I Can Change



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Samson who fought the enemy with the strength God had given him.


Create a Samson craft by purchasing one online or creating one yourself. One option is the make your own Samson by gluing face pieces onto a paper plate and adding yarn to create long hair.

Ninja Warrior Week

Set up a Ninja Warrior course outside. You can purchase obstacle course items or have members of your church help you build a custom course. Consider renting an inflatable obstacle course or warped wall to finish the course.

Field Day

Have field day games outside. Split the kids into groups and have them compete in relay races, tug of war, and similar types of games.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! This summer we get to discover what the Bible says about how we can all follow Jesus. We are going to get started with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Costumes


When you follow Jesus, you live like a different person. That reminds me of today’s Big Point. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Change!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Can change,” we’ll turn all the way around. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions.


I Can Change!

Repeat a few times, so the kids can practice the motions.


Let’s practice changing costumes. We’ll put on different costumes, and you can guess who we are pretending to be.

Put on different costumes or elements of costumes, and have the kids guess who you are. Afterwards act out some aspect of the costume. Examples of costumes would be a soldier, doctor, firefighter, dinosaur, etc.


That was fun to change what we wore on the outside. Today we’re talking about how to change what is on the inside.


When we become Jesus’ friends, He helps us change from making wrong choices to making wise choices.


Jesus wants us to do things God’s way so we can be wise. If we make a mistake and do something unwise, then we can change and do what is right.

Engage 2Materials: Whiteboard or Easel, Markers

Host and Co-Host enter.


Changing from making an unwise choice to a wise choice is a good idea. That’s because it pleases God when we do what is right. Let’s practice the Big Point again with our motions,


I Can Change!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Micah 7:18 (NIrV) says, “You forgive Your people when they do what is wrong.” That Big Verse is talking about God. He forgives us. I would like our friend to draw something. Let’s think of an animal that he/she could draw.


I’ll close my ears, so it will be a surprise.

The Co-Host places his/her fingers in his/her ears. Ask the kids for suggestions. Choose a dog as the animal to draw.


We want you to draw…


A cat! I knew that’s what you wanted.

The Co-Host draws a cat.


Is that what we decided? No, we wanted you to draw a dog. Boys and girls, bark like a dog to help our friend know our choice.


Oh no, I’m so sorry. Now you’ll never be my friend again because I guessed the wrong animal and messed up our drawing.


Boys and girls, are we mad at ______ (Co-Host)? No, we forgive you. Let’s give our friend another chance. (Tear off the paper or erase the whiteboard) We want you to draw a…dog.

The Co-Host draws a dog.


Thank you for forgiving me. You gave me another chance to draw.


That’s what God does for us. He forgives us when we make a mistake. That’s because He loves us. God gives us the chance to change and make a wise choice. Let's learn about a man who did that in our Big Story from the Bible.

Big StoryMaterials: Flower Pot, Seeds


Samson made a lot of mistakes, but God still loved him. I’m glad that Samson finally changed. Even when you make a mistake or a wrong choice, God will forgive you. All you have to do is ask. God loves you so much. I’m going to pray and thank God for helping us to change whenever we do the wrong thing. (Pray)


Jesus said this in 2 Corinthians 9:6,


“The one who plants only a little will gather only a little. And the one who plants a lot will gather a lot.”


That verse is talking about giving. If I plant just one seed (Drop one in the pot), will I have lots of plants grow or just one? What if I plant lots of seeds? (Drop several in the pot) I will grow lots of plants. The more we give, the more good things we can use to help people. That’s why we want to give our best. (Remind the kids of the giving project) We don't want to waste our gift like Samson in our story. We always want to give our best.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Change!


Samson made a big mess with all his unwise choices, but God gave him a second chance to save Israel from those mean Philistines.


You can tell your family about Samson and how we can change when you do the Big Do this week.


Talk to your family about a time when you made the wrong choice and then changed and made the right choice. Thank God for His help.


Let’s play a fun game about untangling a big mess. I’m going to choose two boys and girls and a helper (volunteer) to play with us. We’re going to make a circle.


Each person will grab a different person’s hand. (Help the preschoolers grab a different hand in the circle) Oh no, we’re all tangled in a big mess. Let’s see if we can untangle and make a circle. You can shout out helpful ideas.

The Host and Co-Host will play the game along with the kids. Help them move and twist to untangle the human knot. Encourage the audience to cheer you on until you return to a normal circle. If you need more help, look up the human knot game online.


You did a good job getting out of that mess. That’s what God helps us do when we tell Him we’re sorry for doing wrong. I’m glad that God forgives us. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Change!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Stay the Same or I Can Change?

  • Let’s pretend that we are strong, like Superman. Pretend you have been wrapped up in ropes. Let’s use our muscles to burst out of the ropes (Pretend to rip ropes that are surrounding you) What was the name of the strong man in our Big Story? Samson

  • Use your fingers to make scissors. What should we pretend to cut with our scissors? (Allow for answers and pretend cut things) What was Samson not supposed to let anyone cut? His hair

  • What do we say when we make a mistake? Do we say, “Ha ha!” Do we say, “I don’t care?” What do we say? (Pause) Right, “I’m sorry!” Micah 7:18 (NIrV), “You ______ Your people when they do what is wrong.”

    • Forgive

    • Don’t Forgive

  • Let’s pretend to push apart some big, heavy things. Put your hands on each side of you. Push! Push harder! Push really hard. Everyone, shout, “Crash!” Did Samson defeat the bad guys when he pushed apart the big columns? Yes Will God forgive us and help us when we make a wrong choice? Yes

  • What is our Big Do? Talk to your family about a time when you made the wrong choice and then changed and made the right choice.

Clean Up

I Can Change Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Samson who fought the enemy with the strength God had given him.


Create a Samson craft by purchasing one online or creating one yourself. One option is the make your own Samson by gluing face pieces onto a paper plate and adding yarn to create long hair.

Ninja Warrior Week

Set up a Ninja Warrior course outside. You can purchase obstacle course items or have members of your church help you build a custom course. Consider renting an inflatable obstacle course or warped wall to finish the course.

Field Day

Have field day games outside. Split the kids into groups and have them compete in relay races, tug of war, and similar types of games.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer To The Max! This summer we get to discover what the Bible says about how we can all follow Jesus. We are going to get started with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Costumes


When you follow Jesus, you live like a different person. That reminds me of today’s Big Point. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Change!


Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Can change,” we’ll turn all the way around. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions.


I Can Change!

Repeat a few times, so the kids can practice the motions.


Let’s practice changing costumes. We’ll put on different costumes, and you can guess who we are pretending to be.

Put on different costumes or elements of costumes, and have the kids guess who you are. Afterwards act out some aspect of the costume. Examples of costumes would be a soldier, doctor, firefighter, dinosaur, etc.


That was fun to change what we wore on the outside. Today we’re talking about how to change what is on the inside.


When we become Jesus’ friends, He helps us change from making wrong choices to making wise choices.


Jesus wants us to do things God’s way so we can be wise. If we make a mistake and do something unwise, then we can change and do what is right.

Engage 2Materials: Whiteboard or Easel, Markers

Host and Co-Host enter.


Changing from making an unwise choice to a wise choice is a good idea. That’s because it pleases God when we do what is right. Let’s practice the Big Point again with our motions,


I Can Change!


Let’s see what the Bible says about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Micah 7:18 (NIrV) says, “You forgive Your people when they do what is wrong.” That Big Verse is talking about God. He forgives us. I would like our friend to draw something. Let’s think of an animal that he/she could draw.


I’ll close my ears, so it will be a surprise.

The Co-Host places his/her fingers in his/her ears. Ask the kids for suggestions. Choose a dog as the animal to draw.


We want you to draw…


A cat! I knew that’s what you wanted.

The Co-Host draws a cat.


Is that what we decided? No, we wanted you to draw a dog. Boys and girls, bark like a dog to help our friend know our choice.


Oh no, I’m so sorry. Now you’ll never be my friend again because I guessed the wrong animal and messed up our drawing.


Boys and girls, are we mad at ______ (Co-Host)? No, we forgive you. Let’s give our friend another chance. (Tear off the paper or erase the whiteboard) We want you to draw a…dog.

The Co-Host draws a dog.


Thank you for forgiving me. You gave me another chance to draw.


That’s what God does for us. He forgives us when we make a mistake. That’s because He loves us. God gives us the chance to change and make a wise choice. Let's learn about a man who did that in our Big Story from the Bible.

Big StoryMaterials: Flower Pot, Seeds


Samson made a lot of mistakes, but God still loved him. I’m glad that Samson finally changed. Even when you make a mistake or a wrong choice, God will forgive you. All you have to do is ask. God loves you so much. I’m going to pray and thank God for helping us to change whenever we do the wrong thing. (Pray)


Jesus said this in 2 Corinthians 9:6,


“The one who plants only a little will gather only a little. And the one who plants a lot will gather a lot.”


That verse is talking about giving. If I plant just one seed (Drop one in the pot), will I have lots of plants grow or just one? What if I plant lots of seeds? (Drop several in the pot) I will grow lots of plants. The more we give, the more good things we can use to help people. That’s why we want to give our best. (Remind the kids of the giving project) We don't want to waste our gift like Samson in our story. We always want to give our best.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Change!


Samson made a big mess with all his unwise choices, but God gave him a second chance to save Israel from those mean Philistines.


You can tell your family about Samson and how we can change when you do the Big Do this week.


Talk to your family about a time when you made the wrong choice and then changed and made the right choice. Thank God for His help.


Let’s play a fun game about untangling a big mess. I’m going to choose two boys and girls and a helper (volunteer) to play with us. We’re going to make a circle.


Each person will grab a different person’s hand. (Help the preschoolers grab a different hand in the circle) Oh no, we’re all tangled in a big mess. Let’s see if we can untangle and make a circle. You can shout out helpful ideas.

The Host and Co-Host will play the game along with the kids. Help them move and twist to untangle the human knot. Encourage the audience to cheer you on until you return to a normal circle. If you need more help, look up the human knot game online.


You did a good job getting out of that mess. That’s what God helps us do when we tell Him we’re sorry for doing wrong. I’m glad that God forgives us. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Change!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Stay the Same or I Can Change?

  • Let’s pretend that we are strong, like Superman. Pretend you have been wrapped up in ropes. Let’s use our muscles to burst out of the ropes (Pretend to rip ropes that are surrounding you) What was the name of the strong man in our Big Story? Samson

  • Use your fingers to make scissors. What should we pretend to cut with our scissors? (Allow for answers and pretend cut things) What was Samson not supposed to let anyone cut? His hair

  • What do we say when we make a mistake? Do we say, “Ha ha!” Do we say, “I don’t care?” What do we say? (Pause) Right, “I’m sorry!” Micah 7:18 (NIrV), “You ______ Your people when they do what is wrong.”

    • Forgive

    • Don’t Forgive

  • Let’s pretend to push apart some big, heavy things. Put your hands on each side of you. Push! Push harder! Push really hard. Everyone, shout, “Crash!” Did Samson defeat the bad guys when he pushed apart the big columns? Yes Will God forgive us and help us when we make a wrong choice? Yes

  • What is our Big Do? Talk to your family about a time when you made the wrong choice and then changed and made the right choice.

Clean Up