I Can Obey God



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Noah and his obedience by building the Ark.

Petting Zoo

Hire a local petting zoo or utilize members in your church to provide some animals for an outdoor experience.

Face Painting

Paint different animals on the faces of your kids. If your budget allows, consider hiring professional face painters for an extra special day.

Animal Mask Parade

Provide materials for the children to create animal masks. Once they've created their masks, organize a parade around the church or a designated area, with the children wearing their animal masks.



Welcome to Summer To The Max!


What makes this summer “to the max?” Because we’re learning to live differently for God.


Because living differently will create a different you, so you can change your world. Let's stand up and worship.

Engage 1Materials: Tap It Game, Safety Cone (4)


Let’s check out today’s Big Point. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the boys will say, “Three,” the Adults will say, “Two,” and the girls can shout, “One!”


Let’s all say it together, I Can Obey God! Obedience is doing what God asks. It’s that simple. You don’t have to do more, and you don’t do less.


True obedience is trusting God enough that you’re willing to do what He says, even if you don’t fully understand it. Let’s play a game that will test your ability to only follow the directions you are given.


It’s a memory game. The buttons will light up in the order you have to tap them. We have two contestants who are going to take turns playing. Let’s see who can make it through the most rounds.

Engage 1 uses the Tap It game available in stores or online. Set the Tap It buttons to memory game mode. You can place the buttons on a table or tape them to a safety cone to raise the buttons off the ground. Allow each competitor to try.


To win that game, you had to follow the exact order it gave you.


That’s true. If you tapped more buttons or less buttons, you would lose. And you also had to obey right away, or else your turn would be over. It’s a great example of obedience.

Engage 2


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Can Obey God!


Which command is harder to obey: don’t annoy your brother/sister or clean your room?


Those are helpful commands. God doesn’t give us commands to keep us busy. They always have a purpose. Let’s see what the Bible says about obedience in today’s Big Verse. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the Adults can shout, “One!”


John 14:15 (NIrV), “If you love Me, obey My commands.” Jesus was the one who said that. He is our leader, so as followers, we should obey.


Let’s take a deeper look at what that means. We have three helpers in the back who don’t know what we’re about to tell you. We’ve told them to come out and lead you in a game of follow the leader. They will do a motion, thinking you will follow it. Instead, you are going to follow what I do as I stand behind them.

Bring out the three kids. Prior to the Engage instruct the kids that they will lead the kids in follow the leader. Give them several things to tell the audience to do such as hop on one foot, wave their arms, jump, march in place, etc. The Host will hold a microphone for the kid to give their commands. Behind them, the Co-Host will lead the audience in an opposite movement. After you reveal what happens, interview the kids who were supposed to lead and ask how the whole thing made them feel.


You guys were doing the opposite of the leaders on stage. Did it look like you were following these leaders? No, it didn’t. That’s what it’s like when we don’t obey Jesus. We’re not being His followers.


Jesus wants His followers to do what He says in His Word. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Noah was a great example for us. He obeyed all the commands God gave him. He didn’t add unnecessary things to the boat. He didn’t leave stuff out. Noah followed the directions, and it saved his family. I can imagine that some of you struggle at times with “obey right away” and “obey completely.” The good news is that God can help us get better at making the wise choice. Take a moment to bow your heads and close your eyes. Talk to God and ask Him to help you make the choice to obey. (Pause) Great job, now I’ll pray for everyone.


We have the opportunity to help a lot of kids this summer.

Share info about the giving project you have chosen to support. Consider donating all summer offerings to a local ministry or global missionary.


The Bible says in Hebrews 13:16 “Don’t forget to do good. Don’t forget to share with others.” Giving is something that God asks us to do.


God has asked us to give, but’s it’s up to us to obey and give. It doesn’t mean you have to give everything away but share out of what God has given to you. Just like Noah in the Bible who obeyed God’s commands.

Engage 3Materials: Color Fizzers Tablets, Clear Bottle (6), Water


If you really want to take your summer, and your whole life, to the max, then be sure to follow our Big Point,


I Can Obey God!


You can tell your family all about what you learned and experienced as you do this week’s Big Do.


Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.


A science experiment is like a recipe, so you could even do something like that with your family. For this experiment we’re going to make colors. We have three primary fizzy color tablets: red, green, blue.


Let’s choose some helpers to assist us in following the directions to make the right colors.

Bring up one or two volunteers to help. Ask the kids about the color combinations needed to make orange, green, purple, etc. Drop the primary colors each into water as well to make a red, yellow, and blue bottle. Place the six bottles side by side.


What do those colors look like to you? (Pause) That’s right, a rainbow. Did you know that God used a rainbow to make a promise to Noah? He promised to not send another flood like the one Noah went through on the Ark. God has kept His word.


We can obey God because we are certain that God always keeps His word to us. That’s why we can have faith, like Noah had, to obey all of God’s commands. Living differently begins with obedience!

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it mean to obey?

  • Who obeyed God in our story today?

  • Do we have to understand why, to obey God?

  • Can you tell me about a time you chose not to obey? Were there consequences?

  • What is one way you can choose to obey right away this week.

  • What is this week's Big Do? Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.

Big Review

Summer Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round six?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people

holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge. Play optional game music.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______ God!

    • Obey

    • Not Listen To

  • What did God ask Noah to build?

    • Boat

    • City

  • How would you describe the world Noah lived in?

    • Evil

    • Peaceful

  • Why did Noah build the boat?

    • To avoid the flood

    • To go on a cruise

  • Noah skipped a few of God’s steps to finish faster.

    • True

    • False

  • John 14:15 (NIrV), “If you _____ Me, obey My commands.”

    • Like

    • Love

  • The Bible said that Noah did _______ God commanded.

    • Some things

    • Everything

  • To obey you have to do lots more than God asks you to do.

    • True

    • False

  • How does obeying God show that we are followers of Jesus?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.

I Can Obey God Instructions


Series Note: Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while still keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Weekly Venue: Choose one of the following venue options or create your own. These venues connect kids to the story of Noah and his obedience by building the Ark.

Petting Zoo

Hire a local petting zoo or utilize members in your church to provide some animals for an outdoor experience.

Face Painting

Paint different animals on the faces of your kids. If your budget allows, consider hiring professional face painters for an extra special day.

Animal Mask Parade

Provide materials for the children to create animal masks. Once they've created their masks, organize a parade around the church or a designated area, with the children wearing their animal masks.



Welcome to Summer To The Max!


What makes this summer “to the max?” Because we’re learning to live differently for God.


Because living differently will create a different you, so you can change your world. Let's stand up and worship.

Engage 1Materials: Tap It Game, Safety Cone (4)


Let’s check out today’s Big Point. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the boys will say, “Three,” the Adults will say, “Two,” and the girls can shout, “One!”


Let’s all say it together, I Can Obey God! Obedience is doing what God asks. It’s that simple. You don’t have to do more, and you don’t do less.


True obedience is trusting God enough that you’re willing to do what He says, even if you don’t fully understand it. Let’s play a game that will test your ability to only follow the directions you are given.


It’s a memory game. The buttons will light up in the order you have to tap them. We have two contestants who are going to take turns playing. Let’s see who can make it through the most rounds.

Engage 1 uses the Tap It game available in stores or online. Set the Tap It buttons to memory game mode. You can place the buttons on a table or tape them to a safety cone to raise the buttons off the ground. Allow each competitor to try.


To win that game, you had to follow the exact order it gave you.


That’s true. If you tapped more buttons or less buttons, you would lose. And you also had to obey right away, or else your turn would be over. It’s a great example of obedience.

Engage 2


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Can Obey God!


Which command is harder to obey: don’t annoy your brother/sister or clean your room?


Those are helpful commands. God doesn’t give us commands to keep us busy. They always have a purpose. Let’s see what the Bible says about obedience in today’s Big Verse. We’re going to countdown from three. All of the girls will say, “Three,” the boys will say, “Two,” and the Adults can shout, “One!”


John 14:15 (NIrV), “If you love Me, obey My commands.” Jesus was the one who said that. He is our leader, so as followers, we should obey.


Let’s take a deeper look at what that means. We have three helpers in the back who don’t know what we’re about to tell you. We’ve told them to come out and lead you in a game of follow the leader. They will do a motion, thinking you will follow it. Instead, you are going to follow what I do as I stand behind them.

Bring out the three kids. Prior to the Engage instruct the kids that they will lead the kids in follow the leader. Give them several things to tell the audience to do such as hop on one foot, wave their arms, jump, march in place, etc. The Host will hold a microphone for the kid to give their commands. Behind them, the Co-Host will lead the audience in an opposite movement. After you reveal what happens, interview the kids who were supposed to lead and ask how the whole thing made them feel.


You guys were doing the opposite of the leaders on stage. Did it look like you were following these leaders? No, it didn’t. That’s what it’s like when we don’t obey Jesus. We’re not being His followers.


Jesus wants His followers to do what He says in His Word. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Noah was a great example for us. He obeyed all the commands God gave him. He didn’t add unnecessary things to the boat. He didn’t leave stuff out. Noah followed the directions, and it saved his family. I can imagine that some of you struggle at times with “obey right away” and “obey completely.” The good news is that God can help us get better at making the wise choice. Take a moment to bow your heads and close your eyes. Talk to God and ask Him to help you make the choice to obey. (Pause) Great job, now I’ll pray for everyone.


We have the opportunity to help a lot of kids this summer.

Share info about the giving project you have chosen to support. Consider donating all summer offerings to a local ministry or global missionary.


The Bible says in Hebrews 13:16 “Don’t forget to do good. Don’t forget to share with others.” Giving is something that God asks us to do.


God has asked us to give, but’s it’s up to us to obey and give. It doesn’t mean you have to give everything away but share out of what God has given to you. Just like Noah in the Bible who obeyed God’s commands.

Engage 3Materials: Color Fizzers Tablets, Clear Bottle (6), Water


If you really want to take your summer, and your whole life, to the max, then be sure to follow our Big Point,


I Can Obey God!


You can tell your family all about what you learned and experienced as you do this week’s Big Do.


Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.


A science experiment is like a recipe, so you could even do something like that with your family. For this experiment we’re going to make colors. We have three primary fizzy color tablets: red, green, blue.


Let’s choose some helpers to assist us in following the directions to make the right colors.

Bring up one or two volunteers to help. Ask the kids about the color combinations needed to make orange, green, purple, etc. Drop the primary colors each into water as well to make a red, yellow, and blue bottle. Place the six bottles side by side.


What do those colors look like to you? (Pause) That’s right, a rainbow. Did you know that God used a rainbow to make a promise to Noah? He promised to not send another flood like the one Noah went through on the Ark. God has kept His word.


We can obey God because we are certain that God always keeps His word to us. That’s why we can have faith, like Noah had, to obey all of God’s commands. Living differently begins with obedience!

Small Group

Small Group is optional as time allows. Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What does it mean to obey?

  • Who obeyed God in our story today?

  • Do we have to understand why, to obey God?

  • Can you tell me about a time you chose not to obey? Were there consequences?

  • What is one way you can choose to obey right away this week.

  • What is this week's Big Do? Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.

Big Review

Summer Challenge Games:

Hula Challenge: Keep a two hula hoops spinning on each arm for 20 seconds

Limbo Challenge: You have two chances to make it under the limbo pole without falling

Tap It: Play the memory game on Tap It. Can you make it to round six?

Brain Freeze: Eat a Pop Ice in under 30 seconds

Hover Ball: Three shots to score a goal with a hover ball

Beach Ball Basketball: Toss two beachballs into a human goal (two people

holding hands to make a hoop)

Super Combo: Grab a friend and act out which of the pictures on the screen will not get “X-ed” out

Ultimate Tag: Try to pull both flags from your opponent

Split the room into two teams and alternate choosing one child from each team to come onstage and answer a question. If the child gets the question right, then he or she can compete in a Summer Big Challenge. Play optional game music.

  • Our Big Point says I Can ______ God!

    • Obey

    • Not Listen To

  • What did God ask Noah to build?

    • Boat

    • City

  • How would you describe the world Noah lived in?

    • Evil

    • Peaceful

  • Why did Noah build the boat?

    • To avoid the flood

    • To go on a cruise

  • Noah skipped a few of God’s steps to finish faster.

    • True

    • False

  • John 14:15 (NIrV), “If you _____ Me, obey My commands.”

    • Like

    • Love

  • The Bible said that Noah did _______ God commanded.

    • Some things

    • Everything

  • To obey you have to do lots more than God asks you to do.

    • True

    • False

  • How does obeying God show that we are followers of Jesus?

  • What is this week’s Big Do? Find a recipe you want to make as a family, and make sure you follow all of the directions.