The Bible Tells Me Who God Is

Ethel is confused about God. Some of you might have felt like Ethel before, especially if someone you know is saying confusing things about God. Will Ethel learn the truth about God? Who might help her?
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The Bible Tells Me Who God Is



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Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is one fact about yourself that other people may not know?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Book

The Host and Co-host are wearing lab coats. The Co-host has his/her head buried in a book. He/She bumps into the Host.

Co-host (Speaking while his/her face is still buried in the book) Sorry, I just can’t put this book down.

Host What’s it about?

Co-host No idea.

Host Your face is practically buried in the book, and you have no idea what it’s about. How is that possible?

Co-host I’m not reading it. I’m just hoping the words jump from the page into my brain.

Host That’s not how it works, right? To understand what a story is about, you have to get into the book and read it. I’m sure you guys have read a lot of books. Let’s see if you can pick out which book each clue refers to.

Read the clues and allow the kids to answer.

Co-Host Are you sure they didn’t get that info from the words jumping off the page at them, like little attack ninjas?

Host I’m certain. Today we will find out what we can learn when we read our Bibles. Let me tell you, it really is the greatest story in the world. First let's check in on our friends at the lab.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you guys think that any of Skip’s news about God has been correct?

Host I don’t think so either, and the worst part is that Ethel is now confused about God.

Co-Host Some of you might have felt like Ethel before, especially if someone you know is saying confusing things about God.

Host It’s like these images. We’re going to show you some images that are distorted, which makes it hard to know what you’re looking at. Each grade will function as a team, and we need one Connector (adult volunteer) to stand at the front of each team.

Co-Host As we show you the pictures, your team will try to figure out what it is. When you think you know, tell your Connector (adult volunteer). He or she will run up to the mic and answer. The first one to correctly answer wins a point. Let’s see which team can get the most correct answers.

Host It’s crazy how hard it was to see the real picture.

Co-Host When people say confusing things about God, it’s hard to know who God really is. We need something that can tell us the truth about God.

Host We can find that something in our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us count down from three, and you can read the Big Point.

Host Let’s all say it together, The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Co-Host The Bible tells us the story of God and His amazing love for us.

Host Instead of listening to other people’s confusing ideas about God, go to the Bible. Read it, and let the Bible show you the truth.

Co-Host The Bible is God’s Word. God gave us this book so that we could know what He is really like. The Bible is full of God’s words and actions.

Host Always look in the Bible if you want to know God. Let’s see if Ethel will make that choice.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bubble Gum (Different Varieties)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Do you think that Skip is the right person to ask questions about God? No, he’s just making Ethel more and more confused.

Co-Host You may run into kids at school or family members who say some things about God that don’t sound true. There’s only one way to know the truth for sure, and that’s to follow the Big Point. Let’s say our Big Point,

Co-Host The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Host Let’s see why we the Bible is our go to source by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us count down from three, and then read the verse.

Co-Host 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIrV) says, “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true.”

Host That’s what makes the Bible different than other books that you’ll read. It’s not just ordinary ink on paper or digital words on a tablet. The Bible is full of God’s life. It’s a living book of God’s words, which means it is full of truth.

Co-Host Let’s play a game to see the difference that breath can make. We have chosen some kids to blow the biggest bubble they can with bubblegum.

Host Each of them is going to attempt to blow a bubble using a different kind of gum. Which of these do you think is going to make the largest bubble?

Name the kinds of gum, then allow each kid or adult volunteer to blow a bubble and declare the winner.

Co-Host Look at the difference their breath made. The gum started like this (Show a piece of gum), but when each person chewed and breathed, the gum transformed.

Host God breathes life into the Bible. That’s why those words, written thousands of years ago, still teach us truth today. God’s Word has the power to change us because we connect to God’s life when we read the Bible.

Co-Host The Bible is a gift from God to us. He gave it to us so that we could get to know who He really is. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship our amazing God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music

The more you learn about God, the more you want to worship and praise God. He’s so amazing and wonderful, and you just can’t help it. Reading the Bible isn’t only about learning stuff. Exploring the Bible is about connecting with God so He can change you into the person He created you to be. So, let’s stand and worship our awesome God who is good, loving, powerful, wise, always right, and kind!

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I think that Ethel and Herman answered the questions about God correctly, not Skip. But at least I’m glad that Ethel has learned the truth about God.

Host She did that by going to God’s Word. The Big Story today showed us how the Bible is the story of God and His great love for us. I’m glad Ethel listened to our Big Point,

Host The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Co-Host That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.

Host Make a list of things that you know are true about God. If you get stuck, open up your Bible and check out what it says.

Co-Host Let’s look at some verses from the Bible to help get us started. We’re going to read some verses to you, and then we will ask you to tell us what that verse tells us about God.

Read the verses from the following slides and ask different kids what that verse tells us about God.

Revelation 1:8 Hebrews 13:8 Jeremiah 10:12 1 John 1:9 John 3:16

Host God’s Word helps us know who God is. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Have you ever felt confused about God, like Ethel? What did you do? How did it help Ethel to read the Bible? She learned who God is and learned that Skip was not telling the truth about God.

  • What’s one thing you heard about God today that surprised you? How did that truth make you feel better?

  • Is it hard for you to read the Bible? What’s your biggest challenge? Let’s think of some helpful ways that we can tackle reading our Bible each day. Reading just one verse per day (the Big Verse); asking a parent to read a longer section with us; reading the same verse or chapter for several days; asking a parent, small group leader, or pastor to help explain it; praying before you read to ask God to help you understand it better.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Make a list of things that you know are true about God.

Big Review

Play optional game music

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The _______ Tells Me Who God Is!

    • Bible
    • Internet
  • Who did a TV special about God and got everything wrong?

    • Herman
    • Skip
  • We learn from the Bible that this person created the world.

    • God
    • An alien
  • The Bible tells us that God will forgive _____ of our mistakes.

    • All
    • Some
  • God used over 40 authors to write the Bible.

    • True
    • False
  • 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIrV) says, “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is ____.”

    • True
    • Untrue
  • The Bible is the story of God and His _____ for us.

    • Dislike
    • Love
  • How is it helpful to read your Bible every day?

  • Name one thing you learned about God today and why it was helpful.

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Make a list of things that you know are true about God.

The Bible Tells Me Who God Is Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: What is one fact about yourself that other people may not know?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Book

The Host and Co-host are wearing lab coats. The Co-host has his/her head buried in a book. He/She bumps into the Host.

Co-host (Speaking while his/her face is still buried in the book) Sorry, I just can’t put this book down.

Host What’s it about?

Co-host No idea.

Host Your face is practically buried in the book, and you have no idea what it’s about. How is that possible?

Co-host I’m not reading it. I’m just hoping the words jump from the page into my brain.

Host That’s not how it works, right? To understand what a story is about, you have to get into the book and read it. I’m sure you guys have read a lot of books. Let’s see if you can pick out which book each clue refers to.

Read the clues and allow the kids to answer.

Co-Host Are you sure they didn’t get that info from the words jumping off the page at them, like little attack ninjas?

Host I’m certain. Today we will find out what we can learn when we read our Bibles. Let me tell you, it really is the greatest story in the world. First let's check in on our friends at the lab.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Do you guys think that any of Skip’s news about God has been correct?

Host I don’t think so either, and the worst part is that Ethel is now confused about God.

Co-Host Some of you might have felt like Ethel before, especially if someone you know is saying confusing things about God.

Host It’s like these images. We’re going to show you some images that are distorted, which makes it hard to know what you’re looking at. Each grade will function as a team, and we need one Connector (adult volunteer) to stand at the front of each team.

Co-Host As we show you the pictures, your team will try to figure out what it is. When you think you know, tell your Connector (adult volunteer). He or she will run up to the mic and answer. The first one to correctly answer wins a point. Let’s see which team can get the most correct answers.

Host It’s crazy how hard it was to see the real picture.

Co-Host When people say confusing things about God, it’s hard to know who God really is. We need something that can tell us the truth about God.

Host We can find that something in our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us count down from three, and you can read the Big Point.

Host Let’s all say it together, The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Co-Host The Bible tells us the story of God and His amazing love for us.

Host Instead of listening to other people’s confusing ideas about God, go to the Bible. Read it, and let the Bible show you the truth.

Co-Host The Bible is God’s Word. God gave us this book so that we could know what He is really like. The Bible is full of God’s words and actions.

Host Always look in the Bible if you want to know God. Let’s see if Ethel will make that choice.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bubble Gum (Different Varieties)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Host Do you think that Skip is the right person to ask questions about God? No, he’s just making Ethel more and more confused.

Co-Host You may run into kids at school or family members who say some things about God that don’t sound true. There’s only one way to know the truth for sure, and that’s to follow the Big Point. Let’s say our Big Point,

Co-Host The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Host Let’s see why we the Bible is our go to source by checking out the Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.

Co-Host Help us count down from three, and then read the verse.

Co-Host 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIrV) says, “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true.”

Host That’s what makes the Bible different than other books that you’ll read. It’s not just ordinary ink on paper or digital words on a tablet. The Bible is full of God’s life. It’s a living book of God’s words, which means it is full of truth.

Co-Host Let’s play a game to see the difference that breath can make. We have chosen some kids to blow the biggest bubble they can with bubblegum.

Host Each of them is going to attempt to blow a bubble using a different kind of gum. Which of these do you think is going to make the largest bubble?

Name the kinds of gum, then allow each kid or adult volunteer to blow a bubble and declare the winner.

Co-Host Look at the difference their breath made. The gum started like this (Show a piece of gum), but when each person chewed and breathed, the gum transformed.

Host God breathes life into the Bible. That’s why those words, written thousands of years ago, still teach us truth today. God’s Word has the power to change us because we connect to God’s life when we read the Bible.

Co-Host The Bible is a gift from God to us. He gave it to us so that we could get to know who He really is. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship our amazing God.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music

The more you learn about God, the more you want to worship and praise God. He’s so amazing and wonderful, and you just can’t help it. Reading the Bible isn’t only about learning stuff. Exploring the Bible is about connecting with God so He can change you into the person He created you to be. So, let’s stand and worship our awesome God who is good, loving, powerful, wise, always right, and kind!

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I think that Ethel and Herman answered the questions about God correctly, not Skip. But at least I’m glad that Ethel has learned the truth about God.

Host She did that by going to God’s Word. The Big Story today showed us how the Bible is the story of God and His great love for us. I’m glad Ethel listened to our Big Point,

Host The Bible Tells Me Who God Is!

Co-Host That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.

Host Make a list of things that you know are true about God. If you get stuck, open up your Bible and check out what it says.

Co-Host Let’s look at some verses from the Bible to help get us started. We’re going to read some verses to you, and then we will ask you to tell us what that verse tells us about God.

Read the verses from the following slides and ask different kids what that verse tells us about God.

Revelation 1:8 Hebrews 13:8 Jeremiah 10:12 1 John 1:9 John 3:16

Host God’s Word helps us know who God is. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Have you ever felt confused about God, like Ethel? What did you do? How did it help Ethel to read the Bible? She learned who God is and learned that Skip was not telling the truth about God.

  • What’s one thing you heard about God today that surprised you? How did that truth make you feel better?

  • Is it hard for you to read the Bible? What’s your biggest challenge? Let’s think of some helpful ways that we can tackle reading our Bible each day. Reading just one verse per day (the Big Verse); asking a parent to read a longer section with us; reading the same verse or chapter for several days; asking a parent, small group leader, or pastor to help explain it; praying before you read to ask God to help you understand it better.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Make a list of things that you know are true about God.

Big Review

Play optional game music

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says The _______ Tells Me Who God Is!

    • Bible
    • Internet
  • Who did a TV special about God and got everything wrong?

    • Herman
    • Skip
  • We learn from the Bible that this person created the world.

    • God
    • An alien
  • The Bible tells us that God will forgive _____ of our mistakes.

    • All
    • Some
  • God used over 40 authors to write the Bible.

    • True
    • False
  • 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIrV) says, “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is ____.”

    • True
    • Untrue
  • The Bible is the story of God and His _____ for us.

    • Dislike
    • Love
  • How is it helpful to read your Bible every day?

  • Name one thing you learned about God today and why it was helpful.

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Make a list of things that you know are true about God.