I Can Step Up



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of David who had the faith to face a giant.

Giant Sunday

Rent large inflatables for a fun finale to your Summer to the Max experience.

Big Games

Rent, purchase, or build large version of classic board games such as Giant Jenga, Twister, Kerplunk, etc. Add some oversized or king-sized snacks will complete the day.

Giant Snacks

Purchase and serve giant snacks, such as cotton candy, ice cream, candy, etc.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to the very last Summer To The Max Sunday! Do any of you have brothers or sisters starting school soon? Are any of you going to preschool, Kindergarten, or 1st grade soon? It is so exciting to start new things! Let's get started today with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Rope


We’ve discovered so many true things from the Bible, and I know you will think and act more like Jesus this year. We have one more true thing to discover today. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Step Up!


That means I can be brave. Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Step Up,” we’ll take big steps with our knees up high. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions,


I Can Step Up!

Repeat a few times so the kids can practice the motions.


Today we’re going to learn about someone who was brave and faced a big challenge. Would you like to play a game that is a big challenge? I need a boy or girl to step up and volunteer to play. (Choose a kid)


You get to play tug of war with an adult. (Choose an adult to play against the kid)


In tug of war, you try to win by pulling your opponent across the line. Would it be a challenge for a kid to pull an adult? (Pause) It sure is. Let’s get our friend some help.

Choose several kids to join the first child. Have them play tug of war. The Host and Co-Host can join in to help the kids win.


Great job! When we step up to serve God, we can be sure that God will be there to help us.

Engage 2Materials: Pyrex Stirrer, Large Pyrex Beaker (2), Small Pyrex Beaker, Oil, Water, Clear Orbeez, Water

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s practice the Big Point again with our motions,


I Can Step Up! There’s something that makes it possible for us to step up and be brave in the middle of big challenges.


We can find out how God helps us be brave when we read the Bible.


Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.”


We can step up to serve God because we have faith in God. We believe that He helps us and that all of God’s promises come true.


You can have faith, even when life is hard. We can trust God, even though we can’t see Him. I have a beaker of oil and a stir stick. Watch what happens when I place the stirrer inside the beaker of oil.

Place the stir stick into the beaker of oil. The part that is in the oil will seemingly disappear.


That stick looks like it disappeared, but we know that somehow it’s inside the oil. We can’t see it, but we have faith that it’s in there. Watch what happens with this small beaker.

Use the small beaker to scoop out some of the oil, then place the small beaker inside the large beaker.


It looks like it’s gone, too. I can’t see it, but I know it’s there, so I have faith that the beaker is in the oil.

Set out the large beaker filled with water. Prior to the Engage, place clear Orbeez balls into the water that have already soaked in water. The Orbeez balls will require some time to soak up water before service begins.


I need a friend to help me. Look at this beaker. What do you think it has in it? Does it look like it just has water in it, nothing else? What if I told you that something is in there, would you believe me? Even though you can’t see them, I promise there’s something in there. Reach in and see what you find.

Have the child reach into the beaker filled with water and pull out the clear Orbeez balls.


They were there. We can trust and believe what God says, even if we can’t see how He’s helping us with our eyes. That’s because we know that God will never lie to us. Let’s worship God!

Big Story


David faced a giant and won. It wasn’t because he was stronger than everyone else. David won because God helped him. God wants to help you, too. If you’re scared about making new friends or trying new things, God understands, and He cares. If you’re nervous about your first day back at school or daycare, let’s pray and ask Jesus to help us be brave in the middle of these challenges. We can trust God to help us. Close your eyes and bow your heads, and I’ll pray. (Pray)


Luke 18:27 says,


“Jesus replied, ‘Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.’”


I’m so proud of you for giving. Just like in our true story about David who stepped up, too.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Step Up!


David was way smaller than Goliath, but that didn’t stop him from stepping up to the challenge. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up and do it.


Let’s think of some jobs around our house that we can help with.

Have the kids suggest different chores or jobs around the house that they could help with like picking up laundry, sweeping, making the bed, matching socks, etc. With each one, have the kids act out performing that task.


You’re going to do a great job.


Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Step Up!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say, I Can Step Down or I Can Step Up?

  • Stand to your feet and reach as high as you can. Stand on your tip toes and stretch your fingers. What was the name of the giant in our story? Goliath Did Goliath honor God or did he disrespect God with mean words? Disrespect

  • Put your hands up to your ears and listen for the sound I make. See if you can guess what it is. (Make sounds of different things like animals, cars, airplanes, etc.) Who heard the giant, Goliath, saying mean words? David Was David happy or angry that Goliath disrespected God? Angry

  • Close your eyes and cover them with your hands. See if you can guess how many fingers I’m holding up? (Play a couple of rounds with the kids) Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not ____.” See or Hear? Can we be sure God’s promises come true? Yes!

  • Did David fight a chipmunk or a giant? Giant Show me your muscles. Did David win against the giant because he was stronger than the giant? No Who helped David win against the giant? God Can you do great things, like David did? Yes Who helps you? God

  • What is our Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with and then do it.

Clean Up

I Can Step Up Instructions

Countdown from 10

Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of David who had the faith to face a giant.

Giant Sunday

Rent large inflatables for a fun finale to your Summer to the Max experience.

Big Games

Rent, purchase, or build large version of classic board games such as Giant Jenga, Twister, Kerplunk, etc. Add some oversized or king-sized snacks will complete the day.

Giant Snacks

Purchase and serve giant snacks, such as cotton candy, ice cream, candy, etc.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to the very last Summer To The Max Sunday! Do any of you have brothers or sisters starting school soon? Are any of you going to preschool, Kindergarten, or 1st grade soon? It is so exciting to start new things! Let's get started today with some worship!

Engage 1Materials: Rope


We’ve discovered so many true things from the Bible, and I know you will think and act more like Jesus this year. We have one more true thing to discover today. Let’s listen to today’s Big Point,


I Can Step Up!


That means I can be brave. Let’s make up some motions to do as we sing the song. When we say, “I,” use your thumbs to point to yourself. When we say, “Step Up,” we’ll take big steps with our knees up high. Let’s sing it a few times so we can practice the motions,


I Can Step Up!

Repeat a few times so the kids can practice the motions.


Today we’re going to learn about someone who was brave and faced a big challenge. Would you like to play a game that is a big challenge? I need a boy or girl to step up and volunteer to play. (Choose a kid)


You get to play tug of war with an adult. (Choose an adult to play against the kid)


In tug of war, you try to win by pulling your opponent across the line. Would it be a challenge for a kid to pull an adult? (Pause) It sure is. Let’s get our friend some help.

Choose several kids to join the first child. Have them play tug of war. The Host and Co-Host can join in to help the kids win.


Great job! When we step up to serve God, we can be sure that God will be there to help us.

Engage 2Materials: Pyrex Stirrer, Large Pyrex Beaker (2), Small Pyrex Beaker, Oil, Water, Clear Orbeez, Water

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s practice the Big Point again with our motions,


I Can Step Up! There’s something that makes it possible for us to step up and be brave in the middle of big challenges.


We can find out how God helps us be brave when we read the Bible.


Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.”


We can step up to serve God because we have faith in God. We believe that He helps us and that all of God’s promises come true.


You can have faith, even when life is hard. We can trust God, even though we can’t see Him. I have a beaker of oil and a stir stick. Watch what happens when I place the stirrer inside the beaker of oil.

Place the stir stick into the beaker of oil. The part that is in the oil will seemingly disappear.


That stick looks like it disappeared, but we know that somehow it’s inside the oil. We can’t see it, but we have faith that it’s in there. Watch what happens with this small beaker.

Use the small beaker to scoop out some of the oil, then place the small beaker inside the large beaker.


It looks like it’s gone, too. I can’t see it, but I know it’s there, so I have faith that the beaker is in the oil.

Set out the large beaker filled with water. Prior to the Engage, place clear Orbeez balls into the water that have already soaked in water. The Orbeez balls will require some time to soak up water before service begins.


I need a friend to help me. Look at this beaker. What do you think it has in it? Does it look like it just has water in it, nothing else? What if I told you that something is in there, would you believe me? Even though you can’t see them, I promise there’s something in there. Reach in and see what you find.

Have the child reach into the beaker filled with water and pull out the clear Orbeez balls.


They were there. We can trust and believe what God says, even if we can’t see how He’s helping us with our eyes. That’s because we know that God will never lie to us. Let’s worship God!

Big Story


David faced a giant and won. It wasn’t because he was stronger than everyone else. David won because God helped him. God wants to help you, too. If you’re scared about making new friends or trying new things, God understands, and He cares. If you’re nervous about your first day back at school or daycare, let’s pray and ask Jesus to help us be brave in the middle of these challenges. We can trust God to help us. Close your eyes and bow your heads, and I’ll pray. (Pray)


Luke 18:27 says,


“Jesus replied, ‘Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.’”


I’m so proud of you for giving. Just like in our true story about David who stepped up, too.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Can Step Up!


David was way smaller than Goliath, but that didn’t stop him from stepping up to the challenge. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with. Then step up and do it.


Let’s think of some jobs around our house that we can help with.

Have the kids suggest different chores or jobs around the house that they could help with like picking up laundry, sweeping, making the bed, matching socks, etc. With each one, have the kids act out performing that task.


You’re going to do a great job.


Let’s say our Big Point once more,


I Can Step Up!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say, I Can Step Down or I Can Step Up?

  • Stand to your feet and reach as high as you can. Stand on your tip toes and stretch your fingers. What was the name of the giant in our story? Goliath Did Goliath honor God or did he disrespect God with mean words? Disrespect

  • Put your hands up to your ears and listen for the sound I make. See if you can guess what it is. (Make sounds of different things like animals, cars, airplanes, etc.) Who heard the giant, Goliath, saying mean words? David Was David happy or angry that Goliath disrespected God? Angry

  • Close your eyes and cover them with your hands. See if you can guess how many fingers I’m holding up? (Play a couple of rounds with the kids) Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV) says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not ____.” See or Hear? Can we be sure God’s promises come true? Yes!

  • Did David fight a chipmunk or a giant? Giant Show me your muscles. Did David win against the giant because he was stronger than the giant? No Who helped David win against the giant? God Can you do great things, like David did? Yes Who helps you? God

  • What is our Big Do? Ask your parents if there is a big task you can help with and then do it.

Clean Up