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Large Group Full Program Instructions
Question of the day: Do you have a friend near your house who you like to play with? What is that friend’s name?
The Host and Co-Host enter wearing lab coats.
Welcome to the Lab! For the past couple of weeks, we’ve learned what it looks like to love God.
But loving God is not all that the Bible talks about when it teaches us to love. We also learn how to love others. Sometimes that can be challenging, but it’s always the right choice.
That’s because loving others means that sometimes you don’t get your way, or you give up something to help someone else. Let’s play a game where we create two teams of kids who will work together to win.
Each team will form a circle and hold hands with their neighbors. Once the game begins, you have to keep this balloon floating in the air. You can hit it with any part of your body, as long as you don’t let go of your neighbor’s hand.
Optional, play game music. Play the game. After 30 seconds, introduce a second balloon into each group and continue adding balloons until one team drops a balloon.
Great job to our winners. Wow, that game would have been tough if you didn’t want to touch or be near other kids.
Today we’re going to find out what Jesus said about neighbors and how we should treat them. First, tell someone nearby the most annoying thing someone has done who sits near you at school.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Can you believe Rusty wants to move? He has lived next door to Herman for years.
It’s like he thinks that moving will stop him from being Herman’s neighbor. I guess it’s true that he won’t be his next-door neighbor, but it really doesn’t affect how the Bible says Rusty should treat him.
In the Big Story we’re going to hear in a few minutes, Jesus actually taught us that any person you meet is your neighbor. It doesn’t matter whether they live nearby or even speak the same language.
Basically, a follower of Jesus can’t ignore someone just because they aren’t part of your friend group. Let’s check out the Big Point and learn how we should treat our neighbors. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, please read the Big Point.
Jesus says we should love our neighbors, and since we know that neighbors can be anyone, the Big Point teaches us to love everyone.
Let’s do a little poll of the audience. We’re going to show you a scenario, and you give us a thumbs up if it matches our Big Point, or a thumbs down if it’s not a loving thing to do. We’ll ask someone to explain why.
Poll the audience and ask a child to explain his or her answer.
Telling a new kid at school to play with someone else at recess
Ignoring kids because they dress differently
Sharing food with a family you don’t know who is hungry
Encouraging your family with kind words
Hiding all your toys so your cousins can’t play with them
Allowing a kid at school to be first in line
Giving a kid you don’t know at school the first choice
Talking negatively about kids outside of your friend group at school
It doesn’t matter who it is, any person can be your neighbor. It’s up to us to choose to show that person love.
Loving someone is more than just what you say. Love is something you show by what you say and do.
God wants us to show love to all of our neighbors. Let’s see if Rusty will patch things up with Herman.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Rusty and Herman are not acting like their normal selves. Can Rusty really escape being nice to Herman just by moving?
He can’t. We have a responsibility to show love, no matter where we are. Let’s say our Big Point again,
Love God With Everything!
Hannah shared a verse that confirms what we learned in the Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.
Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.
After we count down from three, we need you to read the Big Verse.
Mark 12:31 (NIrV) says, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Some people don’t want to show love to others because they’re afraid that sharing love will hurt them. It is true that showing love requires us to sometimes give up what we want so that we can help someone else.
Let’s take a look at a visual. We have a team of kids who are attached with a four-legged rope. Have you ever done a three-legged race at school where you tie up your legs and race together?
These kids have a choice. They can each look out for themselves or work together as a team. Let’s see what happens when they each go in a different direction.
Place the kids at the starting line and have each go in a different direction.
That didn’t work. Let’s say that three of them work together, but one chooses to do his or her own thing and go when he or she feels like it.
Have three kids move but choose the largest child to stay put.
The team still won’t win. That’s not good. Let’s see the difference when all of them go in the same direction at the same time.
Have the kids walk from the start to the finish line.
That was much better. When each person chooses to show others love, we all win. But when someone thinks only of themselves, not only do they hurt others, but that person keeps himself from a great life.
Loving others is a blessing to you just as much as it’s good for other people. If we all make the choice to do what Jesus says, then life works out better for everyone. Let’s stand and take a moment to worship Jesus.
Optional, play soft instrumental song.
Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Think about the last few weeks and ask yourself if you’ve been a good neighbor. Is there someone that you’ve ignored or even been mean to because they’re different or you just don’t like them? Maybe you think they deserve it because of how they’ve acted. Instead of going that direction, I want to challenge you to be like the Good Samaritan. This week let’s work on being kind to not just your friends, but to everyone, even your siblings. It may seem hard, and sometimes it really is, but God will help us. You’ll be surprised at how God shows up in your life when you take the time to connect with others and show His love by being thoughtful, kind, and neighborly. I want to start by giving you the chance to do that today. Place your hand on the shoulder of the kid beside you and pray for them. Ask God to help them and pray that God will bless them this week. (Pause) Now I want to pray for all of you, my neighbors. (Pray)
Host and Co-Host enter.
I’m glad that Rusty and Herman patched things up. They make much better friends than enemies.
Jesus showed us all who our true neighbors are in that story. The crowd around Jesus was so surprised to learn anyone can be our neighbor. Our Big Point is true,
Love Your Neighbor!
That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.
As a family, choose a kind act to do for someone at random. It could be paying for someone’s meal or coffee, writing a note, or even baking a treat.
I have an idea. Let’s spend some extra time in our small groups working on a card to show someone that you love them.
Gather the kids into small groups and have them work on a card for a neighbor (which could be anyone) to give away. While they are working, ask a couple of questions.
Have you ever met someone at school to who it was hard for you to show kindness? How did you handle the situation?
Why was it surprising that the Samaritan was kind in Jesus’ story? Jewish people and Samaritans didn’t like each other
Who did Jesus say was the neighbor in the story? The Samaritan Why do you think that Jesus wants us to show love to all people?
What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Do a random act of kindness
Optional, play game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.
Our Big Point says Love Your _____!
What did Rusty threaten to do?
Move into Herman’s garage
Move to a new house
What happened to the man in Jesus’ story?
He was robbed
He attacked a friend
The Jewish men stopped to help the man who was hurt, but the Samaritan didn’t stop.
Jesus’ story was surprising because the Samaritans and Jewish people didn’t get along.
Mark 12:31 (NIrV), “Love your neighbor as you love _______.”
What did the Samaritan man do for the one who had been hurt?
Bandaged his wounds
Took the rest of the money
Why is it important to love everyone, not just our friends and family?
It’s okay to ignore people who think differently than you do.
What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Do a random act of kindness for someone