Don't Fear, Jesus Wins!

Engineer Kelly and Lionel decide to form a superhero team to protect the Train Station. They're worried that bad guys might attack after reading a book about superheroes. We have someone more powerful than superman to help us. It's Jesus! He always wins over evil.
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Don't Fear, Jesus Wins!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume, Bucket

Host and Co-host enter. The Co-host is dressed as a superhero.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! I love it when all of my friends come to visit. We have a lot of fun things to do today.

Co-Host I have something fun to do. I’m going out to get candy tonight! I have my bucket ready, and my costume is on. Do you know what hero I’m dressed like today?

Host Jr. Conductors, is today the day we walk around and ask our neighbors for candy? No, it’s not that day.

Co-Host I forgot. I guess I was just excited about wearing my costume. Could we practice asking for candy?

Host and Co-Host help the kids pretend to trick or treat.

Co-Host Maybe we shouldn’t pretend to do that. Sometimes I see scary things when I go ask for candy. I don’t like scary things.

Host I have good news for you. We’re going to discover why the Bible says that we don’t have to be afraid. I think it will help you. If you’re ready to have a great day, then give me a loud, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume, Tennis Shoes

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host It seems that Lionel and Engineer Kelly have the same idea as our friend. What did they decide to become? Why did they want to be superheroes?

Co-Host I want to be a superhero to get candy, but they want to help keep all of us safe. I’m not sure if they even have superpowers.

Host They want to make sure that the bad guys don’t win. Do you know what it means to win something? Let’s think about that. What are these used for? (Hold up the shoes and allow the kids to answer) Do you think they will help you run fast? Do you have shoes that help you run fast? I’d like to see how fast you can run. Let’s have a race.

Co-Host I could race a Jr. Conductor and use my super speed.

Then that means I need to look for someone with fast shoes to race.

Choose a child to come on stage.

Everyone else can stand up where you are. You guys get to be the crowd that cheers. Practice cheering! Say, “Good job! Go, go, go!”

Co-Host We’ll race from one side of the room/stage to the other. Ready? Set? Go!

(The Co-Host pretends to run fast but in reality, he/she is moving slowly so that the child wins the race.)

Co-Host Are you sure you don’t have super speed?

Host Who won the race? Right, he/she won. Sometimes we win a game, or a race, and sometimes someone else wins. Do you know who wins all the time?

Co-Host Me! It’s me!

Host Is it our friend, (Co-Host)? No, let’s listen to our Big Point.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host Jesus never, ever loses? Then that means that no bad guys can ever stop Jesus. That does make me feel less afraid.

Host It is very good news. Let’s find out if Lionel and Engineer Kelly understand our Big Point.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Engineer Kelly and Lionel couldn’t defeat that bad guy, and it made them think that the bad guys always win. We know the truth that Jesus is the only One who always wins. Let’s stand and say our Big Point.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host What if we had superpowers? Could we win all the time? Let’s all pretend to have superpowers. First, you have to give yourself a superhero name. My superhero name is __________. What’s yours? (Pause) Let’s act out different superhero powers. Pretend to fly. Shoot a web. Jump high. Run fast. Lay a giant golden egg. That’s a silly superpower. You can sit on your pockets.

(You can substitute or add more superpowers if time allows. If your space allows, then the kids can move about the room as they pretend.)

Host Even with superpowers you would still lose sometimes. Superpowers aren’t real, though. No one can fly or jump over buildings. Do you know who is real? Jesus is real. He really can win.

Co-Host I hope you didn’t make that up. Does it come from the Bible?

Host It sure does. We learn that in the verse Conductor Gordon shared. John 16:33 (NIrV), says,

Host “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world!” Jesus has already beaten the bad guys. We don’t have to worry if Jesus will win. He has already won.

Co-Host Let’s say, “Whew!” and wipe our foreheads. Now we don’t have to worry if Jesus can actually beat the bad guys. That helps me to not feel afraid.

Host Me too. There’s even a story in the Bible that tells us about Jesus winning a big battle. But before we hear that story, let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Jr. Conductors, one way to get rid of the scary feelings Satan tries to give us is to say what the Bible says. God’s Word helps us to trust Jesus. Let’s say part of today’s Big Verse. I’ll say it, and you repeat what I say. “Jesus has won the battle!” (Repeat 3-4 times) It’s good to say what you read in the Bible over and over again. Now I’ll use the Big Verse to pray for you. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I’m thankful that Engineer Kelly and Lionel learned that when they hear about something scary or see someone being mean, they can remember our Big Point. We can do the same thing. Let’s say it again.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host Do we have an enemy? Is it that boy who always picks on me and calls me names?

Host He’s not our enemy. Our enemy is Satan, and he likes it when we’re scared. That’s because he isn’t nice like Jesus. Satan tells lies, but we know what is true: Jesus is strong, and He always wins!

Co-Host He sounds too strong to beat even with superstrength. I guess there’s nothing we can do except be scared. Let’s make a scared face. Ahh!

Host That’s not true. We have a friend, who always wins, and He can help us beat our enemy. What’s His name? Jesus! Think of something that scares you. (Pause) I want you to say our Big Point to yourself.

Co-Host Let’s imagine Jesus winning the battle and say our Big Point as loud as we can. Whenever we feel scared, we can remind ourselves that Jesus wins.

Host Never forget that Jesus is the winner. I’m glad that you visited the Train Station today. Let’s say our Big Point again together,

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Big Review

Host 1. Let’s Practice our Big Point again. Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! Did our Big Point say Don’t Fear, Jesus Loses or Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins? Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

  1. What is the name of your favorite superhero? Can you show me what that superhero can do? What color costume does that superhero wear? Why did Lionel and Engineer Kelly pretend to be superheroes? **To protect the train station from bad guys**
  1. What kind of animal do you see in the picture? That’s right; it’s a horse. Can you make a horse sound? Let’s stand and pretend to ride a horse. How do we get a horse to stop? What do we say? Whoa! That’s right. You can have a seat on your pockets. In our Big Story, who did John see riding a horse? Jesus
  1. Look at the letters on the picture. Can you tell me what letters you see? Do you think we could practice making words with those letters? Let’s try. HAT, CAT, etc. In our Big Story, what did Jesus use to defeat the bad guys? Was it a big airplane? Was it a giant tank? What was it? A word
  1. Those are some silly looking monsters in the picture. What kind of sound do you think a silly monster like that would make? Sometimes we have bad dreams about monsters that don’t look silly. What could you do if you woke up scared? Pray, sing a worship song, repeat the Big Point
  1. Let’s pretend that you won a game. What kind of face do you make when you win? Can you look even more excited? Do you wave your arms all around? Let’s see if that can help you remember our Big Verse. John 16:33 (NIrV), “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have _____ the battle over the world!” Won

Don't Fear, Jesus Wins! Instructions

Countdown from 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume, Bucket

Host and Co-host enter. The Co-host is dressed as a superhero.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! I love it when all of my friends come to visit. We have a lot of fun things to do today.

Co-Host I have something fun to do. I’m going out to get candy tonight! I have my bucket ready, and my costume is on. Do you know what hero I’m dressed like today?

Host Jr. Conductors, is today the day we walk around and ask our neighbors for candy? No, it’s not that day.

Co-Host I forgot. I guess I was just excited about wearing my costume. Could we practice asking for candy?

Host and Co-Host help the kids pretend to trick or treat.

Co-Host Maybe we shouldn’t pretend to do that. Sometimes I see scary things when I go ask for candy. I don’t like scary things.

Host I have good news for you. We’re going to discover why the Bible says that we don’t have to be afraid. I think it will help you. If you’re ready to have a great day, then give me a loud, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume, Tennis Shoes

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host It seems that Lionel and Engineer Kelly have the same idea as our friend. What did they decide to become? Why did they want to be superheroes?

Co-Host I want to be a superhero to get candy, but they want to help keep all of us safe. I’m not sure if they even have superpowers.

Host They want to make sure that the bad guys don’t win. Do you know what it means to win something? Let’s think about that. What are these used for? (Hold up the shoes and allow the kids to answer) Do you think they will help you run fast? Do you have shoes that help you run fast? I’d like to see how fast you can run. Let’s have a race.

Co-Host I could race a Jr. Conductor and use my super speed.

Then that means I need to look for someone with fast shoes to race.

Choose a child to come on stage.

Everyone else can stand up where you are. You guys get to be the crowd that cheers. Practice cheering! Say, “Good job! Go, go, go!”

Co-Host We’ll race from one side of the room/stage to the other. Ready? Set? Go!

(The Co-Host pretends to run fast but in reality, he/she is moving slowly so that the child wins the race.)

Co-Host Are you sure you don’t have super speed?

Host Who won the race? Right, he/she won. Sometimes we win a game, or a race, and sometimes someone else wins. Do you know who wins all the time?

Co-Host Me! It’s me!

Host Is it our friend, (Co-Host)? No, let’s listen to our Big Point.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host Jesus never, ever loses? Then that means that no bad guys can ever stop Jesus. That does make me feel less afraid.

Host It is very good news. Let’s find out if Lionel and Engineer Kelly understand our Big Point.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Engineer Kelly and Lionel couldn’t defeat that bad guy, and it made them think that the bad guys always win. We know the truth that Jesus is the only One who always wins. Let’s stand and say our Big Point.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host What if we had superpowers? Could we win all the time? Let’s all pretend to have superpowers. First, you have to give yourself a superhero name. My superhero name is __________. What’s yours? (Pause) Let’s act out different superhero powers. Pretend to fly. Shoot a web. Jump high. Run fast. Lay a giant golden egg. That’s a silly superpower. You can sit on your pockets.

(You can substitute or add more superpowers if time allows. If your space allows, then the kids can move about the room as they pretend.)

Host Even with superpowers you would still lose sometimes. Superpowers aren’t real, though. No one can fly or jump over buildings. Do you know who is real? Jesus is real. He really can win.

Co-Host I hope you didn’t make that up. Does it come from the Bible?

Host It sure does. We learn that in the verse Conductor Gordon shared. John 16:33 (NIrV), says,

Host “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world!” Jesus has already beaten the bad guys. We don’t have to worry if Jesus will win. He has already won.

Co-Host Let’s say, “Whew!” and wipe our foreheads. Now we don’t have to worry if Jesus can actually beat the bad guys. That helps me to not feel afraid.

Host Me too. There’s even a story in the Bible that tells us about Jesus winning a big battle. But before we hear that story, let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Jr. Conductors, one way to get rid of the scary feelings Satan tries to give us is to say what the Bible says. God’s Word helps us to trust Jesus. Let’s say part of today’s Big Verse. I’ll say it, and you repeat what I say. “Jesus has won the battle!” (Repeat 3-4 times) It’s good to say what you read in the Bible over and over again. Now I’ll use the Big Verse to pray for you. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Superhero Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host I’m thankful that Engineer Kelly and Lionel learned that when they hear about something scary or see someone being mean, they can remember our Big Point. We can do the same thing. Let’s say it again.

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Co-Host Do we have an enemy? Is it that boy who always picks on me and calls me names?

Host He’s not our enemy. Our enemy is Satan, and he likes it when we’re scared. That’s because he isn’t nice like Jesus. Satan tells lies, but we know what is true: Jesus is strong, and He always wins!

Co-Host He sounds too strong to beat even with superstrength. I guess there’s nothing we can do except be scared. Let’s make a scared face. Ahh!

Host That’s not true. We have a friend, who always wins, and He can help us beat our enemy. What’s His name? Jesus! Think of something that scares you. (Pause) I want you to say our Big Point to yourself.

Co-Host Let’s imagine Jesus winning the battle and say our Big Point as loud as we can. Whenever we feel scared, we can remind ourselves that Jesus wins.

Host Never forget that Jesus is the winner. I’m glad that you visited the Train Station today. Let’s say our Big Point again together,

Host Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

Big Review

Host 1. Let’s Practice our Big Point again. Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins! Did our Big Point say Don’t Fear, Jesus Loses or Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins? Don’t Fear, Jesus Wins!

  1. What is the name of your favorite superhero? Can you show me what that superhero can do? What color costume does that superhero wear? Why did Lionel and Engineer Kelly pretend to be superheroes? **To protect the train station from bad guys**
  1. What kind of animal do you see in the picture? That’s right; it’s a horse. Can you make a horse sound? Let’s stand and pretend to ride a horse. How do we get a horse to stop? What do we say? Whoa! That’s right. You can have a seat on your pockets. In our Big Story, who did John see riding a horse? Jesus
  1. Look at the letters on the picture. Can you tell me what letters you see? Do you think we could practice making words with those letters? Let’s try. HAT, CAT, etc. In our Big Story, what did Jesus use to defeat the bad guys? Was it a big airplane? Was it a giant tank? What was it? A word
  1. Those are some silly looking monsters in the picture. What kind of sound do you think a silly monster like that would make? Sometimes we have bad dreams about monsters that don’t look silly. What could you do if you woke up scared? Pray, sing a worship song, repeat the Big Point
  1. Let’s pretend that you won a game. What kind of face do you make when you win? Can you look even more excited? Do you wave your arms all around? Let’s see if that can help you remember our Big Verse. John 16:33 (NIrV), “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have _____ the battle over the world!” Won