- Slides and Printables
- Slides
- Program Videos
- 7 Min Countdown
- 03 sec Countdown
- 2 Min Countdown
- H&R Big Do Slide
- Lab Rats Part 1
- Lab Rats Part 2
- Herman and Rusty Act 2
- Big Story Video
- 4 Minute Timer
- 3 Min Countdown
- 5 Min Countdown
- Herman and Rusty Title
- Herman and Rusty Act 3
- Herman and Rusty Act 1
- H&R 5 Min Countdown with Rules
This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.
Large Group Full Program Instructions
Question of the Day: Have you ever thought about quitting a team, but you didn’t?
Before the lesson starts, place two or three plates with one mini donut on each plate spaced across the stage. You can add safety cones to make the course harder by having them go around the cones or simply make it a straight race from start to finish.
The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats.
Welcome to the Lab!
This month as been so cool. We’ve discovered how to live right side up in an upside down world.
We’ve agreed that although we may not be able to control things around us, we have the power to choose our actions every day.
Let’s play a little game that will test your ability to race while being a little upside down.
This is a classic wheelbarrow race. In this race, one teammate will have to walk on their hands while the other teammate holds his or her legs.
Here’s the twist. Along the course you will find plates with mini donuts on them. You have to stop at each plate and eat the donut without your hands, with your legs still held up high in the air.
We’ve chosen two teams to race. Let’s see who wins!
Play optional game music. Have the kids race.
Great job to our winners! Wow, that was not as easy as just walking up and taking a bite off the table.
Living in an upside down world can be hard, but we can keep going because God is always ready to help us. Let’s see what's going on in the lab.
This Engage uses Sumo Bopper Balls that can purchased online. If you don’t have those, you can substitute with any item that will help you simulate a sumo-style game. The object of the game is for one kid to push the other kid out of the boundaries.
Host and Co-Host enter.
What do you think of Rusty’s plan to use disguises? Do you think we should have to hide when we go to church?
Even if Sophia and Ethel’s friends don’t like it, I know God wouldn’t want them to quit going to church.
Some people think about quitting or hiding what they know to be true about Jesus because they’re afraid of how others might react.
You might have even seen some people get made fun of for living the way the Bible says to live. The Big Point has something to say about what we should do. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
You will count down from three and then read the Big Point.
Let’s all say it together, I Won’t Back Down!
Not everyone will pat you on the back or applaud your efforts to live as a follower of Jesus.
In fact, some people will be very vocal about how much they don’t like what you do.
Others might even claim that your belief in God’s truth hurts them. It’s not our goal to aggravate people, but we can’t back down from the truth.
Let’s play a game about not backing down. We have chosen two contestants to wear these sumo boppers. When I say, “Go,” you must try to push each other out of the circle. Best 2 out of 3 wins.
Play optional game music. Play the game. To create a safer game, don’t allow the kids to run and bump into each other. Keep the boundaries small, so they have to push against each other with the soft inflatables.
Great job at not backing down.
We never have to apologize for being a follower of Jesus. Let’s see if Ethel and Sophia will do that.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Do you think that dressing like a leprechaun, viking, and pirate will fool their friends?
It might, but they’re missing the point. They shouldn’t have to fool their friends or hide their faith. Living right side up when other people are upside down means that you won’t hide what you believe. Let’s say our Big Point,
I Won’t Back Down!
Let’s turn to the Bible and learn how to do that by checking out the Big Verse.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, we need you to read the verse.
James 1:12 (NIrV) says, “Blessed is the person who keeps on going when times are hard.”
The Bible doesn’t kid us or fake us out. The Bible is honest. Sometimes you will face hard things.
Everyone will. What you face might look different than what I do, but no matter what comes our way, we have to keep going.
I’m going to choose a kid to come up and help us. Here’s the challenge. If you can keep jumping rope for two minutes, then everyone in the class wins candy. If you trip up, that’s fine. You just have to immediately start jumping again. You can’t stop or quit.
This could get tough, so it might be a good idea for you in the audience to cheer him/her on.
Use a long jump rope. The Host and Co-Host stand on each end and swing the rope. Encourage the audience to cheer.
You did it! You kept jumping. It was hard. You tripped up a few times, but you didn’t quit.
Because of that everyone gets a prize. We don’t follow Jesus alone. We have lots of friends who follow Him, too. Whenever we feel like giving up, we should encourage each other to keep going. You could be just the right person to help a friend not back down. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.
Play optional soft instrumental music.
Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. You might be facing some difficult choices, like Daniel. You probably don’t have to worry about a lions’ den, but you might face some unfriendly faces. Here’s the good news. Daniel wasn’t alone in the lions’ den, and neither are you. You have God’s help to make the right choice, even when it’s the tough choice. Let’s take a moment to close our eyes and pray. Talk to God. Thank Him for always being with you. Ask God to help you make the right choice so you, too, can never back down and show God honor. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us. (Pray)
Host and Co-Host enter.
I’m glad that Ethel and Sophia invited their friends to church. That took some courage.
Daniel showed a lot of courage, too, when he opened his windows and prayed. He knew the law, but he wasn’t afraid to do the right thing. His story is a great example of our Big Point,
I Won’t Back Down!
That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.
Play a game of tug of war. You can use a blanket, a sheet, or even a towel. Do your best to not back down.
Let’s play a game of tug of war right now. We’ve chosen two teams to come up and play. There’s a flag in the middle of the rope. Your job is to pull the flag across to your side. Let’s play.
Play optional game music. Place a flag in the middle of the rope and use tape or safety cones to create lines on the floor on either side of the middle of the stage. The goal is to get the flag over their line.
Great job! Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about today’s lesson.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
Why was Sophia and Ethel’s plan not helpful? Using the disguises hid what they really believed. It kept them from telling others what they really believed
Was it wrong for Daniel to break the law? Why not? To break the law would have required Daniel to pray to the king and disobey God. It would have forced him to do the wrong thing. Breaking the law allowed Daniel to honor God
Is it hurtful to other people to believe God’s truth? Why not? Believing the truth doesn’t harm someone else. We can’t celebrate or encourage the wrong things. We have to stand up, in a kind way, for God’s truth
What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Play a game of Tug of War and don’t back down
Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says I Won’t Back _____!
What did Ethel and Sophia do to hide that they went to church?
Changed hair color
Wore costumes
The king was tricked into making a law that no one could ____ to anyone but him.
Daniel disobeyed the king’s order.
When Daniel heard about the law, he decided to close his windows before he prayed.
James 1:12 (NIrV), “Blessed is the person who keeps on going when times are _____.”
What happened to Daniel in the lions’ den?
He was eaten
God protected him
Why should we refuse to back down from following Jesus?
If you saw a fellow Christian thinking about quitting, what could you do to help them?
What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Play a game of Tug of War and don’t back down