The Holy Spirit Is Our Source

Rusty and Ethel believe they are Bible superheroes because of a radioactive Bible. (This lesson presents God’s gift of salvation. Every church presents the Gospel with slight variations and nuances. Read through the steps before teaching. Present the Gospel in a way that is consistent with the scripture and God’s leading.)
Start Lesson
The Holy Spirit Is Our Source



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the heaviest thing you have ever lifted?

This lesson presents God’s gift of salvation. Every church presents the Gospel with slight variations and nuances. Read through the steps before teaching. Present the Gospel in a way that is consistent with the scripture and God’s leading.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat, Jogging Suit

Host enters.


Welcome to the Lab! Where is (Co-Host)? He/She is supposed to be here for the lesson.

Optional music “The Power” by SNAP!. Lights flash. The Co-Host enters through the lights, dancing to the music and singing along. The music is not essential to the Welcome but adds a fun element.


What just happened?


Oh, I don’t know, maybe the most amazing service opener in the history of our church. The best part? It ties in the with lesson because we’ve got the power, baby!

Optional play “The Power”. Co-Host dances.


He/She actually is correct about that. We do have the power, and today we’re going to learn Who gives us that power. Speaking of power, let’s see if you can guess the top ten strongest animals, pound for pound, in the world.

Show the slides and have the kids guess the answers.

10. Grizzly Bear (.8x Body Weight)

9. Anaconda (Same Body Weight)

8. Elephant (1.4x Body Weight)

7. Musk Ox (1.5x Body Weight)

6. Tiger (2x Body Weight)

5. Eagle (4x Body Weight)

4. Gorilla (10x Body Weight)

3. Leafcutter Ant (50x Body Weight)

2. Rhinoceros Beetle (850x Body Weight)

1. Dung Beetle (1,141x Body Weight)


Wow! That’s amazing. Now it’s time for my powerful five minute dance solo.


Actually, it’s time to peek in on the lab. But first turn to someone nearby and say, “You’ve got the power!”

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Superhero Costume, Gyser Tube, Diet Coke, Mentos, Tarp, Kiddie Pool, Handheld Microphone

Host enters. This Engage uses the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment. Detailed instructions and videos can be found online. Be sure to set out a tarp large enough to avoid spilling the drink. The kiddie pool will also help contain it. Consider purchasing the geyser tube to make dropping the Mentos mint easier.


Do you think that Rusty and Ethel’s plan to save Slater is the right idea? Me neither.

Optional play “Theme from Greatest American Hero”. Co-Host enters, wearing a superhero costume and “flying” around the stage. The superhero costume can even be homemade from items around the house, like a bedsheet for a cape and simple mask.


You, too?


Yep, they smacked me with the radioactive Bible. I am Captain Bible, defender of Bibles and people who read the Bible, and dogs, and sometimes gerbils, and tiny cats that wear tutus.


There is no such thing as a radioactive Bible. Also, that is not our source of power. Let’s bring up a lab assistant to help us reveal the truth in today’s Big Point.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, your job is to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, The Holy Spirit Is Our Source! Are you sure gamma rays are not our source, like the Incredible Hulk?


Nope, our source is the Holy Spirit. He gives us power to do the things that God wants us to do, even things that seem impossible.


Like leaping a tall building in a single bound!

Co-Host jumps a few inches off the ground.


No, it’s more like this. Watch what happens when I drop this Mentos candy into the Diet Coke.

Drop the candy in the soda to create a geyser of soda.


When I receive the Holy Spirit, He produces that kind of power?


He does, and that power flows out of us to help others. Let’s see if we can convince Rusty and Ethel.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Superhero Costume, One Breath Bernoulli Bags

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses a Bernoulli bag that can be purchased online.


I specifically told Rusty that was my theme song. Did he and Ethel look like they actually have superpowers?


If they want to help Slater, they should listen to the Big Point.


The Holy Spirit Is Our Source! Don’t take our word for it, let’s see what the Bible says.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Yep, we can always back up our Big Points with a Big Verse. Your job, after we count down from three, is to read the verse.


Acts 1:8 (NIrV), “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” So, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive power.


His power can accomplish so much more than anything we could possibly do on our own. Let me show you what I mean with this experiment.

Choose an assistant.


I want you to see how much air you can fill this bag with, only using three breaths.

Have the child hold the bag up to his/her mouth and blow three times. Grip the bag and slide your hand down the bag to trap the air. It should only fill about a quarter of the bag.


Hmm…it didn’t fill up that much. That’s what it’s like when we try to do amazing things on our own. Let’s try it again, but this time I want you to hold the opening as wide as you can and blow it up with one breath.

Have the child hold the opening wide and keep it about six inches away. Quickly tie off the end after one breath. The entire bag will be full of air. Check out ( for an explanation.


That’s what it’s like when we have the Holy Spirit’s help.


He powers us up to do things that seem impossible. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship God.

Big Story

Optional play soft instrumental music.

The first step to receiving that power is to say, “Yes” to following Jesus. The Holy Spirit is only a gift to those of us who are Christians. When you say, “Yes,” you will have access to the Holy Spirit and His power.

If you have never said, “Yes, I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads, so no one is distracted. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, you believe that He is alive, and you are His friend and follower, give me a thumbs up. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now and ask Him to forgive you and tell Him you want to live your life differently, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God,

I know everyone needs a Savior, and I know I can’t save myself. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins and God raised You from the dead.

Right now, I say you are my Lord, my Savior, and the One who forgives me. Thank you, Jesus, that You are my best friend and leader of my life, because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

Later we’re going to meet in our small groups. If you said, “Yes” to Jesus for the first time, then you will go to that small group to talk a bit more about the awesome decision you made today.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Tables (2), Plastic Cups (1 Per Group), Balloons (1 Per Group)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Wow! I’m glad to hear that Slater is feeling better.


The Holy Spirit can use us to pray for people, just like Peter did in our Big Story. Let’s say the Big Point again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Source!


That would be a great story to share when you do the Big Do.


Turn off the lights in the room and light a candle or turn on a flashlight. Talk about how the Holy Spirit is our source of power.


I wish I could see the Holy Spirit.


Even though we can’t see Him, we can see what He is doing. We can see how He works in our lives and in the lives of people we know. It’s like the air. You can’t see it, but you see its effects.


That gives me an idea for a game. Let’s use our invisible air to move some objects.


Great idea. We have 15 plastic cups set up on each table. We have a kid and adult volunteer team from each group. When we say “Go,” the volunteer will blow up a balloon and hand it to the kid, who will let the air go to push a cup off the table.


Whoever knocks off the most cups wins. Go!

Play the game.


Great job to our winners. Let’s gather in our small groups and discuss what we have discovered about the Holy Spirit.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How did Ethel and Rusty try to help Slater at first? They became superheroes Was that the right decision? Why not?

  • How do you imagine people reacted when Tabitha came back to life? Can things like that only happen for Peter, or could the Holy Spirit use us, too?

  • What are some things the Holy Spirit could give you the power to do? Be bold to talk about Jesus; be brave to do the right thing, even when no one else does; pray for others

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Turn off the lights and use a candle or flashlight. Talk about how the Holy Spirit gives us power

Big Review

Optional play game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The Holy Spirit Is Our ______!

    • Source

    • Friend

  • How did Ethel and Rusty try to help Slater?

    • They became superheroes

    • They raised money for him

  • When Peter prayed for Aeneas, what happened?

    • He died

    • He got up and walked

  • What happened when Peter prayed for Tabitha?

    • She came back to life

    • She got sicker

  • Who powered Peter up to help others?

    • His own superpowers

    • The Holy Spirit

  • Complete the Big Verse: Acts 1:8 (NIrV), “But you will receive _____ when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

    • Fear

    • Power

  • What happened in the city after Tabitha came back to life?

    • People ran away

    • People believed in Jesus

  • True/False: Rusty and Ethel chose to pray for Slater.

    • True

    • False

  • What are things the Holy Spirit can help you do?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Use a candle or flashlight and talk about how the Holy Spirit gives us power

The Holy Spirit Is Our Source Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is the heaviest thing you have ever lifted?

This lesson presents God’s gift of salvation. Every church presents the Gospel with slight variations and nuances. Read through the steps before teaching. Present the Gospel in a way that is consistent with the scripture and God’s leading.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat, Jogging Suit

Host enters.


Welcome to the Lab! Where is (Co-Host)? He/She is supposed to be here for the lesson.

Optional music “The Power” by SNAP!. Lights flash. The Co-Host enters through the lights, dancing to the music and singing along. The music is not essential to the Welcome but adds a fun element.


What just happened?


Oh, I don’t know, maybe the most amazing service opener in the history of our church. The best part? It ties in the with lesson because we’ve got the power, baby!

Optional play “The Power”. Co-Host dances.


He/She actually is correct about that. We do have the power, and today we’re going to learn Who gives us that power. Speaking of power, let’s see if you can guess the top ten strongest animals, pound for pound, in the world.

Show the slides and have the kids guess the answers.

10. Grizzly Bear (.8x Body Weight)

9. Anaconda (Same Body Weight)

8. Elephant (1.4x Body Weight)

7. Musk Ox (1.5x Body Weight)

6. Tiger (2x Body Weight)

5. Eagle (4x Body Weight)

4. Gorilla (10x Body Weight)

3. Leafcutter Ant (50x Body Weight)

2. Rhinoceros Beetle (850x Body Weight)

1. Dung Beetle (1,141x Body Weight)


Wow! That’s amazing. Now it’s time for my powerful five minute dance solo.


Actually, it’s time to peek in on the lab. But first turn to someone nearby and say, “You’ve got the power!”

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Superhero Costume, Gyser Tube, Diet Coke, Mentos, Tarp, Kiddie Pool, Handheld Microphone

Host enters. This Engage uses the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment. Detailed instructions and videos can be found online. Be sure to set out a tarp large enough to avoid spilling the drink. The kiddie pool will also help contain it. Consider purchasing the geyser tube to make dropping the Mentos mint easier.


Do you think that Rusty and Ethel’s plan to save Slater is the right idea? Me neither.

Optional play “Theme from Greatest American Hero”. Co-Host enters, wearing a superhero costume and “flying” around the stage. The superhero costume can even be homemade from items around the house, like a bedsheet for a cape and simple mask.


You, too?


Yep, they smacked me with the radioactive Bible. I am Captain Bible, defender of Bibles and people who read the Bible, and dogs, and sometimes gerbils, and tiny cats that wear tutus.


There is no such thing as a radioactive Bible. Also, that is not our source of power. Let’s bring up a lab assistant to help us reveal the truth in today’s Big Point.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, your job is to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, The Holy Spirit Is Our Source! Are you sure gamma rays are not our source, like the Incredible Hulk?


Nope, our source is the Holy Spirit. He gives us power to do the things that God wants us to do, even things that seem impossible.


Like leaping a tall building in a single bound!

Co-Host jumps a few inches off the ground.


No, it’s more like this. Watch what happens when I drop this Mentos candy into the Diet Coke.

Drop the candy in the soda to create a geyser of soda.


When I receive the Holy Spirit, He produces that kind of power?


He does, and that power flows out of us to help others. Let’s see if we can convince Rusty and Ethel.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Superhero Costume, One Breath Bernoulli Bags

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses a Bernoulli bag that can be purchased online.


I specifically told Rusty that was my theme song. Did he and Ethel look like they actually have superpowers?


If they want to help Slater, they should listen to the Big Point.


The Holy Spirit Is Our Source! Don’t take our word for it, let’s see what the Bible says.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Yep, we can always back up our Big Points with a Big Verse. Your job, after we count down from three, is to read the verse.


Acts 1:8 (NIrV), “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” So, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive power.


His power can accomplish so much more than anything we could possibly do on our own. Let me show you what I mean with this experiment.

Choose an assistant.


I want you to see how much air you can fill this bag with, only using three breaths.

Have the child hold the bag up to his/her mouth and blow three times. Grip the bag and slide your hand down the bag to trap the air. It should only fill about a quarter of the bag.


Hmm…it didn’t fill up that much. That’s what it’s like when we try to do amazing things on our own. Let’s try it again, but this time I want you to hold the opening as wide as you can and blow it up with one breath.

Have the child hold the opening wide and keep it about six inches away. Quickly tie off the end after one breath. The entire bag will be full of air. Check out ( for an explanation.


That’s what it’s like when we have the Holy Spirit’s help.


He powers us up to do things that seem impossible. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship God.

Big Story

Optional play soft instrumental music.

The first step to receiving that power is to say, “Yes” to following Jesus. The Holy Spirit is only a gift to those of us who are Christians. When you say, “Yes,” you will have access to the Holy Spirit and His power.

If you have never said, “Yes, I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads, so no one is distracted. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, you believe that He is alive, and you are His friend and follower, give me a thumbs up. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now and ask Him to forgive you and tell Him you want to live your life differently, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God,

I know everyone needs a Savior, and I know I can’t save myself. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died on the cross for my sins and God raised You from the dead.

Right now, I say you are my Lord, my Savior, and the One who forgives me. Thank you, Jesus, that You are my best friend and leader of my life, because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

Later we’re going to meet in our small groups. If you said, “Yes” to Jesus for the first time, then you will go to that small group to talk a bit more about the awesome decision you made today.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Tables (2), Plastic Cups (1 Per Group), Balloons (1 Per Group)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Wow! I’m glad to hear that Slater is feeling better.


The Holy Spirit can use us to pray for people, just like Peter did in our Big Story. Let’s say the Big Point again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Source!


That would be a great story to share when you do the Big Do.


Turn off the lights in the room and light a candle or turn on a flashlight. Talk about how the Holy Spirit is our source of power.


I wish I could see the Holy Spirit.


Even though we can’t see Him, we can see what He is doing. We can see how He works in our lives and in the lives of people we know. It’s like the air. You can’t see it, but you see its effects.


That gives me an idea for a game. Let’s use our invisible air to move some objects.


Great idea. We have 15 plastic cups set up on each table. We have a kid and adult volunteer team from each group. When we say “Go,” the volunteer will blow up a balloon and hand it to the kid, who will let the air go to push a cup off the table.


Whoever knocks off the most cups wins. Go!

Play the game.


Great job to our winners. Let’s gather in our small groups and discuss what we have discovered about the Holy Spirit.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How did Ethel and Rusty try to help Slater at first? They became superheroes Was that the right decision? Why not?

  • How do you imagine people reacted when Tabitha came back to life? Can things like that only happen for Peter, or could the Holy Spirit use us, too?

  • What are some things the Holy Spirit could give you the power to do? Be bold to talk about Jesus; be brave to do the right thing, even when no one else does; pray for others

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Turn off the lights and use a candle or flashlight. Talk about how the Holy Spirit gives us power

Big Review

Optional play game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The Holy Spirit Is Our ______!

    • Source

    • Friend

  • How did Ethel and Rusty try to help Slater?

    • They became superheroes

    • They raised money for him

  • When Peter prayed for Aeneas, what happened?

    • He died

    • He got up and walked

  • What happened when Peter prayed for Tabitha?

    • She came back to life

    • She got sicker

  • Who powered Peter up to help others?

    • His own superpowers

    • The Holy Spirit

  • Complete the Big Verse: Acts 1:8 (NIrV), “But you will receive _____ when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

    • Fear

    • Power

  • What happened in the city after Tabitha came back to life?

    • People ran away

    • People believed in Jesus

  • True/False: Rusty and Ethel chose to pray for Slater.

    • True

    • False

  • What are things the Holy Spirit can help you do?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Use a candle or flashlight and talk about how the Holy Spirit gives us power