I Can Honor God



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues help teach the concept of honor. You honor the kids with a fun treat or use your talents to honor God.

Snow Cones

Rent a snow cone machine or hire an outside vendor such as Kona Ice.

Bible Art Day

Create your own art show allowing the kids to paint or draw pictures that honor God. Display them so parents can view the art show after church. Provide simple snacks.

Ice Cream Sundae Sunday

Provide ice cream with all the toppings. Kids get to create their own ice cream sundaes.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! We call it “to the max” because this summer is going to be so much fun.


As we have lots of fun, we’re also going to learn how to live in a way that makes God so pleased. Let's worship God now!

Engage 1Materials: Ice Cream Cone Sweet Treats Playset

This Engage uses the Sweet Treats Ice Cream Cone balancing game that can be purchased online. If you don’t have access to that game, then you could play the game with real ice cream and a real cone.


Each week we’ll learn a Big Point that helps us discover a different way to live to the max for God. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Honor God!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I can, I can,” use your thumb to point to yourself. When we say, “Honor God,” lift your hands, like you’re worshipping God. Let’s sing it a few times, so we can practice the motions.

Repeat a few times, so the kids can practice the motions.


Let’s play a game to help us understand what it means to honor someone. I need two kids and two grownups to help me play. We want to find out who can build the tallest ice cream scoop tower the fastest. Ready? Go!

Have each volunteer assist a child in constructing the tower. Encourage the kids to cheer them on. You can set a time limit for the game or see who can build it first, using all their available scoops.


Good job! Let’s clap for our friends. If someone gave you an ice cream cone with that many scoops, would that make you feel good? I think so. It would let you know that person thinks you are special.


When we honor God, we show God that we think that He is the most special. We can honor God by giving Him our best gifts, our prayers, and our songs.

Engage 2Materials: Blindfold, Small Beach Balls

Host and Co-Host enter.


It’s important to always remember how much God loves you. He really does. Thinking about how much God does for us reminds us why it’s a good idea to follow the Big Point. Let’s practice it again with our motions,


I Can Honor God!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Deuteronomy 10:12 (NIrV) says, “What is the Lord your God asking you to do? Honor Him.” God wants us to honor Him.


Honoring and pleasing God helps us enjoy the good things that God wants to give us. God wants to be good to you and help you.


If you don’t honor God, then you probably won’t notice all the good gifts He gives you. Let’s think about what that means. I have a grownup and a kid who are coming up to help me. The grownup will put on this blindfold. Can you see if your eyes are covered up? (Pause) No.


We’re going to pretend that these beach balls are good things that God gives us. We want to catch all of those blessings. (Host) and I will take turns tossing the beach balls. Let’s see how many our friends catch.

Toss the beach balls gently to the volunteers. For the adult volunteer, be sure to toss the ball in such a way that it’s difficult to catch it without being able to see.


Oh my, who caught more beach balls? That’s right; our friend who can see.


If you say mean things about God or never tell God, “Thank You,” those disrespectful actions act like a blindfold. They can keep you from noticing all of God’s good help coming towards you.


When we don’t honor God, the more we only think about ourselves. That really doesn’t help or please God. Honoring God helps us be a blessing to other people. Let’s take a moment to honor God with our praise and worship!

Big Story


The Bible says in Proverbs 3:9


Let’s take a moment to pray and talk to Jesus. We can ask Jesus right now to help us make the wise choice to honor Him with our best. Close your eyes, bow your heads, and repeat this prayer after me. “Dear Jesus, (Pause) help me (Pause) to give You my best (Pause) so I can honor You. (Pause) Amen.”


“Honor the Lord with your wealth.” Giving is a great way to honor God.


I’m so pleased to see you guys giving in our summer giving project. (Remind the kids of the giving project) We always want to honor God with our giving just like Abel in our Big Story.

Engage 3Materials: Ice Cream Bowl (2), Ice Cream, Table, Gummy Worms, Oreo Crumbles, Dirt, Fake Worms

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Honor God!


Abel made the choice to honor God when he gave God his best offering. God was pleased with Abel’s gift. He’ll be pleased when you give your best to honor Him, too.


You can tell your family about Abel’s gift when you do the Big Do this week.


Make a snack for someone else and give your best to make it really yummy!


Suppose we wanted to give someone ice cream, like we had at our party today. We could give them a dirt sundae. Have you had one of those? They’re delicious. You put Oreo cookie crumbles and gummy worms on the ice cream. Does that sound good?


What if you decided to give them ice cream, but instead of Oreos you used real dirt? Would that taste good? (Pause) No. What if instead of gummy worms, you use real worms? Would that be delicious? (Pause) No!


Which of these two snacks would honor someone? (Pause) The real ice cream sundae would definitely honor them.


Just like you wouldn’t honor someone with a yucky ice cream, let’s make sure to always honor God by giving Him our best. We do that by talking to Him, being kind and loving, giving, and reading our Bibles. Let’s say our Big Point once more.


I Can Honor God!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Ignore God or I Can Honor God?

  • Show me how many brothers or sister you have with your fingers. (Pause) What were names of the two brothers in our story? Cain and Abel

  • Pretend to crunch on a vegetable. What kind are you eating? (Pause) What sound does a sheep make? Who brought God vegetables and fruit as a gift? Cain Who brought God a sheep as a gift? Abel

  • Let’s think of some things we do that honor God. Let’s pretend to raise our hands, like we do when we worship. Pretend to read the Bible. Let’s put our hands together like we’re praying. (Demonstrate for the kids) Deuteronomy 10:12 (NIrV), “What is the Lord your God asking you to do? Honor or Yell at Him.”

  • Make a happy face. Make an angry face. Does it make God happy or angry when we honor Him? Happy

  • What is our Big Do? Make a snack for someone else. Do your best as you make it!

Clean Up

I Can Honor God Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues help teach the concept of honor. You honor the kids with a fun treat or use your talents to honor God.

Snow Cones

Rent a snow cone machine or hire an outside vendor such as Kona Ice.

Bible Art Day

Create your own art show allowing the kids to paint or draw pictures that honor God. Display them so parents can view the art show after church. Provide simple snacks.

Ice Cream Sundae Sunday

Provide ice cream with all the toppings. Kids get to create their own ice cream sundaes.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! We call it “to the max” because this summer is going to be so much fun.


As we have lots of fun, we’re also going to learn how to live in a way that makes God so pleased. Let's worship God now!

Engage 1Materials: Ice Cream Cone Sweet Treats Playset

This Engage uses the Sweet Treats Ice Cream Cone balancing game that can be purchased online. If you don’t have access to that game, then you could play the game with real ice cream and a real cone.


Each week we’ll learn a Big Point that helps us discover a different way to live to the max for God. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Honor God!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I can, I can,” use your thumb to point to yourself. When we say, “Honor God,” lift your hands, like you’re worshipping God. Let’s sing it a few times, so we can practice the motions.

Repeat a few times, so the kids can practice the motions.


Let’s play a game to help us understand what it means to honor someone. I need two kids and two grownups to help me play. We want to find out who can build the tallest ice cream scoop tower the fastest. Ready? Go!

Have each volunteer assist a child in constructing the tower. Encourage the kids to cheer them on. You can set a time limit for the game or see who can build it first, using all their available scoops.


Good job! Let’s clap for our friends. If someone gave you an ice cream cone with that many scoops, would that make you feel good? I think so. It would let you know that person thinks you are special.


When we honor God, we show God that we think that He is the most special. We can honor God by giving Him our best gifts, our prayers, and our songs.

Engage 2Materials: Blindfold, Small Beach Balls

Host and Co-Host enter.


It’s important to always remember how much God loves you. He really does. Thinking about how much God does for us reminds us why it’s a good idea to follow the Big Point. Let’s practice it again with our motions,


I Can Honor God!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Deuteronomy 10:12 (NIrV) says, “What is the Lord your God asking you to do? Honor Him.” God wants us to honor Him.


Honoring and pleasing God helps us enjoy the good things that God wants to give us. God wants to be good to you and help you.


If you don’t honor God, then you probably won’t notice all the good gifts He gives you. Let’s think about what that means. I have a grownup and a kid who are coming up to help me. The grownup will put on this blindfold. Can you see if your eyes are covered up? (Pause) No.


We’re going to pretend that these beach balls are good things that God gives us. We want to catch all of those blessings. (Host) and I will take turns tossing the beach balls. Let’s see how many our friends catch.

Toss the beach balls gently to the volunteers. For the adult volunteer, be sure to toss the ball in such a way that it’s difficult to catch it without being able to see.


Oh my, who caught more beach balls? That’s right; our friend who can see.


If you say mean things about God or never tell God, “Thank You,” those disrespectful actions act like a blindfold. They can keep you from noticing all of God’s good help coming towards you.


When we don’t honor God, the more we only think about ourselves. That really doesn’t help or please God. Honoring God helps us be a blessing to other people. Let’s take a moment to honor God with our praise and worship!

Big Story


The Bible says in Proverbs 3:9


Let’s take a moment to pray and talk to Jesus. We can ask Jesus right now to help us make the wise choice to honor Him with our best. Close your eyes, bow your heads, and repeat this prayer after me. “Dear Jesus, (Pause) help me (Pause) to give You my best (Pause) so I can honor You. (Pause) Amen.”


“Honor the Lord with your wealth.” Giving is a great way to honor God.


I’m so pleased to see you guys giving in our summer giving project. (Remind the kids of the giving project) We always want to honor God with our giving just like Abel in our Big Story.

Engage 3Materials: Ice Cream Bowl (2), Ice Cream, Table, Gummy Worms, Oreo Crumbles, Dirt, Fake Worms

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Honor God!


Abel made the choice to honor God when he gave God his best offering. God was pleased with Abel’s gift. He’ll be pleased when you give your best to honor Him, too.


You can tell your family about Abel’s gift when you do the Big Do this week.


Make a snack for someone else and give your best to make it really yummy!


Suppose we wanted to give someone ice cream, like we had at our party today. We could give them a dirt sundae. Have you had one of those? They’re delicious. You put Oreo cookie crumbles and gummy worms on the ice cream. Does that sound good?


What if you decided to give them ice cream, but instead of Oreos you used real dirt? Would that taste good? (Pause) No. What if instead of gummy worms, you use real worms? Would that be delicious? (Pause) No!


Which of these two snacks would honor someone? (Pause) The real ice cream sundae would definitely honor them.


Just like you wouldn’t honor someone with a yucky ice cream, let’s make sure to always honor God by giving Him our best. We do that by talking to Him, being kind and loving, giving, and reading our Bibles. Let’s say our Big Point once more.


I Can Honor God!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Ignore God or I Can Honor God?

  • Show me how many brothers or sister you have with your fingers. (Pause) What were names of the two brothers in our story? Cain and Abel

  • Pretend to crunch on a vegetable. What kind are you eating? (Pause) What sound does a sheep make? Who brought God vegetables and fruit as a gift? Cain Who brought God a sheep as a gift? Abel

  • Let’s think of some things we do that honor God. Let’s pretend to raise our hands, like we do when we worship. Pretend to read the Bible. Let’s put our hands together like we’re praying. (Demonstrate for the kids) Deuteronomy 10:12 (NIrV), “What is the Lord your God asking you to do? Honor or Yell at Him.”

  • Make a happy face. Make an angry face. Does it make God happy or angry when we honor Him? Happy

  • What is our Big Do? Make a snack for someone else. Do your best as you make it!

Clean Up