscles) What did God call Gideon in our big story: a weakling or mighty warrior? Mighty Warrior

  • Use your arms to show me something big. Use your fingers to show me something small. Did Gideon’s army grow bigger or smaller as he followed God’s direction? Smaller

  • Let’s point to all of our friends. Try to point to everyone. (Point around the room) 1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV), “____ of you has received a gift in order to serve others.”

    • Each

    • Some

  • Let’s pretend to blow a trumpet (Make a trumpet sound) Pretend to smash a jar. Gideon fought with trumpets and jars. What is one way you could serve someone tomorrow? Help with chores; play kindly with brother/sister; share my toys; let someone else go before me or choose what to play

  • What is our Big Do? Participate in our giving project by bringing an offering of $5 or a new pair of shoes.

Clean Up

I Can Serve Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

This venue option focuses on helping the kids choose to serve.

Serve Sunday

Give the kids an opportunity to serve others. The best option is to choose a serving project that matches your giving project. Check with the organization or missionary and ask if there are any projects your kids can complete in serves.

Example: During Summer to the Max, we raised money for Sole Mission, a ministry that provides shoes to kids. On Serve Sunday, we decorated flip flops that would be given to kids at disaster relief shelters.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! I love that we can discover how to live for God by learning about some people who did the very same thing in the Bible. Let's start with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Tray, Fake Food, Melamine Cup, Melamine Plate

Host and Co-Host enter.


Our stories help us learn the Big Point. That Big Point is something that you can share with everyone. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Serve!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I, I, I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Can serve,” spread your arms out wide to show that we can help others. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions.


I Can Serve!

Repeat a few times so the kids can practice the motions.


Serving is when you do something kind to help someone else. God wants all of us to be His big helpers. We get to help God in His big plan.


Let’s practice serving by pretending to do something kind for our parents. Let’s pretend that we made them breakfast and we’re going to take it to their bed so they can have it when they wake up.


I’m going to hold this tray of toy food. Let’s see if we can carry it without dropping it. Everyone, stand up and pretend to carry it, like me.

Lead the kids in pretending to carry a tray. Have fun and move about the stage. Encourage the kids to pretend that they are having trouble balancing it. Switch hands, place it on your head, etc.


Whew! Good job. We delivered it safely. You can sit on your pockets.


That was fun to pretend. But you really can serve God because He helps you do it.

Engage 2Materials: Toy Microphone, Toy Instrument, Whiteboard or Easel, Markers

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that we can be part of God’s Big Plan. When we serve God, we get to help lots of people. That’s right; God can help us follow the Big Point. Let’s practice it again with our motions,


I Can Serve!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV), “Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others.”


When that verse says “gift,” it doesn’t mean a birthday present. A gift means something we can use to help, like a talent.


I have an idea. Let’s practice some different talents. I’ll choose some friends to help me demonstrate talents.

Bring up several kids to demonstrate gifts by holding one of the items.


(Show the microphone) What is this? It’s a microphone. Let’s pretend to sing a song.

Sing a few lines of a song that most of the kids know, such as “Happy Birthday.”


What do you do with this? (Show the instrument) Yes, you play it to make music. Can you make the sound this instrument makes? Let’s pretend to play the instrument.


(Show the marker) What do you do with this? You draw with it. Let’s pretend to draw a circle with our finger as our friend draws on the board with the marker.


They did a good job. Everyone’s gift is different. Some of you will be able to do things I could never do. That’s because God wants lots of different gifts to work in His big plan. That’s good news because it means everyone has a way to serve. Let’s stand and worship God!

Big StoryMaterials: Balloon (3


Gideon didn’t think that he could lead the army, but God helped him. Whenever God asks you to help, be sure to say, “Yes” and follow what God says to do. Let’s stop and talk to God right now. Close your eyes and tell God that you are ready to do kind things to help others. (Pause) I’ll pray for all of us now. (Pray)


Jesus said this in Luke 3:11,


“Anyone who has extra clothes should share with the one who has none.”


If I have extra of something, like these balloons, and I give part of it away, (give one to the Co-Host) will I still have some left? Yes. God has blessed us with lots of good stuff, and we can share some of that good stuff with others. Just like Gideon in our Big Story who chose to serve.

Engage 3Materials: Flip Flops (Different Colors)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Serve!


Gideon wasn’t the biggest or strongest, but that didn’t matter, because God helped him lead the army to a big win.


You can tell your family about Gideon when you do the Big Do this week.


This week’s Big Do is simple; just participate in our giving project by bringing an offering of $5 or a new pair of shoes. (adjust verbiage to fit your giving project)


Let’s play a fun game with shoes now. We have some flip flops piled in the middle of the stage. We’re going to pick different kids to help us play. When we choose you, we’ll tell you which color flip flop to find in the pile. Let’s see if you can find it before everyone in the room counts to ten.


Let’s play!

Play the game. Choose different kids to find shoes. Give each one a different color represented in the pile. As the child runs to the pile, count to ten with the remaining kids. Play several rounds of the game.


You did a good job. I’m glad that we can all serve God and be His big helpers. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Serve!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Serve or I Can Serve?

  • Let’s pretend that our arms are weak like wiggly noodles. (Wiggle and flop your arms) Now pretend they have big muscles. Flex them like this. (Flex muscles) What did God call Gideon in our big story: a weakling or mighty warrior? Mighty Warrior

  • Use your arms to show me something big. Use your fingers to show me something small. Did Gideon’s army grow bigger or smaller as he followed God’s direction? Smaller

  • Let’s point to all of our friends. Try to point to everyone. (Point around the room) 1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV), “____ of you has received a gift in order to serve others.”

    • Each

    • Some

  • Let’s pretend to blow a trumpet (Make a trumpet sound) Pretend to smash a jar. Gideon fought with trumpets and jars. What is one way you could serve someone tomorrow? Help with chores; play kindly with brother/sister; share my toys; let someone else go before me or choose what to play

  • What is our Big Do? Participate in our giving project by bringing an offering of $5 or a new pair of shoes.

Clean Up