I Am Comforted



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions


Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Pajama Sunday

Have the kids wear pajamas and provide a yummy breakfast treat.

Hot Chocolate Bar

Turn up the heat with an inside Hot Chocolate bar complete with marshmallows, sprinkles, and the works. Use the classic drink to comfort the kids.

Animal Show

Hire a local performer who works with animals such as dogs, birds, etc.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer to the Max! We’ve been hearing about how we can follow Jesus and how He can help us choose the right attitude.


Each week we’re going to learn a right choice we can make, even when sometimes we might feel like doing the opposite. Let’s practice doing the opposite. When it’s hot in the summer, what do you do? Fan yourself. Let’s do the opposite and say, “Brrr,” and shiver.

Engage 1


Let’s learn the Big Point to find out what Jesus says He can do for us when we feel sad. He can help us feel the opposite. Put your hand to your ear,


I Am Comforted!


Let’s think about some things that comfort us. Comforted means you feel better.

Have the kids tell you what items they see on the slides. Ask them if they have any of those items and when they use them. Act out using some of them and discuss why those things comfort us.


I’m glad that we have things to comfort us when we’re going to sleep or after we fall and get a boo boo. But those things don’t last forever.


Some of them, like stuffed animals or blankets, can get lost or torn, and we may not have them anymore. Did you know that God’s comfort never goes away?


That’s right. God never, ever leaves us. He’s always with us, which means we are never far from God. He can always comfort us when we need His help. Let’s stand and say the Big Point again.


I Am Comforted!

Engage 2Materials: Plastic Ziploc Bag (2), Water, Pencils, Bucket

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s practice our Big Point again,


I Am Comforted! I’m so glad God can help us feel better. In addition to God, who else helps you feel comforted when you feel upset? (Allow a few kids to answer)


Let’s see what Jesus said in the Bible about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Matthew 5:4 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who are sad. They will be comforted.” What kinds of things make you feel sad?

Allow the kids to answer.


It doesn’t feel good when you’re sad. What do you do when you feel like that? (Allow for answers) Often, we cry. Can you pretend to cry?


It feels like those sad things that happen just poke us right in the heart and the tears flow out.

Poke one of the bags filled with water with a pencil, but don’t insert it, allowing the water to flow out of the bag into the bucket.


But that’s why we have Jesus’ help. With Jesus we can feel comforted even when something sad happens. God blesses us with good things, even during sad times. We can keep going.

Poke a few pencils through the second bag filled with water. Poke the pencil all the way through, so that part of it sticks out both sides of the bag. The water should stay inside the bag instead of pouring out.


I’m thankful that we have God’s love with us wherever we go. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, but we don’t have to stay sad forever because of Jesus’ comfort and help.


Let’s hear a true story about a man who came to Jesus and was comforted.

Big Story


I’m so glad that we aren’t alone and that Jesus wants to help us. Jesus has also given us lots of friends here at church to give us help and comfort. Let’s pray for our friends who are sitting nearby right now. Quietly pray for your neighbor by asking Jesus to help them. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Sandpaper

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Am Comforted!


The man with the skin disease must have felt so sad when he couldn’t live with his family and near his friends. Jesus wasn’t afraid to touch him and heal him.


You can tell your family about the Big Story and how Jesus comforted the man when you do the Big Do this week.


Share some comfort with someone in your family. You could make that person a simple comfort snack, share a blanket, or give a hug. Talk about how we all have God’s comfort.


Have you ever watched shows about sharks on TV? They are so interesting. Can you show me what a shark looks like when it chomps down on some food? (Pause) Did you know that sharks have skin that feels different depending on the way you rub it?


If you run your hand from the head towards the tail, it feels smooth, but if you rub your hand from the tail towards a shark’s head, it feels rough, like sandpaper.

Allow a few kids to lightly rub the sandpaper.


That reminds me that when we feel bad, Jesus can help our hearts feel better.


We have a fun show planned for you today. We’re going to have some special dogs visit and teach us. Doggies are one of the things that comfort me. Let’s watch!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Am Sad or I Am Comforted?

  • Pinch the skin on your elbow. What happens to your skin if you stay out in the sun too long? (Allow for answers) It can get sunburned. What was wrong with the man in our story? He had a skin disease Did he live with his family or alone? Alone

  • What are some fun things you like to do during the summer? (Allow for answers) What did the sick man ask Jesus to do? Heal him Did Jesus want to heal him? Yes Did Jesus stay far away from the man with the skin disease or touch him? Touched him

  • What kinds of things make you feel happy? Angry? Silly? Sad? (Allow the kids to answer) Matthew 5:4 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who are (angry / sad). They will be comforted.”

  • What is our Big Do? Share some comfort with someone in your family

Clean Up

I Am Comforted Instructions


Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Pajama Sunday

Have the kids wear pajamas and provide a yummy breakfast treat.

Hot Chocolate Bar

Turn up the heat with an inside Hot Chocolate bar complete with marshmallows, sprinkles, and the works. Use the classic drink to comfort the kids.

Animal Show

Hire a local performer who works with animals such as dogs, birds, etc.


Host and Co-Host enter.


Welcome to Summer to the Max! We’ve been hearing about how we can follow Jesus and how He can help us choose the right attitude.


Each week we’re going to learn a right choice we can make, even when sometimes we might feel like doing the opposite. Let’s practice doing the opposite. When it’s hot in the summer, what do you do? Fan yourself. Let’s do the opposite and say, “Brrr,” and shiver.

Engage 1


Let’s learn the Big Point to find out what Jesus says He can do for us when we feel sad. He can help us feel the opposite. Put your hand to your ear,


I Am Comforted!


Let’s think about some things that comfort us. Comforted means you feel better.

Have the kids tell you what items they see on the slides. Ask them if they have any of those items and when they use them. Act out using some of them and discuss why those things comfort us.


I’m glad that we have things to comfort us when we’re going to sleep or after we fall and get a boo boo. But those things don’t last forever.


Some of them, like stuffed animals or blankets, can get lost or torn, and we may not have them anymore. Did you know that God’s comfort never goes away?


That’s right. God never, ever leaves us. He’s always with us, which means we are never far from God. He can always comfort us when we need His help. Let’s stand and say the Big Point again.


I Am Comforted!

Engage 2Materials: Plastic Ziploc Bag (2), Water, Pencils, Bucket

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s practice our Big Point again,


I Am Comforted! I’m so glad God can help us feel better. In addition to God, who else helps you feel comforted when you feel upset? (Allow a few kids to answer)


Let’s see what Jesus said in the Bible about our Big Point by reading our Big Verse.


Matthew 5:4 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who are sad. They will be comforted.” What kinds of things make you feel sad?

Allow the kids to answer.


It doesn’t feel good when you’re sad. What do you do when you feel like that? (Allow for answers) Often, we cry. Can you pretend to cry?


It feels like those sad things that happen just poke us right in the heart and the tears flow out.

Poke one of the bags filled with water with a pencil, but don’t insert it, allowing the water to flow out of the bag into the bucket.


But that’s why we have Jesus’ help. With Jesus we can feel comforted even when something sad happens. God blesses us with good things, even during sad times. We can keep going.

Poke a few pencils through the second bag filled with water. Poke the pencil all the way through, so that part of it sticks out both sides of the bag. The water should stay inside the bag instead of pouring out.


I’m thankful that we have God’s love with us wherever we go. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, but we don’t have to stay sad forever because of Jesus’ comfort and help.


Let’s hear a true story about a man who came to Jesus and was comforted.

Big Story


I’m so glad that we aren’t alone and that Jesus wants to help us. Jesus has also given us lots of friends here at church to give us help and comfort. Let’s pray for our friends who are sitting nearby right now. Quietly pray for your neighbor by asking Jesus to help them. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Sandpaper

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


I Am Comforted!


The man with the skin disease must have felt so sad when he couldn’t live with his family and near his friends. Jesus wasn’t afraid to touch him and heal him.


You can tell your family about the Big Story and how Jesus comforted the man when you do the Big Do this week.


Share some comfort with someone in your family. You could make that person a simple comfort snack, share a blanket, or give a hug. Talk about how we all have God’s comfort.


Have you ever watched shows about sharks on TV? They are so interesting. Can you show me what a shark looks like when it chomps down on some food? (Pause) Did you know that sharks have skin that feels different depending on the way you rub it?


If you run your hand from the head towards the tail, it feels smooth, but if you rub your hand from the tail towards a shark’s head, it feels rough, like sandpaper.

Allow a few kids to lightly rub the sandpaper.


That reminds me that when we feel bad, Jesus can help our hearts feel better.


We have a fun show planned for you today. We’re going to have some special dogs visit and teach us. Doggies are one of the things that comfort me. Let’s watch!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Am Sad or I Am Comforted?

  • Pinch the skin on your elbow. What happens to your skin if you stay out in the sun too long? (Allow for answers) It can get sunburned. What was wrong with the man in our story? He had a skin disease Did he live with his family or alone? Alone

  • What are some fun things you like to do during the summer? (Allow for answers) What did the sick man ask Jesus to do? Heal him Did Jesus want to heal him? Yes Did Jesus stay far away from the man with the skin disease or touch him? Touched him

  • What kinds of things make you feel happy? Angry? Silly? Sad? (Allow the kids to answer) Matthew 5:4 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who are (angry / sad). They will be comforted.”

  • What is our Big Do? Share some comfort with someone in your family

Clean Up