The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Have you ever gotten lost? What happened?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Trick Blindfold

The Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is wearing a trick blindfold to seem like he/she is blind. The Co-Host bumps into different things on stage. If you don’t have the trick blindfold, you could use thin fabric or leave room so that you can see out of the bottom of the blindfold.


Welcome to the Lab! Will you watch where you’re going?


I can try.

The Co-Host turns and walks into a wall or some object on stage.


How did I do?


It might help if you took off the blindfold.


I can’t. This blindfold is my teaching tool.

The Co-Host bumps into the Host. He/She touches the Host’s face.


Oh, that’s you. (Squeezes his/her nose) You look stunning today, by the way.


I appreciate your dedication to teaching. He/She is a good example of what happens when you don’t have the Holy Spirit’s help. Thankfully we’re going to discover a great way that He does help. Everybody close your eyes, and guess how many fingers I’m holding up.



Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), 3D Glasses (1 Per Child)

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses the classic Red/Cyan paper 3D glasses. This can make for a great give away for the kids to take home. Using a 3D video that can be found on YouTube and the VLC Player program (It’s free as well), you can display a 3D video on any projector or TV. If this isn’t an option, then consider substituting with an object lesson. An alternative would be showing the difference between a black and white image and a color image.


Do you guys believe Hans Von Striker is telling the truth?


Me neither, but how can you know for sure?


Thankfully we have a Helper. Let’s bring up a lab assistant to help us reveal today’s Big Point.


That’s a great idea because the Big Point will teach us another way that the Holy Spirit helps us.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you can help us by reading the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide! That’s helpful because our world seems pretty confusing.


It does. The hard part is that you can’t always tell the difference between what is and isn’t the truth. The Holy Spirit guides us so we can know what is true, and He helps guide us away from things that are false.


What about those times when it’s not clear?


The Holy Spirit gives us discernment. That’s a big word that means He cuts through the fuzziness to reveal truth. It’s like this video. Check it out.

If using the VLC Player, be sure to select “Video Effects” and click the checkbox for “Anaglyph.” That will turn the 3D video that is displayed side by side into a combined 3D video. You should see that the video is fuzzy and has red and green haloes. That will allow the 3D glasses to work. The VLC Player is a free program that works on both Mac and PC computers.


That’s a terrible video. It’s fuzzy. It’s got weird coloring. I would not want to watch that.


Everyone, put on your 3D glasses, and let’s watch it again.


Wow! That makes the video come alive. Instead of being fuzzy, it’s in 3D!


Having the Holy Spirit’s help is like putting on glasses that clear things up. What was confusing before becomes clear when the Holy Spirit guides you.


You know, Ethel could definitely use the Holy Spirit’s help.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Prior to service choose two to three adult volunteers to be in a version of “To Tell the Truth.” Find out one interesting fact about one of the volunteers. Each volunteer will try to convince the audience that the fact is true about him/her. The audience will ask questions to try to determine who is telling the truth.

Host and Co-Host enter.


I can’t believe that Hans Von Striker is getting away with such a big lie.


Do you think it’s right that he’s taking advantage of Ethel like that? She really needs to understand our Big Point. Let’s say it again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide!


Why don’t we take a look at the Big Verse that Herman shared?

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


That’s a good idea because that’s where we learn the Big Point. After we count down from three, we need you to read the verse.


The Holy Spirit will guide us to the truth.


I have an idea for a game. It’s based on an old game show. We have three adult volunteers who will each share an interesting fact about his or her life. Only one of them is telling the truth.


You’ll have to ask questions of each one to help you determine who’s lying and who’s telling the truth. We’ll decide as a group at the end.

For fun, consider playing game show music to set the stage. Play the game, allowing kids to ask questions. Then poll the audience. Have one of the volunteers who did not tell the truth pretend to step forward as a misdirection, and then have the volunteer who is telling the truth step forward.


It was tough to decide.


It is tough if we’re on our own, but the good news is that we have a Helper. The Holy Spirit is our guide. If you’re unsure of something, go to God.


The Holy Spirit can help us remember what God’s Word says so we know if what we’re hearing or seeing matches what’s in the Bible.


It’s comforting to know that we have God as our guide. Let’s stand and worship God today.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Do you guys ever have big questions? Are there things that you don’t understand, or do you wonder whether you should do this or that? It’s tough to figure those things out on your own, and the good news is you don’t have to. God has already given you the Holy Spirit as your guide to truth. He wants to help you make the right choices and to know whether things are from God. Let’s take a moment now to talk to God. Think about the biggest question you have or the biggest problem you’re facing and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then pause and let the Holy Spirit speak back. It could be a thought, a feeling inside of you, some scripture, or even just a word that comes to mind. Let’s pray. (Pray) You can hear and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit every day. The Holy Spirit is our Guide.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Large Map

The Host and Co-Host enter.


I just knew that Hans Von Striker was lying. I’m glad Ethel found the proof.


Just like the Holy Spirit helped her, He wants to help us, too. Let’s say The Big Point again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide!


The Holy Spirit guided Peter, too, when he needed to know the truth. That’s a great story to share when you do this week’s Big Do.


Pick a place around town, maybe somewhere you’ve never visited, and use a GPS to guide you there. Most phones have a map feature, powered by GPS. Where do you guys plan to visit using your map app?


Before map apps existed, we used paper maps.

Unfold the map


We even kept them in our cars in case we were lost.


Before GPS, people needed compasses to find the right direction. Before compasses, they used the sun.


All these items have helped people find their way when they were lost. I have a question for you guys. How does the Holy Spirit help us find our way when we’re lost?

Allow several kids to answer.


I’m glad I have a map app instead of having to figure out where I am on a paper map…and I’m glad I have the Holy Spirit instead of just me.


Me, too. Let’s gather in our small groups and discuss what we have discovered.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How did Ethel discover that Hans Von Striker was lying? Has anyone ever lied to you, and you found out?

  • How did the Holy Spirit help Peter in the Big Story? He helped Peter know that Ananias was lying

  • What are some ways that the Holy Spirit guides us? He answers our questions, He helps us know the right way to go or choice to make Why is it so important to have His help? So we don’t have to live life alone, be lost or wonder what to do

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Use a map app to help you get somewhere

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The Holy Spirit Is Our ______!

    • Follower

    • Guide

  • Who lied to Ethel about not having money for the trip?

    • Slater

    • Hans Von Striker

  • In the days and weeks following the gift of the Holy Spirit, the church _____.

    • Grew larger

    • Shrank

  • What did the Christians in the Big Story do when they saw other Christians in need?

    • Shared what they had

    • Ignored them

  • What is one way the Holy Spirit guides us?

  • Complete the Big Verse: John 16:13 (NIrV), “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the ______.”

    • Lies

    • Truth

  • Who told Peter that Ananias and Sapphira had lied?

    • A fellow disciple

    • The Holy Spirit

  • True/False: The Holy Spirit can help us remember what is in the Bible so that we can know the truth.

    • True

    • False

  • How did Ethel discover that Hans Von Striker was lying?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Use a map app to help you get somewhere

The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Have you ever gotten lost? What happened?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Trick Blindfold

The Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is wearing a trick blindfold to seem like he/she is blind. The Co-Host bumps into different things on stage. If you don’t have the trick blindfold, you could use thin fabric or leave room so that you can see out of the bottom of the blindfold.


Welcome to the Lab! Will you watch where you’re going?


I can try.

The Co-Host turns and walks into a wall or some object on stage.


How did I do?


It might help if you took off the blindfold.


I can’t. This blindfold is my teaching tool.

The Co-Host bumps into the Host. He/She touches the Host’s face.


Oh, that’s you. (Squeezes his/her nose) You look stunning today, by the way.


I appreciate your dedication to teaching. He/She is a good example of what happens when you don’t have the Holy Spirit’s help. Thankfully we’re going to discover a great way that He does help. Everybody close your eyes, and guess how many fingers I’m holding up.



Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), 3D Glasses (1 Per Child)

Host and Co-Host enter. This Engage uses the classic Red/Cyan paper 3D glasses. This can make for a great give away for the kids to take home. Using a 3D video that can be found on YouTube and the VLC Player program (It’s free as well), you can display a 3D video on any projector or TV. If this isn’t an option, then consider substituting with an object lesson. An alternative would be showing the difference between a black and white image and a color image.


Do you guys believe Hans Von Striker is telling the truth?


Me neither, but how can you know for sure?


Thankfully we have a Helper. Let’s bring up a lab assistant to help us reveal today’s Big Point.


That’s a great idea because the Big Point will teach us another way that the Holy Spirit helps us.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you can help us by reading the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide! That’s helpful because our world seems pretty confusing.


It does. The hard part is that you can’t always tell the difference between what is and isn’t the truth. The Holy Spirit guides us so we can know what is true, and He helps guide us away from things that are false.


What about those times when it’s not clear?


The Holy Spirit gives us discernment. That’s a big word that means He cuts through the fuzziness to reveal truth. It’s like this video. Check it out.

If using the VLC Player, be sure to select “Video Effects” and click the checkbox for “Anaglyph.” That will turn the 3D video that is displayed side by side into a combined 3D video. You should see that the video is fuzzy and has red and green haloes. That will allow the 3D glasses to work. The VLC Player is a free program that works on both Mac and PC computers.


That’s a terrible video. It’s fuzzy. It’s got weird coloring. I would not want to watch that.


Everyone, put on your 3D glasses, and let’s watch it again.


Wow! That makes the video come alive. Instead of being fuzzy, it’s in 3D!


Having the Holy Spirit’s help is like putting on glasses that clear things up. What was confusing before becomes clear when the Holy Spirit guides you.


You know, Ethel could definitely use the Holy Spirit’s help.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Prior to service choose two to three adult volunteers to be in a version of “To Tell the Truth.” Find out one interesting fact about one of the volunteers. Each volunteer will try to convince the audience that the fact is true about him/her. The audience will ask questions to try to determine who is telling the truth.

Host and Co-Host enter.


I can’t believe that Hans Von Striker is getting away with such a big lie.


Do you think it’s right that he’s taking advantage of Ethel like that? She really needs to understand our Big Point. Let’s say it again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide!


Why don’t we take a look at the Big Verse that Herman shared?

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


That’s a good idea because that’s where we learn the Big Point. After we count down from three, we need you to read the verse.


The Holy Spirit will guide us to the truth.


I have an idea for a game. It’s based on an old game show. We have three adult volunteers who will each share an interesting fact about his or her life. Only one of them is telling the truth.


You’ll have to ask questions of each one to help you determine who’s lying and who’s telling the truth. We’ll decide as a group at the end.

For fun, consider playing game show music to set the stage. Play the game, allowing kids to ask questions. Then poll the audience. Have one of the volunteers who did not tell the truth pretend to step forward as a misdirection, and then have the volunteer who is telling the truth step forward.


It was tough to decide.


It is tough if we’re on our own, but the good news is that we have a Helper. The Holy Spirit is our guide. If you’re unsure of something, go to God.


The Holy Spirit can help us remember what God’s Word says so we know if what we’re hearing or seeing matches what’s in the Bible.


It’s comforting to know that we have God as our guide. Let’s stand and worship God today.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Do you guys ever have big questions? Are there things that you don’t understand, or do you wonder whether you should do this or that? It’s tough to figure those things out on your own, and the good news is you don’t have to. God has already given you the Holy Spirit as your guide to truth. He wants to help you make the right choices and to know whether things are from God. Let’s take a moment now to talk to God. Think about the biggest question you have or the biggest problem you’re facing and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then pause and let the Holy Spirit speak back. It could be a thought, a feeling inside of you, some scripture, or even just a word that comes to mind. Let’s pray. (Pray) You can hear and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit every day. The Holy Spirit is our Guide.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Large Map

The Host and Co-Host enter.


I just knew that Hans Von Striker was lying. I’m glad Ethel found the proof.


Just like the Holy Spirit helped her, He wants to help us, too. Let’s say The Big Point again,


The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide!


The Holy Spirit guided Peter, too, when he needed to know the truth. That’s a great story to share when you do this week’s Big Do.


Pick a place around town, maybe somewhere you’ve never visited, and use a GPS to guide you there. Most phones have a map feature, powered by GPS. Where do you guys plan to visit using your map app?


Before map apps existed, we used paper maps.

Unfold the map


We even kept them in our cars in case we were lost.


Before GPS, people needed compasses to find the right direction. Before compasses, they used the sun.


All these items have helped people find their way when they were lost. I have a question for you guys. How does the Holy Spirit help us find our way when we’re lost?

Allow several kids to answer.


I’m glad I have a map app instead of having to figure out where I am on a paper map…and I’m glad I have the Holy Spirit instead of just me.


Me, too. Let’s gather in our small groups and discuss what we have discovered.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • How did Ethel discover that Hans Von Striker was lying? Has anyone ever lied to you, and you found out?

  • How did the Holy Spirit help Peter in the Big Story? He helped Peter know that Ananias was lying

  • What are some ways that the Holy Spirit guides us? He answers our questions, He helps us know the right way to go or choice to make Why is it so important to have His help? So we don’t have to live life alone, be lost or wonder what to do

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Use a map app to help you get somewhere

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The Holy Spirit Is Our ______!

    • Follower

    • Guide

  • Who lied to Ethel about not having money for the trip?

    • Slater

    • Hans Von Striker

  • In the days and weeks following the gift of the Holy Spirit, the church _____.

    • Grew larger

    • Shrank

  • What did the Christians in the Big Story do when they saw other Christians in need?

    • Shared what they had

    • Ignored them

  • What is one way the Holy Spirit guides us?

  • Complete the Big Verse: John 16:13 (NIrV), “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the ______.”

    • Lies

    • Truth

  • Who told Peter that Ananias and Sapphira had lied?

    • A fellow disciple

    • The Holy Spirit

  • True/False: The Holy Spirit can help us remember what is in the Bible so that we can know the truth.

    • True

    • False

  • How did Ethel discover that Hans Von Striker was lying?

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Use a map app to help you get somewhere