I Can Change



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Samson who fought the enemy with the strength God had given him.

Nerf Wars

Have the kids bring Nerf guns or provide them for kids to use. Distribute safety goggles and Nerf darts to each kid. Set up target practice areas and create a capture the flag game for teams to compete and play. Inflatable Nerf obstacles can be purchased online to enhance your play area.

Ninja Warrior Week

Set up a Ninja Warrior course outside. You can purchase obstacle course items or have members of your church help you build a custom course. Consider renting an inflatable obstacle course or warped wall to finish the course.

Field Day

Have field day games outside. Split the kids into groups and have them compete in relay races, tug of war, and similar types of games.



Welcome to Summer To The Max!


We’re taking this summer to the max by living differently for Jesus.


But what happens when that plan goes off the rails? Maybe you start out wanting to live differently, but somewhere down the line you make a wrong choice. Is it over? We will talk about that in a minute. But first, let’s stand and get started with worship!

Engage 1Materials: Adult Size Clothes, Cones


Let’s find out what we are learning in today’s Big Point. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the adults will say, “Two,” and the boys will shout, “One.”


Let’s all say the Big Point together, I Can Change! Even if you make the wrong choice, it’s never too late to change direction and follow Jesus.


Let’s play a game that’s all about changing. In this game, we have two contestants who will compete to change into these adult size clothes the fastest.


When we say, “Go,” you will run to the other end of the stage and put on one piece of clothing, then run back to the start and put on the second piece. Keep going back and forth until you have put on all of the clothes. Ready, go!

Play optional game music. Before the game, place two cones at one end of the stage and two cones on the opposite side. Place half of the clothing on one side and half on the other. You can use shirts, shorts, hats, socks, etc.


Great job to our winner. That was a quick change. When we make the wrong choice, it’s smart to quickly change and follow God’s way of doing things.


As much as we’d like to be, we’re not perfect so mistakes will happen. I’m thankful that those mistakes aren’t final because we can change.

Engage 2Materials: Hair Dryer, Ping Pong Balls, Golf Club, Net Headband


Let’s say our Big Point again, I Can Change! Some kids may wonder how God feels about this. Yes, I can change what I’m doing, but will God even want me back?


Thankfully we have God’s Word. Let’s see what the Bible says about God in the Big Verse. I need your help to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the adults will say, “Two,” and the boys can shout, “One.”


Micah 7:18 (NIrV) says, “Lord, who is a God like you? You forgive Your people when they do what is wrong.” The Bible says that God forgives us when we do wrong.


It’s like we get a second chance, which is a big relief, because we may not always get it right the first time. It’s like this game. We’ve chosen two kids to play this game. One of you will wear this net on your head. The other will stand on a chair and try to hit this ping pong ball with a golf club. Instead of using a tee, we’re going to suspend the ping pong ball in the air with a hair dryer.

Have the kid wearing the net stand really far away and allow the child with the club to try to hit the ball into the net one time.


That was a tough shot. In golf, getting a second chance to hit the ball is called a mulligan. I think we should give you another chance.

Allow the child to try again. Each time, move the kid wearing the net closer, until the child finally makes a goal.


We’ve given you a lot of chances to score a goal, and you did it! The thing that I love about God is that He doesn’t forgive us just once. There is no end to God’s love and forgiveness.


However, that doesn’t mean that we should make as many wrong choices as possible because those choices can have painful consequences.


Yes, God will forgive us, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have to deal with the messes we make. That’s what our Bible story is all about today. But first let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

I’m glad that in the end Samson changed. It would have been so much better if he had lived differently for God all along, but the good news is that even when you make a mistake, God will forgive you. Let’s take a moment to talk to God about our mistakes. If you’ve made some mistakes, God will forgive you and help you turn it around. Just talk to Him. Remember, He loves you. Take a moment and talk to God. (Pray) Now I’ll pray for all of us. (Pray)


We have the opportunity to help a lot of kids this summer.

Share info about the giving project you have chosen to support. Consider donating all summer offerings to a local ministry or global missionary.


2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “The one who plants only a little will gather only a little. And the one who plants a lot will gather a lot.” Paul wasn’t writing about farming. He used that as an example to explain giving.


Giving your best gift produces big results for others and even for yourself. That’s why we sacrifice some of what we have to give.


Remember the story about Samson. He received a lot from God, but unfortunately, he wasted some of those gifts. God wants you to give your best gift.

Engage 3


Remember our Big Point, I Can Change! That applies to everyone. We all can change and live differently for God.


Samson had made a complete mess of his life. It seemed like his goal of helping Israel had failed, but God gave him a second chance. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways. Thank God for His second chances.


Let’s check out some other people from the Bible to whom God gave a second chance. We’ll read a clue, and let’s see if you can guess who it is.

  • Spent some time under the sea and inside a fish. Jonah

  • Denied, denied, denied and then cried as the rooster crowed. Peter

  • Put Christians in jail and later went to jail for being a Christian. Paul

  • Killed a giant, but later made a giant mistake worse by killing to hide it. David


God can help anyone turn things around. No matter how you’ve done this summer, you can start making different choices today because God can help you change.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What was the name of the guy who made a lot of mistakes but ultimately changed in today's true story from the Bible?

  • What got Samson into trouble?

  • Can you tell me about a time your bad choices got you into trouble?

  • What did Samson do after he prayed to God for a second chance?

  • What is our Big Do for this week? Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways.

Big Review

Summer Big Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole

without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round 6?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______!

    • Change

    • Reverse

  • Who bullied the Israelites in the Big Story?

    • Philistines

    • Midianites

  • What was Samson known for?

    • Wisdom

    • Strength

  • Samson defeated 1,000 soldiers with what item?

    • Bone

    • Sword

  • Samson made many poor decisions.

    • True

    • False

  • Micah 7:18 (NIrV), “Lord, who is a God like you? You _____ Your people when they do what is wrong.”

    • Forgive

    • Get mad at

  • What was Samson not supposed to cut?

    • Fingernails

    • Hair

  • Some people are perfect and never make wrong choices.

    • True

    • False

  • God gave Samson a second chance, and he’ll do the same for us.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways.

I Can Change Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Samson who fought the enemy with the strength God had given him.

Nerf Wars

Have the kids bring Nerf guns or provide them for kids to use. Distribute safety goggles and Nerf darts to each kid. Set up target practice areas and create a capture the flag game for teams to compete and play. Inflatable Nerf obstacles can be purchased online to enhance your play area.

Ninja Warrior Week

Set up a Ninja Warrior course outside. You can purchase obstacle course items or have members of your church help you build a custom course. Consider renting an inflatable obstacle course or warped wall to finish the course.

Field Day

Have field day games outside. Split the kids into groups and have them compete in relay races, tug of war, and similar types of games.



Welcome to Summer To The Max!


We’re taking this summer to the max by living differently for Jesus.


But what happens when that plan goes off the rails? Maybe you start out wanting to live differently, but somewhere down the line you make a wrong choice. Is it over? We will talk about that in a minute. But first, let’s stand and get started with worship!

Engage 1Materials: Adult Size Clothes, Cones


Let’s find out what we are learning in today’s Big Point. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the adults will say, “Two,” and the boys will shout, “One.”


Let’s all say the Big Point together, I Can Change! Even if you make the wrong choice, it’s never too late to change direction and follow Jesus.


Let’s play a game that’s all about changing. In this game, we have two contestants who will compete to change into these adult size clothes the fastest.


When we say, “Go,” you will run to the other end of the stage and put on one piece of clothing, then run back to the start and put on the second piece. Keep going back and forth until you have put on all of the clothes. Ready, go!

Play optional game music. Before the game, place two cones at one end of the stage and two cones on the opposite side. Place half of the clothing on one side and half on the other. You can use shirts, shorts, hats, socks, etc.


Great job to our winner. That was a quick change. When we make the wrong choice, it’s smart to quickly change and follow God’s way of doing things.


As much as we’d like to be, we’re not perfect so mistakes will happen. I’m thankful that those mistakes aren’t final because we can change.

Engage 2Materials: Hair Dryer, Ping Pong Balls, Golf Club, Net Headband


Let’s say our Big Point again, I Can Change! Some kids may wonder how God feels about this. Yes, I can change what I’m doing, but will God even want me back?


Thankfully we have God’s Word. Let’s see what the Bible says about God in the Big Verse. I need your help to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the adults will say, “Two,” and the boys can shout, “One.”


Micah 7:18 (NIrV) says, “Lord, who is a God like you? You forgive Your people when they do what is wrong.” The Bible says that God forgives us when we do wrong.


It’s like we get a second chance, which is a big relief, because we may not always get it right the first time. It’s like this game. We’ve chosen two kids to play this game. One of you will wear this net on your head. The other will stand on a chair and try to hit this ping pong ball with a golf club. Instead of using a tee, we’re going to suspend the ping pong ball in the air with a hair dryer.

Have the kid wearing the net stand really far away and allow the child with the club to try to hit the ball into the net one time.


That was a tough shot. In golf, getting a second chance to hit the ball is called a mulligan. I think we should give you another chance.

Allow the child to try again. Each time, move the kid wearing the net closer, until the child finally makes a goal.


We’ve given you a lot of chances to score a goal, and you did it! The thing that I love about God is that He doesn’t forgive us just once. There is no end to God’s love and forgiveness.


However, that doesn’t mean that we should make as many wrong choices as possible because those choices can have painful consequences.


Yes, God will forgive us, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have to deal with the messes we make. That’s what our Bible story is all about today. But first let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

I’m glad that in the end Samson changed. It would have been so much better if he had lived differently for God all along, but the good news is that even when you make a mistake, God will forgive you. Let’s take a moment to talk to God about our mistakes. If you’ve made some mistakes, God will forgive you and help you turn it around. Just talk to Him. Remember, He loves you. Take a moment and talk to God. (Pray) Now I’ll pray for all of us. (Pray)


We have the opportunity to help a lot of kids this summer.

Share info about the giving project you have chosen to support. Consider donating all summer offerings to a local ministry or global missionary.


2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “The one who plants only a little will gather only a little. And the one who plants a lot will gather a lot.” Paul wasn’t writing about farming. He used that as an example to explain giving.


Giving your best gift produces big results for others and even for yourself. That’s why we sacrifice some of what we have to give.


Remember the story about Samson. He received a lot from God, but unfortunately, he wasted some of those gifts. God wants you to give your best gift.

Engage 3


Remember our Big Point, I Can Change! That applies to everyone. We all can change and live differently for God.


Samson had made a complete mess of his life. It seemed like his goal of helping Israel had failed, but God gave him a second chance. That’s something you can talk about when you do this week’s Big Do.


Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways. Thank God for His second chances.


Let’s check out some other people from the Bible to whom God gave a second chance. We’ll read a clue, and let’s see if you can guess who it is.

  • Spent some time under the sea and inside a fish. Jonah

  • Denied, denied, denied and then cried as the rooster crowed. Peter

  • Put Christians in jail and later went to jail for being a Christian. Paul

  • Killed a giant, but later made a giant mistake worse by killing to hide it. David


God can help anyone turn things around. No matter how you’ve done this summer, you can start making different choices today because God can help you change.

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What was the name of the guy who made a lot of mistakes but ultimately changed in today's true story from the Bible?

  • What got Samson into trouble?

  • Can you tell me about a time your bad choices got you into trouble?

  • What did Samson do after he prayed to God for a second chance?

  • What is our Big Do for this week? Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways.

Big Review

Summer Big Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole

without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round 6?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______!

    • Change

    • Reverse

  • Who bullied the Israelites in the Big Story?

    • Philistines

    • Midianites

  • What was Samson known for?

    • Wisdom

    • Strength

  • Samson defeated 1,000 soldiers with what item?

    • Bone

    • Sword

  • Samson made many poor decisions.

    • True

    • False

  • Micah 7:18 (NIrV), “Lord, who is a God like you? You _____ Your people when they do what is wrong.”

    • Forgive

    • Get mad at

  • What was Samson not supposed to cut?

    • Fingernails

    • Hair

  • Some people are perfect and never make wrong choices.

    • True

    • False

  • God gave Samson a second chance, and he’ll do the same for us.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Talk with your family about a time when each of you messed up and then changed your ways.