Guard Your Heart!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested Music selections for this lesson include:

  • Optional soft instrumental music for Big Story

I’m glad that we can guard our heart with God’s armor. It protects us. God has already given His friends and followers the armor. All we have to do is use it. Let’s pray and thank God for giving us His armor to protect our hearts. Take a moment to bow your heads and close your eyes and tell God, “Thank You.” (Pause) I’ll pray for everyone. (Pray)

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Soccer Ball

Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is dressed for a soccer game. If you don’t have a soccer jersey, you can substitute an athletic t-shirt.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! What sport does our friend look like he/she is ready to play?

The Co-Host dribbles the soccer ball around the stage.

Host That’s right, he/she looks ready to play a game of soccer. Have any of you ever played on a soccer team? What was your team’s name?

Co-Host I love playing soccer. Do you know what position I play? I play goalie. Can you help me practice?

Host Would you like to help our friend? Stand up. Pretend that you are dribbling a soccer ball. That means that you kick it softly from foot to foot. (Demonstrate with the soccer ball) Keep dribbling down the field. Look, there’s the goalie!

Co-Host Here I am. Kick the ball to the goal!

(The Co-Host lays down and doesn’t attempt to block any shots.)

Host Wait a second. Did our friend do a good job as the goalie? No, the goalie has to block the soccer ball from going inside the goal.

Co-Host I must be confused about the game.

Host Don’t worry; the Jr. Conductors will help you. I bet they will also help you learn today’s Big Point. Let’s keep things going with a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Heart-shaped Balloon

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Roberta the Robber really wants that heart.

Host Engineer Kelly is going to have to keep her eyes open to look for Roberta. Let’s open our eyes really big and look all around for Roberta. (Look around) Engineer Kelly reminded me of our Big Point. Let’s practice our Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host Does that mean we guard the heart inside of us that goes, “Bump, bump?” Hold your hands over you heart and make that sound. Bump, bump, bump, bump.

Host No, our Big Point is talking about our invisible heart. Everyone has an invisible heart that helps us think, make choices, and connect with God.

Co-Host That sounds important. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to my invisible heart.

Host It’s very important because we all want to follow Jesus and be His friend. That’s why we have to guard our hearts, so we can keep them safe.

Co-Host What do we protect it from? The flu? Everyone, say, “Achoo!”

Host No, we protect it from our enemy. Satan does not like it when people become God’s friends. He doesn’t want our hearts to have good things, but God helps us guard our hearts. Let’s play a game of tag to show what our Big Point means. I have some friends who are coming up to play. (bring kid volunteers on stage) You (Co-Host) will try to get this heart I’m holding, but these Jr. Conductors (Indicate the ones on stage) will try to tag you before you grab it. If they tag you, you have to freeze.

Play the game, allowing the kids to tag and freeze the Co-Host. Tell him/her to unfreeze after a few seconds, and then allow the kids to tag him/her again. The heart could be a balloon, pool float, or even a piece of posterboard or foamboard.

Co-Host They did a good job guarding the heart. They didn’t let me near it. I should try to guard my goal like that in the soccer game.

Host We can guard our hearts, too, and not let our enemy near them. Jesus will help us be strong guards and protect them. Let’s see if Engineer Kelly can stop Roberta the Robber.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Goalie Gloves, Inflatable Soccer Ball (3)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Roberta the Robber is very sneaky. Did you see her sneak and try to take the heart from Engineer Kelly?

Host It almost worked, but thankfully you helped Engineer Kelly watch for Roberta. That’s what we do when we follow the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host Conductor Gordon shared an interesting verse with Engineer Kelly.

Co-Host Ephesians 6:11 (NIrV) says, “Put on all of God’s armor.” What does that mean?

Host That means you have to be ready to guard your heart by using all of the help that God gives you. Let’s think about your soccer game today. Do you have everything you need to be the goalie? Do you see anything he/she is missing, Jr. Conductors?

Co-Host I think so.

Co-Host checks his/her socks, shoes, jersey, and notices his/her hands.

Co-Host I don’t have my gloves. I need those to help me catch the ball.

Host That’s right. (Hands the Co-Host the gloves) With these gloves you’ll have your full soccer uniform. Let’s see if you can use them to catch some soccer balls. I have some friends who will kick them to you.

You may be able to borrow some goalie gloves, or you can substitute with baseball gloves. You can use regular soccer balls, but inflatable ones will help protect your room and keep everyone safe. Have some kids come up, kick the ball to the Co-Host, and have the Co-Host catch them.

Co-Host These gloves helped. How do I put on all of God’s armor?

Host God’s armor isn’t something we wear on our bodies. We put it on by using what God has already given to us. We use things like the truth in the Bible, the Holy Spirit, our faith in God, making wise choices, and more. These things help us guard our heart and keep it safe. Before we head to the Big Story Station and learn more about God’s armor, let’s stand and sing a song to God.

Big Story
Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Pillow (2), Pool Noodle (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Engineer Kelly guarded the heart and gave it safely back to Conductor Carl. Thank you for helping her.

Host We can take care of our hearts, too, because God has given us His armor to protect us. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host I like all the fun things we learned about God’s armor. It makes me feel like a brave knight, ready to fight the bad guys. Let’s pretend to swing our swords.

Host We can tell our families about God’s armor when we do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.

Host Use a pool noodle as your sword and a pillow as your shield. See who can use the noodle to touch the other person’s leg first.

Co-Host Let’s try that now. I’m going to play the game with a friend, and while I do, I need everyone else to stand up and pretend to play with us.

Choose a child to come up and play the game with the Co-Host. As you play, use extra caution to show the kids the safe and controlled way to play the game.

Co-Host That was fun. When you come back next week, tell us who won when you played the game with your family.

Host Be sure to use God’s armor to keep your invisible heart safe. Let’s say our Big Point once more.

Host Guard Your Heart!

Big Review


  • Did our Big Point say Ignore Your Heart or Guard Your Heart?

  • Let’s pretend to sneak quietly. (Tip toe in place) Look at a friend and softly say, “Shh.” Who tried to sneak and take the heart from Engineer Kelly? Roberta the Robber Did Engineer Kelly guard the heart? Yes

  • Let’s think of some different things a knight uses to keep himself safe. What does a knight wear on his head? Helmet What does a knight carry to fight? Sword What does a knight hold in front to block the sword? Shield Ephesians 6:11 (NIrV) says, “Put on ____ of God’s armor.”

    • All
    • Some
  • Can you make a face that looks angry? Can you make it look angrier? Do we have an enemy who doesn’t want us to be friends with God? Yes Does God always beat that enemy? Yes

  • I wonder if any of the Jr. Conductors have big muscles. Can you show me your biggest muscles? Oh my! We learned about someone today who makes us strong. Who is it? God Can God help us guard our hearts? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do?

Guard Your Heart! Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested Music selections for this lesson include:

  • Optional soft instrumental music for Big Story

I’m glad that we can guard our heart with God’s armor. It protects us. God has already given His friends and followers the armor. All we have to do is use it. Let’s pray and thank God for giving us His armor to protect our hearts. Take a moment to bow your heads and close your eyes and tell God, “Thank You.” (Pause) I’ll pray for everyone. (Pray)

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Soccer Ball

Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is dressed for a soccer game. If you don’t have a soccer jersey, you can substitute an athletic t-shirt.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! What sport does our friend look like he/she is ready to play?

The Co-Host dribbles the soccer ball around the stage.

Host That’s right, he/she looks ready to play a game of soccer. Have any of you ever played on a soccer team? What was your team’s name?

Co-Host I love playing soccer. Do you know what position I play? I play goalie. Can you help me practice?

Host Would you like to help our friend? Stand up. Pretend that you are dribbling a soccer ball. That means that you kick it softly from foot to foot. (Demonstrate with the soccer ball) Keep dribbling down the field. Look, there’s the goalie!

Co-Host Here I am. Kick the ball to the goal!

(The Co-Host lays down and doesn’t attempt to block any shots.)

Host Wait a second. Did our friend do a good job as the goalie? No, the goalie has to block the soccer ball from going inside the goal.

Co-Host I must be confused about the game.

Host Don’t worry; the Jr. Conductors will help you. I bet they will also help you learn today’s Big Point. Let’s keep things going with a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Heart-shaped Balloon

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Roberta the Robber really wants that heart.

Host Engineer Kelly is going to have to keep her eyes open to look for Roberta. Let’s open our eyes really big and look all around for Roberta. (Look around) Engineer Kelly reminded me of our Big Point. Let’s practice our Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host Does that mean we guard the heart inside of us that goes, “Bump, bump?” Hold your hands over you heart and make that sound. Bump, bump, bump, bump.

Host No, our Big Point is talking about our invisible heart. Everyone has an invisible heart that helps us think, make choices, and connect with God.

Co-Host That sounds important. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to my invisible heart.

Host It’s very important because we all want to follow Jesus and be His friend. That’s why we have to guard our hearts, so we can keep them safe.

Co-Host What do we protect it from? The flu? Everyone, say, “Achoo!”

Host No, we protect it from our enemy. Satan does not like it when people become God’s friends. He doesn’t want our hearts to have good things, but God helps us guard our hearts. Let’s play a game of tag to show what our Big Point means. I have some friends who are coming up to play. (bring kid volunteers on stage) You (Co-Host) will try to get this heart I’m holding, but these Jr. Conductors (Indicate the ones on stage) will try to tag you before you grab it. If they tag you, you have to freeze.

Play the game, allowing the kids to tag and freeze the Co-Host. Tell him/her to unfreeze after a few seconds, and then allow the kids to tag him/her again. The heart could be a balloon, pool float, or even a piece of posterboard or foamboard.

Co-Host They did a good job guarding the heart. They didn’t let me near it. I should try to guard my goal like that in the soccer game.

Host We can guard our hearts, too, and not let our enemy near them. Jesus will help us be strong guards and protect them. Let’s see if Engineer Kelly can stop Roberta the Robber.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Goalie Gloves, Inflatable Soccer Ball (3)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Roberta the Robber is very sneaky. Did you see her sneak and try to take the heart from Engineer Kelly?

Host It almost worked, but thankfully you helped Engineer Kelly watch for Roberta. That’s what we do when we follow the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host Conductor Gordon shared an interesting verse with Engineer Kelly.

Co-Host Ephesians 6:11 (NIrV) says, “Put on all of God’s armor.” What does that mean?

Host That means you have to be ready to guard your heart by using all of the help that God gives you. Let’s think about your soccer game today. Do you have everything you need to be the goalie? Do you see anything he/she is missing, Jr. Conductors?

Co-Host I think so.

Co-Host checks his/her socks, shoes, jersey, and notices his/her hands.

Co-Host I don’t have my gloves. I need those to help me catch the ball.

Host That’s right. (Hands the Co-Host the gloves) With these gloves you’ll have your full soccer uniform. Let’s see if you can use them to catch some soccer balls. I have some friends who will kick them to you.

You may be able to borrow some goalie gloves, or you can substitute with baseball gloves. You can use regular soccer balls, but inflatable ones will help protect your room and keep everyone safe. Have some kids come up, kick the ball to the Co-Host, and have the Co-Host catch them.

Co-Host These gloves helped. How do I put on all of God’s armor?

Host God’s armor isn’t something we wear on our bodies. We put it on by using what God has already given to us. We use things like the truth in the Bible, the Holy Spirit, our faith in God, making wise choices, and more. These things help us guard our heart and keep it safe. Before we head to the Big Story Station and learn more about God’s armor, let’s stand and sing a song to God.

Big Story
Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Soccer Jersey, Shorts, Pillow (2), Pool Noodle (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Engineer Kelly guarded the heart and gave it safely back to Conductor Carl. Thank you for helping her.

Host We can take care of our hearts, too, because God has given us His armor to protect us. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host Guard Your Heart!

Co-Host I like all the fun things we learned about God’s armor. It makes me feel like a brave knight, ready to fight the bad guys. Let’s pretend to swing our swords.

Host We can tell our families about God’s armor when we do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.

Host Use a pool noodle as your sword and a pillow as your shield. See who can use the noodle to touch the other person’s leg first.

Co-Host Let’s try that now. I’m going to play the game with a friend, and while I do, I need everyone else to stand up and pretend to play with us.

Choose a child to come up and play the game with the Co-Host. As you play, use extra caution to show the kids the safe and controlled way to play the game.

Co-Host That was fun. When you come back next week, tell us who won when you played the game with your family.

Host Be sure to use God’s armor to keep your invisible heart safe. Let’s say our Big Point once more.

Host Guard Your Heart!

Big Review


  • Did our Big Point say Ignore Your Heart or Guard Your Heart?

  • Let’s pretend to sneak quietly. (Tip toe in place) Look at a friend and softly say, “Shh.” Who tried to sneak and take the heart from Engineer Kelly? Roberta the Robber Did Engineer Kelly guard the heart? Yes

  • Let’s think of some different things a knight uses to keep himself safe. What does a knight wear on his head? Helmet What does a knight carry to fight? Sword What does a knight hold in front to block the sword? Shield Ephesians 6:11 (NIrV) says, “Put on ____ of God’s armor.”

    • All
    • Some
  • Can you make a face that looks angry? Can you make it look angrier? Do we have an enemy who doesn’t want us to be friends with God? Yes Does God always beat that enemy? Yes

  • I wonder if any of the Jr. Conductors have big muscles. Can you show me your biggest muscles? Oh my! We learned about someone today who makes us strong. Who is it? God Can God help us guard our hearts? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do?