God Can Use Me!

Host and Co-host enter, dressed in overalls, Santa hats, and with handkerchiefs around their necks.
Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Do you see what we’re wearing on top of our heads?
They don’t look like our regular train hats. Do you know what they are? (Pause) That’s right! They are Christmas hats. We’re celebrating Christmas at the Train Station.
Are you excited that Christmas is coming soon? Me, too! Christmas is full of good news for all of us. The true story of Christmas is all about how God helped us.
I can’t wait to hear about how Jesus was born at Christmas. I have a fun idea. Everyone, stand up. We’re going to act out different things and see if you can guess what part of Christmas it’s like.
Play Christmas charades. Act out different things, like opening presents, decorating a Christmas tree, drinking hot cocoa, singing a Christmas song, having a snowball fight, etc. After the kids guess, have them act it out, too.
That was lots of Christmas fun. I can’t wait to see how we celebrate Christmas at the Train Station this year!
Before we visit Conductor Carl and his friends, let's say, “Choo-choo!”
Host and Co-Host enter.
Why is Mia upset?
Have you ever been told that you can’t do something because you are too young? Did that make you upset, like Mia?
Ms. Maia was helpful by offering Mia a part in the Christmas play at church. I hope that Mia joins the play. It sounds like they really need her help.
I think that Mia needs to hear the Big Point. Let’s stand and practice our Big Point,
God Can Use Me!
God can use us for what? Does God need help?
God is powerful, but He loves us so much that He wants us to be part of His big plan to help our world. Do any of you love to help the grown up in your house?
It is fun to be a big helper. Our mommies and daddies are pretty strong. They can do lots of jobs by themselves, but they also like it when you help. That’s because they love you and enjoy being around you.
Your grown up also wants to teach you how to do important jobs. God does the same thing for us. Let’s look at some jobs we can do and think about how God can use us in His big plan.
Show the slides and have the kids act out doing the different jobs that are on the slides. Then explain to the kids how God can use them as part of His big plan when they say, “Yes” to helping.
Assisting an elderly person: God uses us to show kindness.
Helping with chores: God uses us to obey and respect our mommies and daddies and be a good example to others.
Being a good friend: God uses us to show His love to our friends.
Reading the Bible: God uses us to help our friends learn how much Jesus loves them.
Praying: God uses us to pray for other people when they need God’s help.
There are lots of ways that the Jr. Conductors can be God’s big helpers.
That’s what the Christmas story teaches us. Mary said, “Yes” to being Jesus’ mom and God’s helper. Mia can be God’s helper, too, if she’ll be in the play. Let’s see what happens.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Mia thought that she wasn’t important because she doesn’t say anything during the play. I’m glad that she heard the Christmas story. God has a big plan for all of us, just like He did for Mary. Let’s stand and practice the Big Point again,
God Can Use Me!
Ms. Meagan shared an important Big Verse with Mia.
Luke 1:28 (NIrV) says, “The Lord has blessed you in a special way.” The angel said that to Mary when he told her about baby Jesus.
Mary wasn’t a princess or a president. She thought that she wasn’t very important, but God knew she was. He thinks that you are important, too. We all matter to God.
This reminds me of something fun we get to do at Christmas…open presents! Let’s play a fun game with some Jr. Conductors. In this fun game, we’ll see who can wrap their friend up like a present the fastest. Don’t forget the bow on top!
Optional, play game music. Choose two teams, consisting of two Jr. Conductors and one adult volunteer. Give them each some wrapping paper, tape, and a bow. Have the kids cheer on each team as they wrap the paper around one of the kids. Make sure they don’t go above the child’s neck as they wrap.
Our friends look like presents. We give people presents because we love them and want to be kind. God has given us some presents, too, but they’re not the kind that come with a bow on top.
God’s gifts to us are the things that He gives us the power to do. God gives each one of us things we can do well, like being able to sing or being good at making friends.
Some of us are good at reading and telling stories. God gave us those gifts, too. God gives us many different kinds of gifts, just like He blessed Mary in her own special way.
All the gifts God gives us help us be His big helpers. In just a moment, we’ll learn how Mary was God’s big helper.
First let’s stand and worship God!
I’m so glad that God wants us to be His big helpers, just like Mary. Point to yourself and say, “God Can Use Me!” (Pause) Let’s talk to Jesus and thank Him for giving us important jobs to do. Bow your head and close your eyes. “Dear Jesus, thank You for coming to our world to help us. We’re so glad that You came and that You use us as part of Your big plan to help the world. Help us to be like Mary and to always say, ‘Yes’ to You. Amen.”
Prior to the Engage, give several (or all) of the kids small gift boxes. Make sure to give out enough to fill the stocking.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Mia did a great job in the church’s Christmas play. I’m so pleased that she chose to believe our Big Point. She played Mary in the play, but she also acted just like Mary did when the angel visited her in the Bible. Let’s practice our Big Point,
God Can Use Me!
We can practice the Big Point this week by doing the Big Do.
Today’s Big Do is to find a toy drive where you can donate a toy to other kids. That will help lots of kids this Christmas. It’s a great way to be part of God’s big plan.
You might think that what you can give is small, but when God puts all our gifts together it makes a big difference! I’ll show you what we mean. We gave (some of) you gift boxes (hold one up).
They seem small. Let’s put one in this stocking. (Have a child place one in the stocking) There’s still room in here. Let’s see what happens when we place all the boxes in here. If you have a box, bring it up.
Have all the kids who have boxes place them in the stocking and fill it up.
When God uses all of us, it can help people in a big way! Our stocking is full. I’m so thankful for the good news of Christmas. Let’s say our Big Point.
God Can Use Me!
Did our Big Point say God Will Not Use Me or God Can Use Me?
Can you name some bright and shiny things? (Have the kids list items like sun, stars, lights, etc.) Who was bright and shiny in our story? Angel Why did the angel visit Mary? To tell her about Jesus
Can anyone here count to ten? What about saying your ABCs fast? Who can make a silly face? We can do lots of neat things. What did the Angel say to Mary in the Bible? Luke 1:28 (NIrV), “The Lord has blessed you in a (silly / special) way.”
If you like these Christmas things, shake your head “Yes.” If you don’t like them, shake your head “No.” Do you like Christmas trees? Gingerbread men cookies? Hot cocoa? Presents? Christmas lights? In our story, what did Mary say to the angel after hearing about God’s big plan? She said, “Yes.”
Let’s pretend to hold a Christmas present. Can you tell me what color wrapping paper your present is wrapped in? What is today’s Big Do? Give a gift to a toy drive