I Won't Celebrate Bad Things!

It’s ok to disagree with your friends if they do something that God says is wrong. Maybe you’ve been tempted to go along with the crowd and celebrate things that don’t match what God likes. Let’s see what Rusty did when he found himself surrounded by people who celebrate bad things.
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I Won't Celebrate Bad Things!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which holiday do you most love to celebrate?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Laser Pointer (2), Answer Sheet

The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab!


Learning about Daniel’s and his friends’ lives in Babylon has opened my eyes to a lot of upside down stuff in my world.


The more you read God’s Word, the more it opens your eyes to what’s happening so you can see the difference between the truth and what is false.


Speaking of spotting the difference, let’s challenge each group to see if you can do that with this picture. It seems as though Ethel’s cats have gone a little crazy while she was gone.


We will put one Connector in front of each section of kids to make teams. See if you can spot the ten differences between the two pictures. The team that finds the most wins.

If using a large projector and screen, consider giving the first Connector who claims to have found all 10 a laser pointer to use to point to the differences. If using a TV, then simply have them run up and point on the TV. Another option is to give each Connector a copy of Slide A and a writing utensil so they can circle the differences. The Host should have a printout of Slide B so he/she can verify the answers.


Great job to our winners!


Today is all about spotting what isn’t good and choosing the right thing instead. Let’s see what they are up to in the lab today.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter. Prior to this Engage, choose a child, and keep him/her backstage. Explain to the audience the directions, and then bring the child out. Ensure the child can’t hear what you tell the audience to do.


Do you think that Rusty’s idea to become a mime is a wise way to handle the situation?


It’s not. I think he’s trying to avoid having to speak up about something he knows is wrong.


Have any of your friends ever tried to convince you to do something with them that you know is wrong?


It’s tough when it seems like everyone likes the wrong things. Let’s see what our Big Point says. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you can read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


Part of living right side up in an upside down world is choosing to live by God’s truth, even if it goes against what a lot of people say.


That’s not easy. Earlier we chose a volunteer who is now backstage. He/She can’t hear us. We are going to show him/her some slides of different things and ask him/her what it is. Super easy, except we want you to disagree with whatever he/she answers. Really make it seem like you don’t agree with the obvious truth.


See if you can convince him/her to go along with the wrong answer.

Bring out the child. Show the slides and ask him/her questions about each one. Then ask the audience if they agree and what they think the answer is. See if the kid will change the answer.


Okay, we’ll let you in on a secret. The whole audience was trying to see if they could convince you to change your mind, even though you were right.


Did you feel a lot of pressure when everyone else disagreed with you?


When you know the truth, you can’t be afraid to stick to it, even if it’s not popular. Let’s see if Rusty can do that.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Horseshoe Magnet (2), Metal Objects, Table

Host and Co-Host enter.


If Rusty drops by the party and doesn’t say anything, do you think other people will think he’s ok with his cousin breaking the law?


It will look like he’s cool with it all. Rusty should listen to the Big Point,


I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


Let’s turn to the Bible and learn how to do that by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three read the verse.


Amos 5:15 (NIrV) says, “Hate evil and love good.” That’s a simple command.


It is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to follow. This verse doesn’t mean that you should hate anyone. In fact, the Bible teaches the opposite.


When it says hate, it’s helpful to think of it as rejecting the kinds of things God doesn’t like. If a person does something that God doesn’t like, should we join in and do it too or reject it? We don’t hate them, but we can’t join in with them.


Let’s choose a volunteer to help us with something. (Choose a volunteer) Have you ever used magnets to pick up stuff? What kind of material does a magnet attract?


That’s right, metal. Use a magnet to see if you can pick up some of the metal objects.

Allow the kid to try the magnet out on the different items.


Think of those metal objects as the things that the Bible tells us God loves. We should try to attract all of the good things that match what God likes. Let’s see what happens when we try to make the magnets touch north to north and south to south.

Have the kid attempt to connect the magnets on the same pole.


You can’t do it. They literally will not attach to each other. In fact, they push away. Whenever we know something is wrong, because it’s something God said in the Bible He doesn’t like, then we have to push it away. We don’t want to celebrate or love what is wrong just because others do. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Maybe you’ve been tempted to go along with the crowd and celebrate things that don’t match what God likes. It’s hard sometimes to go opposite of a lot of people. The good news is that you aren’t alone. We have some Connectors who want to pray with you because they love you. You have lots of people who love God that are on the same side as you are. If you’d like to pray with them, come to the front and let’s pray together.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Rusty definitely made the right decision to stay far away from his cousin’s party.


He could have gotten in some big trouble. The same is true for Daniel. Had he joined in Belshazzar’s disrespectful party, he might have ended up on the wrong side of that enemy army. Instead, God helped him become a leader in the new kingdom. Remember our Big Point,


I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.


Let’s see if we can pick out the kinds of things we should and shouldn’t celebrate. If you think we should celebrate it, shout “Yay!” If not, then shout, “Boo!”

Show the following slides and allow the kids to respond.


Great job! Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about why we want to go God’s way.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why is it hard sometimes to speak up and disagree, even when you know it’s the right thing to do?

  • Was it risky for Daniel to tell the king that he was wrong? Why? The king could have hurt him or had him killed. Why would it have been wrong to join in the king’s party or ignore it? The king was disrespecting God.

  • What are some things that you could do differently this week to show that you won’t celebrate bad things?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Won’t Celebrate _____ Things!

    • Annoying

    • Bad

  • What did Rusty become to avoid a confrontation?

    • Weatherman

    • Mime

  • The king threw a party where he used items taken from where?

    • God’s temple

    • Daniel’s house

  • How did the king and his guests treat God during the party?

    • Respectfully

    • Disrespectfully

  • What appeared and wrote on the wall during the party?

    • Hand

    • Pencil

  • Amos 5:15 (NIrV) says, “____ evil and love good.”

    • Love

    • Hate

  • King Belshazzar was defeated by an enemy that night.

    • True

    • False

  • What happened when Rusty decided not to go to the party?

  • Why do we not want to celebrate bad things?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.

I Won't Celebrate Bad Things! Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which holiday do you most love to celebrate?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Laser Pointer (2), Answer Sheet

The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab!


Learning about Daniel’s and his friends’ lives in Babylon has opened my eyes to a lot of upside down stuff in my world.


The more you read God’s Word, the more it opens your eyes to what’s happening so you can see the difference between the truth and what is false.


Speaking of spotting the difference, let’s challenge each group to see if you can do that with this picture. It seems as though Ethel’s cats have gone a little crazy while she was gone.


We will put one Connector in front of each section of kids to make teams. See if you can spot the ten differences between the two pictures. The team that finds the most wins.

If using a large projector and screen, consider giving the first Connector who claims to have found all 10 a laser pointer to use to point to the differences. If using a TV, then simply have them run up and point on the TV. Another option is to give each Connector a copy of Slide A and a writing utensil so they can circle the differences. The Host should have a printout of Slide B so he/she can verify the answers.


Great job to our winners!


Today is all about spotting what isn’t good and choosing the right thing instead. Let’s see what they are up to in the lab today.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter. Prior to this Engage, choose a child, and keep him/her backstage. Explain to the audience the directions, and then bring the child out. Ensure the child can’t hear what you tell the audience to do.


Do you think that Rusty’s idea to become a mime is a wise way to handle the situation?


It’s not. I think he’s trying to avoid having to speak up about something he knows is wrong.


Have any of your friends ever tried to convince you to do something with them that you know is wrong?


It’s tough when it seems like everyone likes the wrong things. Let’s see what our Big Point says. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you can read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


Part of living right side up in an upside down world is choosing to live by God’s truth, even if it goes against what a lot of people say.


That’s not easy. Earlier we chose a volunteer who is now backstage. He/She can’t hear us. We are going to show him/her some slides of different things and ask him/her what it is. Super easy, except we want you to disagree with whatever he/she answers. Really make it seem like you don’t agree with the obvious truth.


See if you can convince him/her to go along with the wrong answer.

Bring out the child. Show the slides and ask him/her questions about each one. Then ask the audience if they agree and what they think the answer is. See if the kid will change the answer.


Okay, we’ll let you in on a secret. The whole audience was trying to see if they could convince you to change your mind, even though you were right.


Did you feel a lot of pressure when everyone else disagreed with you?


When you know the truth, you can’t be afraid to stick to it, even if it’s not popular. Let’s see if Rusty can do that.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Horseshoe Magnet (2), Metal Objects, Table

Host and Co-Host enter.


If Rusty drops by the party and doesn’t say anything, do you think other people will think he’s ok with his cousin breaking the law?


It will look like he’s cool with it all. Rusty should listen to the Big Point,


I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


Let’s turn to the Bible and learn how to do that by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three read the verse.


Amos 5:15 (NIrV) says, “Hate evil and love good.” That’s a simple command.


It is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to follow. This verse doesn’t mean that you should hate anyone. In fact, the Bible teaches the opposite.


When it says hate, it’s helpful to think of it as rejecting the kinds of things God doesn’t like. If a person does something that God doesn’t like, should we join in and do it too or reject it? We don’t hate them, but we can’t join in with them.


Let’s choose a volunteer to help us with something. (Choose a volunteer) Have you ever used magnets to pick up stuff? What kind of material does a magnet attract?


That’s right, metal. Use a magnet to see if you can pick up some of the metal objects.

Allow the kid to try the magnet out on the different items.


Think of those metal objects as the things that the Bible tells us God loves. We should try to attract all of the good things that match what God likes. Let’s see what happens when we try to make the magnets touch north to north and south to south.

Have the kid attempt to connect the magnets on the same pole.


You can’t do it. They literally will not attach to each other. In fact, they push away. Whenever we know something is wrong, because it’s something God said in the Bible He doesn’t like, then we have to push it away. We don’t want to celebrate or love what is wrong just because others do. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Maybe you’ve been tempted to go along with the crowd and celebrate things that don’t match what God likes. It’s hard sometimes to go opposite of a lot of people. The good news is that you aren’t alone. We have some Connectors who want to pray with you because they love you. You have lots of people who love God that are on the same side as you are. If you’d like to pray with them, come to the front and let’s pray together.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Rusty definitely made the right decision to stay far away from his cousin’s party.


He could have gotten in some big trouble. The same is true for Daniel. Had he joined in Belshazzar’s disrespectful party, he might have ended up on the wrong side of that enemy army. Instead, God helped him become a leader in the new kingdom. Remember our Big Point,


I Won’t Celebrate Bad Things!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.


Let’s see if we can pick out the kinds of things we should and shouldn’t celebrate. If you think we should celebrate it, shout “Yay!” If not, then shout, “Boo!”

Show the following slides and allow the kids to respond.


Great job! Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about why we want to go God’s way.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why is it hard sometimes to speak up and disagree, even when you know it’s the right thing to do?

  • Was it risky for Daniel to tell the king that he was wrong? Why? The king could have hurt him or had him killed. Why would it have been wrong to join in the king’s party or ignore it? The king was disrespecting God.

  • What are some things that you could do differently this week to show that you won’t celebrate bad things?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Won’t Celebrate _____ Things!

    • Annoying

    • Bad

  • What did Rusty become to avoid a confrontation?

    • Weatherman

    • Mime

  • The king threw a party where he used items taken from where?

    • God’s temple

    • Daniel’s house

  • How did the king and his guests treat God during the party?

    • Respectfully

    • Disrespectfully

  • What appeared and wrote on the wall during the party?

    • Hand

    • Pencil

  • Amos 5:15 (NIrV) says, “____ evil and love good.”

    • Love

    • Hate

  • King Belshazzar was defeated by an enemy that night.

    • True

    • False

  • What happened when Rusty decided not to go to the party?

  • Why do we not want to celebrate bad things?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Have a party at the end of the week to celebrate all of the ways that your family obeyed God.