Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas!

Host and Co-Host enter.
Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Are you excited that Christmas is here?
Well…almost here. We still have to wait a little bit before we have all of our Christmas fun.
That’s true, but sometimes the waiting can be the most fun part. Let’s pretend that it’s Christmas morning. Stand up and pretend to sneak down the hall. Tip toe down the stairs. Peek around the corner. What colors do you see on the Christmas tree?
I see lots of red and green. What do you see under the Christmas tree? Do you see food? No. Do you see a family of turtles? No. What is there? Yes, presents! Let’s pretend to rip open the wrapping paper.
Pretend to open presents.
You can sit back down. I love all the fun we get to have at Christmas. Let’s look at some things we enjoy at Christmas.
Show the slides of various Christmas activities, food, traditions, etc. that kids enjoy. Have the kids share their favorites, too.
I can’t wait until it’s Christmas so that we can finally smile joyfully.
We don’t have to wait to have joy. The Christmas story shows us why we can have lots of joy every day. Listen closely to learn why that is true. But first let’s say, “Choo-choo!”
Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses the Christmas Stocking Tote bag. Follow the included directions to perform the illusion. It can be purchased online at If you don’t have this, you can substitute for any change bag. Print some pictures of different Christmas traditions and activities, such as a decorated tree, gifts, food, family, etc. before the service and have them ready to add to the bag. Place the Jesus silk inside the stocking.
Did you see what happened to the presents?
Who took them? (Pause) Roberta, the robber, stole the presents?! Oh, no. Oh, no! What’s going to happen to Christmas? I’m sure everyone will cry and cry.
It is sad that she took the presents. I hope that Conductor Carl can get them back, but just because the presents are gone doesn’t mean that Christmas is ruined.
I don’t know. I think I would feel sad if that happened. Jr. Conductors, can you help me show our friend how sad I would feel by pretending to cry.
Co-Host and kids pretend to cry.
I think we need to hear the Big Point so that we can know what really brings joy at Christmas.
Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas!
Is Christmas joyful because Jesus brings us presents?
No, it’s because Jesus is the greatest Christmas present ever. He came to Earth at Christmas to help us. There are lots of fun things about Christmas. Let’s look at some of them.
Print pictures of different Christmas traditions and activities, such as a decorated tree, gifts, food, family, etc. Show and describe each picture and why it’s enjoyable. Place them in the stocking beside the Jesus silk and switch to the empty side of the stocking. Have a child reach in and try to retrieve them.
Wait, they’re all gone! Where did they go?
Those fun things about Christmas don’t last forever. Sometimes the toys we get break, and we still get hungry after eating all that delicious food.
I guess my family does have to go back home after they visit.
But there’s someone who never goes away.
The Host reaches in and pulls out the Jesus silk. The Co-Host holds it up and shows it to the kids.
Jesus brings us joy that doesn’t go away. That’s why we can have joy at Christmas and every other day of the year. Jesus is the real reason we celebrate. That makes a lot of sense. Maybe we can share that with Ms. Meagan and Engineer Courtney.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Was Roberta kind to Ms. Meagan and Engineer Courtney? No, she wasn’t at all. Did you see what she did when Conductor Carl wasn’t looking? Yes, she stuck her tongue out at them. I’m not happy about her choices, but I am glad that the Big Point is true.
Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas!
Conductor Carl shared the Big Verse with them when they were feeling sad.
Luke 2:10 (NIrV), “I bring you good news. It will bring great joy for all the people.” Do you know who said those words, Jr. Conductors? It was the angel who announced that Jesus had been born.
Jesus’ birth was good news for the shepherds in the Christmas story, and Jesus is also good news for us.
When the shepherds heard about Jesus and saw Him, they told everyone around about Jesus.
That’s because we should never keep such good news to ourselves. We want to tell others! Did you know there is a Christmas song about the shepherds telling others the good news about Jesus? I have a fun idea for a game. We’ll start with this Jr. Conductor. (Walk to the first child in the row) I’m going to tell him/her, “Jesus is born!” I want you to tell that to the Jr. Conductor sitting next to you.
Then you (To the second kid in the row) can tell the next Jr. Conductor. We’ll keep sharing the good news with everyone as long as the music plays. But when the music stops playing, you have to be quiet. Then, when it starts again, start sharing the good news again!
For this activity choose a Christmas song to play / freeze. Go Tell It On The Mountain is suggested. Play the song, and have the kids share the phrase with the child sitting next to them. Walk down each row, encouraging the kids to share the good news. Help them remember what to say. Periodically, pause the music and make everyone freeze. Then play the music and keep going. Make this a fun activity for everyone to participate in doing.
Jesus brings joy because He came to help us become part of God’s family so we can live forever with Him.
I’m so thankful for Jesus. I guess you really can be joyful, even if there were no presents under the tree.
In just a moment we’ll visit the Big Story Station and hear about the shepherds and the angels on the night Jesus was born. But first let’s stand and worship God.
Jr. Conductors, let’s stop and think of one thing that we are thankful for this Christmas. (Pause) Take a moment to quietly thank God for that good thing and for sending Jesus to help us. (Pause). Now I’ll pray for all of us. Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to save us and make a way for us to be Your friends. Help us to choose to be joyful this Christmas, no matter what. Amen.
This Engage uses the Crowd Control Game: Jingle Box. ( It can be purchased online and played on any computer. If you don’t have access to the game or would like to play it without a computer, simply prepare three boxes. Remove the bottom from them and wrap them with wrapping paper, so that all three look exactly alike. For each round, place one of them over a Christmas item and move all the boxes around a table multiple times to mix up the order. Have the kids guess which box the item is under.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Roberta was so surprised when Conductor Carl gave her a present. I’m thankful that she returned all the gifts she stole. I hope she learned the Big Point,
Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas!
You can tell your family all about Roberta and how the shepherds heard the good news about Jesus when you do the Big Do this week.
This week’s Big Do is to share Christmas cheer by singing Christmas songs to other people. You could sing songs to the people who live next door or you could video call someone on the phone and sing.
When we open our presents at Christmas, we get a big surprise. Jesus surprised lots of people when He came to Earth, too. Let’s play a game. In this game, you have to find the surprise hiding under one of the presents on the screen.
You’ll have to watch closely to know which one is hiding the jingle bell.
Play several rounds of the game. Allow all the kids to respond by holding up 1, 2, or 3 fingers to show which one they think has the jingle bell.
That was a lot of fun. I hope you all have a very, Merry Christmas.
Don’t forget our Big Point,
Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas!
Did our Big Point say Jesus Brings Sadness at Christmas or Jesus Brings Joy At Christmas?
Let’s pretend to look up in the night sky. What do you see when you look at the sky at night? (Allow the kids to answer) Who looked up into the sky in the story while they watched their sheep? Shepherds What did the shepherds see? Angels
Show me the saddest face you can make. (Pause) Show me the happiest face you can make. (Pause) What did it say in our Big Verse from Luke 2:10 (NIrV), “I bring you good news. It will bring great (sadness / joy) for all the people.”
Tell me one thing you asked for at Christmas. What did the shepherds do after they visited Jesus? Told others the good news
Tell me your favorite Christmas song to sing. (Allow for answers) What is today’s Big Do? Share joy by singing a Christmas song to others