Give Without Getting Back



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Large Clear Jar, Sponge, Bucket of Water

Host and Co-Host enter, dressed in overalls.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! It’s going to be a fun day with Conductor Carl and all his friends.


We get to learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit today. Those are the good attitudes that grow inside our invisible hearts when we obey Jesus.


The heart is a special place inside you that connects to God. Today we’ll hear about goodness. Do you think hitting your friend and making an angry face would show goodness?


No, not at all. Would it be good to be kind and give someone a gift? Yes.


What would happen if I put this sponge in a bucket of water? (Pause) Yes, it would get wet. (To audience) Can you pretend to help me squeeze the sponge into this jar? Squeeze really hard!

Soak up water from the bucket and squeeze it out in the jar.


That is like giving. We take what we have and share it with others. But what if I take my gift back?

Soak up the water in the jar with the sponge.


Now, there’s not much left in the jar. Do you think it would make your friend happy if you took back a gift? Or is it better to give something away forever? I think you’re right.


Today we’ll learn why giving and not asking for something back shows goodness. First, Jr. Conductors, help us get ready for a fun day by saying, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Stickers (1 per child)

Host and Co-Host enter. For this Engage, choose some fun stickers to share with the kids. Fruit of the Spirit stickers are available online and would be a fun choice.


Have you ever been to a birthday party, like the one we’re having for Conductor Gordon? Birthday parties are fun. What song do you sing at a birthday party?


Yes, you do sing “Happy Birthday.” Is anyone having a birthday soon? Let’s practice singing, like we’re at a party for our friends, here.

Sing Happy Birthday.


Do you think that Engineer Courtney is making a wise choice? Is it right for her to get mad about not getting a present at Conductor Gordon’s birthday? I think she needs to learn the Big Point. Let’s stand and practice the Big Point together,


Give Without Getting Back!


Let’s think of some things we can give to others.

Help the kids list things to give, like hugs, money, toys, clothes, help, smiles, etc.


Those all sound like great things to give, but should we only give things if people give back to us? No, that doesn’t sound like something Jesus would do.


Jesus gives because He loves us. He doesn’t do it to get things for Himself. Since we’re learning to walk in step with the Holy Spirit, that means we can act like Jesus.


Yeah, giving just to get something for yourself isn’t the right way to act. Now, I have a sticker that I want to give my friend.

Place a sticker on the Co-Host.


Thank you! I love stickers. Do you like them, too, Jr. Conductors?


What if I take the sticker back because my friend didn’t give me a gift? (Take off the sticker) Look, it has fuzzies all over the back. Now it doesn’t stick as well.


Giving is better when you give something away just to be kind and don’t take it back or ask for a gift from your friend.


Yeah, you’re right. That’s called goodness. It’s part of the Fruit of the Spirit. You know, it would be great to give all our friends a sticker and not take them back.


That’s a great idea! We’ll pass them out a little later, but first let’s see if Engineer Courtney makes a better choice.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Black Bedsheet

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Courtney was not kind to Farmer Faith. She wouldn’t let her borrow her watering can. That does not sound like something Jesus would do. Engineer Courtney needs to follow the Big Point. Let’s say it together,


Give Without Getting Back!


I’m glad that Conductor Carl was there to share the Big Verse from the Bible.


2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIrV), “Your gifts meet the needs of the Lord’s people. And that’s not all. Your gifts also cause many people to thank God.”


I like thanking God and I love to be His big helper. But if I act mean and won’t give, am I acting how God would want me to?


Not really. Worse, acting in an unkind way might even make people think that God is mean or that He doesn’t like to give. God’s definitely not like that, right? (Pause) Yep, God is kind and generous.


Let’s talk about that some more. I have some friends (Bring up two adult volunteers) who will hold up this sheet. Does this make it hard to see what’s behind it? I want (Co-Host’s name) to go behind it, and we’ll guess what face he/she is making behind the sheet.

Have the Co-Host go behind the sheet and make different faces or do different actions. Ask the kids to guess what the volunteer is doing. Do this a few different times.


(From behind the sheet) The Jr. Conductors are having a hard time guessing what I’m doing.


It’s really hard to tell because you are covered up. When we refuse to give, we make it hard for people to see how good and kind God really is. But when we give freely, we show everyone how wonderful God is to all of us. Let’s try this again, but this time let’s take away the sheet.

Drop the sheet. Have the Co-Host make faces or actions and have the kids describe what they see.


That was much easier. When we are generous and show goodness, we help people praise God by showing how good He is to everyone. That’s a wise choice. Let’s stand and worship God!

Big Story

Jr. Conductors, let’s quietly ask God to help us think of some ways we can be big helpers this week. Close your eyes and listen to God. He may not talk out loud, but He might give you an idea on the inside. Quietly listen for that idea. (Pause) That was great. Give me a thumbs up if you got an idea in your min. That was God speaking to you! I’m glad that we can help others because God has been good to us. Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Dear God, thank You for helping us give as You grow goodness inside of us. We want to give even if we don’t get anything back, just like You do. We love You, God! Amen.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Cardstock, Coloring Utensils, Stickers

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage gives the kids an opportunity to make a card for someone. You can use blank cardstock or purchase cards for the kids. Another option would be to have a premade craft ready for each child to assemble. Gather the necessary materials. Consider splitting the kids into Small Groups for this activity.


I’m so pleased that of Engineer Courtney gave her present to Conductor Gordon. She listened and followed the Big Point. Let’s say it again,


Give Without Getting Back


That’s what Paul and Silas did in the jail. They could have been mad at the jailer and his family. Instead, Paul and Silas wanted to help them become Jesus’ friends. We can remember their story this week when we do the Big Do with our families.


This week’s Big Do is to make a homemade gift for someone and give it to them. But when you give it away, don’t ask for anything back. Just give.


I have a fun idea. Let’s make cards right now that we can give away when our families comes to pick us up.


That is a fun idea. We’ll hand out cards and crayons so that we can all make something nice, just to be kind.


That’s a great way to follow the Big Point,


Give Without Getting Back!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Give to Get Something or Give Without Getting Back?

  • In our Big Story, who was put in jail for helping someone, Jim or Paul?

  • Did Paul and Silas run away when the jail doors opened? No What did they do for the jailer and his family? Shared about Jesus

  • 2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIrV), “Your gifts meet the needs of the Lord’s people. And that’s not all. Your gifts also cause many people to (ignore / thank) God.”

  • What is something you can do to show goodness to your family this week?

Give Without Getting Back Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Large Clear Jar, Sponge, Bucket of Water

Host and Co-Host enter, dressed in overalls.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! It’s going to be a fun day with Conductor Carl and all his friends.


We get to learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit today. Those are the good attitudes that grow inside our invisible hearts when we obey Jesus.


The heart is a special place inside you that connects to God. Today we’ll hear about goodness. Do you think hitting your friend and making an angry face would show goodness?


No, not at all. Would it be good to be kind and give someone a gift? Yes.


What would happen if I put this sponge in a bucket of water? (Pause) Yes, it would get wet. (To audience) Can you pretend to help me squeeze the sponge into this jar? Squeeze really hard!

Soak up water from the bucket and squeeze it out in the jar.


That is like giving. We take what we have and share it with others. But what if I take my gift back?

Soak up the water in the jar with the sponge.


Now, there’s not much left in the jar. Do you think it would make your friend happy if you took back a gift? Or is it better to give something away forever? I think you’re right.


Today we’ll learn why giving and not asking for something back shows goodness. First, Jr. Conductors, help us get ready for a fun day by saying, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Stickers (1 per child)

Host and Co-Host enter. For this Engage, choose some fun stickers to share with the kids. Fruit of the Spirit stickers are available online and would be a fun choice.


Have you ever been to a birthday party, like the one we’re having for Conductor Gordon? Birthday parties are fun. What song do you sing at a birthday party?


Yes, you do sing “Happy Birthday.” Is anyone having a birthday soon? Let’s practice singing, like we’re at a party for our friends, here.

Sing Happy Birthday.


Do you think that Engineer Courtney is making a wise choice? Is it right for her to get mad about not getting a present at Conductor Gordon’s birthday? I think she needs to learn the Big Point. Let’s stand and practice the Big Point together,


Give Without Getting Back!


Let’s think of some things we can give to others.

Help the kids list things to give, like hugs, money, toys, clothes, help, smiles, etc.


Those all sound like great things to give, but should we only give things if people give back to us? No, that doesn’t sound like something Jesus would do.


Jesus gives because He loves us. He doesn’t do it to get things for Himself. Since we’re learning to walk in step with the Holy Spirit, that means we can act like Jesus.


Yeah, giving just to get something for yourself isn’t the right way to act. Now, I have a sticker that I want to give my friend.

Place a sticker on the Co-Host.


Thank you! I love stickers. Do you like them, too, Jr. Conductors?


What if I take the sticker back because my friend didn’t give me a gift? (Take off the sticker) Look, it has fuzzies all over the back. Now it doesn’t stick as well.


Giving is better when you give something away just to be kind and don’t take it back or ask for a gift from your friend.


Yeah, you’re right. That’s called goodness. It’s part of the Fruit of the Spirit. You know, it would be great to give all our friends a sticker and not take them back.


That’s a great idea! We’ll pass them out a little later, but first let’s see if Engineer Courtney makes a better choice.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Black Bedsheet

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Courtney was not kind to Farmer Faith. She wouldn’t let her borrow her watering can. That does not sound like something Jesus would do. Engineer Courtney needs to follow the Big Point. Let’s say it together,


Give Without Getting Back!


I’m glad that Conductor Carl was there to share the Big Verse from the Bible.


2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIrV), “Your gifts meet the needs of the Lord’s people. And that’s not all. Your gifts also cause many people to thank God.”


I like thanking God and I love to be His big helper. But if I act mean and won’t give, am I acting how God would want me to?


Not really. Worse, acting in an unkind way might even make people think that God is mean or that He doesn’t like to give. God’s definitely not like that, right? (Pause) Yep, God is kind and generous.


Let’s talk about that some more. I have some friends (Bring up two adult volunteers) who will hold up this sheet. Does this make it hard to see what’s behind it? I want (Co-Host’s name) to go behind it, and we’ll guess what face he/she is making behind the sheet.

Have the Co-Host go behind the sheet and make different faces or do different actions. Ask the kids to guess what the volunteer is doing. Do this a few different times.


(From behind the sheet) The Jr. Conductors are having a hard time guessing what I’m doing.


It’s really hard to tell because you are covered up. When we refuse to give, we make it hard for people to see how good and kind God really is. But when we give freely, we show everyone how wonderful God is to all of us. Let’s try this again, but this time let’s take away the sheet.

Drop the sheet. Have the Co-Host make faces or actions and have the kids describe what they see.


That was much easier. When we are generous and show goodness, we help people praise God by showing how good He is to everyone. That’s a wise choice. Let’s stand and worship God!

Big Story

Jr. Conductors, let’s quietly ask God to help us think of some ways we can be big helpers this week. Close your eyes and listen to God. He may not talk out loud, but He might give you an idea on the inside. Quietly listen for that idea. (Pause) That was great. Give me a thumbs up if you got an idea in your min. That was God speaking to you! I’m glad that we can help others because God has been good to us. Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Dear God, thank You for helping us give as You grow goodness inside of us. We want to give even if we don’t get anything back, just like You do. We love You, God! Amen.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Cardstock, Coloring Utensils, Stickers

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage gives the kids an opportunity to make a card for someone. You can use blank cardstock or purchase cards for the kids. Another option would be to have a premade craft ready for each child to assemble. Gather the necessary materials. Consider splitting the kids into Small Groups for this activity.


I’m so pleased that of Engineer Courtney gave her present to Conductor Gordon. She listened and followed the Big Point. Let’s say it again,


Give Without Getting Back


That’s what Paul and Silas did in the jail. They could have been mad at the jailer and his family. Instead, Paul and Silas wanted to help them become Jesus’ friends. We can remember their story this week when we do the Big Do with our families.


This week’s Big Do is to make a homemade gift for someone and give it to them. But when you give it away, don’t ask for anything back. Just give.


I have a fun idea. Let’s make cards right now that we can give away when our families comes to pick us up.


That is a fun idea. We’ll hand out cards and crayons so that we can all make something nice, just to be kind.


That’s a great way to follow the Big Point,


Give Without Getting Back!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Give to Get Something or Give Without Getting Back?

  • In our Big Story, who was put in jail for helping someone, Jim or Paul?

  • Did Paul and Silas run away when the jail doors opened? No What did they do for the jailer and his family? Shared about Jesus

  • 2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIrV), “Your gifts meet the needs of the Lord’s people. And that’s not all. Your gifts also cause many people to (ignore / thank) God.”

  • What is something you can do to show goodness to your family this week?