Love Your Neighbor As Yourself



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: How does someone in your family show you that you are special to them?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Heart-shaped Foam Ball, Bucket (2)

The Host and Co-Host enter wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! So far we’ve learned how to love God with everything we have and that God wants us to share our love with others.


God wants us to be loving toward everyone, even people you may not be easy to get along with.


Sharing love is a great way to tell someone about Jesus. If you act like you don’t care, I doubt other people will want to know what you know about God.


Let’s play a game and share some love right now.


How do you plan to do that?


We have some heart shaped foam balls. On each team one kid will “share some love,” by tossing the heart, and the other kid tries to catch it in the bucket they’re holding on top of their head.


Let’s see who can catch the most in 60 seconds. Go!

Optional, play game music. Play the game. You can use as many teams as you like. Create a line which the kids with buckets cannot cross but allow them to move anywhere behind the line. Their buckets must stay on top of their head.


That was fun, and so is sharing love with other people.


Today we will discover how to show others love. First, turn to someone nearby and tell that person what kind of candy you love to share with your family.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Hans von Striker is up to his old tricks again. Do you agree with Rusty that the best idea is to fight fire with fire?

Co-Host punches the Host in the arm.


Great opening line. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Ow! Why did you hit me?


To show love to my friend. That’s what we’re talking about today, right? Is this service some kind of practical joke? Is there a hidden camera somewhere? Am I going to be on your Tik Tok?


How is hitting me showing love? Would you want someone to do that to you?


Obviously, yes. (Co-Host winds up and hits himself/herself in the air) Ow, that hurts like a monkey’s uncle. No, no one should want that. Sorry. I think my arm is dead now.

Co-Host swings his/her arm around as if it no longer works.


Why don’t we see what God says about it in our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you can read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!


Basically, we should treat people the way that we want to be treated. Would you guys want someone to talk about you behind your back or steal from your backpack? If you wouldn’t want that, then you shouldn’t do it to others.


If you want people to use kind words or encourage you, then do that for someone else. Think about what you want and copy that behavior when you share some love.


Speaking of copying what you see, let’s play a game. We’re going to bring some contestants on stage to play, but everyone in the audience can play, too.


In this game you’re going to pair up with someone else in the audience, and along with our teams on stage, you are going to try to copy one of the three actions you see on screen. Let’s see if you can pick the right one to copy.

Super Combo Game

Play several rounds of the game.


Congratulations to the winners. They picked the right action to copy.


God tells us to copy how we want to be loved and love others that way. Let’s see if Rusty does that or seeks revenge.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Cymbals

Host and Co-Host enter. This engage uses cymbals as an object lesson. They could be purchased online, or you can substitute drum set cymbals. If you don’t have them, then replace them with another item that illustrates the same principle.


I’m not a big fan of Hans von Striker, but I don’t think the way the Rusty has handled his new power is helping things. Have you ever wished that you could get back at someone who has been mean to you in the past?


Even though it’s tempting to treat them the way they treated you, God wants us to follow our Big Point. Let’s say our Big Point,


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us make the right choice even when we feel like Rusty. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you get to read the verse.


Leviticus 19:18 (NIrV) says, “Do not try to get even…Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself.”


We think that getting even hurts the other person, but choosing revenge…


Keep going. I think I have a visual to help.

Co-Host retrieves the cymbals as the Host continues.


As I was saying, revenge actually has a way of hurting you just as much as it hurts them.

The Co-Host blasts the cymbals near the Host. They both react to the noise.


Wow, that was loud. Revenge is like attacking with cymbals. It’s as loud for you as it is for them.


You could have warned me before you made me go deaf.

Host turns back to the audience and Co-Host hits the cymbals again. They both react.


It is not getting better. Being mean to or hurting someone who hurt you makes you angrier and more frustrated. It keeps you from following Jesus’ example and experiencing the life He has for you.


But love is different. When you love others as you want to be loved, even when you don’t think they deserve it, then you become a more joyful person. God blesses you and helps you become your very best.

Co-Host hits the cymbals again.


Yep, that is a terrible form of attack.


For the love of Pete, will you please stop hitting those cymbals? I think we get the point. Loving others builds us up, whereas revenge tears everyone down. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. I wonder how many of you guys have said mean stuff…about yourselves. Maybe you put yourself down or call yourself names or even find ways to hurt yourself. If you think you’re not worth much, I want you to know that God thinks you’re worth a lot. He loves you so much, loves to take care of you, and has amazing things planned for you. When you discover that love, you can embrace it yourself and share it with your neighbors. If you want to pray with someone about how you can show love to others or ask God to show you how much He loves you, I want to invite you to come forward and pray with one of our volunteers. They are ready to share God’s love with you.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Wow, Herman really showed Hans some love when he helped him.


Yeah, that was totally following our Big Point,


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself! David did the same thing when he helped Mephibosheth. He went from living scared to living large with the king.


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Name something you love about yourself, then name something you love about each person who lives in your house.


Let’s talk about some ways that you like to be loved.

Interview some of the kids to find out how they like to be loved, and then ask them to share ideas about how they can show love to someone else.


It’s a great choice to share love with others. Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we learned today.

Small Groups

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Is it hard for you to treat someone the way you want to be treated instead of how you think they deserve to be treated? Why? Why is it important to make a different choice?

  • How did David treat Mephibosheth with love? He supported him, restored his lands to him, and welcomed him to the king’s table. He didn’t try to wipe out Saul’s family, but was good to them.

  • How could you use the Big Point this week at school?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Share one way you like to be loved and one way to show love to others.

Big Review

Optional, play game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Love Your Neighbor As _____!

    • He deserves

    • Yourself

  • Who did Rusty exact revenge on at the lab?

    • Hans von Striker

    • Sophia

  • In ancient times how did kings normally treat the previous king’s family?

    • Revenge

    • Forgiveness

  • What was wrong with Mephibosheth?

    • Couldn’t see

    • Couldn’t walk

  • King David wanted to find relatives of Saul so he could be kind to them.

    • True

    • False

  • Leviticus 19:18 (NIrV), “Do not try to _____…Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

    • Get even

    • Be kind

  • King David invited Mephibosheth to ______.

    • Go to jail

    • Eat from the king’s table

  • How could you show love to someone at school this week?

  • It’s okay to treat someone badly if that person was mean to you first.

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Share one way you like to be loved and one way to show love to others.

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: How does someone in your family show you that you are special to them?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Heart-shaped Foam Ball, Bucket (2)

The Host and Co-Host enter wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! So far we’ve learned how to love God with everything we have and that God wants us to share our love with others.


God wants us to be loving toward everyone, even people you may not be easy to get along with.


Sharing love is a great way to tell someone about Jesus. If you act like you don’t care, I doubt other people will want to know what you know about God.


Let’s play a game and share some love right now.


How do you plan to do that?


We have some heart shaped foam balls. On each team one kid will “share some love,” by tossing the heart, and the other kid tries to catch it in the bucket they’re holding on top of their head.


Let’s see who can catch the most in 60 seconds. Go!

Optional, play game music. Play the game. You can use as many teams as you like. Create a line which the kids with buckets cannot cross but allow them to move anywhere behind the line. Their buckets must stay on top of their head.


That was fun, and so is sharing love with other people.


Today we will discover how to show others love. First, turn to someone nearby and tell that person what kind of candy you love to share with your family.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Hans von Striker is up to his old tricks again. Do you agree with Rusty that the best idea is to fight fire with fire?

Co-Host punches the Host in the arm.


Great opening line. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Ow! Why did you hit me?


To show love to my friend. That’s what we’re talking about today, right? Is this service some kind of practical joke? Is there a hidden camera somewhere? Am I going to be on your Tik Tok?


How is hitting me showing love? Would you want someone to do that to you?


Obviously, yes. (Co-Host winds up and hits himself/herself in the air) Ow, that hurts like a monkey’s uncle. No, no one should want that. Sorry. I think my arm is dead now.

Co-Host swings his/her arm around as if it no longer works.


Why don’t we see what God says about it in our Big Point. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you can read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!


Basically, we should treat people the way that we want to be treated. Would you guys want someone to talk about you behind your back or steal from your backpack? If you wouldn’t want that, then you shouldn’t do it to others.


If you want people to use kind words or encourage you, then do that for someone else. Think about what you want and copy that behavior when you share some love.


Speaking of copying what you see, let’s play a game. We’re going to bring some contestants on stage to play, but everyone in the audience can play, too.


In this game you’re going to pair up with someone else in the audience, and along with our teams on stage, you are going to try to copy one of the three actions you see on screen. Let’s see if you can pick the right one to copy.

Super Combo Game

Play several rounds of the game.


Congratulations to the winners. They picked the right action to copy.


God tells us to copy how we want to be loved and love others that way. Let’s see if Rusty does that or seeks revenge.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Cymbals

Host and Co-Host enter. This engage uses cymbals as an object lesson. They could be purchased online, or you can substitute drum set cymbals. If you don’t have them, then replace them with another item that illustrates the same principle.


I’m not a big fan of Hans von Striker, but I don’t think the way the Rusty has handled his new power is helping things. Have you ever wished that you could get back at someone who has been mean to you in the past?


Even though it’s tempting to treat them the way they treated you, God wants us to follow our Big Point. Let’s say our Big Point,


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us make the right choice even when we feel like Rusty. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you get to read the verse.


Leviticus 19:18 (NIrV) says, “Do not try to get even…Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself.”


We think that getting even hurts the other person, but choosing revenge…


Keep going. I think I have a visual to help.

Co-Host retrieves the cymbals as the Host continues.


As I was saying, revenge actually has a way of hurting you just as much as it hurts them.

The Co-Host blasts the cymbals near the Host. They both react to the noise.


Wow, that was loud. Revenge is like attacking with cymbals. It’s as loud for you as it is for them.


You could have warned me before you made me go deaf.

Host turns back to the audience and Co-Host hits the cymbals again. They both react.


It is not getting better. Being mean to or hurting someone who hurt you makes you angrier and more frustrated. It keeps you from following Jesus’ example and experiencing the life He has for you.


But love is different. When you love others as you want to be loved, even when you don’t think they deserve it, then you become a more joyful person. God blesses you and helps you become your very best.

Co-Host hits the cymbals again.


Yep, that is a terrible form of attack.


For the love of Pete, will you please stop hitting those cymbals? I think we get the point. Loving others builds us up, whereas revenge tears everyone down. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. I wonder how many of you guys have said mean stuff…about yourselves. Maybe you put yourself down or call yourself names or even find ways to hurt yourself. If you think you’re not worth much, I want you to know that God thinks you’re worth a lot. He loves you so much, loves to take care of you, and has amazing things planned for you. When you discover that love, you can embrace it yourself and share it with your neighbors. If you want to pray with someone about how you can show love to others or ask God to show you how much He loves you, I want to invite you to come forward and pray with one of our volunteers. They are ready to share God’s love with you.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Wow, Herman really showed Hans some love when he helped him.


Yeah, that was totally following our Big Point,


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself! David did the same thing when he helped Mephibosheth. He went from living scared to living large with the king.


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Name something you love about yourself, then name something you love about each person who lives in your house.


Let’s talk about some ways that you like to be loved.

Interview some of the kids to find out how they like to be loved, and then ask them to share ideas about how they can show love to someone else.


It’s a great choice to share love with others. Let’s gather in our small groups and talk about what we learned today.

Small Groups

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Is it hard for you to treat someone the way you want to be treated instead of how you think they deserve to be treated? Why? Why is it important to make a different choice?

  • How did David treat Mephibosheth with love? He supported him, restored his lands to him, and welcomed him to the king’s table. He didn’t try to wipe out Saul’s family, but was good to them.

  • How could you use the Big Point this week at school?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Share one way you like to be loved and one way to show love to others.

Big Review

Optional, play game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Love Your Neighbor As _____!

    • He deserves

    • Yourself

  • Who did Rusty exact revenge on at the lab?

    • Hans von Striker

    • Sophia

  • In ancient times how did kings normally treat the previous king’s family?

    • Revenge

    • Forgiveness

  • What was wrong with Mephibosheth?

    • Couldn’t see

    • Couldn’t walk

  • King David wanted to find relatives of Saul so he could be kind to them.

    • True

    • False

  • Leviticus 19:18 (NIrV), “Do not try to _____…Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

    • Get even

    • Be kind

  • King David invited Mephibosheth to ______.

    • Go to jail

    • Eat from the king’s table

  • How could you show love to someone at school this week?

  • It’s okay to treat someone badly if that person was mean to you first.

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Share one way you like to be loved and one way to show love to others.