I Will Remember To Praise God



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is one of your best memories?

Welcome segment prep: Tape the Activity Pages to a wall, hang them, or display them on a board on stage. They should be placed facing away from the audience. To make the cards sturdier, consider laminating them.

Engage 2 Prep: In the week prior to the service, purchase two small plants. Keep one in the sunlight and well-watered. Don’t water the other plant. Keep it away from the sun.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Welcome Activity Pages, Blindfold (2), Board or Wall, Tape or Hooks

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Let’s begin today with a game to test your memory.


For this game, we have two teams of four kids. One person from each team will be blindfolded. He or she will turn over two cards and show them to their team. If the cards are a match, your team gets a point. If not, the cards go back down and the other team gets a chance to go.


They can’t see the cards, so they’re relying on your memory to help them find the matching cards. The first team to get three matches wins.

Play the game. The Host and Co-Host will help the blindfolded get to the wall/board safely. The teams must shout directions to the blindfolded kid to help him/her find the right cards. You can adjust it to be time based or increase/decrease the number of matches it takes to win.


That game really tested your trust in your team and your team’s memory.


Today we’ll hear learn why remembering is a great tool when worshipping God.


That’s something King David was good at. Let’s see what is happening in the lab today. As we do, turn to someone nearby and ask if they can remember what they ate last Tuesday.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Bricks

Host and Co-Host enter.


What do you think are the odds that Rusty has been attacked by a ghost?


I would say a 0% chance. Obviously, there’s someone pranking the gang at the Lab. Sometimes when bad things happen, we feel like it will never get better.


I understand how that feels, but that’s when we need to follow the wisdom of our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, it is your job to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Remember To Praise God! Whenever we feel like things can never get better, we should stop and remember to praise God for all that He has done for us.


In the Bible, the ancient Israelites sometimes built a pillar or monument out of stones in places where God had done something to help them. Whenever people passed by the stones, they could remember what God had done.


We have some cardboard bricks, and we’re going to use them to set up a pillar on the stage. I’m going to ask some of you to share something God has done to help you, then I want you to place your “stone” on our pillar.

Interview different kids and allow them share ways that God has helped them. Then have them go on stage, where the Co-Host will assist them with placing a cardboard brick on the “pillar.” You can substitute any type of building block or rock for the brick.


When you remember to praise God for all that He has done for you, it reminds you that God can still help you right now.


That praise gives you confidence to have faith in God no matter what happens. Let’s head back to the Lab and see if we can find out who is behind the pranks.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Plant (2), Watering Can, Plant Food

Host and Co-Host enter. In the week prior to the service, purchase two small plants. Keep one in the sunlight and well-watered. Don’t water the other plant. Keep it away from the sun.


At least we now know who’s behind all of this. I had a feeling Hans Von Striker was mixed up in this somehow.


He had Rusty and the crew convinced that they’re cursed. I think Rusty needs to spend more time praising than engaging in hijinks. Let’s say the Big Point again,


I Will Remember To Praise God!


Herman shared a helpful verse from the Bible. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you’ll read the verse.


Psalm 103:2 (NIrV) says, “I will praise the Lord. I won’t forget anything He does for me.” King David wrote that Psalm. He understood how much it helps us to remember what God had done to help us.


Let’s have an assistant help us with something. (Choose a child to help) Has anyone ever had to take care of a plant? What are some things we do to keep a plant alive?

Ask the child to explain and have the audience add suggestions. Bring out the fresh plant. Have the child add some water, sprinkle some plant food, etc.


All of those things help keep a plant healthy and alive. The plant is nourished by the water, sunlight, and fertilizer. Just like water hydrates a plant, remembering what God has done for us nourishes our hearts. It helps us stay strong no matter what happens around us.

Bring out the shriveled plant.


This is what happens to a plant that doesn’t get the nutrients and water it needs to survive. What does it look like to you? (Ask the volunteer) It’s shriveled and looks dead.


That’s what happens to our faith when we forget to praise God for the many blessings He’s given to us. It shrivels up.


That’s why the Bible encourages us to remember God’s help. The more we praise God, the stronger we become as followers of Jesus.


When we’re focused on God, we can stay strong during anything life throws at us. Don’t forget what God has done for you. That’s a lesson we learn from King David. We’ll hear more about his story in just a minute. First let’s stand and praise God.

Big Story


Psalm 119:164 (NIrV) says, “Seven times a day I praise You for Your laws, because they are right.” That Psalm encourages us to praise God all day long. We can praise God in the morning when we wake up, right before bed, and it’s something we can do all the time in between. The more we praise God, the more we remember how incredible He is and the good stuff He’s done in our lives. The more we focus on God, the easier it is to overlook the bad stuff that tries to distract us or to hang in there and keep going when things get hard. Take just a moment and think of at least one thing that God has done for you or one way He has helped you. (Pause) Now I want you to take a moment to pray and thank God for helping you in that way.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sticky Note Pads

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Rusty learned the value of praising God and didn’t let Hans Von Striker get the best of them.


King David faced a lot of big problems in his life, but he kept praising God. I’m sure that helped him to keep going. We can keep focused, too, when we follow our Big Point,


I Will Remember To Praise God!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Write the Big Verse on a sticky note and place it somewhere where everyone can see it. Whenever you pass by it, tell God something you are thankful for.


Let’s play a game. We have two teams of four who are going to compete to see who can cover one of their teammates completely in sticky notes. You have 60 seconds to try to cover him or her as much as possible. Choose one person to be the sticky note mummy.


Let’s get ready, go!

Play optional game music. Play the game and declare a winner. You can adjust the time or play the game without a timer if it works better for your group.


Let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about today’s lesson.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How does forgetting God’s blessings cause problems? It makes it easier to give into fears and worries; it can foster ungratefulness; God’s blessings can seem hidden; it may cause you to forget that God can still help you

  • Which way God helped David really surprised you? How do you think it helped King David to remember what God had done? It gave him courage to keep serving God; it helped him to believe in God, even when things were difficult

  • What is one way God has helped you in the past?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Write the Big Verse on a sticky note, and every time you see it, tell God something you are thankful for

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will ______ To Praise God!

    • Remember

    • Forget

  • Rusty was convinced that this had happened.

    • He was cursed

    • He had won a contest

  • What did David do as the Ark was carried to Jerusalem?

    • Walked silently

    • Danced and praised

  • When King Saul tried to kill David, what did God provide to help David?

    • Friend

    • Horse

  • God kept David safe when his son tried to take over the kingdom.

    • True

    • False

  • Psalm 103:2 (NIrV), “I will praise the Lord. I won’t forget _______ He does for me.”

    • Anything

    • Some things

  • Why is it important to remember all the ways God has helped you and to praise God?

  • What did God promise King David?

    • The Savior would be part of his family

    • He would live forever

  • Name one way that God has helped you.

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do?

Write the Big Verse on a sticky note, and every time you see it, tell God something you are thankful for

I Will Remember To Praise God Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is one of your best memories?

Welcome segment prep: Tape the Activity Pages to a wall, hang them, or display them on a board on stage. They should be placed facing away from the audience. To make the cards sturdier, consider laminating them.

Engage 2 Prep: In the week prior to the service, purchase two small plants. Keep one in the sunlight and well-watered. Don’t water the other plant. Keep it away from the sun.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Welcome Activity Pages, Blindfold (2), Board or Wall, Tape or Hooks

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Let’s begin today with a game to test your memory.


For this game, we have two teams of four kids. One person from each team will be blindfolded. He or she will turn over two cards and show them to their team. If the cards are a match, your team gets a point. If not, the cards go back down and the other team gets a chance to go.


They can’t see the cards, so they’re relying on your memory to help them find the matching cards. The first team to get three matches wins.

Play the game. The Host and Co-Host will help the blindfolded get to the wall/board safely. The teams must shout directions to the blindfolded kid to help him/her find the right cards. You can adjust it to be time based or increase/decrease the number of matches it takes to win.


That game really tested your trust in your team and your team’s memory.


Today we’ll hear learn why remembering is a great tool when worshipping God.


That’s something King David was good at. Let’s see what is happening in the lab today. As we do, turn to someone nearby and ask if they can remember what they ate last Tuesday.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Bricks

Host and Co-Host enter.


What do you think are the odds that Rusty has been attacked by a ghost?


I would say a 0% chance. Obviously, there’s someone pranking the gang at the Lab. Sometimes when bad things happen, we feel like it will never get better.


I understand how that feels, but that’s when we need to follow the wisdom of our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, it is your job to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Remember To Praise God! Whenever we feel like things can never get better, we should stop and remember to praise God for all that He has done for us.


In the Bible, the ancient Israelites sometimes built a pillar or monument out of stones in places where God had done something to help them. Whenever people passed by the stones, they could remember what God had done.


We have some cardboard bricks, and we’re going to use them to set up a pillar on the stage. I’m going to ask some of you to share something God has done to help you, then I want you to place your “stone” on our pillar.

Interview different kids and allow them share ways that God has helped them. Then have them go on stage, where the Co-Host will assist them with placing a cardboard brick on the “pillar.” You can substitute any type of building block or rock for the brick.


When you remember to praise God for all that He has done for you, it reminds you that God can still help you right now.


That praise gives you confidence to have faith in God no matter what happens. Let’s head back to the Lab and see if we can find out who is behind the pranks.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Plant (2), Watering Can, Plant Food

Host and Co-Host enter. In the week prior to the service, purchase two small plants. Keep one in the sunlight and well-watered. Don’t water the other plant. Keep it away from the sun.


At least we now know who’s behind all of this. I had a feeling Hans Von Striker was mixed up in this somehow.


He had Rusty and the crew convinced that they’re cursed. I think Rusty needs to spend more time praising than engaging in hijinks. Let’s say the Big Point again,


I Will Remember To Praise God!


Herman shared a helpful verse from the Bible. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you’ll read the verse.


Psalm 103:2 (NIrV) says, “I will praise the Lord. I won’t forget anything He does for me.” King David wrote that Psalm. He understood how much it helps us to remember what God had done to help us.


Let’s have an assistant help us with something. (Choose a child to help) Has anyone ever had to take care of a plant? What are some things we do to keep a plant alive?

Ask the child to explain and have the audience add suggestions. Bring out the fresh plant. Have the child add some water, sprinkle some plant food, etc.


All of those things help keep a plant healthy and alive. The plant is nourished by the water, sunlight, and fertilizer. Just like water hydrates a plant, remembering what God has done for us nourishes our hearts. It helps us stay strong no matter what happens around us.

Bring out the shriveled plant.


This is what happens to a plant that doesn’t get the nutrients and water it needs to survive. What does it look like to you? (Ask the volunteer) It’s shriveled and looks dead.


That’s what happens to our faith when we forget to praise God for the many blessings He’s given to us. It shrivels up.


That’s why the Bible encourages us to remember God’s help. The more we praise God, the stronger we become as followers of Jesus.


When we’re focused on God, we can stay strong during anything life throws at us. Don’t forget what God has done for you. That’s a lesson we learn from King David. We’ll hear more about his story in just a minute. First let’s stand and praise God.

Big Story


Psalm 119:164 (NIrV) says, “Seven times a day I praise You for Your laws, because they are right.” That Psalm encourages us to praise God all day long. We can praise God in the morning when we wake up, right before bed, and it’s something we can do all the time in between. The more we praise God, the more we remember how incredible He is and the good stuff He’s done in our lives. The more we focus on God, the easier it is to overlook the bad stuff that tries to distract us or to hang in there and keep going when things get hard. Take just a moment and think of at least one thing that God has done for you or one way He has helped you. (Pause) Now I want you to take a moment to pray and thank God for helping you in that way.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sticky Note Pads

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Rusty learned the value of praising God and didn’t let Hans Von Striker get the best of them.


King David faced a lot of big problems in his life, but he kept praising God. I’m sure that helped him to keep going. We can keep focused, too, when we follow our Big Point,


I Will Remember To Praise God!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Write the Big Verse on a sticky note and place it somewhere where everyone can see it. Whenever you pass by it, tell God something you are thankful for.


Let’s play a game. We have two teams of four who are going to compete to see who can cover one of their teammates completely in sticky notes. You have 60 seconds to try to cover him or her as much as possible. Choose one person to be the sticky note mummy.


Let’s get ready, go!

Play optional game music. Play the game and declare a winner. You can adjust the time or play the game without a timer if it works better for your group.


Let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about today’s lesson.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How does forgetting God’s blessings cause problems? It makes it easier to give into fears and worries; it can foster ungratefulness; God’s blessings can seem hidden; it may cause you to forget that God can still help you

  • Which way God helped David really surprised you? How do you think it helped King David to remember what God had done? It gave him courage to keep serving God; it helped him to believe in God, even when things were difficult

  • What is one way God has helped you in the past?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Write the Big Verse on a sticky note, and every time you see it, tell God something you are thankful for

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will ______ To Praise God!

    • Remember

    • Forget

  • Rusty was convinced that this had happened.

    • He was cursed

    • He had won a contest

  • What did David do as the Ark was carried to Jerusalem?

    • Walked silently

    • Danced and praised

  • When King Saul tried to kill David, what did God provide to help David?

    • Friend

    • Horse

  • God kept David safe when his son tried to take over the kingdom.

    • True

    • False

  • Psalm 103:2 (NIrV), “I will praise the Lord. I won’t forget _______ He does for me.”

    • Anything

    • Some things

  • Why is it important to remember all the ways God has helped you and to praise God?

  • What did God promise King David?

    • The Savior would be part of his family

    • He would live forever

  • Name one way that God has helped you.

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do?

Write the Big Verse on a sticky note, and every time you see it, tell God something you are thankful for