Large Group Full Instructions
Prep for Engage 2
The Russian Rings are an effective illusion that can be purchased online from The purchase includes a detailed tutorial on how to perform the illusion. If you are not able to find the Russian Rings, you can substitute with a different illusion or use this alternative activity. Have the Co-Host read a short, but detailed story to the kids. While he/she is reading, have someone walk through the room wearing crazy clothes, wig, etc. After the Co-Host has finished, ask the kids to describe the person who entered. Then, discuss how it’s easy to miss God’s blessings.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host I hope you guys are ready for the most fun hour of your week!
Co-Host You’re going to help me prep my Thanksgiving turkey.
Host How is that the most fun part of the week?
Co-Host If they do it, then I don’t have to and that makes it the most fun hour of my week because I can catch up on Candy Crush.
(Plays on his/her iPhone.)
Host They are not prepping your Thanksgiving meal. We don’t even have a kitchen.
Co-Host Point taken. If you can’t prep my turkey, then you can dance like one. I’m giving this candy to the best turkey dance dancer.
Host There’s no such thing as a turkey dance.
Co-Host I just invented it by switching out turkey dance for chicken dance. Go!
Play music for Chicken Dance. Co-Host judges and gives one or more kids a piece of candy.
Host That was fun! Now let’s get check up on Herman and Rusty in the lab.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I can understand why Hannah is so upset. If Skip McDougall was living with me, it would drive me crazy.
Host Have any of you guys ever had a house full of guests for the holidays?
Co-Host It’s fun at first, but they can get on your nerves after a while.
Host When you get frustrated it’s easy to focus on what’s bad. Our Big Point is a great reminder of what to do instead. Let’s choose an assistant to reveal our Big Point.
(Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.)
Co-Host Press that button after we count down from three.
Co-Host 3…2…1!
Co-Host Let’s all say it together, “Don’t Grumble, Say Thanks!” I agree. My mother always told me to stop mumbling.
Host Not mumbling. Grumbling. (To the kids) What does it mean to grumble?
Co-Host She also told me to not do that either.
Host When you are full of grumbling, there is not much room other stuff. Let’s do a little challenge to demonstrate. We have chosen an Adult Volunteer. He/She is going to stuff themselves with a bunch of this gum.
Co-Host Did you have too much garlic for breakfast? That’s why that kid sitting next to you passed out?
Host The adult has to say a line that we give him/her and you guys have to try to guess what he/she is saying. You must keep chewing the gum the whole time.
Play the game. Have volunteers stand in front of the different sections in the room or split the room up before the game into teams. Have the kids shout the answers to their team captain. The team captain must run to the stage and say the answer on the microphone first to win that round. The team with the most points wins.
Co-Host It’s hard to talk with that much gum in your mouth.
Host Yep, and it’s really hard to be thankful when you’re full of grumbling. Instead, remember to fill your mouth with thankfulness. Let’s see if Hannah can learn that lesson.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Would you be upset if people were in your house breaking things?
Co-Host Me too. Have you ever had cousins visit who play rough with your favorite toys or games? It’s hard not to grumble when that happens.
Host Like Herman said, that’s when you have to remember things to be thankful for and use our Big Point.
Host Don’t Grumble, Say Thanks! I need another assistant to help us reveal the Big Verse.
(Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.)
Co-Host I need you to hit the button as we count down from three.
Co-Host 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIrV), “Give thanks no matter what happens.” How do we give thanks no matter what? Can you give thanks when something bad happens?
Host Like Herman shared earlier, you’re not thanking God for a bad event. You’re choosing to focus on what God has already done for you and saying thanks for that.
Co-Host My brain just seems to focus on the problems.
The Russian Rings are an effective illusion that can be purchased online from The purchase includes a detailed tutorial on how to perform the illusion. If you are not able to find the Russian Rings, you can substitute with a different illusion or use this alternative activity. Have the Co-Host read a short, but detailed story to the kids. While he/she is reading, have someone walk through the room wearing crazy clothes, wig, etc. After the Co-Host has finished, ask the kids to describe the person who entered. Then, discuss how it’s easy to miss God’s blessings.
Host That’s the temptation. It’s like these rings. (Show the Russian rings) You look at them and they’re all black. That’s all you see, kind of like when you grumble you only see the problems. Is it possible that you missed something? (Show the colored ring) Grumbling makes you miss the good things God has done because you’re only seeing the bad. (Show the black ring) That causes you to miss all the blessings that are already in your life. (Show all three colored rings).
Co-Host When I think back, the more time I spend with Jesus the easier it is to be thankful.
Host I agree. Praying and chatting with Jesus is a great way to get rid of the grumbles because He reminds of why we can be thankful. Big Point,
Host Don’t Grumble, Say Thanks! Let’s say thanks now with our worship!
You may have a lot of reasons to feel like grumbling today, but I want to encourage you to try giving thanks instead. For a moment, let’s bow our heads and stay quiet at our seats. You may have never tried this, but you can pray the Bible. That means you can use scriptures in the Bible as part of your prayer. When you pray them over and over, it’s called meditating on God’s Word. It’s a way to help you get the Bible into your heart. So, I’m going to bring up our Big Verse again,
and for the next few moments let’s quietly repeat this verse over and over as our prayer to God. I’ll say it as well. (Repeat the verse several times) This is something you can do at home. You can pray this week’s Big Verse and believe that God will help you be thankful.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host It really helped Hannah when she listed reasons why she could be thankful.
Host It helps you follow the Big Point.
Host Don’t Grumble, Say Thanks! Let’s choose an assistant to help us with a quick interview.
(Choose a volunteer.)
Co-Host I want you to interview some of your fellow kids and ask them one question. What is one thing you are thankful for today?
(Volunteer asks the question)
Co-Host I think we’ve proven that we all have something to say thank you for today.
Host Whenever you feel the urge to grumble this week, say thank you for at least one good thing in your life. I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with more.
Host Don’t Grumble, Say Thanks! Let’s gather with our small groups and talk about what we learned.
Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.
- Why was Hannah grumbling? Would you have reacted the same way if you were in her shoes? Why? Why not?
- Were you surprised to hear the Israelites say they had it better in Egypt? Were they right or wrong? What did they have to be thankful for?
- If you catch yourself grumbling, what should you do? Let’s all list one thing we can thank God for today.
- What did Herman tell us to do in the Big Do? Track your family's "Thankfuls" and "Grumbles"
Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
- Our Big Point says Don’t _____, Say Thanks! a. Mumble b. Grumble
- What was everyone stuck at Herman’s house? a. Thunderstorm b. Snowstorm
- Why did the Israelites complain in the Big Story?
- Why was Hannah grumbling?
- Did the Israelites claim they had it better or worse in Egypt? a. Better b. Worse
- Complete the Big Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIrV), “Give thanks _____ _____ ____ happens.” a. When good stuff b. No matter what
- Why does grumbling make it hard to have a good attitude?
- Did God still help the Israelites after they grumbled? a. Yes b. No
- How did Hannah change her attitude?
- What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Track your family's "Thankfuls" and "Grumbles"