I Am Merciful



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions


Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Serve Project

Have the kids complete a service project for a local organization such as decorating grocery bags for Meals on Wheels, packing blessing bags for the homeless, etc.

Passport to the World

Create stations in classrooms or around your auditorium highlighting missionaries and/or missions’ organizations your church supports. Show pictures, discuss the ministries, and allow the kids to try some food or treats from that country.



Welcome to Summer To The Max! We’re in the middle of an amazing summer full of fun activities and discovering truth about Jesus.

Engage 1Materials: Velcro Paddle Ball Set


Being a Christian is more than just believing that a person named Jesus walked around this earth. It’s believing that Jesus is the king who died and came back to life. Because He’s the king, the right thing to do is to follow and obey Him.


Jesus is the perfect example for us. How He lived teaches us how we should live. Let’s check out our Big Point to discover another way that we can copy Jesus.


We need everyone to help us count down from three, and then we’ll read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Am Merciful! Mercy is giving forgiveness and help to people, even when they don’t deserve it.


I’m glad that Jesus is always merciful with us. Here’s the truth: we’ve all messed up. Let’s use a game as an example. If you visit the beach during the summer, you may see people playing catch with a Velcro paddle ball.


Let’s have a couple of kids come up and demonstrate this game.

Have the kids toss the ball and catch it with Velcro paddle.


No matter how good you get at this game, you will never be perfect.

Have the kids toss from a longer distance until one misses.


Sometimes you miss the mark. That’s just like us. We mess up. We make the wrong choice, say the wrong thing, think the wrong thought. No one gets it right 100% of the time.


Thankfully, Jesus is merciful to us. That means that He doesn’t turn His back on us or stop loving us because we mess up. He doesn’t give up on us. He forgives.


Since Jesus’ followers should copy what Jesus did, we should act the same way when other people miss the mark.

Toss the ball and miss the paddle.


Mercy is good news for everyone.

Engage 2Materials: Pot, Soil, Seed, Plant


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Am Merciful!


Let’s see what Jesus said in the Big Verse.


Everyone, count down from three, and then we’ll read the verse.


Matthew 5:7 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who show mercy. They will be shown mercy.” Blessed means happy and helped by God, so Jesus is saying that if you show mercy to others, you will have peace and experience God’s help.


That’s because merciful people are shown mercy by God. Why is that?


In the Bible, God teaches us truths about life that help our lives. It doesn’t matter if you like what God says or even if you agree with what God says. The words of the Bible proclaim truths which will happen, despite how you feel.


It’s wise to listen to and understand what God teaches. This truth states that a person reaps what they sow. That may not make much sense to us because most of us aren’t farmers.


Farming was a big part of the ancient world, so they understood what it meant. Let’s bring a friend up to help us. (Bring up a volunteer) Take a look in this pot. What do you see?


Yup, it has dirt or soil inside. What do you plant in soil? (Pause) Seeds. We’re practically farmers now. This is a ______ seed. (Name the type of plant) Plant that in the soil and cover it up.

Have the child bury the seed in the soil.


It will take a while for that to grow, but eventually what will pop out of the ground?


Are you sure it won’t be _____. (Name some different plants) Why couldn’t it be any of those? (Pause) You can only grow what you plant.


That’s what Jesus taught us about mercy. If you give mercy, you plant mercy. That means you’ll get mercy in return. What happens if you plant unforgiveness or hate? (Pause) Those things will grow.


That’s why merciful people will be shown mercy. Let’s listen to a story Jesus told about a guy who was given the opportunity to be merciful.

Big Story

That servant missed a great opportunity to show mercy. He had been forgiven way more than what that other servant owed him, but he wouldn’t let it go. God has forgiven us more than what anyone else has done to us. Close your eyes for just a moment and consider if there’s someone you haven’t forgiven yet. Ask God to help you to be merciful to that person. (Pause) I’ll take a moment to pray for all of us.

Engage 3


I’m sure the servant in Jesus’ story regretted his choice to not forgive his friend. Mercy is something we all want someone else to give us, but we should be just as quick to give it to others. Remember,


I Am Merciful!


That brings us to this week’s Big Do.


Play a game with your family. Use a beach ball or balloon and see if you can keep it in the air for a whole minute. But be willing to give each other a second chance, and keep going if the ball drops.


Do any of you have a rule in your house about not spitting? One thing I don’t like at all is when someone tries to spit out of anger at someone. There’s an old saying that talks about spitting into the wind. What happens if you try to do that?


Yeah, it comes right back to you. That’s what happens when you won’t forgive. You think you’re hurting someone else, but you’re also hurting yourself. We have an opportunity to do some good for others today. Let’s connect in our Small Groups and work on a special project to bless other kids.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why do you think that God wants us to show mercy? (Allow for answers) Because He is merciful and us being merciful shows others a glimpse of our loving God

  • How does it help us when we show mercy to others? It reminds us to treat others the way God treats us; it reminds us of how loving God has been to us

  • Why are merciful people happy and blessed? Because the more mercy we show to others, the more merciful God will be with us

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says, I Am ______!

    • Merciful

    • Vengeful

  • In Jesus’ story, to whom did the servant owe a lot of money?

    • King

    • Friend

  • How did the king respond to the servant’s request for help?

    • He sent him to jail

    • He forgave his debt

  • How much did the friend owe to the servant who had been forgiven?

    • Little

    • Lot

  • What did the servant do to the man who owed him money?

    • Forgave him

    • Sent him to jail

  • Matthew 5:7 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who show _____. They will be shown mercy.”

    • Mercy

    • Strength

  • Why is it important to forgive others?

  • The king was angry with his servant and sent him to jail.

    • True

    • False

  • If you go around refusing to forgive, then what should you expect to happen in your life?

  • What is this week’s Big Do?

Play “Keep it up” with a beach ball

I Am Merciful Instructions


Series Note

Each Summer to the Max lesson incorporates a special venue into the service. Adding a venue allows the summer schedule to change while keeping the focus on Biblical truth. Venues can be done during the first 30 minutes of service or final 30 minutes of service. If you are also utilizing Summer to the Max Junior lessons, consider keeping one venue at the beginning and one at the end. That will keep costs down by allowing both groups to enjoy the same venue. Each lesson offers multiple venue options at different price points to accommodate your budget. Promoting the venues ahead of time will build excitement for Summer to the Max!

Venue Ideas

Choose one of the following venue options or create your own.

Serve Project

Have the kids complete a service project for a local organization such as decorating grocery bags for Meals on Wheels, packing blessing bags for the homeless, etc.

Passport to the World

Create stations in classrooms or around your auditorium highlighting missionaries and/or missions’ organizations your church supports. Show pictures, discuss the ministries, and allow the kids to try some food or treats from that country.



Welcome to Summer To The Max! We’re in the middle of an amazing summer full of fun activities and discovering truth about Jesus.

Engage 1Materials: Velcro Paddle Ball Set


Being a Christian is more than just believing that a person named Jesus walked around this earth. It’s believing that Jesus is the king who died and came back to life. Because He’s the king, the right thing to do is to follow and obey Him.


Jesus is the perfect example for us. How He lived teaches us how we should live. Let’s check out our Big Point to discover another way that we can copy Jesus.


We need everyone to help us count down from three, and then we’ll read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Am Merciful! Mercy is giving forgiveness and help to people, even when they don’t deserve it.


I’m glad that Jesus is always merciful with us. Here’s the truth: we’ve all messed up. Let’s use a game as an example. If you visit the beach during the summer, you may see people playing catch with a Velcro paddle ball.


Let’s have a couple of kids come up and demonstrate this game.

Have the kids toss the ball and catch it with Velcro paddle.


No matter how good you get at this game, you will never be perfect.

Have the kids toss from a longer distance until one misses.


Sometimes you miss the mark. That’s just like us. We mess up. We make the wrong choice, say the wrong thing, think the wrong thought. No one gets it right 100% of the time.


Thankfully, Jesus is merciful to us. That means that He doesn’t turn His back on us or stop loving us because we mess up. He doesn’t give up on us. He forgives.


Since Jesus’ followers should copy what Jesus did, we should act the same way when other people miss the mark.

Toss the ball and miss the paddle.


Mercy is good news for everyone.

Engage 2Materials: Pot, Soil, Seed, Plant


Let’s say our Big Point again,


I Am Merciful!


Let’s see what Jesus said in the Big Verse.


Everyone, count down from three, and then we’ll read the verse.


Matthew 5:7 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who show mercy. They will be shown mercy.” Blessed means happy and helped by God, so Jesus is saying that if you show mercy to others, you will have peace and experience God’s help.


That’s because merciful people are shown mercy by God. Why is that?


In the Bible, God teaches us truths about life that help our lives. It doesn’t matter if you like what God says or even if you agree with what God says. The words of the Bible proclaim truths which will happen, despite how you feel.


It’s wise to listen to and understand what God teaches. This truth states that a person reaps what they sow. That may not make much sense to us because most of us aren’t farmers.


Farming was a big part of the ancient world, so they understood what it meant. Let’s bring a friend up to help us. (Bring up a volunteer) Take a look in this pot. What do you see?


Yup, it has dirt or soil inside. What do you plant in soil? (Pause) Seeds. We’re practically farmers now. This is a ______ seed. (Name the type of plant) Plant that in the soil and cover it up.

Have the child bury the seed in the soil.


It will take a while for that to grow, but eventually what will pop out of the ground?


Are you sure it won’t be _____. (Name some different plants) Why couldn’t it be any of those? (Pause) You can only grow what you plant.


That’s what Jesus taught us about mercy. If you give mercy, you plant mercy. That means you’ll get mercy in return. What happens if you plant unforgiveness or hate? (Pause) Those things will grow.


That’s why merciful people will be shown mercy. Let’s listen to a story Jesus told about a guy who was given the opportunity to be merciful.

Big Story

That servant missed a great opportunity to show mercy. He had been forgiven way more than what that other servant owed him, but he wouldn’t let it go. God has forgiven us more than what anyone else has done to us. Close your eyes for just a moment and consider if there’s someone you haven’t forgiven yet. Ask God to help you to be merciful to that person. (Pause) I’ll take a moment to pray for all of us.

Engage 3


I’m sure the servant in Jesus’ story regretted his choice to not forgive his friend. Mercy is something we all want someone else to give us, but we should be just as quick to give it to others. Remember,


I Am Merciful!


That brings us to this week’s Big Do.


Play a game with your family. Use a beach ball or balloon and see if you can keep it in the air for a whole minute. But be willing to give each other a second chance, and keep going if the ball drops.


Do any of you have a rule in your house about not spitting? One thing I don’t like at all is when someone tries to spit out of anger at someone. There’s an old saying that talks about spitting into the wind. What happens if you try to do that?


Yeah, it comes right back to you. That’s what happens when you won’t forgive. You think you’re hurting someone else, but you’re also hurting yourself. We have an opportunity to do some good for others today. Let’s connect in our Small Groups and work on a special project to bless other kids.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why do you think that God wants us to show mercy? (Allow for answers) Because He is merciful and us being merciful shows others a glimpse of our loving God

  • How does it help us when we show mercy to others? It reminds us to treat others the way God treats us; it reminds us of how loving God has been to us

  • Why are merciful people happy and blessed? Because the more mercy we show to others, the more merciful God will be with us

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says, I Am ______!

    • Merciful

    • Vengeful

  • In Jesus’ story, to whom did the servant owe a lot of money?

    • King

    • Friend

  • How did the king respond to the servant’s request for help?

    • He sent him to jail

    • He forgave his debt

  • How much did the friend owe to the servant who had been forgiven?

    • Little

    • Lot

  • What did the servant do to the man who owed him money?

    • Forgave him

    • Sent him to jail

  • Matthew 5:7 (NIrV), “Blessed are those who show _____. They will be shown mercy.”

    • Mercy

    • Strength

  • Why is it important to forgive others?

  • The king was angry with his servant and sent him to jail.

    • True

    • False

  • If you go around refusing to forgive, then what should you expect to happen in your life?

  • What is this week’s Big Do?

Play “Keep it up” with a beach ball